Bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah Tan Sri Harris Salleh menafikan kewujudan “Projek IC” dimana kewarganegaraan dikatakan diberi kepada pendatang haram.
Harris yang mentadbir negeri Sabah dari 1976 hingga 1985 menegaskan kepada Suruhanjaya Di Raja untuk pendatang haram (RCI) kerana beliau tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mengeluarkan kad pengenalan biru kepada pendatang.
“Apa yang saya tahu, secara rasmi atau tidak rasmi, tiada 'Projek IC',” kata Harris kepada RCI hari ini.
Apabila ditanya mengapa pendatang di Sabah seolah-olah mendapatkan kewarganegaraan lebih cepat daripada orang lain, beliau berkata: "Kuasa bukan ditangan kerajaan negeri. Kuasa adalah dengan kerajaan persekutuan. Soalan tersebut perlu dikemukakan kepada kerajaan persekutuan. "
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, perdana menteri paling lama berkuasa dari 1981 sehingga 2003 telah berulang kali dituduh dibelakang "Projek IC".
Harris juga berkata kerajaan Sabah tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk memberikan taraf penduduk tetap kepada pendatang.
"Sudah pasti kuasa berada dengan kerajaan persekutuan, kerajaan negeri tidak mempunyai kuasa. Kami hanya membantu individu-individu untuk mengisi borang," kata bekas Presiden Parti Berjaya itu.
Harris berkata bekas Perdana Menteri Tunku Abdul Rahman mengatakan pada tahun 1970-an bahawa pelarian Islam boleh tinggal di Malaysia, manakala orang bukan Islam boleh pergi ke Australia, Eropah atau Amerika Syarikat.
"Antara dasar-dasar yang diguna pakai oleh kerajaan persekutuan adalah untuk memberikan kerakyatan kepada pelarian di selaras dengan piagam Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu," kata Harris.
"Berdasarkan dasar-dasar ini dan seperti yang dikatakan oleh YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, bekas Perdana Menteri, ia boleh memberi kesimpulan bahawa beribu-ribu pelarian dan rakyat Indonesia telah diberi kerakyatan selaras dengan perlembagaan Malaysia," tambah ketua menteri keenam Sabah itu.
Harris juga berkata kerajaan persekutuan tidak pernah memberitahu pentadbirannya tentang jumlah pendatang di Sabah yang diberikan kad pengenalan biru.
Ahli politik veteran itu menambah bahawa pelarian disambut pada tahun 1970-an untuk menampung ledakan dalam industri pertanian dan pembinaan di Sabah pada ketika itu.
"Kita bimbang jika kita tidak selesaikan penempatan mereka, kita tidak boleh memperbaiki Sabah ... rakyat Filipina adalah pekerja-pekerja binaan yang baik," katanya.
Sabah mempunyai 926,638 pengundi berdaftar, menurut laporan akhbar bahasa Inggeris The Star pada Jun lalu.
Inkuiri lima anggota panel, yang dipengerusikan oleh bekas ketua hakim Sabah dan Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, akan bersambung esok. -TMI
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah nafi ‘Projek IC’
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pemberian kerakyatan palsu di negara ini adalah hak EKSKLUSIF UMNgOk!!!
ReplyDeleteMohon RCI juga memanggil Tan Sri Saimon Sipaun dan Mutalib M.D sebagai saksi.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah
Saksi yang dipanggil mesti mesra dengan UMNO baru UMNO panggil jadi saksi.
ReplyDeleteThe city police are making preparations for the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) hearing on the illegal immigrants issue in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteCity police chief ACP Jauteh Dikun made an inspection on Friday of the Kota Kinabalu court house here, the venue of the hearings to investigate the decades-long allegations that the government had helped thousands of illegal immigrants gain citizenship in return for votes to the ruling coalition.
ReplyDeleteThe RCI is expected to call 48 witnesses to give testimony before four commissioners appointed by the government to conduct the inquiry.
ReplyDeleteThe four are former Universiti Malaysia Sabah vice-chancellor Kamaruzaman Ampon, ex-Sabah Attorney-General Herman Luping, former Sabah State Secretary KY Mustafa and Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation deputy chairman, Henry Chin Poy Wu. Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry secretary-general Saripuddin Kasim has been appointed the secretary of the commission.
