Saturday, April 20, 2013

Panas : Mengapa PAS, PKR bertembung di 7 kerusi

PKR dan PAS akan berentap antara satu sama lain di enam kerusi - sebuah Parlimen dan lima DUN - dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 pada 5 Mei depan.

Kerusi Parlimen tersebut ialah Labuan, manakala enam kerusi DUN itu ialah Sungai Acheh di Pulau Pinang, Kota Damansara (Selangor), Panti (Johor) serta tiga lagi DUN di Terengganu - Kota Putera, Bukit Besi, Seberang Takir.

Di Labuan, PKR mencalonkan Ibrahim Menudin manakala PAS meletakkan Hadnan Mohamad.

Mereka akan berdepan dengan pendatang baru Rosman Isli dari Umno. Pada 2008, kerusi itu dimenangi oleh Yusof Mahal dari Umno dengan majoriti yang besar.

Star Online melaporkan Ibrahim sebagai berkata tiada kompromi dan mereka akan berentap antara satu sama lain.

Katanya, mereka tidak boleh menarik diri kerana sudah memfailkan kertas pencalonan dan jika berbuat demikian, akan hilang wang deposit.

Ibrahim, merupakan salah seorang rekrut baru PKR dengan latar belakang korporat, yang juga bertanding kerusi DUN Bongowan di bawah Parlimen Kimanis.

Di Pulau Pinang, PKR dan PAS akan bertembung di Sungai Acheh.

NONEPKR meletakkan Badrul Hisham Shaharin (kiri) yang lebih dikenali sebagai ChuguBard manakala PAS meletakkan Mohd Yusni Mat Piah.

Kerusi itu disandang oleh Mahmud Zakaria dari Umno, yang menang pada 2008 dengan majoriti nipis 250 undi.

di Kota Putera, Adam Mat Said (PAS) dan Mohamed Abdul Ghani Ibrahim (PKR) akan berdepan dengan Mohd Mahdi Musa (BN).

Di Bukit Besi pula, PAS dan PKR turut meletakkan calon masing-masing iaitu Roslan Islam (PAS) dan Mohd Shamsul Mat Amin (PKR). Mereka akan berdepan dengan calon BN, Roslee Daud.

Kerusi Kota Damansara pula akan ditandingi enam calon, termasuk dari PAS dan PKR. Mereka ialah Ridzuan Ismail (PAS), Halimaton Saadiah Bohan (BN), Mohd Nasir Hashim (PKR-penyandang), Halmi Omar (Bebas), Edros Abdullah (Bebas) dan Suppiah a/l Anandan (Bebas).

PAS mesyuarat Isnin ini

Sementara itu, Penolong Setiausaha Agung PAS Ahmad Sabki Yusof berkata, Jawatankuasa Harian Pusat parti itu akan mengadakan mesyuarat khas Isnin ini untuk membuat keputusan berhubung pertindihan calonnya dengan PKR.

"Sehubungan dengan itu, semua ahli dan penyokong PAS dan Pakatan diminta bersabar sehingga keputusan dicapai oleh pucuk pimpinan tertinggi PAS Isnin ini," katanya dalam kenyataannya petang ini

Badrul Hisham Shaharin (PKR)
Mohd Yusni Mat Piah (PAS)
Datuk Mahmud Zakaria (BN)

Ridzuan Ismail (PAS)
Mohd Nasir Hashim (PKR)
Halimaton Saadiah Bohan (BN)
Halmi Omar (Bebas)
Edros Abdullah (Bebas)
Suppiah Anandan (Bebas)

Rosman Isli (BN)
Tan Sri Ibrahim Menudin (PKR)
Hadnan Mohamad (PAS)

Azlisham Azahar (PAS)
Datuk Baderi Dasuki (BN)
Mohd Annuar Mohd Salleh (PKR)

Datuk Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman (BN)
Zakaria Dagang (PAS)
Ahmad Nazri Mohd Yusof (PKR)

Mohd Mahdi Musa (BN)
Adam Mat Said (PAS)
Mohamed Abdul Ghani Ibrahim (PKR)

Roslan Ismail (PAS)
Roslee Daud (BN)
Mohd Shamsul Mat Amin (PKR)

Write comments
  1. Pertembungan calon-calon PAS dan PKR dalam melawan calon BN membuktikan bahawa PAKATAN pembangkang sebenarnya tiada ikatan kukuh.. Yang ada hanya kerakusan parti PAS dan PKR untuk merebut kerusi itu. Apa pn tindakan mereka ini sangat menguntungkan BN.

