SABAH is fondly known as the ’Land Below The Wind.' Now it can also easily qualify to be called the 'Land Of Illegal Immigrants' who are surely and quickly changing the economic, social, cultural and political landscape of Sabah.
The problems associated with them are often referred to as the mother of all problems in Sabah. If only the authorities were pro-active in addressing the problems right from the start Sabah would not be saddled with the problems today.
Unfortunately it was not to be. I should make it clear at the outset that I never had or will have any intention whatsoever of blaming the illegal immigrants for being in Sabah. As human beings they are just looking for a better life and opportunities.
If I were one of them I would be doing exactly the same thing. They have equal human rights, no more no less, than any I\/Ialaysian. Their human rights must be respected. Human rights have no borders.
However the question often asked by genuine Sabahans is — why were they/are allowed to enter Sabah illegally with impunity? It is alleged and perceived that hundreds of thousands of them have been granted citizenships as well as the right to vote in return for their support to the UMNO dominated ruling BN government. It is therefore not surprising that Sabah is regarded by the present government as its fixed deposit.
Ironically, many local Sabahans lack the necessary documents needed to qualify as citizens. They become stateless although they have never left the place where they were born.
In the early 70s plenty of Vietnamese refugees landed in Peninsula Malaysia. They were confined to Pulau Bidong and within 2 years they were all deported to other countries.
The refugees recognized by the UN as refugees who were Muslims mostly from the Southern Philippines who also started to arrive In Sabah at about the same time are still in Sabah until today. Why the double standard?
Malaysia is neither a state party to the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 nor the 1967 Protocol. This being the case, all refugees in Malaysia are treated as illegal immigrants. They are subjected to penalties, detention and deportation under the Immigration Act 1959/63. This Act does not recognize refugees.
To indicate that the Federal Government is seen to be doing something to resolve the problem a Federal Task was established more than a quarter of century ago following a meeting between the Sabah Chief Minister and the Prime Minister. The CM drew the attention of the PM to the seriousness of the problem. It took the Federal Government one year just to create the post of the head of the Task Force.
Today the Task Force is still in existence but so is the problem only bigger and more complicated.
I do not believe that it is possible to know the accurate number of illegal immigrants at any one time since it is always changing and most probably increasing in numbers. I have said in the past and repeat it again that a reverse take-over has long started in Sabah.
There appears to be lack of political will on the part of the government to resolve the problem once and for all. More and more genuine Sabahans are convinced that this is a deliberate move or agenda for Sabah by the Federal Government.
Books and articles have been written, research undertaken, federal and state leaders identified who had a role to play appear to support such contention. The New Sabah Time in its 9 June, 2001 edition reported that the High Court ordered former CM, Datuk Yong Teck Lee to vacate his Likas state assembly seat because he won it in 1999 with the help of phantom voters.
Justice Datuk Muhammad Kamil Awang said that the 1998 Electoral Roll for the constituency was illegal and the election held in March 1999 was null and void. The judge, amongst others, stated that the evidence adduced was tip of an iceberg and fantastic evidence.
This prompted Parliament to amend the Election Act, whereby the electoral roll once gazetted cannot be challenged in any court of law. I feel this is wrong and bad law.
Is it surprising that until today the problems associated with illegal immigrants continue to persist? l believe the answer is no. All the moves, actions and pronouncements have not achieved the desired results, otherwise this issue would surely be only history today like the Vietnamese refugees in the Peninsula.
At one time the government declared an amnesty. However itwas extended several times. This being the case l do not think that the illegal immigrants took it very seriously. There is no indication from the relevant authorities that any assessment was ever made whether or not the desired objectives of the amnesty exercise have been achieved.
At one stage, the government was mentioning about instituting separate courts to handle cases specifically for illegal immigrants. l have not heard any further development on this matter. "Squatter homes to go, says Musa. Pulau Gaya to be rid of illegal" reads a headline on the front page of the Daily Express in its Friday 11 August 2006 edition.
The CM was quoted as saying that the state government will rid Pulau Gaya of illegal immigrants once and for all and all their homes will be demolished soon. You can see for yourselves that until today such noble intention is yet to be translated into action. How to take government pledges seriously?
100,000 signatures had been collected from Sabahans requesting government to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI). This was followed by a long period of silence until two Federal Cabinet Ministers from Sabah were reported to have said that the Federal Cabinet had finally decided on 8 February, 2012 to establish an RCI and it would be formally announced by the PM himself when he visited Sabah.
In the meantime the PM had visited Sabah third time since the two Federal Ministers from Sabah made their respective statements and the DPM once but no announcement was ever made. Again according to newspaper reports when the PM returned to KL he said the RCI was being considered.
It has also now been reported that the terms of reference are being finalized. The question I have is - who is telling the truth? As far as I am aware a cabinet decision is based on a very comprehensive cabinet paper.