ReplyDeleteThe inquiry is limited in scope by the terms of reference and is aimed strictly at investigating the number of immigrants in Sabah who have been issued identity cards or citizenship.
ReplyDeleteTheir investigation would specifically focus on whether the issuance of the blue identity cards or citizenship to the immigrants was made based on the law.
ReplyDeleteThe RCI will also investigate whether those who obtained the blue identity card or temporary identification receipt (blue) or citizenship illegally were registered in the electoral rolls.
ReplyDeleteApart from that, the RCI would also investigate whether the relevant authorities had taken any action or made efforts to improve standard procedures, methods and regulations to avoid non-compliance with the law in regard to the matter.
ReplyDeleteThe RCI was also set up to find the cause for the extraordinary increase in the population in Sabah, based on several categories, namely, Sabah people residing in the state, including those who had been issued with blue identity card and citizenship through birth certificates (late registration), foreign workers (including family members), illegal immigrants (including family members) and refugees, as well as the effects on the number of voters in the electoral roll.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, the commission will also investigate the social implications on the society in Sabah arising from the issuance of the blue identity card or citizenship to immigrants and the number of immigrants in Sabah who have been given the blue identity card or citizenship by taking into account their status as stateless people.
ReplyDeleteRadin Malleh, a former police officer-turned-politician, said that the party has gathered evidence that more than 70,000 illegal immigrants in the state were granted Malaysian citizenship by the federal authorities.
ReplyDeleteHe said the majority of the ICs were genuine but alleged that they were obtained using information supported by forged declaration letters.
ReplyDeleteRadin said he had been called by the RCI to give a statement on Jan 3 but was unable to do so as the party was still verifying and compiling the list of dubious voters dating back to between 1994 and 1999 and the scores of police reports made.
ReplyDelete“I promised the commission then that I will come if I detect these names, so today I have handed over the lists.
ReplyDelete“The number we have detected is 73,985 illegals,” he reportedly said yesterday after handing over the evidence in the form of the name lists to the RCI.
For more than two decades, despite mounting evidence that something was not right in the population growth of the state and the voter numbers in various constituencies, the Umno-led ruling BN coalition brushed aside calls for a royal inquiry.
ReplyDeleteHowever, with its local component parties facing internal revolts and the threat of them pulling out of the ruling coalition looking ever more likely for them to survive, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak threw in the towel and announced the setting of the RCI last year, albeit one that is limited in its scope to investigate.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Special Task Force for Sabah and Labuan in collaboration with the Immigration Department has repatriated 446,173 illegal Filipinos immigrants from Sabah from 1990 until now, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants was told yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIts director Datuk Suhaime Salleh said the task force was not involved in the issuance of identification cards; instead it would hand over illegal immigrants caught without valid documents to the Immigration Department for deportation purpose.
ReplyDeleteAccording to him, the task force was set up on April 4, 1989 under the directive of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, who was then the chairman of the National Security Council.
ReplyDeleteThe task force was given the responsibility to monitor the illegal Filipino immigrants residing in Sabah and Labuan, arrest and detain them at the temporary detention centres before their deportation.
ReplyDeleteSuhaime who was appointed to head the task force early last year said the agency was also responsible for overseeing the management of the gazetted settlement schemes in Telipok, Kinarut, Kampung Bahagia Sandakan, Kampung Selamat Semporna, Kampung Sentosa Kudat and Labuan.
ReplyDeleteThe role of the task force also includes the monitoring of foreign labour agencies in Sabah and Labuan, he told conducting officer Deputy Public Prosecutor Manoj Kurup during the second day of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants held at the Federal Court, Kota Kinabalu High Court Complex here.
ReplyDeleteManoj was assisted by Dato’ Azmi Arfiffin and Jamil Aripin.
The RCI is chaired by former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong.
The other members in the panel are former Universiti Malaysia Sabah Vice Chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Kamaruzaman Ampon, former Sabah state secretary Datuk KY Mustafa, former State Attorney-General Tan Sri Herman Luping and Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation Deputy Chairman Datuk Henry Chin.
