Hi, my name is Sim and i living at Kuala Lumpur (KL). I went to Kota Kinabalu (KK) last monday and back to KL today. I was stay at one of the backpacker lodge at Gaya Street and I get robbed there last night, such a shame..
The story happen like this. I went to the Maybank at Gaya Street for withdraw some pocket money and when I out from the bank walking back to the lodge, two sexy young local girls come and talk to me and we chat for a while.
Then they offer me to have sex with them with RM50, I was thinking why not (as I travel alone and I know it was my bad to give them the chance to robbed me)
And I follow one of the girl to the back street behind the Maybank and go to her room in the second floor of the shop house. I was surprise because there is another 5 to 6 girls sitting down there and like waiting for the customer, talk with the guys, the cars pass by.
So, I think should be safe since they doing ‘BUSINESS’ so openly, like got license one.
When I get in her room, the room is dark and 3 guys was in the room. I was like SHIT, THIS IS A TRAP!
The room is really-really dark and they ask for my wallet which got RM400 inside and then I talk to them: “Bro, saya faham kau orang mau cari makan, duit I kau orang ambil la, tapi IC saya semua bagi balik la.”
I was really calm cause I believe they will not do bad thing on me but still, I am afraid..
And then the girl open the door and run out from the room with my wallet and the guys blocking me and tell me that they dont know this girl, this girl just a room guest of them but they can get my wallet back to me. I know they just doing a show and I keep begging them, don’t like that la, duit sudah ambik, give me back my ID la, I have to go back KL tomorrow.
Then one of the guy ask me to wait downstair and they will get my wallet back to me and what happened that time is I saw 4 police with 3 motorbikes were there talking to the girls and one of the guy who blocking. They seem like knowing each other. I was just thinking that my savior is coming but after that, I was like, sigh.......
The policemen keep talking with the girls and teasing them and those girls still doing what they do moment ago, waves to the car pass through. At that moment, I was thinking it ll be helpless if I tell the police I just get robbed by the guy he talking with and maybe I will never get my wallet back which got my IC, driving license, ATM card inside.
So I just keep quiet and standing there and wait for the guy who said will give my wallet back to me. After 5 minutes, one of the guy came back with his motorbike and say to me, the girl took all the money and he got nothing, he ask me to give him RM250 to get my wallet back. I bargain and bargain with the guy and finally, he give me back my wallet after I deal with him for RM100.
After I gave him the money and he said to me: “tak guna la kalau kau mau report police. kau tengok la, police itu semua geng kami” .... and I just go away from there...what a day and I blame nobody, my bad and I am stupid.
The reason why I email you is I believe I am not the only victim and what I cant believe is police is there for them like a friend or guardian, I don’t know.
As you know, Gaya Street got many hotels and backpacker lodge over there, what if they do the same thing to tourist who like me? I strongly believe if this happened to the foreign tourists, once they going back to their country, they will tell all their friends not going to Sabah or write on their blog or facebook what happened to them by making other story la.. This is a very-very negative image and shameful of Sabah and I guarantee it will effected the tourism of Sabah.
I was shameful to make a laporan police and I thankful to God that teach me a very-very good reason with RM500.
I believe if you publish this article in Sabahkini, the police of Sabah or the politician of Sabah will do the right thing to improve the image of Sabah.
Thanks and please be confidential of my ID, I will try to forget about what happened last night.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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Nasib baik tiada orang yang cedera. Tapi kena salahkan diri juga kerana tergoda oleh pelacur itu.
ReplyDeleteDon't know how true is this article...
ReplyDeleteThank goodness no one is injured. I hope this incident will teach Samson a good lesson.
ReplyDeletejika dia menolak pelawaan wanita tersebut, kejadian seperti ini takkan terjadi. sebaiknya jgnlah mudah tergoda dgn pelawaan wanita2 cantik dan seksi.
ReplyDeleteBut it's such a big disappointment to know that our police are a part of this filthy activity. Investigation should be conducted to punish and fired those police who are involved.