For example, the draft cabinet paper is usually referred to the relevant government agencies including the Ministry of Finance for financial implications and the Attorney General Chambers for legal implications.
Once a decision is made on it, it only remains to be implemented. Terms of reference should not arise. To decide on RCI without knowing its terms of reference is like putting the cart before the horse.
The Minister of Home Affairs allegedly made a statement that the government has not issued citizenship to illegal immigrants in Sabah. He wanted proof from people who think otherwise.
YB Datuk Wilfred Bumburing submitted thick documents to indicate evidence. To date nothing has been heard from the Minister. On 1st October, 2011 the Deputy Home Minister Lee Chee Leong was reported to have denied that Sabah is a victim of the so-called 'projek IC' — a planned illegal immigrant population explosion engineered by the federal government for citizenships in exchange for votes to help the present government retain political power.
This is tantamount to denying the undeniable and insulting the intelligence of the people of Sabah to say the least. Now you do not need any study or research. Just go around KK or kg. Boronuon in Telipok. Go to the Filipino market. I have met a number when I was with Suhakam.
As oflune 2005 the district of Kinabatangan had a population of about 85,000 and only about 25,000 were Malaysians. As at 23 December 2005 Sabah’s prison population was 3052 and 70% were foreigners. The Minister of Health was reported in the Daily Express in its 9 July 2006 edition that hospitals in Sabah were receiving the most number of foreigners amounting to about 30%.
According to the Minister, some of them forged identity cards to gain admission and leave without paying. They also account for many contagious and communicable diseases. It was also reported in the Daily Express on 18 November 2007 that 80% of the Likas maternity hospital beds were occupied by illegal immigrants.
More than years ago Kg. Ice Box in Tawau was burnt down. About 5000 people lost their homes and only about 500 were Malaysians. In 2002, 34 foreigners were found to be in possession of mykads.
At the time mykad had not yet even been introduced in Sabah. The National Registration Department confirmed that the cards were indeed genuine. There could not be any other authority doing this other than the federal authority. This speaks volume.
ln 1970 the population of Sarawak was about 1 million and Sabah was about 698,000. ln 2004, that is 34 years later, Sarawak population was about 2 million but Sabah was estimated to be between 3.3 to 3.5 million.
Based on Sarawak's population growth rate Sabah should have a population of about 1.4 million. There is a 'surplus' of about 2 million.
There is hardly a day passing without any news involving illegal immigrants. Innocent passer—by could lose a life just like that, like the case of a van driver in lnanam. Understandably Malaysians living in Sabah feel threatened and insecure as the number of foreigners keeps increasing. Incidents of drug related crimes, burglaries and robberies are common.
Gone are the days when we could leave our houses unlocked. Now they are like prisons. Things can only get worse if the demand for jobs is not met by employment opportunities.
Being 25 years older than Malaysia, I remember that the illegal immigrants issue is definitely post Malaysia development. There was no such thing in North Borneo before it became part of Malaysia.
At the same time it cannot be denied that the migrant population have been and are contributing to the development of Sabah by providing human resources especially in the construction, agricultural and plantation sectors, in homes and shops.
However, Malaysia has immigration laws. The government has the responsibility to ensure that they are properly enforced. If the government had done this, there will be no
such problem as we experience it today. The government owes some serious explanation to Malaysians who are living in Sabah. Illegal immigrants should be immediately deported. If their labour is needed they could return with proper travel documents. In the meantime no one should be allowed to enter Sabah illegally.
Those who are currently in Sabah should be distributed equally among the 13 states in Malaysia. This is a national problem. Why should Sabah alone shoulder the burden?
I do not believe that the Philippines and Indonesia are eager to welcome their nationals back since for as long as they are in Sabah the problem will not be theirs. Until now the Philippines has not opened a consulate office in Kota Kinabalu because its claim over Sabah has not been dropped.
Indonesia has more than 250 million people and the Philippines more than 90 million. Both countries can ill afford to have more.
What does the future hold? Nobody can foresee the future. We can only make an educated guess based on experience and past events. I will not be surprised if not many of those who have been granted citizenships have not moved to other parts of the country in search for better opportunities.
Politically the migrant population who are UMNO supporters would sooner or later outnumber the local UMNO members and take over control through sheer force of numbers. I notice the so called new waves of bumiputras are more resourceful and hardworking. For example, I know one person who told me that his son obtained more roofing materials from the government than he needed whilst one poor local obtained nothing.
It is common to see building materials and water tanks being distributed before a general election. Another distant possibility and most likely not in my lifetime is for Sabah to be part of a separate new country together with part of the southern separatist Philippines.
By : TAN SRI SIMON SIPAUN (sabahini)
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sabah Land Of Illegal Immigrantz!