ReplyDeleteSuhaime told the panel that since the task force took over the responsibility of handling the illegal immigrants residing in Sabah from the State government in 1989, it had conducted three censuses where 300,339 illegal immigrants were registered in 1990, 592,370 in 2007 and 38,158 in 2011.
ReplyDeleteThe registration exercise in 1990 was conducted throughout Sabah and Labuan while in 2007 it was done in 31 settlement schemes and in 16 settlement schemes in 2011, he said when queried by Steve on the gradual decreasing number of illegal immigrants being recorded in recent years.
ReplyDeleteSuhaime agreed with Steve that the task force was given RM72million to carry out the census exercise from house to house and the fund included the cost for deportation, detention, food and supervision.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the fund allocated was only enough to cover for 16 villages and he was also unsure about the average number of households in each village when asked by Steve.
ReplyDeleteapa la komen2 bahasa english ni, kalau mau copy n paste ja, toksah kasi masuk dlm ini forum. bikin kasi penuh ruangan ja. bahasa malaysia ialah bahasa kebangsaan kita.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...January 16, 2013 at 11:01 AM
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that readers at this blog never read newspaper that why you copy and paste the article from newspaper? You maybe you are underage that is why you have no idea what to write here other than copy and paste from newspaper!
Anonymous said...January 16, 2013 at 11:15 AM
ReplyDeleteOrang yang copy dan paste itu budak-budak TADIKA YANG BELUM BERAKAL sebab itu suka copy dan paste saja. Biasalah budak-budak tadika mana tahu berfikir waras kena meniru artikel orang lain saja kerja mereka.
Diam la kau Harris! Lagi banyak kau bercakap..makin nampak tembirang mu di sana! Dasar pengkhianat! Sekarag kau goyang kaki sebab hartamu nda habis sampai 7 keturunan kan??!
ReplyDeleteHarris juga berkata kerajaan persekutuan tidak pernah memberitahu pentadbirannya tentang jumlah pendatang di Sabah yang diberikan kad pengenalan biru.
ReplyDeletesaja mau ulas kenyataan di atas. sampai begitu teruk kah sistem dlm negara kita hinggakan kerajaan negeri pun tak tahu hal ehwal negeri sendiri? ini membuktikan betapa buruknya pentadbiran kerajaan persekutuan semacam ada yang tak kena berkaitan PTI ini. memang sah ada salah laku terutama pemberian IC kpd pendatang.
inilah masanya kita rakyat sabah mengubah semuanya ini. nampaknya penyakit ini telah lama membara dan hanya kuasa rakyat saja jalan terbaik mengubah segalnya.
sampai bila rakyat sabah diperbodohkan oleh kerajaan terutama isu berkaitan PTI ini? demi generasi akan datang kita, kita sokong PR kali ini. kita tengok samada PR boleh selesaikan isu yang BN tak mahu selesaikan ini.
A local businessman has filed a suit against former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh over the "surrender" of Labuan to the Federal Government 28 years ago, which resulted in the island becoming a Federal Territory.
ReplyDeleteJames Albanus @ Richard, 59, of Kg Biau, Papar, filed the suit through counsel Marcel Jude Joseph. Albanus, part of whose business is undertaking research on social and political issues in Sabah and Malaysia, is seeking a declaration that Harris, who was the sixth Chief Minister from 1976 to 1985, on his part had acted unlawfully in the surrender of Labuan in 1984, damages, injunctive relief, costs and interest.
ReplyDeleteIn his statement of claim, Albanus claimed that during Harris' (the defendant) tenure as the Chief Minister of Sabah, the territory of Sabah was drastically reduced by the surrender of Labuan to the Federal Government.
ReplyDeleteIn 1984, as a resulted of an action taken by the defendant, Labuan became a Federal Territory on April 16, 1984, the second after Kuala Lumpur.
ReplyDeleteAlbanus claimed that the creation of the Labuan Federal Territory was undertaken by the defendant in an extremely hasty and hurried manner without seeking any public opinion or consultation, especially from the citizenry of the State of Sabah and/or the citizenry of Labuan island.