ReplyDeletepengajarannya, jangan mudah terpedaya dengan perempuan yang seksi dan menggoda..
ReplyDeletejika pekara ini benar, perhatian serius perlu diambil. pekara seperti ini boleh mencemarkan imej Sabah.
ReplyDeletejika aktiviti seperti ini sudah lama berlaku, pasti sebelum artikel ini dibuat isu ini telah heboh dan telah ada tindakan diambil. rakyat Sabah tidak akan membenarkan atau membutakan mata apa sahaja aktiviti yang menyusahkan rakyat tempatan dan orang luar.
ReplyDeletesepatutnya beliau terus ke balai polis untuk buat laporan bukan sahaja jenayah yang dilakukan oleh kononnya orang tempatan malah laporan terhadap polis yang bersekongkol dengan penjenayah ini. kenapa semua itu perlu disembunyikan, atau kenyataan ini sekadar untuk memburukkan Sabah atau untuk kepentingan politik?
ReplyDeleteapa2 pun saya harap pihak polis menyiasat dakwaan ini untuk membersihkan seluruh kawasan kota kinabalu dari sebarang bentuk jenayah dan juga imej polis di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good lesson to whom keep habits looking for having sex to the prostitute, keep your wife always to accompany you where ever you go for traveling weather abroad or within Malaysia. You still lucky the man did not kill you .
ReplyDeleteMake the embarrassing for the police.. Police support this criminal..
ReplyDeleteMengapa polis boleh terlibat dengan perkara ini??Mana pihak yang mempertahankan keamanan negara. Jika polis Kota Kinabalu bersikap demikian, tidak berguna lagi ada polis dikawasan tersebut.
ReplyDeletebenarkah pihak polis pun terlibat ataupun penjenayah tu sengaja berkata demikian agar dia tak melaporkan perkara ini kepada polis.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that the Police involved this criminal
ReplyDeleteNext time, just don't be so driven by lust. Everywhere u go on earth also the same. It is only depends on you to make judgments.
ReplyDeletejika benar, ianya amat memalukan dna mencemar imej sabah..
ReplyDeletenamun, tidak pasti sama ada polis tersebut bersubahat dengan mereka atau tidak...mungkin juga sengaja direka untuk menakutkan penulis.
ReplyDeleteperkara ini harus disiasat..
ReplyDeleteThese bloody prost and their gangster boyfriends also operates at the backlanes of KG air shop, near the Federal hotel.
ReplyDeleteI can assure every readers of the world that this story by this guy Sim or whoever his real name is True.
Woz a victim myself, I came back disguised myself with new look and hat but the girl recognise me. Their gangster bf even threatened me infront of all those selling cheap craps in the night market.
Me a bachelor so have no fear or shame in making a police report. U know what? A detective contact me by his hp and told me he will try to get my money back then i should withdraw my police report, but his boss called me in a different channel and the other dectective who did not give me his name did not get my money back.
At that time i trusted them and made so many sms contact with them. They just said they will conduct some operations but have to wait for orders from KL. that is all bulllshit..
Anyway, there is an Inspector Zakaria with the CID section Karamunsing who knows everything.... but they are all protecting these sex robbers. Surely they get a share with all the money robbed from the sex victims..Hey they even operate in broad daylight. If u guys dont believe, just come for a walk with me at KG air...
There is only one way to beat them... Dont entertain any of these girls or their pimps, some of the pimps so ugly and toothless.
Some of them operate from a room at that shophouse hotel called Federal Hotel.
common guys, there are thousands who knows the story but afraid or ashamed to talk.
and also never trust any police personal in this malaysialand.
Another thing, drive around kg air from 10pm onwards until the wee morning and you will find dozens of PONDans in their overmake up plying their trade, in full view of everyone..
ReplyDeletethe authorities all know about this but what the heck
why the fuck must you go to thailand or polipines? You can get the same in Kota kinabalu....
When i get enough money for a very secret camera, just tell me where to post the photos as proof, maybe the owner of this site can help me
ReplyDeleteNext day, buy spy camera (like spy watch camera, spy pen, spy key chain etc); the cost only from RM35-150.00). I got one of them bought from ebay. So, use it to record anything you want!