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Sabah Land of Illegal Immigrantz needs RCI to resolve the illegal immigrantz problem.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister said the RCI will be officially set up once the TOR has been finalized.
ReplyDeletePATI memang salah satu masalah besar di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBila PATI buat masalah, rakyat Sabah yang dapat nama buruk. Lebih2 lagi yang mungkin dapat projek ic dan berhijrah ke SM. Buat hal di sana, nama Sabah yang tercalar.
ReplyDeleteWe do not need RCI if prevention actions were taken from the beginning. Nowadays, the illegals enter Sabah illegally with impunity. Why??
ReplyDeleteBlaming the illegals alone is not appropriate when the locals themselves are allowing the illegals to enter Sabah.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong to come to Sabah to get jobs but must follow the laws. They are not only entering Sabah illegally but breaking the laws by committing crimes and this eventually jeopardizing the locals safety.
ReplyDeletesiapa ba yg menentukan bumiputra asal di sabah ni??wktu minta kemerdekaan dulu tak ditentukan kriteria bumiputra sabah sbb yg menuntut tu tun mustafa dan tun fuad donold stephen.bangsa mereka
ReplyDeleteProjek IC penyumbang utama masalah kebanjiran PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeletePemegang IMM13 bila mau dikembalikan ke nagara asal mereka?
ReplyDeleteFederal Special Task Force for Sabah and Labuan (FSTF) said they are facing increasing numbers of illegal immigrants having many new kinds of false documents which were confiscated.
ReplyDeletethe objective of Ops Tanduk was to address the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah, and it will cover every district in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteProjek IC itu untuk menolong menambah pengundi UMNO!
ReplyDeletesia mau bli ikan ba d pasar kk dgn penjual yg pndai cakap kadazan dusun tapi aiso bagitu jgk sia mau cari bumiputra yg pndai buat dan renovate rumah tapi aiso jgk.macamana la tu
ReplyDeleteIf only the illegal immigrants issue were addressed right from the start, this problem will have not become worse. In fact, it could be controlled.
ReplyDeleteRCI may be the only way to solve the illegal immigrants issue in sabah.
ReplyDeleteOne of the reason to the increase of illegal immigrants in sabah is also due to our own people. The locals would rather betray their own country for the sake of money. This people should be caught and be punished severely.
ReplyDeleteBanyak yang cakap RCI mampu menanggani isu ini. Rasanya, kerajaan pasti akan pertimbangkan hal ini demi kebaikan semua.
ReplyDeleteRCI akan dilaksanakan setelah TOR dimuktamadkan..
ReplyDeletenazri telah memberikan penjelasan bahawa TOR akan memakan masa untuk dimuktamadkan kerana harus mengambil kira semua faktor yang berkaitan dan perlu diperhalusi..diharapkan TOR akan segera siap dan RCI ditubuhkan sebelum pru13.
ReplyDeletePATI yang sangat ramai di sabah mengundang rasa tidak selamat di kalangan rakyat tulen sabah...maka kerajaan harus mengambil langkah yang agresif bagi menangani masalah ini.
ReplyDeleteselain itu, rakyat tempatan juga harus memberikan kerjasama kepada pihak berkuasa dalam usaha mengawal dan mengurangkan jumlah pati di sabah...
ReplyDeleteprojek IC juga harus diselesaikan...harap RCI akan dapat menyiasat dan menyelesaikan isu projek IC..
ReplyDeleteharap RCI akan segera ditubuhkan.
ReplyDeleteAsyik nak salahkan pti, tak sedar kalau bukan local yang bagi ruang manalah hal ini berpanjangan.
ReplyDeleteTepuk dada tanya seleralah. hehe.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggulah apa kata kerajaan nanti. Pasti ada jalan keluar juga dari maslaah yang membelenggu kita selama ni.
ReplyDeleteHopefully RCI will be setup as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteThis problem can be solved even before the setup of RCI.
ReplyDeleteWe expected serious action to be taken before now.
ReplyDeleteI believe the authorities know what to know about this case.
ReplyDeleteThere are other ways to settle this problem besides the establishment of RCI.
ReplyDeletesiapa yg memrlukan pti ni?tidak lain tidak bukan adalah tokey tokey yg menjalankan perniagaan dgn memberikan kadar gaji yg murah kpd mereka.siapa itu tokey tokey??
ReplyDeleteMasalah PATI, ini yang jadi isu panas sekarang, apa yang kita boleh harap ialah masalah ini dapat di selesaikn dengan segera.
ReplyDeleteHarap RCI akan di tubuhkan dengan segera.
ReplyDeletePATI byk bawa masalah kepada penduduk Sabah, RCI perlu ditubuhkan segera bagi banteras mereka.