ReplyDeleteAlbanus also claimed that in researching the creation of Labuan as a Federal Territory in 1984, he had discovered from one Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, at that juncture the acting State Secretary of Sabah, that the defendant had not sought the opinions, feeling and concerns of Sabah citizens including himself (plaintiff), that the defendant had not undertaken a referendum in respect of the Labuan decision either among the populace and citizenry of both Sabah and Labuan;
ReplyDeleteAlso that the defendant had acted unilaterally and individually without compliance with the relevant constitutional safeguards and also the well being of Sabah citizenry.
ReplyDeleteAs a result of the defendant's rash and unconstitutional action, the Sabah State Government and the citizenry of Sabah suffered unquantifiable financial and social loss at the material time and for generations to come, he claimed.
ReplyDeleteAlbanus said he would among others rely on the information obtained as a result of his research and interviews with Sipaun through e-mail, recently. Meanwhile, Albanus told the media after filing the suit that he believed one of the main reasons why Sabah is not financially well off as a State was because of the surrender of Labuan, which was undertaken by the defendant.
ReplyDelete"In undertaking the transfer of this territory, he did not make a proper study and obtain the views of the people of Sabah including myself.
ReplyDeleteI have come across of information provided by a very important person which has confirmed what I had suspected but unable to prove all along i.e. the transfer was done rashly and there are many unanswered questions.
ReplyDelete"It is for this reason and for the people of Sabah that I am taking up this suit against Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh," said Albanus.
ReplyDeleteSeriously he don't know? Bulshit.
ReplyDeletePura2 lagi, time tu kan Mahathir sudah ada. Kalau Mahathir mustahil la ba dia pura x menahu.
ReplyDeleteExplanations should be given.
ReplyDeleteWhy he has no knowledge about it? He was the CM back then
ReplyDeleteEven the Immigration Department is aware of it.
ReplyDeleteMustahil juga la ba kan.
ReplyDeleteini la bah main tipu namanya. berbohong terang terangan. apatah lagi hal yg rakyat memang tak tahu''
ReplyDeleteRCI ni pada pendapat aku hanya penyedap rasa saja utk rakyat sabah sebab org yg sepatutnya berada dlm anggota RCI takda pun. saksi pun org umno. jadi faham fahamlah
As of today, 5 witnesses have been successfully testified.
ReplyDeleteThere are more to come.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Mahathir is not of the witnesses.
ReplyDeleteBut I wonder why Akjan is being selected as one of the witnesses.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Pusat komited untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian terbaik kepada isu pendatang tanpa izin (PATI) di Sabah meskipun ia merupakan satu masalah besar yang amat mencabar.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, kerajaan juga melihat perkara itu dengan serius dan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya.
ReplyDelete"Saya fikir Perdana Menteri mengetahui perkara ini dan boleh memutuskannya. Di Sabah sudah ada Jawatankuasa Khas yang dibentuk dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah mengenai PATI yang dipengerusikan Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan (Timbalan Ketua Menteri).
ReplyDelete"Saya sanggup melihat semua aspek...kita akan ambil kira setiap laporan jawatankuasa itu sama ada langkah ke depan memerlukan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) atau pendekatan lain,” katanya.
ReplyDeletePenentuan jumlah sebenar bilangan pendatang tanpa izin (PATI) di Sabah perlu dibuat, kata Anggota Parlimen Kimanis, Datuk Anifah Aman.Beliau berkata berlaku kekeliruan dalam jumlah sebenar PATI.
ReplyDeleteBusinessman Akjan?
ReplyDeleteBanyak dakwaan sama ada oleh parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) atau pembangkang. Ada yang cakap 200,000 atau 500,000, ada juga yang cakap satu juta.
ReplyDeleteTetapi semua ini tidak pernah ada satu kajian yang tepat dan seharusnya sebuah badan diwujudkan bagi mendapatkan satu gambaran sebenar dan selepas itu barulah kita boleh huraikan satu persatu jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah PATI,katanya.
ReplyDeleteAnifah berkata satu mekanisme berkesan perlu diwujudkan bagi menangani masalah PATI yang bukan sahaja melibatkan penguatkuasaan undang-undang, tetapi juga mengambil kira soal kemanusiaan.
