Demografi Sabah telah "sengaja" diubah untuk meningkatkan jumlah penduduk Islam di negeri itu, dakwa Pengerusi parti Star, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan hari ini.
Jeffrey mendakwa bahawa proses itu dilakukan untuk menjadikan Sabah negeri majoriti penduduk Islam dan menjustifikasikan kemasukan Umno ke negeri ini.
"Pada 1963, terdapat hanya 4% atau 5% penduduk Melayu di Sabah," katanya sambil menambah bahawa Sabah pernah menjadi negeri majoriti bukan Islam.
"Ini juga merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk mereka berhenti sistem penggiliran (jawatan ketua menteri) dan menguasai Sabah," katanya kepada suruhanjaya siasatan diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang di Sabah.
Jeffrey berkata masalahnya terletak dengan kerajaan kerana beliau mendakwa kerajaan sendiri yang terlibat dalam keseluruhan skim itu.
Katanya, beliau tidak tahu ia idea siapa, tetapi berkata ia pastinya untuk menguasai politik Sabah.
"Sekarang, terdapat lebih ramai Melayu daripada kumpulan lain (di Sabah)," katanya.
Jeffrey berkata, apa yang berlaku adalah satu ancaman kepada kedaulatan dan kemerdekaan negara.
Beliau bertanya siapakah yang bertanggungjawab, dan menurutnya mereka adalah para pemimpin.
Jeffrey berkata ketika beliau melaporkan kehilangan kad pengenalannya di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara pada tahun 1990, beliau diberitahu secara peribadi oleh seorang pegawai bahawa satu "projek" sedang berjalan untuk memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang tanpa izin.
Katanya, pegawai tersebut memberinya satu timbunan tebal dokumen, yang menurut pegawai itu, antaranya, terdapat lebih 60,000 orang telah diberikan IC dalam projek ini.
"(Pegawai itu) berkata ia adalah arahan dari ibupejabat," katanya.
Jeffrey berkata beliau menyerahkan dokumen kepada partinya pada masa itu, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), tetapi tidak membuat susulan kerana beliau ditahan tidak lama selepas itu di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dari 1991 hingga 1994. -MK
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Jeffrey: Demografi Sabah diubah untuk Umno masuk
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Pertambahan pendatang asing yang berganda jumlahnya bukan tidak mungkin dakwaan Jeffrey tidak berasas.
ReplyDeleteISu PATI berlarutan, kini penubuhan RCI adalah tindakan pertama dan harus menanti hasil siasatannya.
ReplyDeleteKesemua ini didakwa adalah tujuan politik untuk mengukuhkan kuasa di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKatanya, pegawai tersebut memberinya satu timbunan tebal dokumen, yang menurut pegawai itu, antaranya, terdapat lebih 60,000 orang telah diberikan IC dalam projek ini.
ReplyDeleteBerasaskan apakah yang golongan 60,000 ini diberi ic?
Banga Melayu di Sabah adalah bangsa majority. Berjaya juga rancangan UMNO untuk mengukuhkan kuasa. Ini juag dakwaan lebih banyak pembangkang terhadap BN.
ReplyDeleteRancangan untuk membawa masuk warga asing supaya menjadi pengundi bukan baru. Aktiviti ini bermula semasa Dr. Mahathir menjadi PM.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey berkata ketika beliau melaporkan kehilangan kad pengenalannya di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara pada tahun 1990, beliau diberitahu secara peribadi oleh seorang pegawai bahawa satu "projek" sedang berjalan untuk memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang tanpa izin.
ReplyDeleteAndaikan kata-kata Jeffrey adalah benar, harus juga Jeffrey mengemukakan bukti atau saksi.
Apakah penjelasan populasi bangsa melayu bertambah secara mendadak dalam masa yang begitu singkat?
ReplyDeleteAnggaplah prjek ic ini benar wujud, apakah buktinya?
ReplyDeleteRCI tidak akan lepaskan mana-mana berkemungkinan untuk mengesan dalang projek ic tersebut.
