Tuesday, November 2, 2010


THE on-going by-election in Batu Sapi is now half way on. And in just a few days many ideas and events have taken place, some of the comical, to say the least. We have never seen so many clashes and fracas happening such as the kind we have seen in Batu Sapi.

The issues are also interesting, arising from the fact that all candidates are non-locals, vying for leadership through a by-election which resulted after a tragedy. In a normal by-election fought in a straight fight between the Barisan Nasional and the opposition, it would have been a simple case of a clash of issues.

But in the Batu Sapi case, the situation has been made quite complicated with the presence of two oppositions, SAPP and PKR. While PKR claims to be ‘the real opposition’ which correctly claims national leadership potential, SAPP is seen as potentially pro-BN as well as pro-PR, trying its best to win in order to be able to earn recognition when it later negotiates for seats with both the BN and the PR.

SAPP wants to have its cake and eat it too, to be double-edges sword which cuts both ways. So PKR is a full national-level opposition while SAPP is a local semi-opposition which wants to keep open its option for the next political move, depending on how it will perform in this election.

Certainly it has been very aggressive in its campaign, with a glaring show of posters, banners and billboards. But does action and physical shows reflect substance? SAPP has never been able to clarify its real ideology and struggle. We do not really know what it is really fighting for.

PKR and SAPP tried to strike a deal by avoiding both of them contesting to avoid splitting votes in the by-election but the deal failed as both were determined to try their fortunes. We certainly hope this is not a precursor to a situation in the next general elections. But then, if the PR components can work things out, how do we handle SAPP which is not a component? SAPP and all the other non-PR opposition parties may say that PR has not loci standi to tell them what to do!

But the real complication is with BN’s choice of candidate. In order to maximize its fighting advantage, it decided to field the widow of the constituency’s previous YB. We can imagine what great effort the BN leaders had to use to convince Linda to stand, knowing she is still recovering from her loss, and the fact that she was not a politician. So we end up with a BN candidate whose leadership record is scarce, if any, with a very limited knowledge of Malay, her power of attraction coming mostly from people’s sympathy for her.

In view of this, we need to be reminded that the real issue here is not the personal feelings for Linda, no matter how much sympathy she needs. The people need to be voting for themselves, not for Linda.

The real issue is the building of a better future for themselves and for Sabah. The real objective of the by-election is to choose a better future. The people of Batu Sapi needs to keep their focus on their future and their children’s future and choose a party which will be the coming future government of Malaysia and Sabah.

There has been a lot of talk about change, about the need to send a clear message to the BN government that enough is enough. We need a leader who can speak clearly and loudly for change and keep tab on the shady dealings of the government which causes so much losses to the people.

Corruption and abuse of power is still rampant in the country and this need to be continually exposed. The BN likes to repeat and repeat its talk about being the only one to be able to give development ‘while the opposition can only promise and won’t have to fulfill them’ is an old lie that they still want the people to believe.

The fact is, the opposition will be the government and the BN will be the opposition when it wins the next general elections. Then, the government will be saying the BN, being the opposition, can only promise but will not be able to give development and take kickbacks by tripling projects costs like they are doing now.

The PKR leaders now in the campaign trails must open its doors to all leaders to come and contribute in the campaign and not shut out certain leaders and members deemed untrustworthy. The unhappy local PKR leaders in Sandakan too need to show maturity by swallowing their pride and self-interest and come to lend a hand in the effort to take Batu Sapi. There is a greater objective at stake. If all contribute and allowed to contribute, Batu Sapi is definitely a winnable contest for PKR.

The case of the PKR candidate falling into the sea twice speaks loudly for the failure of the BN to upkeep the people’s facilities, especially the jetties and the walkways in the water villages. Hj Ansari Abdullah should also be commended for his challenge to debate with Yong Teck Lee, which the later dare not even accept. We can only guess what Yong is trying to hide from the voters.