ReplyDeleteTerdapat ramai PATI yang tidak diakui oleh kerajaan negara asal mereka, termasuk anak-anak mereka yang lahir di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJangan nafikan lagi la Harris.
ReplyDeleteKita perlu menangani masalah ini dengan sikap perikemanusiaan katanya.
ReplyDeleteSemua rakyat termasuk wakil-wakil rakyat di negeri ini bimbang dengan masalah PATI di Sabah.
Walaupun pendekatan berbeza namun tujuannya adalah sama iaitu mahu melihat satu penyelesaian terbaik kepada permasalahan yang tidak berkesudahan itu.Jadi sama ada pendekatan itu dalam bentuk Suruhanjaya Diraja atau Jawatankuasa Pilihan Parlimen, tidak menjadi masalah apa yang penting ialah matlamat yang sama.
ReplyDeleteSiapa sahaja yang mencadangkan pendekatan ini, ia tidak penting tetapi cadangan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya tidak boleh menjadi kenyataan kerana ia dibuat oleh pihak pembangkang, katanya.
ReplyDeleteI think there are some mistakes over here.
ReplyDeleteMenghairankan pula
ReplyDeleteDon't be in the state of denial la Harris.
ReplyDeleteWe are not blind nor deaf.
ReplyDeleteDalam masa yang sama, kan Harris kenal si Mahathir tu?
ReplyDeleteAnd it seemed that Harris is avoiding the question of the book.
ReplyDeleteWhy have to be so angry with Mutalib? And his explanation about the project IC was that, he heard about it but din read it?
ReplyDeletePenafian yang ketara sangat.
ReplyDeleteAkhirnya akan kedapatan juga tu.... dalang yang sebenarnya... masih hidup rupanya dia ih... tak tahu pula...
ReplyDeleteKalau banggali gadai negeri saja dia tau..
ReplyDeleteAbout 100,000 blue identity cards were given to immigrants in Sabah in 1993
ReplyDeleteSabah NRD assistant registrar Kee Dzulkifly Kee Abd Jalil said today that he had received RM80,000 from then Sabah NRD director Ramli Kamarudin for issuing the identity cards to Filipino, Indonesian and Pakistani immigrants in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKee Dzulkifly told the RCI that his department chief said there was a letter from the (Sabah) chief minister, Tan Sri Harris Salleh. his department chief told him to give identity cards to people who applied for them at the counter.
ReplyDeleteKee Dzulkifly said he was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) from 1995 to 1999
ReplyDeleteTun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia’s longest-serving prime minister who was in power from 1981 to 2003, has been accused of spearheading the so-called “Project IC”, in which citizenships were allegedly given to immigrants for their votes.
ReplyDeleteDzulkifly also said that more than 100,000 birth certificates were issued to immigrants in the early 1990s
ReplyDeletethe late Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub, who was then the deputy home affairs minister, had ordered him to issue NRD receipts enabling illegal immigrants to vote in the 1994 state election.
ReplyDeletesome other NRD officers were sent to Kuala Lumpur to sign identity cards for mostly Filipino and Indonesian immigrants in Sabah, but did not specify when
ReplyDeleteThey briefed that the goal was to increase Muslim voters in Sabah and to oust PBS
ReplyDeleteAkop said he was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in 1996.
ReplyDeletemana ada perompak yg akun jenayahnya, kan???
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Sabah komited dan serius untuk menangani masalah pendatang asing tanpa izin (PATI) yang tidak berkesudahan di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteKetua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata, usaha membanteras dan membasmi masalah PATI akan dipertingkatkan melalui pelbagai operasi mengesan PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeletekerajaan negeri juga turut memberi perhatian dan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya bagi mengawasi perairan Sabah daripada pencerobohan oleh anasir yang tidak bertanggungjawab, sekali gus mengekalkan kedaulatan negara agar terus terpelihara.
ReplyDeleteetakat ini kerajaan Sabah sudah menerima peruntukan sebanyak RM1 juta daripada Kementerian Dalam Negeri bagi membiayai kos operasi penguatkuasaan dan pencegahan PATI di rantau ini.