ReplyDeleteThe police (most) in KK have a bad habit.
Just don't succumb to the temptation of sex workers and you should be fine. Sometimes they try to sell you counterfeit items or stolen items, which you should not even layan them at all. First, its wrong to hire prostitutes or purchase stolen goods. 2nd, if you got cheated or robbed, it is your own fault and the police won't be able to help you.
ReplyDeleteSendiri yang perlu jaga-jaga.
ReplyDeleteU are right, it is wrong and also "illegal" in most countries to hire prostitute.
But it is also wrong for the GANGSTER to use the prostitute as a bait to rob people....
And the law says, arrest both the gangsters and the prostitute, even the clients too if caught red handed...
answer: they couldnt care less about the public who are paying their salaries, all they want is extra cash for their own greed.
CORRUPTION is second nature to the majority of those in possesion of whatever powers in this Bolehland of Malaysial...
Kalau sudah tahu sikap polis negara kita adalah seperti ini. Lebih wajar kita berhati-hati kerana polis juga tidak boleh dipercayai.
ReplyDeletePolis seperti ini memang memalukan.
ReplyDeletehey,mr anouymous,share with us ur story la,how u get robbed by these palacur?same as this sim from kl?
ReplyDeleteBaik kita lebih berwaspada.
ReplyDeletei living at kk too,i know kg air got many pelacur la,don know pulak now even gaya street pun ada sudah ~ that area full with backpacker mat salleh,hopefully none of them get robbed la..i was told by my staff the pelacur charge rm30 only,no wonder so cheap la,they 'fishing' mangsa over there..robbed u and sell the wallet back somemore,walao,good marketing idea la!Police at kk byk ronda sini sana what,cant believe they close and open one eye for these pelacur - robbers!maybe police got 'commission' from them la i guess and they are good in pschology sia,who will report police if get robbed by pelacur,damn malu sia..somemore tourist all stay short term only,if really report police,siapa mau dtg balik utk bicara court case semua,nanti postpone postpone lagi,hotel + flight lagi merugikan..
ReplyDeleteCara yang terbaik- Jangan layan pelacur.
ReplyDeleteSatu kesalahan yang beliau lakukan adalah, bersetuju untuk mendapatkan khidmat seks.
ReplyDeletePolis kk memang tak boleh harap...dapat seks percuma, dapat duit percuma...penjenayah dilindungi. Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi. Harap- harap polis macam tu suatu hari nanti dapat HIV!
ReplyDeleteTgo la moral orang kita macam mana, Dua kali lima, sama2 tidak bermoral...dia bercakap tentang orang lain sedangkan dia juga tidak bermoral, gatal sangat nak cari pelacur!! tapi ada khikmah di sebalikknya la. Dapat juga la kita yang diluar cni mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang polis lakukan.
ReplyDeleteTapi bukan semua polis macam 2 tau hanya kerana nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga.....
ReplyDeleteJadi mana2 polis yang masih lagi ada hati untuk berkhidmat kepada bangsa, tolonglah selesaikan masalah ini dengan segera. Betul apa yang ditulis oleh penulis yang mana hal2 sebegini akan menjejaskan perlancongan kita.
ReplyDeleteMana2 pun ada berlaku benda macam ni la...
ReplyDeleteJadi pengajaran untuk cerita ini ialah, jangan ikut orang yang tidak dikenali.
ReplyDeleteSo, take this a greatest lesson. Never do something out of your mind. The consequence is hard to bear.
ReplyDeleteKami bukan menyalahkan kamu cuma apa yang anda huraikan di atas menunjukkan bahawa anda tidak bijak menolak godaan. Akibatnya, sendiri terperangkap.
ReplyDeletePM kan mahu dtg ke kk tak lama lagi,adakah ahli ahli umno di sini boleh memberitahu kan PM kami perkara ini berlaku di kk and hopefully dia akan take action la if he really care about sabah :) and if he really does,this action will help HIM and BN win more votes in the next election!
