Thursday, September 9, 2010


BARISAN Nasional has given permanent-residency status to a large number of Indonesian workers as part of its plan to ensure victory in the next general election, according to PAS election director Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman.

“About 90 percent of the Indonesians who work in the construction, plantation and industrial sectors have been given this status,” he said, adding that the government would register them as voters in constituencies where BN lost narrowly in the last election.

“PAS is monitoring the situation and we know how to counter this.”

He said BN, hell-bent on securing a two-third majority in Parliament, was also using the Election Commission to shift voters, placing its known supporters in areas it lost in 2008 and shifting out opposition-friendly Chinese voters to replace them with BN-friendly names.

“BN is targeting tight areas where it lost by narrow margins of one to two thousand votes in the last election,” he said.

“The number of voters being shifted is based on its performance the last time.”

Abdul Halim also said PAS was certain that the Election Commission would start redrawing election boundaries next year as part of BN’s gerrymandering strategy.

The commission is expected to present its proposals to the government next March.

“BN is desperate for its two-third majority,” Abdul Halim said.

“We believe the Prime Minister will call for elections only when it is confident that it can win that majority.”

Write comments
  1. Saya harap perkara ini semata-matanya khabar angin.

  2. don't use such excuse to cover your bad performance. If true why not make a police report or at least show your proof. don't just talk but nothing you can prove it.. kalau sokongan sudah menurun, mengaku ja la. tidak payah buat alasan itu ini...

  3. Investigate for this issue. hope this only a rumours for other. the authorities must give the explanation for what happen actually for this indonesia can be a voters.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. jangan hanya bercakap kosong jika tiada bukti.

  6. Indonesian workers as voters? Are you kidding? They are not eligible to vote for the Malaysian government. Puh-lease.

  7. A lot of strategy, a lot of controversy. Whatever it is, the people can see what is happening.

  8. PAS likes to create some stories to seek attentions.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. mungkin ini strategi PAS untuk mendapat sokongan...apa pun kepada mana-mana pihak bersainglah cara bersih.

  11. Bagaimana warga Indon boleh membuang undi jika Malaysia bukan tempat kelahiran mereka?

  12. I hope this is the case. I mean, there is nothing to do with BN or Indonesian or whatever it is. Another political game to play with.

  13. PAS, stop playing around.This is not the time to accuse the government by saying like that.

  14. i don't know if this news was true or not..for me its more to political games between BN and the Opposition..

  15. wait for the next GE...i bet the real facts will then, people have to chose wisely which one to be their representatives..

  16. this is ridiculous and will jeopardize the states stability and security.

  17. These people are never aware what have they done and what will they left for the next generation of Sabahan.

  18. Saya suka dengan tindakan PAS yang sentiasa bersiap sedia mengawasi rakyat Indonesia diberi peluang mengundi di Sabah bagi BN memenangi undi. Jadi apa yang saya nak lihat sekarang ialah supaya apa yang diwar-warkan bukan sekadar cakap kosong!

  19. macam-macam bila nak dekat PRU13 ni. Ada-ada ja yang boleh digembar gemburkan untuk menarik perhatian rakyat Sabah...

  20. saya harap perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh PAS ini tidak akan terjadi. apa BN nak takut? kenapa perlu orang Indon jadi wakil Sabah mengundi BN? cuma kalau yang dikatakan itu adalah workers dari sektor2 plantation, binaan dan etc. tu...saya rasa tidak logik!

  21. Siasatlah perkara ni. Jangan biarkan khabar angin ini berleluasa.. Nanti lama2 lain pula kejadiannya.

  22. Kepada BN, berani kerana benar. So tak perlu risau akan hal ni. Saya yakin rakyat tahu membuat penilaian yang betul.

  23. Biasalah tu Mambang. Gimik la katakan. hehhee

  24. Saya harap kalau takda bukti kukuh, tak perlu cakap perkara yang memburukkan nama baik pihak lain. Kalau ada bukti pun serahkan saja lah pada pihak yang berkenaan, biar mereka yang siasat - tak perlu susah tabur gosip @ fitnah!!!

  25. Apapun perkara yang dinyatakan disini biarlah ada kebenarannya. Harap perkara ini hanya khabar angin sahaja

  26. ini sangat mustahil.... bagaimanapun tunggu 'next GE' sajalah.

  27. Perkara ini wajar disiasat secara mendalam untuk mendapatkan kepastian.

  28. Jika benar ini dilakukan, sebagai penyokong BN, saya tidak sokong tindakan ini.

  29. Harap BN tidak berbuat demikian. Jika didapati ada kesan berlakunya tuduhan diatas, ia harus dikutut sekeras-kerasnya.

  30. Apabila Kerajaan memanja-manjakan rakyat Indonesia, adakah mereka beterima kasih pada kerajaan Malaysia dan benar-benar setia pada Malaysia?

  31. Diharapkan perkara ini tidak akan berlaku. Ini negara kita, hanya rakyat Malaysia yang layak dan berhak mengundi.

  32. Kemenangan tidak bererti mendapat semua. Nanti keselamatan negara tergugat.

  33. Lihat apa yang terjadi di Indonesia. Patutkah kita beri peluang pada mereka? Adakah mereka akan taat dan setia pada Malaysia?
    Jika sesuatu isu berlaku, jumlah mereka yang besar jika berbuat kecoh, mampukah kita menangani mereka?

  34. Cuba renung balik insiden yang berlaku di asrama pekerja asing di sebuah kilang di Nilai Negeri Sembilan. Rusuhan oleh pekerja asing Indonesia hampir tidak dapat dikawal.

  35. Betul tu, saudara lemang. Jangan disebabkan kemenangan sebentar tapi keselamatan seluruh negara tergugat. Pilihanraya biar dibuat secara adil dan bersih.

  36. Is it possible we will rule by the pati in the next decade?

  37. Do investigate this matter! If its true, make sure they are disqualified.

  38. Saya betul-betul sangat takut dengar ini cerita.

  39. Obviously PAS is just saying this to gain supporters.


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