ReplyDeletetuduhan bahawa Musa terlibat dalam Project IC kepada pendatang asing tanpa izin di Sabah masih dalam penyiasatan RCI
ReplyDeleterasanya dakwaan ke atas Musa ini biarlah berasas dan mempunyai bukti-bukti yang kukuh
ReplyDeletejanganlah semata-mata kerana tuduhan dari pihak pembangkang seperti Dr. Chong kita membuat andaian atau spekulasi yang Musa terlibat dalam hal ini
ReplyDeleteBiarlah ahli panel dari RCI membuat penyiasatan mereka secara terpelinci untuk menentukan pihak mana yang terlibat atau bersalah
ReplyDeletesebelum ada jawapan dari RCI, orang ramai janganlah membuat andaian atau menuduh kerajaan BN Sabah terlibat dalam isu Project IC ini
ReplyDeletein the past, the opposition like Anwar had denied his involvement in "Project IC", but he had named three individuals who he alleged were involved.
ReplyDeletemeanwhile, last month, Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman informed the five-man RCI panel, through his lawyer, that he was not involved in "Project IC".
ReplyDeleteThis came about after a witness, former senator and state assemblyman Dr Chong Eng Leong, told the RCI that Musa chaired the "Project IC" taskforce in 1991 which was designed to register foreigners as Umno members after giving them citizenship.
ReplyDeleteThe BN government, which has controlled Sabah since 1963, has been accused of issuing citizenship and ICs to hundreds of thousands of foreigners in exchange for their votes during elections.
ReplyDeleteinterestingly, the RCI team is keen to know about Anwar's role and involvement in the project.
ReplyDeleteUsaha-usaha pembangunan yang telah dijalankan oleh Yayasan Sabah adalah satu bukti jelas yang menyatakan agensi kerajaan ini bersama melangkah dengan Kerajaan negeri dalam memacu pembangunan kesejahteraan Sabah dan econominya
ReplyDeleteNajib menegaskan hanya Barisan Nasional yang mampu memberi jaminan berhubung soal keselamatan dan kedaulatan negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabah produced RM13.21 billion or 24.7 per cent of the total of RM53.45 billion agricultural output in Malaysia last year
ReplyDeletethe people have no other choice but to support BN under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman for bringing so much development.
ReplyDeletekerajaan BN berjaya membawa kemakmuran menerusi program transformasi yang merupakan pendekatan lebih bermakna berbanding reformasi laungan pembangkang yang tidak membawa apa-apa kemajuan.
ReplyDeleteJefry BODOH lembu.... ko tahu semua permainan umno tapi tak bertindak wajar menyelamatkan Sabah.... ko pentingkan diri sendiri dengan fikiran STAR dungu ko... piiii laaaa.... sepatutnya PRU lalu ada peluang bersama pakatan, kenapa jual mahal.... nasi dah jadi bubur star mankuk temberang...
ReplyDeleteJeffrey memang pemimpin tak boleh diharap..bukan orang tidak tau dia ni jenis yang tiada pendirian tetap.
ReplyDeleteThe western part of Sabah is generally mountainous, containing the three highest mountains in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteThe jungles of Sabah are classified as tropical rainforests and host a diverse array of plant and animal species.
ReplyDeleteMenjelang pembentukan Malaysia pada tahun 1963, kerajaan sementara Borneo Utara telah menyerahkan Perjanjian 20 Perkara kepada kerajaan Malaya sebagai syarat sebelum menyertai Persekutuan.
ReplyDeleteEkonomi negeri Sabah bergantung pada tiga sektor utama iaitu pembuatan, pertanian, pembalakan dan pelancongan. Petroleum dan minyak sawit kekal sebagai dua komoditi yang paling banyak dieksport. Import Sabah paling utama ialah dalam industri automotif, produk petroleum, baja, makanan serta barangan perkilangan.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah dibahagikan kepada 32 kumpulan etnik, di mana hanya 28 diiktiraf sebagai Bumiputera, atau pribumi.
ReplyDeleteJadi pertumbuhan yang dulu2 tu mcmana?