ReplyDeleteDon't fall into trap.
ReplyDeletei just show this page to a police friend,he know the full details how exactly they robbed the victims and they do raided all this prostitute and their agents very often and last last,they all di jamin keluar and continue their job at gaya street and kg air.He said no matter how offen they EMBUS,the next day,new prostitute and new agent will be there again..some of the victims even get beaten by the agent if they kurang ajar with them.Many of the victims crying in the balai cause they lost their money (RM5k - RM1k average),pride and most of the time,police not able to get the money back,paling2 pun caught the agent and the girl only...
ReplyDeletebayangkanlah di masa akan datang kk akan dijadikan salah satu hub hiburan terkemuka seperti cadangan kerajaan BN dalam transformasi ekonomi. kegiatan persundalan bertambah parah lagi la...
ReplyDeleteNo demand, no business for them. It's that simple.
ReplyDeleteTo everyone, ezpecially the other Mr anonymous dated January 15, 2011 whom i suspect iz a policeman himself trying to find out my ID.
ReplyDeleteWell let me tell you, all those who preaches about moral. Sometimes when you get cheated, its not necessary becos U are immoral but simply unprepared. Like MR "samson Simson" the original complaintant here. Well he only went to his bank, Maybank when he got PUkau by these girls. He did not know the girls existed there. Just suddenly these girls appear in front.
Well fellas, being somewhat an investigative reporter myself, Last nite (17-1-2011) at exactly 10:20 pm I walked around Gaya ST and confirmed MR SiM's story.
The exact location is NOT gaya st, but the backlane street between Gaya and Beach st (or jalan pantai) and the locallity is the BANKING area of KK where at least 5 banks are located, namely Affinbank, OCBC, Alliance, #UOB and Maybank. All these banks have teller or ATM machines for tourist and locals alike to get quick cash and this is the target of those CRIMINALS behind these girls.
So U see, mr smart Jake Jan 18.2011, this is not a question of supply and demand BUT a syndicate targetting those having CASH from the Bank ATM machines.
ReplyDeleteHere are the details. Last nite there were six girls operating "as bait" obviously. They all look like teenagers, lean and skinny, shoulder length hair, and wearing shorts to show their thighs, and small blouses. The staircase they are using has one noticeable sign "Profit Fortune" amongst other business signs and it is between OCBC and Alliance Bank building.
Yes, after a quick dinner at a nearby chinese corner shop, I went back and did my investigation. The two girls that definitely approached MR sim above did the same to me. They are the fronter, while the other 4 girls just sat or hang around the staircase. The one that looks like a teenager I approached close by to take a look at face and definitely is aged between 22 and 25, but becos of their small size looked pretty like a teenager from far.
Their slang sounds like Indonesians, though it is possible they can be the illicit descendants of Bajau and Pilipins.
The girl who is the most active in chasing after customer definitely is the pickpocketter even approached me and touched my stomach offering my "one shot", yes that was her exact words and even ice cream at the side for 50RM. That is tooo good to be true and definitely is a bait. As an investigative reporter I know she is not a real prostie but a bait.
So I talked some more and ask her whether she would do business with me at my own house. The other girl said RM300 but must do "booking" first..(ha ha, booking? so they have agents, maybe those boys that robbed mr SIM) how can there be booking when they look like operating on their own if this is not a crime set up.??
The other girl kinda got a big nose with a distinctive indon look.
But the lead bait is really keen on bringing me up to first floor, quick shot first before we talk about going elsewhere she said. Ha ha, that is a clue that the first floor, or second floor is the TRAP ROOM. I ask a bit further what is in the room, she said its a lodging house at rm10 per hour temporary used. Therefore the owner of these rooms are themselves part of the Crime syndicate. Looking around I saw a few potential customers and some cars passing and stopping by to ask the girls, so far I did not see any of the girls get into the car, obviously becos these girls only want to take their customers to the TRAP ROOMS.