By: DANIEL JOHN JAMBUN (sabahkini)

Write comments
  1. Biar rakyat sendiri yang menentukan sama ada sebuah parti itu layak mendapat sokongan mereka.

  2. penduduk Batu Sapi pasti sedar calon/parti yang mana boleh membawa kemajuan kepada mereka. buatlah pilihan yang tepat...

  3. Not sympathy but the leadership people we want to look. So, we not say to sympathy with Datin Linda, but if she can do the best for us why not if we want to vote her.

  4. Kita tengok nanti siapa yang juara. Tapi memang kita mahukan seorang yang betul-betul boleh menjadi pemimpin. Kita tidak mahu sesuatu yang tidak diingini berlaku. Semoga calon yang berjaya itu adalah yang terbaik pada masa hadapan nanti.

  5. Tidak kira dia itu permpuan atau lelaki yangpenting calon tersebut dapat memimpin dan membantu rakyatnya yang betul-betul memerlukan pertolongan. Boleh meguruskan dan menyelesaikan masalah. Pemimpin yang berkebolehan. Oleh itu jantina bukan penghalang untuk mereka ini menjadi pemimpin kawasan tersebut.

  6. With the presence of 2 opposition party contesting against BN made it difficult for the voters in Batu Sapi to decide. All the voters need to do is votes based on the quality, capability and performance to avoid being in a dilemma situation.

  7. rkyat inginkan pemimpin yang benar2 mampu menjaga kepentingan mereka. rkyat undilah calon yang benar2 boleh membawa kemajuan kepada anda.

  8. Macam mana seorang pemimpin bolih membawa kemajuan jika dia tidak mempunyai kebolehan? Kalau mengundi pemimpin berasaskan simpati maka hancurlah masa depan anak cucu kita kerana pemimpin tersebut akan menjadi pemimpin 'kerbau cucuk hidung' dan akan makan gaji buta saja dan nikmat digelar YB.

    Saya berharap rakyat tidak emosi dalam membuat pilihan.Pilih mereka yang bolih berkhidmat dan bukan setakat nak bina generasi politik keluarga.Jangan pula lain kali anak atau menantu jadi penganti di Batu Sapi.Fikirkan lah.

  9. pengundi perlu memilih calon yang benar-benar layak dan mampu membawa kemajuan kepada mereka.

  10. only the oppositions will see her involvement as 'sympathy votes' while people will see her involvement as she is committed to continuing the work of her husband.

  11. of course, leadership quality, not sympathy lah.

  12. YTL dan Ansari memang mempunyai pengalaman. tapi pengalaman2 itu samada baik atau tidak, cukup untuk membantu mempermudahkan pengundi Batu Sapi untuk membuat pertimbangan samada menerima atau tidak. reputasi mereka hari ini telah dicemari dan dibayangi oleh pengalaman2 lalu mereka. jadi Linda yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman tetapi biasa dengan kerja2 politik tidak wajar dipertikaikan kebolehannya. semua ahli politik yang ada hari ini bermula dari kosong. sebagaimana ahli2 politik yang lain boleh diberikan peluang oleh rakyat, begitu juga halnya dengan Datin Linda.

  13. Too many analysis been made by many peoples. Then the answer will remain the same which is, you would never knew the answer until the by election in batu Sapi ends. So fasten your seat belt and wait for the result on the forth!

  14. kita mahu ahli2 politik kita berkualiti sehingga kita rasa mereka layak mewakili kita atas kebolehan kepimpinan mereka yang berteraskan ilmu dan budi. justeru kita memerlukan watak2 baru yang bernas, matang dan tangkas..

  15. Sesiapa yang menang haruslah diberikan peluang untuk berkhidmat dahulu sebelum kita menolak. Calon ini dipilih oleh rakyat dan diharapkan mereka tidak mengecewakan pengundi.

  16. Besok adalah pilihan raya kecil, semoga ia berjalan lancar, bersih dan adil.


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