ReplyDeleteJeff ni mo pok fames sija
ReplyDeleteAll along there was a fever
ReplyDeleteDont listen to this guy
ReplyDeleteDing dong someone speaks so loudly
ReplyDeleteJeffrey has kept all his BILLIONS parked in Hong Kong and Virgin Island. Jeffrey now pretends as though he got no more money, ini sendiwara sahaja bah. I know Datuk Joseph Ambrose Lee borrowed RM10 million from Jeffrey and refuse to pay until now. Even Dr Mohan Swamy owes Jeffery RM50 million and now refuse to pay back. Jeffrey should take court action on all these parasites and declare them bankrupt.
ReplyDeletethat’s why JK want to be the next CM of Sabah.. so that he can keep some of the rm40 billion to his own account..
ReplyDeleteFormer Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh did not mention then Sabah Foundation Director, Jeffrey Kitingan, when he pontificated sanctimoniously on the so-called missing RM 4 billion, among other issues, in a tirade against former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in recent days.
ReplyDeleteHarris was apparently taking offence at Mahathir’s statement in Kota Kinabalu, at Universiti Malaysia Sabah last week that “Sabah would be the richest state soon in Malaysia in terms of natural resources”.
ReplyDeleteHowever, everyone in town knows that Harris was referring to Mahathir’s infamous statement that RM 4 billion was “missing” from Sabah Foundation during Jeffrey’s time. Incidentally, it was Harris himself who appointed Jeffrey as Sabah Foundation director. He continued to hold the post when his elder brother, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, became Chief Minister.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey has clarified every time the issue surfaced that the RM 4 billion allegedly missing was the difference between the spot price for timber and the long-term contract price. One cannot sign long-term contracts at spot prices. The Price Water House Audit Report on Sabah Foundation, commissioned by Mahathir, makes no mention that RM 4 billion was missing.
ReplyDeleteUndeterred, what Mahathir did was to take out his little calculator, note the difference between the spot price and contract price, multiply by the tonnage over a period of time and came up with the political statement on the so-called missing RM 4 billion.
ReplyDeleteSo, Harris was right when he alleged on Sat that Mahathir may have been making a political statement on the RM 4 billion “just to pacify and satisfy himself”, no doubt after the audit report failed to uncover any evidence of malpractices or mismanagement. Nothing ever came out of the audit report.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey in a text message to FMT, extrapolating from the RM 4 billion, added that he was the most probed individual during Mahathir’s time. “All the government agencies, Inland Revenue Department, Anti Corruption Agency, Special Branch, were mobilized”. Apparently, the probes came up empty judging by the fact that nothing ever happened after that to Jeffrey, although his text message doesn’t make that clear.
ReplyDeleteThe talk in Sabah — “where there are no secrets” — is whatever happened to Jeffrey “stupendous wealth” even without factoring in the RM 4 billion.
ReplyDeleteThere’s not even one Sabahan, dead or alive, who does not believe that Mahathir took away Jeffrey’s money, all reportedly salted away in locations overseas in numbered accounts, after detaining him under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) for various other reasons.
ReplyDeleteLikewise, it would be difficult to convince Sabahans that Jeffrey never had all the money attributed to him discounting the RM 4 billion, and now nowhere in evidence.
ReplyDeleteIt’s an open secret that Jeffrey was engaged in various businesses as an investor and directly, but under a wide network of nominees, even while he was Sabah Foundation director.
ReplyDeleteMany of these nominees reportedly made off with sizeable portions of his money while he was under ISA detention. But none probably ripped him off to the extent that Mahathir did since it was within his (Mahathir’s) means to do so. This might partly explain a list circulating on the internet, detailing various accounts that the Mahathir family is allegedly maintaining in Israel.
ReplyDeleteOn the nominees themselves, Jeffrey does not seem to harbour any rancor against them, and many of these same people are still in business for themselves especially with the Sabah Foundation.