ReplyDeleteon the opposite side of the street I saw 4 youths with handphones just sitting at a dark corner. Again I asked the girl who they are, and she said just boys "lepak", her exact words though i suspect they are part of their gang and bodyguards and parter in crime.
While i was hanging around there, a small kancil passed by with 4 dark ugly indon looking guys, (sorry i missed taking the car number) and one of them even winked at me and pointed to the girls as if encouraging me to go at them)- must be members of the sydicate or the pimps and agents.
Just a pity dont have a spy camera, tried with my hp cam but not clear enough.
ReplyDeleteWell, enough for now, one reply to mr anonymous January 17 at 8:05 pm, I dont buy your police excuse. If someone JAMIN these prostitute, then they should ID these penjamin and investigate them too. Menjamin a prostitute itself is a criminal element. Unless they pay lots of bribes.
And what? I can recognise these girls and willing to appear in court to testify. What am i embarrased? I did not go fuck the girls, i can testify that they offerred illicit sex to me. BUT then wouldnt the policemen who are part of the syndicates will not threaten me to withdraw my complaints like they did LAST time? Commonlah show this site to the cops... tell them BULLLSHIT lah...
And u know why after they are rounded up then next day kena jamin then back to the streets again? Because the Chief of the Vice squad and anti kongsi gelap has already been roped in by the syndicates to be their members. Thats why they can easily smuggle women from neighboring country to prey on the gullible men here.
Its a billion dollar bizness. The girls get arrested, the crime boss call the police to free them, habis cerita..
The only weapon we have against these syndicate, is the power of the internet. And to share all infor, warn the gatal men to avoid the criminals and tell everyone, By being anonymous, the corrupted officers wont be able to threaten u. cheeers mr policemen
To Anonymous 48 , i respect your guts and your profession.Hope you will not hurt yourself in this investigative,pls take good care of yourself first.Hope your effort will bring KK,where we living a new hope.All the best to u and also,try your best!i hope one day,KK will be a PROSTITUTION FREE'S zone.
ReplyDeleteHey guys,i think this guy - Sim didnt write every detail in his letter,he change a little bit what really happened in his case..as what my police friend told me is,first the prostitute will bring u to a room and waiting for their agent CLEANING the room ( in fact is they hiding someone in the dark room to steal ur wallet,phone,etc ).secondly,the girl will bring u to the room and take off ur pants and put ur pants next to the bed.thirdly,the prostitute will gossip with u,have a smoke,bla bla bla..and the other side,the guy who hiding in the secret place will start stealing ur thing.fourthly,the girl will find a chance to walk away from the room as she needs a pee,she needs to take condom and she never come back and after that,it continue what happened on this Sim.The guys come,telling u that they have no idea with this girl,she just a room guest,bla bla bla..back to topic,from here u can see,they using the same trick to cheated every single victim and police knew all this very details.my police friend said long before he get transfer to kk,all this already happened every single day,politicians know,police know,maybe bukit aman also know,but nobody can do anything to destroy this BUSINESS completely...so,what can we do then?good luck to everybody and don feel malu to share this topic on ur fb or with ur friends.cheers ~
ReplyDeletecontinue my previous comment,these criminals got law consultant,they know law,they know stealing and robbing is two different cases.so they will not do as what this Sim said like robbing him in the room.They are just a room agency if the police asking them,they have no idea who is the room guest.They are smart,got guts,got backup,got manpower,got money ( for sure... )so,to the investigative reporter,u pls be careful on what you doing,don get urself hurt and days still go on..
ReplyDeleteSo Anon 54, they got law consultants aaah?
ReplyDeleteProves wot I said above, A BLOOODY REAL SYDICATE including the people who run this country....
a bunch of bloody criminals and murderers
Have to be more careful.
ReplyDeleteHey Mr CID karamunsing..
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the robber prostitute at KG air near Federal Hotel?
She is still hanging around there looking for gatal victims whom she entice to a room, and hidden inside the room are her boyfriends ready to rob the customer or frisk his wallet of all money found inside.
one day i will post her pic in the net
Berhati-hatilah kalau berada di situ.