ReplyDeleteoperasi itu memerlukan perbelanjaan keseluruhan sekitar RM9 juta.
ReplyDeleteMusa berkata, tahap keselamatan semasa negeri berada dalam keadaan memuaskan dengan tiada kejadian serius yang boleh membawa ancaman kepada keselamatan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteasil usaha serta tindakan yang berterusan daripada semua agensi keselamatan menyaksikan kejadian jenayah berkurangan seterusnya menyumbang kepada peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup rakyat,”
ReplyDeleteMenangani isu PATI adalah tanggungjawab semua rakyat Sabah dan bukannya kepada pihak tertentu sahaja.
ReplyDeleteoperasi menangkap PATI sememangnya sedang dilaksanakan secara berterusan di Sabah
ReplyDeletebagi memastikan keberkesanan operasi itu nanti, ia harus dilaksanakan dengan koordinasi yang sistematik antara pihak-pihak berkuasa terbabit.
ReplyDeleteyaaa..tangakap PTI bersamadengan pemimpin BN yangn beri IC haram kepada pendatang. keparat punya BN. rupanya kerajaan sabah selama ini ialah kerajaan haram. BN menang sebab bantuan PATI yang dapat resit mengundi.
ReplyDeletePRU13 bukan saja sabah, tapi 1Malaysia akan lingkup juga.
Siapa yang memulakan Projek Ic ini? Sehingga kini, aktiviti ini masih giat juga.
ReplyDeleteRCI harus membuktikan pertubuhan ini adalah tindakan yang bijak.
ReplyDelete6P adalah tindakan yang paling kurang bijak. Ia membawa banyak kesan yang amat negatif khas PATI berhijrah dari satu syarikat ke syarikat yang lain.
ReplyDeleteJangan membiarkan PATI mengancam keselamatan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteHow much money the government been used for 6P program but end up failed.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan akan berusaha menanggani isu PATI, kami menantikan perkembangan selanjutnya.
ReplyDeleteBanyak isu mykad diberi kepada golongan yang tidak berkelayakan tetapi cuma sebagai alat mengundi sahaja.
ReplyDeleteJabatan NRD harus disiasat terlebih dahulu. Kes PATI berkait rapat dengannya.
ReplyDeletePasti ada pihak salah gunakan kuasa dengan memberi mykad dengan tidak terkawal.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan negeri asal PATI harus bertindak dan membawa mereka balik ke negara asal.
ReplyDeleteHarris juga berkata kerajaan Sabah tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk memberikan taraf penduduk tetap kepada pendatang.
ReplyDeletePendatang asing tidak berhak memiliki warganegara dan menikmati faedah yang sama dengan warga tulen.
NRD harus memberi mykad dengan mengikut prosedur yang tidak melanggari undang-undang negara.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggu sahaja siasatan yang di jalankan.
ReplyDeleteSabah Umno liaison deputy chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak has challenged opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to tell the truth about the illegal immigrants to the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) tasked with looking into the long-standing problem in the state.
ReplyDeleteHe asserted that Anwar was duty-bound to do so as he was Deputy Prime Minister at that particular period, adding that "he was a powerful man and knew what was going on in Sabah".
"Don't be a hypocrite, perharps with the inside knowledge, Anwar can help shed some tell the truth to RCI. He must not play politics. At least (Datuk Seri) Najib (Razak), our Prime Minister is prepared to seek the truth and approved the formation of RCI to identify the roots of the problem.
ReplyDelete"We should not come into a conclusion and blame certain parties just because of statements by few ex-ISA (Internal Security Act) detainees. We should let RCI complete its work... what we want is a permanent solution," he told Bernama after attending a meet-the-people session at SK Sembirai.
In this respect, Salleh, who is also State Legislative Assembly Speaker, said Najib should be supported for his bold move to form the RCI.
ReplyDelete"Once RCI completes its task then the government will study and act on it accordingly to resolve the matter once and for all.
"Those who were qualified and obtained their citizenship through proper procedure should not be punished and those who obtained it through illegal or dubious means must have their citizensip revoked. That should be the way," he said.
ReplyDeleteExpressing confidence that the illegal immigrants' problem would be resolved by the government under Najib, Salleh said genuine Sabahans must be patient to wait for a permanent solution.