ReplyDeleteIt would not be surprising if these people are financing Jeffrey’s politics. He can call in many favours. His State Reform Party (Star) certainly does not seem to be short of funds judging from their campaigns underway in Sabah, Sarawak and even in Peninsular Malaysia among voters from the two states. It’s the size of the war chest that seems to attract many willing to chip in and work for the party. Star leaders claim that most of the party’s funds come from contributions from ordinary people.
ReplyDeleteSabahans, putting two and two together, see a definite link between Jeffrey’s great wealth vanishing almost overnight and his detention under the ISA for two-year terms renewed twice.
ReplyDeleteSabah, all Sabahans fume like Harris, has long been a rich state in terms of natural resources but continues to be the poorest state in the country as reported by the World Bank in Kota Kinabalu at the end of 2010.
ReplyDeleteThere are parallels between the descent of Jeffrey and Sabah into poverty, one complete, another continuing.
ReplyDeleteAgain, the difference is that the former has no longer any wealth which one can milk while the latter, his country, continues to bleed to death as Putrajaya and companies in Peninsular Malaysia prey on it like “parasites, leeches and bloodsuckers”, for want of better terms.
ReplyDeleteHarris himself in his Sat statement deplored the fact that Peninsular Malaysian-owned gambling companies operating in Sabah siphon away billions every year. In the process, their unfortunate victims are forced into the clutches and claws of Ah Long, loan sharks, outsiders who have followed these gaming companies to Sabah. These loan sharks are linked to triads and seem to have forged a cosy relationship with local police to bring defaulters to heel.
ReplyDeleteIf these gaming companies were locally-owned, at least the money would remain in the state and circulate within the economy.
ReplyDeleteThe Peninsular Malaysian-owned plantation companies operating in Sabah, including Felda with some 350, 000 hectares, are likewise siphoning away billions every year from the state. Many of them have somehow got their hands on vast hectares of Native land under one pretext or another judging from cases which have so far surfaced in Court.
ReplyDeleteFederal Government and Petronas procurements and contracts in Sabah also go to Peninsular Malaysian-owned companies.
ReplyDeleteThe locals are left with the crumbs by way of minor sub-contracts and smalltime supplies. It seems that the so-called Bumiputera in Peninsular Malaysia can get the same status in Sabah too in defiance of the state constitution.
ReplyDeleteThen, of course, there are the age-old grievances against Petronas and the Federal Government taking 95 per cent of the oil revenue from the inner waters, 100 per cent of such revenue from the outer waters, the Badawi Government giving away Oil Blocks L and M to Brunei and keeping new discoveries in Sabah and total discovered gas and oil reserves in the state so far a highly-guarded state secret.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey has also pointed out that of this year’s National Budget of nearly RM 200 billion, Sabah and Sarawak were allocated — not the same as releasing funds — a measly RM 4 billion each.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, according to Jeffrey on You Tube, the Federal Government collected nearly RM 40 billion last year in income tax, customs duties and other revenue alone — excluding oil and gas — from Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHence, the war cry among Sabahans that they have been internally colonised on the revenue front besides in other areas.
ReplyDeleteKOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Najib yesterday said he was delighted to see the close working relationship between the Federal Government and Sabah State Government under Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman’s able leadership.
ReplyDeleteHe said the relationship has been facilitated by the recently established Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA), which is also under Musa’s leadership.
ReplyDeleteSEDIA was in fact wholly funded by the Federal Government from an allocation of the Prime Minister’s Department, and the arrangement was already producing remarkable results – as can be seen from the efficient implementation of the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) projects, the outcome of the Corridors and Regional Cities Lab, and the implementation of schemes the Public-Private Partnership Programme, he said when handing over the Letters of Offer for the facilitation fund for three projects to Musa after officially launching the SDC Open Day: Corridors and Regional Cities Programme here yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe total of RM459.2 million facilitation fund from the Federal Government is for six development projects in Sabah under the Public-Private Partnership projects in the SDC.
ReplyDeleteThe projects are Sipadan Mangrove Resort inTawau, the Geothermal Power Plant in Tawau, the International Technology and Convention Centre (ITCC) in Penampang, the Integrated Jesselton Waterfront and Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC), Gleneagles Medical Centre in the state capital and the Dalit Bay Integrated Tourism Resort in Tuaran.
