Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Android: Luck is Not with You for a Lifetime

There is nothing wrong with stating the many reasons that Android has been so successful. The combination of the carrier and hardware manufacturer competition that the free operation system has created could possibly be significant. Android is lucky to make it all the way to the top, but its developing rapidly threw a question mark over whether it could ever keep a foothold on its kind of luster.

But it is not exactly fair to criticize the lack of features of a new phone to a phone that has had 3.5 years of market development and adoption. Also it was the OP’s choice to get this phone knowing that he had heavy integration with the IPhone and IPOD interface and then posts about Major Drawbacks.

Android is a mobile operating system initially developed by Android company, which was purchased by Google in 2005. It is based upon a modified version of the Linux kernel, Google and other members of the Open Handset Alliance collaborated on its development and release.

Android is growing meteorically at present. According to Gartner reports, Android as an operating system grew 888.8% in 2010 and is now in the number one position worldwide, dethroning Nokia’s Symbian from the 10 year’s top position. Android’s fourth quarter sales last year were driven by broad availability of devices from companies like HTC, Samsung and Motorola.

Android has a large community of developers writing application programs that extend the functionality of the devices. There are currently over 200,000 apps available for Android. Android Market is the online app store run by Google, though apps can also be downloaded from third-party sites. On December 31, 2010, the Android market reached the 200,000 applications milestone.

Android is the first truly open and comprehensive platform for mobile devices. It includes an operating system, user interface and applications required to use a mobile phone, but without the proprietary restrictions.

The Imperfections and Concern on Android

It is an open source platform that controls Android powered devices using Google developed Java libraries. Till date, about 18 phone models are using this Android system. Despite the fact that Google has offered several applications in the Android market and some of the initial glitches have been tweaked, the downside to this system, are many.

Open source leads to more safety issues

Since Google Android is an open source platform driving all Android phones, it could significantly increase the risk of hacking these devices.

For one thing, Identity theft and baleful dialing the contacts on the phone address book can prove to be the most embarrassing and dangerous encounter with the Google Android operating system. Due to its nature of openess, every signatory factory can be able to customize a mobile phones using Google Android platform like never before, the Android identities are not secured so as to thefts and hacks are much more likely to occur.

For another thing, Android phones can be easier hacked and sensitive data may fall into a lawless person. Android smart phones tend not to detect anything, which allows for untraceable spyware to work behind the scenes and malware to be distributed that cannot be killed.

What’s more, Android’s open security free business model is lacking in security keys and code-signing certificates which allow any application to install and run. The magnitude of possible malware and junkware allows the phone to be used as a tool for advertisers.

The low cost lead to cheap copy road

Although the ability for anyone to customize the Google Android platform opens up the applications playing field to small and new manufacturers who are in lack of financial support, it has large possibility to make Android become be widely available and be seen as a bargain.

Compared with any other smart phone operation system like Window Phone 7 or Symbian, Android is open and free to be installed. Because of this, more and more copycat mobile phone manufacturers join the Android phone ranks. Low price is undoubtedly an important weapon for copycat producers, especially in counterfeit market in China. At present, copycat Android smart phones are already showing in China and other South-East Asian countries, with a very fierce market momentum. When Android actually become cheaper and more popular among developing countries, and be produced by more and more nameless copycat mobile phone manufacturers, it is likely be ignored and abandoned by the real big brands.

Android risks eventual marginalization

As a result of many mobile phones carrying Android, companies come up with innovative products like the location services that provide users with any information they might be in need of. However, as an open source operation system that every mobile maker can customize, Android is likely be ignored and abandoned at the end.

On the one hand, the Android operation system enables mobile phone holders to access the web free of charge, which is exactly offensive to wireless carriers who want to earn revenues except basic communication expenses from mobile users. Not only that, Android is unwilling to provide carrier billing for applications. Wireless carriers are one of the most important elements that influences the popularity of a mobile phone. The boycott of Android from wireless carriers can create a serious shock-condition.

On the other hand, every manufacturer seems to want to control its own operating system, and is prepared to invest to do so. As an open source operation system in the mobile phone industry, Android is facing possibility of being set aside. As most three important Android clients, Samsung already has the intellectualized operating system Bada, HTC seems to be already working towards developing an indigenous one. Obviously, Motorola can not be immune to this kind of competition and the company has to get ready to start developing its own mobile operating system. At that time, its independently developed operation system will replace Android and becoming a forceful arm against Android market.

No doubt, Google has achieved a remarkable position around the world market, Android as one of the greatest purchase of Google, creating another billion-dollar business for Google. However, with concern and consideration, Android still needs hard work.

Change is hard, but only if Android is willing to face challenges and accept their failures will they learn from them and go on a new path succeed.


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