SABAH'S Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Director of Communications, Ronnie Klassen along with the Party Bureau Chief for National Integration, Dr.Chong En Leong, yesterday lodged a Police report against UMNO Kota Kinabalu member, Datu Akjan Datu Ali Muhammad an ex-ISA detainee, in his recent installation as the Sultan Of Sulu.
In a ceremony befitting royalty on Malaysian soil, on the 2nd February 2011, Akjan has committed an act of treason, when he also claimed to be a ‘Malaysian’.
“In the name of protecting the Sovereignty of Malaysia, in particular Sabah, and to ensure our National Security is not being compromised, I have lodged a Police Report at the Kota Kinabalu Police HQ (report no: KARAMUNSING/002796/11) at 1.58pm today(11.Feb.2011) against one Datu Akjan Ali Muhammad, who has proclaimed himself as the Sultan Of Sulu on Malaysian soil. This UMNO member has committed an act of treason, as he also claims to be a ‘Malaysian’.
My report demands the Police, Immigration, the State Security Council Chairman (Musa Aman), the Minister of Home Affairs (Hishamudin Hussin Onn) and the Prime Minister of Malaysia (Najib Tun Razak) to answer, investigate and to explain to Malaysians, Sabahans in particular. Along with me lodging the Police Report was Dr.Chong En Leong, PKR members, SAPP Youth and concern Malaysians. This is our Country and no one has that absolute right to say otherwise.- Ronnie Klassen.”
Klassen also said, quoting the statement made by the Police Commissioner of Sabah, Datuk Hamza in a local daily, "Police will only act if a Police report is lodged. "We have lodged a Police report, we now demand action to be taken.”
Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Sultan Sulu konon.
ReplyDeletebiarlah pihak polis melakukan apa yang patut. yang bersalah pasti akan dihukum.
ReplyDeleteRamai yang telah mendesak agar kerajaan mengambil tindakan segera. Kerjaan pada masa ini juga sedang sibuk untuk melakukan siasatan.
ReplyDeleteBeliau kepingin untuk menjadi raja. Kesian tapi hal sebegini bukan untuk dimain2kan. Perbuatan beliau salah di sisi undang2.Beliau kena menghadapi hukuman.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the government deliberately let the case take place in this state. investigations are being carried out, and the fact some of the government leaders had earlier indicated that the government's stand is also not in favor of the Akjan.
ReplyDeleteMenjadi sultan bukan perkara main-main, maka tindakkan perlu diberikkan kepada Akjan. Ini akan merosakkan keadaan negeri ini pada masa akan datang.
ReplyDeleteImmediate action should be taken against Akjan for proclaiming himself as the sultan of sulu.
ReplyDeletePopular si Akjan. hehehe
ReplyDeleteApapun kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah tindakan polis lagipun aduan kan dah dibuat. Jadi inilah masanya polis bertindak.
ReplyDeleteAkjan ini patut dikenakan hukuman yang setimpal.
ReplyDeleteSaya rasa si Akjan ini sengaja mahu mendapatkan perhatian orang ramai.
ReplyDeleteKes ini patut diserahkan kepada pihak berkuasa.
ReplyDeletec Akjan ni patut ditahan dan berberi tindakan undang2 kerana tindakannya mengaku sebagai melantik diri sebagai Sultan Sulu umpama menghina institusi diraja.
ReplyDeleteKewarganegaraan Akjan patut ditarik balik dan dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.