ReplyDelete“I know Sabah has been one of the most active states in bidding for facilitation funds under this programme, and four projects – Tawau Green Energy, Sipadan Mangrove Resort, the International Technology and Convention Centre and Sabah International Convention Centre – have received funding to date,” Najib said.
ReplyDelete“With all the measures being implemented by the State and Federal governments, I have no doubt that Sabah and the entire Malaysian nation will be able not only to weather this global economic storm but to emerge from it even stronger
ReplyDelete“I therefore urge everyone in Sabah to show their undivided support for the important work that we are doing and allow us to continue with the enormous task of transforming the state and national economies.
ReplyDeleteSome people, especially opposition members are harping on an old subject - the autonomy of Sabah in the Malaysian context.
ReplyDeleteBut to my mind, this question of Sabah's autonomy is all in the mind of those asking for it.
ReplyDeleteFor since the very beginning, Sabah to me, was never an autonomous State - meaning never a self governing State.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib, is correct when he said this issue is raised by the opposition for a political agenda with the coming general election in mind.
ReplyDeleteIt showed on top the Federation of Malaysia with 159 Federal Parliamentary seats (at the time of formation of Malaysia) and the Federation of Malaysia consisting of Sabah (16 seats) Sarawak (24 seats) Singapore (15 seats) and Federation of Malaya (104 seats).
ReplyDeleteThe Federation of Malaya consisted of the nine Sultanates and two Straits Settlements of Malacca and Penang.
ReplyDeleteEach of the four component members was supposed to have its own parliament (or Assembly) but in actual fact, the Federation of Malaya had ceased to exist and instead, the Federation of Malaysia's parliament (consisting of 104 from Malaya, 16 from Sabah, 24 from Sarawak and 15 from Singapore,) took over.
ReplyDeleteSabah, Sarawak and Singapore have their own State parliament (Assemblies) and whereas Sabah and Sarawak co-opted to call their Chief Executive, Chief Ministers, Singapore on the other hand called its Chief Executive, Prime Minister.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the 11 States in the Federation of Malaya (9 Sultanates and 2 Straits Settlements) have an Executive Council system with the nine Sultanates co-opting to call its Chief Executive, Mentri Besar and the two Straits Settlements of Penang and Malacca have Chief Minister respectively.
ReplyDeleteSabah and Sarawak then have a Cabinet ministerial system of governance.
ReplyDeleteBut the question is, were, or are they self-governing in the way that Singapore was self-governing?
Or are they autonomous States?
Let us look at the historical records in the matter of the governance of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteFrom the very beginning, that is to say, from 1963 to 1964, during the Administration of Tun Stephens, the influence of the Federal leaders, especially the Prime Minister, was already very clear.
There were three crises that occurred during Tun Stephens' administration and each time the Sabah Alliance leaders went to see the Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, to seek his advice and assistance to pacify the quarreling factions.
ReplyDeletePerdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menegaskan Sabah akan terus dipertahankan sebagai sebuah negeri di dalam Malaysia dan tiada pihak yang patut mempertikai kedudukan mutlak itu.
ReplyDelete“Soal Sabah dalam Malaysia tidak patut dipertikaikan oleh sesiapa.
ReplyDelete“Jangan sesiapa memandang iltizam Malaysia bahawa Sabah adalah wilayah dalam Malaysia selama-lamanya. Tiada siapa yang boleh pertikaikan (sama ada) dari dalam dan luar negara.
ReplyDelete“Kita akan pertahankan prinsip (Sabah di bawah Malaysia) dan hakikat ini secara mutlak,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas meninjau dan mendengar taklimat Op Daulat di Felda Sahabat 16, Felda Sahabat, dekat sini Khamis.
ReplyDeleteTurut hadir pada sidang akhbar itu ialah Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman dan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
ReplyDeleteNajib berkata soal hak milik Sabah dalam Malaysia tidak sepatutnya berbangkit kerana perkara itu telah termaktub dalam perundangan negara.