  2. Relax... usaha sampai saat akhir menemui jalan buntu.. sume merasakan merekalah pemimpin utk rakyat.. alasannya mudah.. ni demokrasi.. jika tak bertanding.. takut penyokong kecewa....jadi pada korang so call pemimpin.. aku pernah cakap sebelum ni.. dan akan cakap sekali lagi..jika berebut utk jadi pemimpin.. tu belum layak dipanggil pemimpin.. cuba nasib PR lebih baik... hanya 7 saja sedangkan UMNO 29 org ahlinya bertanding sebagai calon bebas..


  4. Sepatutnya perkara seperti ini tidak berlaku.Apa sudah jadi antara pas dan pkr ni?.Kalau benar2 nak tumbangkan UMNO/BN, salah seorang harus mengalah dan adakan perbincangan sebelum menawarkan diri menjadi calon.Ingat.... setiap pemimpin akan ditanya oleh ALLAH SWT pada hari akhirat nanti. Jangan kerana kuasa yang ada kita berebut nak jadi calon tapi tak tunaikan tanggungjawab.Kalau macam ni perangai pemimpin, kamu belum layak dikatakan pemimpin untuk rakyat yang dahagakan perubahan.

  5. Dengan ini saya istiharkan BN sudah menang di 7 kerusi. keputusan terkini, BN 7 PR 0. nah itulah dia. kepada calon PR, toksalah kempen2 buang duit saja. gerenti korang kalah bah. indada visi dalam PR. visi mau jadi YB saja. kalau beginilah jadinya, PR di sabah gerenti melingkup. o ya lupa pula kerusi parlimen Tuaran saya istiharkan BN adalah pemenang. sebabnya, silap susun kad. pai ulung Lap Pia Sun. jadi sekarang BN 8 PR 0 haha lain kali lahhh

  6. eh bukan.. Lap Sun Pia ahahahah

  7. Jangan percaya dengan janji PAKATAN. Mereka telah berpeluang mentadbir di Selangor, Kelantan, Pulau Pinang dan Kedah tapi merteka gagal menunaikan janji mereka sehingga pemimpin nya berkata MANIFESTO bukan JANJI. Bukan kah itu satu bentuk penipuan kepada rakyat yang telah mengundi mereka. Tidak mustahil orang Sabah juga akan tertipu sama seperti orang di Selangor,Kelantan, P.Pinang dan Kedah kalau memilih PAKATAN. Jangan diperbodohkan oleh PKR. Tunjukkan kebijaksanaan dan kematangan berpolitik kita Orang Sabah denga menolak PKR, DAP, dan PAS. BN (UMNO/PBS/UPKO) terbaiiiiikk bro.


  9. Pertembungan calon sekutu pembangkang iaitu PKR dan PAS di tiga Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) di Terengganu dijangka memberi kelebihan kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) sekali gus menyerlahkan lagi keretakan pakatan itu. Seperti yang telah dijangka sebelum ini PAS menyaksikan pertembungan dengan PKR di tiga kerusi Dun iaitu Bukit Besi, Seberang Takir dan Kota Putera.

  10. pertembungan itu bukanlah ancaman kepada BN kerana pengundi juga boleh melihat dan menilai sendiri untuk membuat pilihan terbaik pada proses pembuangan undi nanti sekali gus menggambarkan pakatan pembangkang itu tidak sehaluan.

  11. Sementara itu calon PKR Ahmad Nazri berkata dia hanya mengikut amanah yang diwakilkan pemimpin pusat PKR untuk bertanding di kawasan itu. "Saya mengetahui perkara ini tiga hari lalu dan saya terima dan bersedia untuk memikul amanah daripada parti yang tetap menginginkan wakil PKR di DUN itu (Seberang Takir)," katanya.