The setting up of the RCI and appointment of its chairman and members was announced by the Prime Minister last Aug 11 to solve the problem of Sabah's illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeleteThe hearing of the proceedings was headed by former Chief Justice of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong.
ReplyDeleteThe panelists were Universiti Malaysia Sabah ex-vice chancellor Professor Datuk Seri Dr Kamaruzaman Ampon, Kuala Lumpur ex-police chief Datuk Henry Chin Poy Wu, former Sabah state secretary Datuk Kee Mustafa and ex-deputy Chief Minister and former state attorney-general Tan Sri Herman J. Luping.
ReplyDeleteSubsequent proceedings would be held on Jan 28 till Feb 1 and from Feb 22 till Feb 27.
ReplyDeletePembangkang Ambil Kesempatan Isu RCI Demi Kepentingan Politik – Salleh Tun Said
ReplyDeleteKOTA KINABALU — Bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak berpendapat pakatan pembangkang yang diketuai bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bimbang terhadap kemungkinan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) menyelesaikan isu pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah, buat selama-lamanya.
Menggambarkan pembangkang sebagai oportunis, beliau berkata pembangkang cuma memanipulasi dan mengambil kesempatan daripada keadaan itu demi kepentingan politik dan mencampuri tugas Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang tanpa izin di negeri ini.
Pembangkang Ambil Kesempatan Isu RCI Demi Kepentingan Politik – Salleh Tun Said
ReplyDelete“…yang nyata, Pakatan (pembangkang) bimbang bahawa BN akan menyelesaikan isu pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah. Sebab itulah mereka mempolitikkan isu ini. Mereka tidak mahu panel RCI menyelesaikan tugas mereka dan menggunakan kenyataan daripada bekas tahanan ISA (Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) untuk meremehkan keputusan suruhanjaya berkenaan.
“Strategi utama mereka adalah untuk membabitkan Umno,” katanya kepada Bernama selepas menghadiri sambutan Maulidur Rasul di sini hari Khamis.
Salleh, yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Sabah dan Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri, diminta mengulas forum bermaksud membincangkan RCI anjuran sebuah parti pembangkang di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulangi bahawa kerajaan BN bersungguh-sungguh untuk menyelesaikan sama sekali masalah pendatang asing di Sabah yang tiada kesudahannya.
Pembangkang Ambil Kesempatan Isu RCI Demi Kepentingan Politik – Salleh Tun Said
ReplyDelete“Jika mereka ikhlas untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, mereka sepatutnya menyokong RCI untuk menyiapkan tugasnya,” katanya.
Selasa lepas, Salleh, yang juga Ketua Umno bahagian Kota Belud mencabar Anwar supaya berterus terang mengenai pendatang tanpa izin kepada suruhanjaya berkenaan yang ditugaskan meneliti masalah yang tertangguh di negeri ini sejak sekian lama.
Salleh dipetik sebagai menegaskan bahawa menjadi tanggungjawab Anwar untuk berbuat demikian memandangkan beliau adalah Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada masa itu, dan menambah: “beliau (Anwar) seorang yang berkuasa dan tahu apa yang berlaku di Sabah”.
Penubuhan RCI dan pelantikan pengerusi serta anggotanya diumumkan oleh perdana menteri pada 11 Ogos tahun lepas untuk menyelesaikan masalah pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah.
Pembangkang Ambil Kesempatan Isu RCI Demi Kepentingan Politik – Salleh Tun Said
ReplyDeleteProsiding pendengaran suruhanjaya itu diketuai bekas Hakim Besar Sabah dan Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong.
Anggota panelnya ialah bekas Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Sabah Prof Datuk Seri Dr Kamaruzaman Ampon, bekas Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur Datuk Henry Chin Poy Wu, bekas Setiausaha Kerajaan Sabah Datuk Kee Mustafa dan bekas Timbalan Ketua Menteri yang juga bekas Peguam Besar Sabah Tan Sri Herman J. Luping.
Prosiding berikutnya akan diadakan dari 29 Jan hingga 1 Feb dan dari 22 hingga 27 Feb.