ReplyDelete“Saya ingin tegaskan soal polemik sama ada Sabah sebahagian Malaysia.. bahawa isu itu telah dimuktamadkan sejak 1878 dan Sabah merupakan wilayah yang sah di Malaysia,” katanya.
ReplyDeleteMalah beliau berkata Suruhanjaya Cobbold telah mendapatkan pungutan suara rakyat Sabah dan dua pertiga daripada rakyat negeri ini bersetuju menjadikan wilayah berkenaan sebahagian dari Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteJusteru Sabah akan terus kekal menjadi sebahagian daripada Malaysia selama-lamanya, katanya.
PAndai2 saja si Jefrey ini mengarut, diubah konon, kalau diubah untukl kebaikan apa salahnya.... rakyat Sabah tetap menyokong kerajaan dari dulu sampai sekarang, di Sabah tiada berlaku perhimpunan haram membantah kerajaan sedia ada.... bagi saya tindakan si Jefrey membuat kenyataan seperti ini hanya untuk kepentingan dirinya.... katak tatap katap sampai bila2!
ReplyDeleteJefrey Kitingan Says:
ReplyDeleteDemografi Sabah telah "sengaja" diubah untuk meningkatkan jumlah penduduk Islam di negeri itu, dakwa Pengerusi parti Star, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan hari ini.
*Kenyataan si Jefrey ini sangat racist, bagimana rakyat berbilang kaum mahu mengundinya jika perangainya yang racist ini maih membuak dalam dirinya.
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDelete"Pada 1963, terdapat hanya 4% atau 5% penduduk Melayu di Sabah," katanya sambil menambah bahawa Sabah pernah menjadi negeri majoriti bukan Islam.
*sekarangkan Sabah masih majoriti rakyatnya beragama ISLAM, jangan timbulkan perbalahan kaum di Sabah ini wahai Jefrey, sebelum majoroti rakyat Sabah menghalau anda.
Jefrey says:
ReplyDelete"Ini juga merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk mereka berhenti sistem penggiliran (jawatan ketua menteri) dan menguasai Sabah," katanya kepada suruhanjaya siasatan diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang di Sabah.
*Semasa pengiliran ketua menteri berlaku, keadaan di Sabah ni menjadi teruk kerana saling bertukar-tukar ketua menteri, kemajuan Sabah pun tidak konsistent, & terbukti secara jelas, apabila pada pentadbiran Musa kemajuan di Sabah ini dapat dirasai secara konsistent, & kadar kemiskinan pun menurun secara drastik.
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDeleteJeffrey berkata masalahnya terletak dengan kerajaan kerana beliau mendakwa kerajaan sendiri yang terlibat dalam keseluruhan skim itu.
Katanya, beliau tidak tahu ia idea siapa, tetapi berkata ia pastinya untuk menguasai politik Sabah.
*Lihatlah kenyataan si Jefrey ini, dia sendiri pun tidak tahu idea ini dari siapa... ketaralah dia ni penipu, & kenyataannya ini hanyalah imaginasi yang datang dari hatinya yang busuk, & tamak mahu menguasai Sabah.
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDelete"Sekarang, terdapat lebih ramai Melayu daripada kumpulan lain (di Sabah)," katanya.
Jeffrey berkata, apa yang berlaku adalah satu ancaman kepada kedaulatan dan kemerdekaan negara.
*Jefrrey hanya bercakap kosong disini, manakah buktinya yang menunjukkan statistik begini?
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDeleteBeliau bertanya siapakah yang bertanggungjawab, dan menurutnya mereka adalah para pemimpin.
*Para pemimpin? Siapakah para pemimpin itu? Sila sebut satu nama wahai Jefrey yang penipu.
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDeleteJeffrey berkata ketika beliau melaporkan kehilangan kad pengenalannya di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara pada tahun 1990, beliau diberitahu secara peribadi oleh seorang pegawai bahawa satu "projek" sedang berjalan untuk memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang tanpa izin.