  12. Calon PKR Kota Putera Dr Mohamed Abdul Ghani Ibrahim ketika ditemui berkata penyertaannya sebagai calon sesuai dengan ketetapan Majlis Presiden Pakatan yang memutuskan kawasan Kota Putera diperuntukkan kepada PKR untuk pilihan raya kali ini. "Saya hanya mengikut kemahuan PKR Pusat yang mahukan supaya calon PKR meneruskan ketetapan supaya PKR bertanding di Kota Putera bagi meneruskan dasar-dasar yang ditetapkan," katanya.

  13. Sementara itu di Dungun, calon PKR Bukit Besi Mohd Shamsul Mat Amin pula ketika ditemui pemberita menegaskan beliau adalah calon yang menerima watikah pelantikan daripada Presiden PKR Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan akan terus berjuang bagi memastikan kemenangan parti itu.

  14. Ditanya mengenai tindakan PAS yang turut meletakkan calon di Dun Bukit Besi yang akan menggugat sokongan pengundi untuk PKR, beliau berkata: "Pusat dah bagi amanah pada saya, ini untuk parti, bukan peribadi". Calon PAS Bukit Besi Roslan Ismail pula menegaskan pencalonannya itu adalah sebagai 'back-up' bagi memastikan tidak semua undi pergi kepada BN.

  15. Sementara itu calon muslimah tunggal PAS untuk Dun Kuala Besut Napisah Ismail, 53, berkata beliau berasa yakin dengan sokongan padu dan kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh pemimpin atasan PAS Terengganu untuk membolehkannya melakukan kejutan. "Saya tidak rendah diri sebagai seorang wanita tetapi dengan semangat saya dalam PAS sejak 1997, saya yakin kemenangan akan berpihak kepada kami," katanya.

  16. Pertembungan PKR dan Pas di Parlimen Labuan dan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Acheh pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 memberi isyarat bahawa tiada kata sepakat dalam pakatan pembangkang. Di Parlimen Labuan, calon PKR, Tan Sri Ibrahim Menudin dan calon Pas, Hadnan Mohamad sama-sama mendaftarkan diri menjadi calon menentang Rosman Isli dari Barisan Nasional (BN).

  17. Krisis dalaman dan perebutan kerusi antara parti-parti pakatan pembangkang semakin parah sehingga menyebabkan berlakunya pertembungan sesama sendiri pada Pilihan raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) kali ini.

  18. Malah pakatan pembangkang yang dianggotai Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), DAP dan PAS turut berhadapan dengan pertelingkahan berpunca daripada ketiadaan sikap bersatu hati, tamak, serta keghairahan bertanding.

  19. Tanpa memikirkan risiko serta masa depan, parti pembangkang yang selalu melaungkan kononnya mereka mempunyai persefahaman kukuh, perbalahan berterusan ini sudah pasti akan menjejaskan jumlah undi serta peluang untuk menawan kerusi yang ditandingi.

  20. Laporan media mengenai konflik di kalangan parti komponen pakatan pembangkang sememangnya tidak dapat disangkal lagi oleh pimpinan-pimpinan mereka, sekali gus menggambarkan kesemua ahli pakatan pembangkang bersifat gila kuasa.

  21. Pertembungan enam penjuru di kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kota Damansara, Selangor, melibatkan calon BN Halimathon Saadiah Bohan, dan dua calon pakatan pembangkang iaitu calon PKR Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim dan Ridzuah Ismail (PAS), dan tiga calon Bebas. Pada PRU12, Dr Mohd Nasir, pemimpin Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) yang bertanding atas tiket PKR mengalahkan calon BN Zein Isma Ismail dengan majoriti 1,075 undi.

  22. Di Parlimen Labuan pula, berlaku pertembungan tiga penjuru di kerusi melibatkan calon muka baharu BN, Rosman Isli dan dua calon pakatan pembangkang iaitu calon PKR Tan Sri Ibrahim Menudin dan Hadnan Mohamad (PAS).

