Friday, August 19, 2011

I Am Not Involved In Money Laundering

Dear Editor,

REFER to your article in under title‘Timbalan Speaker Gubah Wang Haram?. The case of Prime Stock and Mercantile Point Sdn.Bhd happened long time ago and I can't recall clearly what was the arrangement.

Prime Stock has long since been deregistered for being dormant. I and my wife was the share holders of Prime Stock. We did discussed with the Mercantile people on the shares swap but never materialized because I detected some aspect of the Mercantile businesses were not normal.

Large amount of case we heard was collected through local bank in Kuching. That put me off and I officially informed the guy from Sabah that we ended the negotiation for shares swap. My wife and I had never got involved in Mercantile business. The case reported and I gave lengthy statement to the Bank Negara investigators on the matter.

Thank you.

Datuk Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar

Write comments
  1. selagi tak ada bukti, mmg dia tk terlibat.

  2. apa pun isu yang berlaku, ianya hanya khabar angin atau spekulasi semata-mata jika tiada bukti kukuh.

  3. penjelasan sudah dibuat oleh Timbalan Speaker tersebut. beliau tidak terlibat dalam penggubahan wang haram. apapun, biar SPRM menyiasat isu ini seadilnya.

  4. I hope this explanation is enough to exempt him from the accusation..

  5. selagi tidak ada bukti selagi itu Timb. Speaker ini tidak bersalah.

  6. Kes ini patut disiasat terlebih dahulu. Tunggulah hasil penyiasatan.

  7. Baik tunggu dan lihat.


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