*Pada tahun 1990?!!! kenapa Jefrey tidak membawa pegawai tersebut ke bali polis membuat keterangan?? Dia kan keluaran Harvard... itu pun mau ajar ka? ketara la si Jefrey ni banyak menipu... wahai Sabahan, adalah lebih baik kita menjauhkan diri daripada pemimpin penipu seperti ini.
Jefrey Say:
ReplyDeleteKatanya, pegawai tersebut memberinya satu timbunan tebal dokumen, yang menurut pegawai itu, antaranya, terdapat lebih 60,000 orang telah diberikan IC dalam projek ini.
*mana timbunan fail itu wahai Jefrey?? mana? Cakap saja memang senang.
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDelete"(Pegawai itu) berkata ia adalah arahan dari ibupejabat," katanya. (Pasal arahan projek i.c la ni.
*Kalau Jefrey beranai, sila sebutkan nama individu yang terlibat, jangan jual temberang sana, cakap memang senang, tapi bukti mana?
Jefrey Says:
ReplyDeleteJeffrey berkata beliau menyerahkan dokumen kepada partinya pada masa itu, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), tetapi tidak membuat susulan kerana beliau ditahan tidak lama selepas itu di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dari 1991 hingga 1994.
*sekarang jefrey membuang salah itu kepada PBS pula, betul2 penfitnah no. 1 Sabah.
Begitu banyak bukti Jefrey 'CAKAP' dalam statement ini, tapi kenapa baru sekarang dia bersuara? Semasa dia dalam PBRS, & PKR... kenapa dia diam? Ketaralah dia hanya mahukan publisiti murahan.
ReplyDeleteRonald Kiandee menyifatkan kenyataan Pengerusi Star Sabah, Datuk Jeffry Kitingan bahawa Keningau akan dijadikan pusat Pentadbiran Negeri Sabah sekiranya parti itu diberi mandat oleh rakyat pada PRU 13 sebagai angan-angan 'Mat Jenin'.
ReplyDeleteKenyataan Jeffry itu disifatkan sebagai angan-angan Mat Jenin kerana mustahil daerah sekecil itu boleh jadikan pusat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri. Jefrry sebenar terlalu berangan-angan tinggi yang tidak boleh diterima akal, mungkin sudah ketandusan idea.
ReplyDeletesama juga cita-cita Jeffrey untuk mengalahkan abangnya Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan di kerusi Parlimen Keningau pada PRU-13.
ReplyDeleteSejak kebelakangan ini, ternyata Star Sabah terutama Jeffrey terdesak untuk meraih simpati undi hingga terpaksa menabur janji yang tidak munasabah. Ini berikutan sambutan rakyat Sabah kepada parti pembangkang yang kini berkurangan.
ReplyDeleteRonald menyifatkan Jeffrey membuat kenyataan itu bagi meningkatkan harapannya untuk memenang kerusi Parlimen Keningau dan kerusi DUN Bingkor pada PRU-13.
ReplyDeletekenyataan untuk mengalihkan pusat pentadbiran negeri ke Keningau akan menyebabkan pembangunan dialihkan ke daerah tersebut dan ini akan mengurangkan peruntukan bagi kawasan lain termasuk Beluran.
ReplyDeletemungkin nanti akan ada pemimpin yang menyokong parti pembangkang menjanjikan ibu negeri Sabah dialihkan ke daerah lain semata-mata untuk meraih pengaruh politik mereka di kawasan itu.
ReplyDeleteKita harus mengambil iktibar apa yang berlaku di negeri Selangor apabila janji kerajaan pembangkang Selangor yang mahu memberi RM100 sebulan untuk ibu tunggal tidak ditunaikan sehingga menyebabkan lebih 2,000 ibu tunggal di sana terpaksa mengemukakan saman pada kerajaan PKR Selangor itu.
ReplyDeleteKita tabur janji untuk ditepati sebab itu BN tidak menjanjikan bulan dan bintang semata-mata untuk meraih undi rakyat.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey tiada pendirian dalam politik.apa yang difikirkan beliau hanya keuntungan diri sendiri.