  23. Tindakan Pas dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak berganjak dengan keputusan masing-masing untuk bertembung antara satu sama lain dalam pilihan raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13) menunjukkan kedua-dua parti itu gagal menterjemahkan kesepakatan yang mereka laung-laungkan selama ini.

  24. Berbanding pertembungan di lain-lain kerusi DUN, pertembungan membabitkan Pas dan PKR di DUN Sungai Acheh dijangka menarik kerana ia bakal menentukan percaturan PKR untuk cuba mengetengahkan calonnya Badrul Hisham Shaharin atau Chugu Bard. Menariknya, kerusi ini di menangi oleh UMNO pada 2008 dengan majoriti tipis sebanyak 250 undi. Pertembungan tiga penjuru di kawasan itu bukan sahaja bakal menyaksikan berlakunya perpecahan undi malah menjadikan peluang ketiga-tiga calon bertanding semakin terbuka.

  25. Kemenangan tipis calon BN di kawasan ini mungkin menjadi antara sebab mengapa Pas dan PKR tidak berganjak dengan pendirian mereka dan enggan mengalah kerana masing-masing merasakan lebih berpengaruh dan berpeluang untuk menumbangkan calon BN dari UMNO terutama di kawasan-kawasan yang mempunyai pengundi majoriti Melayu.

  26. Undi Melayu dianggap cukup kritikal pada pilihan raya kali ini dan disebabkan keyakinan mereka untuk mendapatkan sokongan pengundi Melayu, pertembungan antara dua sekutu itu menjadi satu petunjuk jelas bahawa kedua-dua parti sanggup membelakangkan kesepakatan mereka untuk mencapai matlamat dan kepentingan masing-masing.

  27. Lebih memilukan lagi, pertembungan PKR dan PAS berlaku di negeri Presiden PAS dan negeri Penasihat PKR. Mana perginya kebijaksanaan, wibawa dan ketokohan kedua-dua pimpinan ini, sehingga mereka gagal menangani kudis yang bakal merosakkan agenda menjatuhkan BN di seluruh negara. Saya menyeru agar kedua-dua pimpinan tersebut menyelesaikan segera isu ini, dan jika gagal,kedua-duanya wajar meletakkan jawatan, demi menunjukkan pertanggungjawaban yang tinggi dan demi menunjukkan contoh terpuji bagi diteladani oleh semua pimpinan PR selepas ini.

  28. ini menunjukkan PAS dan PKR tak sefahaman. huhuhu

  29. Najib Abdul Razak said the opposition parties, which purportedly claim to have formed a people’s pact, have actually failed to reach a consensus and are in fact contesting each other in several constituencies in the 13th general election on May 5.

    The Prime Minister said if they could not even reach a consensus on the seat allocation, “what more when running the administration of the country.”

  30. “The opposition pact is not a coalition that can ensure the future of the country and people. They are not a large coalition, nor a united front or adopting a common philosophy.

    “Our country will be doomed if we give our trust to the opposition,” he said in his speech when officiating the the housing project “Sentuhan Kasih Felda”, at Felda Chini Timur 2.

  31. Najib said the rakyat must be wise in evaluating the opposition pact because they had not done anything at all for the people.

    ‘BN doesn’t have such problems’

  32. If the people aspired for changes, the BN government had actually implemented many changes for the wellbeing of the rakyat, he said.

    “BN too want changes, changes from within. The BN government shows that the changes and transformations are made from within, it does not necessarily mean changing the government, but our future that will change (through the BN government’s transformation programmes),” he said.

  33. During nomination of candidates yesterday, the PAS and PKR candidates were facing each other in the parliamentary constituency of Labuan and six state constituency seats, namely Panti (Johor), Sg Acheh (Penang), Kota Damansara (Selangor), Bukit Besi, Kota Putera and Seberang Takir(Terengganu).

    For the BN, which is an alliance of 13 political parties, the problem of seat allocations had been resolved in the best manner without any duplication.

  34. Only a handful of the members of the component political parties have left the coalition and contested as independent candidates, including veteran members who refused to make way for new faces.