ReplyDeleteitu memang benaar kawan saya pun di sana kena tipu
ReplyDeletePengalaman yang sukar dilupakan.
ReplyDeleteCara membenteras yang paling berkesan...sediakan pedang samurai dan putuskan semua leher dan pinggang para pelacur sehingga Kg. Air Bersih termasuk Pihak Polis yang terlibat.......baru kerajaan buka mata ttg masalah ini....klau ada sekitar 500 orang pelacur yg berjaya dibersihkan kira ok uda tu.
ReplyDeleteThe story Mr. Sim told is very very true, the story about the situation in the hotel room also very very true and i wanna add 1 more trick they might used to tricked U is after u paid them, they said they wanted to take their belonging such handbag, I.c and mobile phone in order to followed u to your place. But there came a car from nowhere and picked them up and drove away fast. Leaving u alone and can't do nothing. In my cases I able to take their car registration no. Myvi car with registration no. SAA 2586T. but what we can do? if u make report to the police station, easy they will blame all back to u. So, juz do nothing and juz be thankful that we all save but only the money lost anyway. Learned from the lesson taught.
ReplyDeletehere what i wanna stressed actually:
1) This is wrong. Prostitution is Illegal. So Sabah citizen Should take action. when foreigner saying something bad about Sabah. The image of Sabah will be bad. So the result.....???
2) Police should take an action. Prevent this from happen. the logic why the police existed in this world is to prevent crime from happen. Not juz let crime to happen and then handled it. That why, there are many cases were not solved until forever. PREVENT THE CRIME NOT SUPPORTING THE CRIME.
3)easy way to prevent this is by making a bill board at KG. Air and at Gaya streets..say beware of cheated sex..for sure people especially tourist do not being cheated anymore.
4) eliminated the Sabahan thought that is the places to get sex. For my cases, many of my Sabahan frend who told me "if you want sex that (Kg. Air) is the place". U know u get ur frend recommended that the place, for sure u confident about it. What Sabahan should say actually is "Friend If U go to Kg. Air or any places here to make sex with slut just considered my advice just don't be cheated by them"
iya. patut sediakan samurai sword bersih tu kawasan and polis yang terlibat.
hi, saya rasa tempat dimaksudkan tu kg.air la. Pelacur kg.air kawasan paling banyak penipu dan banyak jenayah dilakukan. Ada sesetengah pelacur berumur belasan thn. Banyak pelancong dri semenanjung t'tipu dgn pelacur nie.. Mereka menarik mangsa dgn badan sexy, kemudian dirompak dlm bilik. Setahu saya, pondok polis bergerak tidak jauh dari bank yang disebutkan.
ReplyDeletewakakkaka... all they said are truth.. now im gonna poison them.. goona put spike on my wallet with (paliw) they will die in a minutes.. police have doing nothing.. its time for us.. who need goverment! they just crap.. stupid puppet. ^.^ we need to do something..
ReplyDeletethier pimp is called HENDRY.beware.now they moving back to kg air.please people.beware.their car sticker is NOMORE which mean tiada lagi.liao.
ReplyDeleteshit.. I also had same experience.. lost rm450.. such a shame.. wtf.. they just cheating u.. fuck it!!!
ReplyDeletethis is true.. I had that experience myself..
ReplyDeletethis is fucking true.. i got the video somemore to proove.
