Sunday, March 13, 2011


THE fact that the Federal government had carried out clandestine projects to issue ICs to the illegal immigrants to through the back door is no longer disputed. It is now an open knowledge. For all we know it may still be going on, but what we are sure is that the federal government is not at all concerned about the presence of a huge population of illegals in the state.

But the government is carrying out a self-defeating exercise. If the BN and Umno believes it is good strategy to legalize illegal’s in order to make them voters for Umno, I would urge them to think again.

The potentials for a backlash from such a risky design are great indeed. We know about the possibility of reverse takeover, and the possibility of the Filipino population in Sabah, when they become the majority group soon, asking for independence from the government and aligning themselves to the government of the Philippines, as what happened in Timor Leste.

After all the government of the Philippines has still not dropped its longstanding claim on Sabah. This was the main point elaborated by Datuk Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing in his recent memo to the Minister of Homes Affairs who later rejected the demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

But there is another underlying motive in legalising the illegals in Sabah. The federal government is quite serious in its intention to Malaynise Sabah, but increasing the number of Muslims so that they overwhelm the KDMs and become the majority group in the state.

This demographic engineering may look like a clever way of making Sabah a lasting fixed deposit for the BN, but it is already backfiring on the BN, because there are other problems being created from this insidious exercise to legalise illegals and the BN is not aware of it.

The fact is, this exercise is not making the original Muslim Bumiputera population in Sabah happy at all. Ironically, the Bajaus, who settled in Sabah from the Philippines hundreds of years ago, are now are the direct victims of the increase in Filipino population here.

We can see how the Filipinos have taken over the fishing and fishmongering businesses. The handcraft trade, once dominated by Bajaus, too, is now dominated by Filipinos, who even produce ‘Sabah handicrafts’ in the Philippines and importing them here as ‘locally made.’

Does Umno realise that it is actually losing support from the Muslim population in Sabah because of this resentment against the new Umnoputeras? Umno also needs to be aware that demographic engineering can be like ecological re-engineering by introducing a new species into the long-established eco-system.

Always, the eco-system goes out of balance, with the new species becoming a predator and an uncontrollable pest, like what happened when the wild rabbit was introduced to Australia. The new people have already become uncontrollable pests and is now difficult to control. They have bred and interbred, and the natives are now troubled and fearful.

And there is no guarantee that the immigrants will always support Umno. Situations change, and a whole group of people will no longer hold on to the original understanding when they have enough power to decide things.

So it is very sad and worrying when we think of what is happening to Sabah, especially now that the government which had promised us security and a bright future is no keen to solve the decades old problem of illegal immigrants. And this is not just a state problem, but a national problem, but why is the government taking it so lightly?

Write comments
  1. PATI adalah musuh rakyat Sabah.

  2. Marilah kita berganding bahu membanteras PATI daripada Sabah.

  3. Apalah tindakan kerajaan pusat & negeri atas isu PATI? Sejauh mana keberkesanan Ops Payung?

  4. PATI issue has been around Sabah for a very long time. It wouldn't be easy to solve it in one day.

  5. Rakyat perlu bertindak sekarang. Jangan biarkan orang lain melakukan perkara ini sekali lagi. Fikirkan tentang masa depan generasi akan datang dimasa hadapan.

  6. Isu ini tidak akan selesai tanpa kerjasama dari semua pihak. Oleh itu bekerjasamalah sesama agar isu ini dapat diselesaikan segera.

  7. I hope the government effort to solve this issue will finally paid off.

  8. Tindakan berterusan perlu untuk menangani isu PATI

  9. masalah PATI ja yang asyik kita dengar, tapi ia tak pernah selesai. jika kita semua bekerjsama, pasti masalah ini dpt diselesaikan.

  10. the people of Sabah is too kind. their arrival was greeted with an offer of employment, housing, doing business, and the people of Sabah would prefer to buy goods sold by them compared to the goods sold by local people.

  11. semua pihak harus bersatu dalam membanteras masalah PATI ini.

  12. Tidak boleh. Saya yakin hampir semua rakyat Sabah tidak akan setuju. Mereka sudah menjadi penyebab segala masalah di sini.

  13. Rakyat Sabah bersama dengan pihak berkuasa mesti bersatu untuk menyelesaikan isu pendatang.

  14. Dari dulu cakap mari bersama bersatu perangi PATI, tapi sampai sekarang masih tidak ada tindakan? Kita masih bergantung kepada mereka untuk melakukan kerja2 murah dan berat.

  15. Tambah lagi, bukan negara kita saja mengalami masalah pendatang asing yang banyak, negara lain pun ada tetapi dengan kawalan rapi seperti China dan Korea Utara. Jadi masalah kita adalah pintu masuk Malaysia sendiri, yang terbentang luas.

  16. Jangan membenarkan PATI mendapatkan PR.


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