  35. Among those who had left to contest as independent candidates were former Tasek Gelugor Member of Parliament (MP) Shariff Omar who is contesting the same seat, former State Exco member Fadzil Hanafi who is contesting the Alor Mengkudu state seat and former Wanita Umno national vice-head Kamilia Ibrahim who is contesting the Kuala Kangsar Parliamentary seat.

  36. Many members of the opposition pact had also left the coalition to become independent candidates, including incumbent MPs and State Assemblymen who were not happy that they were not renominated.

  37. Two of them were DAP members, namely Jenice Lee Ying Ha who is the incumbent assemblyperson for Teratai and the incumbent MP for Kota Melaka, Sim Tong Him.

  38. On Felda, Najib said the BN government would adopt a more systematic approach to bring significant changes to the settlers in the country, where under the second phase for the next 50 years, it would focus on efforts to turn Felda into an organisation of international standard.

  39. kita dalam pakatan matlamat kita untuk menumbangkan janganlah ada pertandinga sesama sendiri....ingat matlamat utama kita....ubah dan tumbangkan bn demi kesejahteraan rakyat.....

  40. Comical and shocking incidents punctuating the nomination day of the 13th general election yesterday which revolved around a handful of disgruntled party members, who joined the fray as Independent candidates, have somewhat tarnished the image of the Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

  41. But between the two, the PR was more affected as the tussles for seats were not only among party members, but also among component parties, thus raising the question on the cohesiveness of the opposition pact.

  42. The clash among opposition component parties will set voters into thinking to what extent the opposition can reach an agreement on bigger and more pressing issues like the national administration?

  43. What is the rationale behind the contest between PAS and the PKR in seven constituencies, namely the Labuan parliamentary seat and six state seats – Panti (Johor), Sungai Acheh (Penang), Kota Damansara (Selangor), Bukit Besi, Kota Putera and Seberang Takir (Terengganu)?

  44. On the other hand, there was no overlapping of candidates among 14 component parties of the BN, the successor of Perikatan or Alliance

  45. Just like the opposition, the BN is also saddled with a handful of disgruntled members who had chosen to break ranks and contested as Independents.

  46. According to political observers, they could be driven by the thought that they could tilt the balance or contribute to the formation of a new government after the polls, which are expected to be the toughest ever.

  47. Among them are Umno veterans, namely two-term deputy minister and Penang former deputy chief minister Datuk Seri Shariff Omar, who is vying for the Tasek Gelugor parliamentary seat, and former Wanita Umno vice-chief Datuk Kamila Ibrahim who had turned down an offer to contest the Bukit Chandan state seat on a BN ticket to contest the Kuala Kangsar parliamentary seat as an Independent.

  48. Former Sungai Dua assemblyman and former Kedah state executive councillor Fadzil Hanafi of Umno is staking his claim for the Alor Mengkudu state seat as an Independent. And so is incumbent Janice Lee Ying Ha who is defending the Teratai state seat as an Independent.

  49. In an unprecedented move, DAP stalwart Sim Tong Him who is defending the Kota Melaka parliamentary seat on a DAP ticket is also vying for the Kota Laksamana state seat as an Independent against a candidate from his own party.

  50. BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who seems unperturbed over the phenomenon of disgruntled party members standing as Independents, however drew voters attention on overlapping of opposition candidates in a number of seats.

  51. Speaking when opening the “Sentuhan Kasih Felda” in Felda Chini Timur 2, Pahang, he asked voters to ponder whether the PR could run the government together when it could not even come to terms in the allocation of seats.

  52. For Najib, the PR was not an alliance which could ensure the future of the country and the people for it was not a big coalition and not united under one philosophy or political ideology.

  53. Although the opposition-led Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor remained intact after the 12th general election, they were often in conflict over issues like the sale of alcoholic drinks by Muslim workers in Selangor, female hairdressers attending to male customers in Kelantan, and dress code for artists and billboards in Kedah.

  54. But a fundamental policy difference which will test the integrity of the pact between the DAP as a socialist party and PAS as a so-called Islamic party involves the implementation of Hudud (Islamic criminal law) and an Islamic state.