ReplyDeleteIni mmg betul2. Kawan saya baru shja ditipu td. Dia termakan godaan si sial dgn rm50 dan mengatakan dia pelacur sebenar. Yg tipu punya di tempat lain. Bermacam2 lagi alasan yg si sial tersebut katakan supaya kawan sy lebih yakin. Namun kawan sy sempat mnjangkakan kemungkinan jika berlaku sebarang prkara yg tdk diinginkn seprti rompakan dompet atau henfon. Dia meninggalkn dompet dan henfonnya kpada sy dan hnya mmbawa rm50. Stelah dia mengikuti si sial tersebut di blakang lorong, kelihatan bbrapa org llaki di lorong tersebut. Sebaik shaja di atas, si sial mmnta duit dan mmbawa kwn sy msk kebilik. Si sial kmudian berkata yg dia perlu urut kwn sy smntara mnunggu bosnya mmberi kondom. Selepas beberapa ketka, si sial trs kluar dgn mngatakan perlu brtukar ke bilik lain. Kmudian seorang llaki dtg mngatakan perlu brtukar bilik dn mnyuruh ken sy keluar dgm segera ke bilik tersebut. Kwn sy mencari si sial tersebut namun gagal dikesan. Lalu dia prgi semula ke tempat dia digoda dn mendapati si sial trsebut berada di sna dn bukan di bilik lain sperti yg diberitahu. Kwn sy memerhati si sial tersebut namun tdk dilayan. Dia tdk dpt berbuat apa2 krana si sial tersebut dikawal llaki lain dgn mnunggu point sy dtg kpada mereka. Dia kmudian prgi ke tmpat sy dan mmberitahu prkara ini. Mujur dompetnya dn hp ada di tgn sy dan hnya hilang rm50. Kmungkinan yg dijangka olehnya bnr2 berlaku dn tiada sebarang servis diberikan. Pngajarannya, jgn tertipu oleh mereka2 di kawasan tersebut kerana mereka hnya berlakon utk mnipu mangsa.
ReplyDeleteya perkara ni mmg betul.. sya pun sdh terkena..di kg air,,mmg sial lah perempuan tuu.. mmg mau balas balik, tp x tahu mcm mana?
ReplyDeletehahaha... bhgn kk kalau kamurang lyn pempuan2 philipino d kg air segama or gaya street...itula jadi.. kk got a lot chinese but expensives..ok.. the sabahan got a little..u ned to find in the bar.. better service??ask from hotel...permonade ada.. oriental ada..bar??rikado ada.. lintas ada... jgn la mau yg murah2...d sabah yg murah tu pendatang sj... modus operandi la sangat.. u cud killed u know.. got easy way..go to bar.. find local girls..dates..n fuck how much u want.. play ur word bro...
ReplyDeleteHi all....juz got fcked this afternoon by short big nosed bitch. Was walking near hardware shop and was approached by this bitch and asked if I wanted services....why not I said to myself. Followed her to back alley, walked past a group of 5 men and then walked up the steps to a room. Paid her$10 & $50 ( room and services). Placed my hp and wallet back in my waist pouch and she took it to place it at corner table. She asked me to lie down with head on opposite end where my pouch was placed. I removed my shirt only and laid down. She beganning fanning me with a towel as it was warm in the room. Engaged in small talk for about 2 min max before someone knock on the door. She got off the bed, opened the door and left the room. Within 20 seconds, a guy came with scar on stomach came in said the bitch has ran out of the house. Checked my pouch only to find my hp and $350 missing from my inner zipper compartment of my wallet.
ReplyDeleteWent down stairs to the group of guys we passed earlier and on of them point in one direction but , suspecting they are together, I went the opposite. Asking other bitches hanging around there was not helpful. At this point, I have conceded. Walked back to the group of men and told them that she can keep the money but I have got to have the phone back with "reward" of $50.
One of them went up the same staircase and return with my phone. I offered ciggs to them and started chatting up with them on the pretext that I am more interested of their tricks rather than my lost. As expected they claimed that they didnt know her but they "believed" she used some "small spirit"to aid her or she used her toes to pick my pouch........right. Anyway, as we chatted one of them offered to sell me "cocaine" which I declined afterwhich they revealed to me that they are from filipines and not from sabahians. I hope my share of misfortune will reach out to as many people everywhere in the world esp those thinking of visiting Sabah. ....... Avoid 'em bitches in Kampung Air!!!!
pasal polis ni aku sendiri penah kena..dia minta duit di likas. selalu aku nampak polis2 ni masuk kawsan perkampungan piliphene atas bukan sekitar likas dengan motor..kemudia turun semula..seolah2 ada sesuatu yang dia ambil disana..wang perlindungan kot
ReplyDeleteperkampungan piliphine atas bukit2 di sekitar likas.