  55. More often than not, PR component party leaders have often stressed that they were united in their resolve to topple the BN government, and agreed to put aside their policy differences for now.

    “But have they reached an agreement over the Islamic state issue?

  56. DAP chairman Karpal Singh balked at the implementation of the Hudud law by retorting “over my dead body” yesterday, thus reaffirmed his party’s stand on the issue.

  57. PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang no longer echoed the implementation of the Islamic law, instead chanted the “Welfare State” slogan with some party members interpreting it to be similar to the Islamic state objective.

  58. DAP secretary-general Lim Guang Eng and PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had said that PAS leaders agreed on the use of the word “Allah” for God in the Malay-version of the Bible, but some PAS members had refused to accept it.

  59. Hebat...dimaklumkan bahawa Pakatan Rakyat akan menang percuma setidak-tidaknya 7 kerusi parlimen dan 22 kerusi DUN selepas proses penamaan calon besok selesai.

  60. Malah sudah hampir pasti, 1 kerusi DUN di Negeri Sembilan akan dimenangi Pakatan Rakyat secara percuma..

  61. ...setelah calon yang dipertandingkan di kawasan tersebut mengubah fikiran pada saat-saat akhir dan mahu menarik diri.

  62. Menurut situasi semasa yang dimaklumkan, BN terdesak untuk mencari calon yang sesuai bagi menggantikannya.

  63. Political parties should not resort to create a chaotic situation that can pose a threat to the people’s safety and the country’s security...

  64. The negative culture such as this if not checked and corrected could bring adverse implications to the thinking of the people not only in government and people relations but also among members of the community.


  65. The culture practised by the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is a culture of protecting and assisting the people as well as developing the country while the opposition plants negative

  66. They tell the people that it is the responsibility of the government to build roads, public amenities and manage the economy. So the people need not feel obligated. In that case even our children in future would also not be grateful to their parents. This would lead to the breakdown of our social fabric.

  67. Apart from teaching the people to be ungrateful, the opposition also breed other negative culture such as not servicing loans and to be bold in making empty promises.

  68. Umno Information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan has cautioned the people of Sabah not to fall prey to the psychological warfare of the opposition pact which he said was spreading the word that more Sabah Barisan Nasional leaders would defect.

  69. He said the opposition was resorting to psychological warfare because they were feeling threatened by BN's rise.

  70. The defection of more Sabah BN leaders, to join former Umno supreme council member Datuk Lajim Ukin and former United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) deputy president Datuk Wilfred Bumburing, would not happen, he said.


  71. BN is confident that Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman can handle the situation in Sabah and Sabah Umno and BN are strong."


  72. Ahmad, who is a deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department, said Sabah remained a BN stronghold.

  73. Talk that the BN will lose in the peninsula and Sarawak, and that the people of Sabah should go with what happens there is all a daydream.


  74. It is all intended by the opposition to realise their dream of administrating the country. But they are mistaken if they think that the BN, with its 13 component parties, will remain silent.

  75. Ahmad assured them that BN will defend Putrajaya, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur and all other seats. We will also strive to recapture seats lost (in the last election). Do not be taken in by their psywar.

  76. Ahmad said the four states -- Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor -- under opposition rule were in disarray in various aspects.

  77. He said the general election would be called at a suitable time by the prime minister. He added that as the prime minister and deputy prime minister had said that because the next general election would be exceptional, as such, it would demand exceptional efforts.

  78. Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Minister of Industrial Development has assured a group of local entrepreneurs engaged in small and medium industries (SMIs) in various parts of Sabah that his ministry would give them all the necessary support and assistance for their further development and growth.

  79. each member of the IKS delegation was given a chance to give an account on how their enterprises have grown and to highlight areas for which further assistance their respective SME needed from the ministry for further growth.

  80. The minister said the proposed SME village at KKIP would be ideal for his purpose.
    Ang told the minister that his ‘Anita Fragrance’ products are well accepted by the China market and related how an importer from China sent a ship to fetch his products from the Sepanggar port near KKIP.


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