ReplyDeletestaf kerajaan terutama di peringkat bawahan ramai yang menerima rasuah! mereka bukan menyokong BN pun. yang penting berapa ribu yang sanggup dibayar! saya memang ada bukti pun! Bahagian Tender, JPN Sabah adalah taik rasuah!! staf lelaki dan perempuan sama sahaja. mereka sering selamat dan selamat......rakyat bawahan dengan senang hati tuding DS Najib, sedangkan masalah utama ini x disettlekan. tukar kerajaan pun memang x boleh buat apa jika rasuah berleluasa. SPRM nak masuk Sabah pun kena dipersetujui KM!! huhu
ReplyDeleteoh.. tawauku
Macam mana nak selesaikan PATI kalau bini YB UMNO yang terang-terang PATI pun dalam sekelip mata dapat IC?
ReplyDeleteNajib kata kita buat perjanjian, kamu tolong saya, saya tolong kamu. Jadi PATI dapat IC tolong Najib dengan undi BN
ReplyDeleteThe government has agreed to set up a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to investigate problems related to illegal immigrants in Sabah, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced recently.
ReplyDeleteHe said the government was committed to resolving the issue as it could affect the well-being of the people of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIt is hoped that the people of Sabah will take advantage of this RCI and together with the government find the strategies and best approaches to tackle the problems concerned.
ReplyDeleteNajib said the decision was made after taking into consideration the views from all quarters.
ReplyDeleteThe Attorney-General's Chambers has been entrusted with the responsibility to come up with the terms of reference and the initial draft has been prepared.
ReplyDeleteTo ensure the RCI functions smoothly, the AG’s Chambers to get views and feedback from all quarters on the draft before the TOR is finalised.
ReplyDeleteThe prime minister said the setting-up of the RCI was a manifestation of the determination of the governnment in upholding the constitution and the rule of law.
ReplyDeleteIt is reported that the number of illegal immigrants in Sabah is estimated to be above 500,000 people.
ReplyDeleteScience, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili said. said Najib was expected to make the announcement of the specific terms of reference of the RCI when he visits the state during the Pesta Keamatan (harvest festival).
ReplyDeleteHe said the RCI was expected to ensure that all problems associated with illegal immigrants in Sabah are resolved in a comprehensive manner.
ReplyDeleteThe setting up of the RCI has become an important issue following apprehension among the people and NGOs in Sabah over the existence of illegal syndicates supplying identity cards to illegal immigrants, resulting in the alleged rise in their number in the state.
ReplyDeleteThe Sabah Barisan Nasional Citizenship Committee, chaired by Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, had been entrusted with the responsibility of coming up with the terms of reference of the RCI.
ReplyDeletesalah satu sebab lagi kenapa PATI suka dtg ialah..kalau kena tahan pun, masuk penjara..waduhh waduhh nyaman sekali, mangannya waduhh enakk sekkali. Tak cukkop makan malah jika tak sedap, NGO pulak masuk komplen. Kan susah jabatan kerajaan nak brtegas dan kan suka PATI kalu masuk penjara pun ( especially Tawau le ). Negara dia org, dpt tangkap, hhmm mampus le kita. aduh Malaysia ku tercinta.. Our Beloves Malaysia. Viva La BN..
ReplyDeleteDont talk about PATI if there is no action taken by the people's. Once you gave your vote to the wrong party this matter has to be face. Sabahan is very allergic to the Penisular Party i.e PR or else because they cant see what PR can be done. They talk about PATI but refuse to accept party from outside to come and solve the matter on behalf. At last, let's people from Philipnes and Indonesia take-off this Land Of illegal Imigrants.
ReplyDeleteBetul..Ini semua akan dapat diselesaikan selepas SSD dilaksanakan di Sabah ini. Jika SSD menyiasat mengenai Projek IC dan PATI di Sabah ini maka pasti akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan PATI.
ReplyDeleteJangan membiarkan PATI berleluasa dan menjejas keamanan negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJumlah PATI di Sabah amat menakutkan, jika gagal mengawal, akan mendatangkan masalah yang amat serius.
ReplyDeleteLet see what the PM can do for the huge amount of illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeleteRCI should soon take place to make necessary investigation. Such PATI also involve in land grab issue?
ReplyDeleteSaluran mana golongan ini dapat masuk ke Sabah dan mula bermaharajarela
ReplyDeleteKenapa masalah PATI berlanjutan sehingga tahap ini?
ReplyDeleteThe RCI sebenarnya tidak diperlukan jika dari permulaan kerja memantau dan kawalan yang lebih ketat dilakukan.
ReplyDeleteKenapa golongan ini semakin diluar kawalan? Jika kerajaan masih gagal mencari langkah penyelesaian, harus juga menghantar kesemua PATI ini balik ke negara asal.
ReplyDeleteLet see when the announcement to setup the RCI.
ReplyDeleteKerjasama semua golongan amat diperlukan sebab masalah ini meliputi banyak pihak & jabatan.
ReplyDeleteIsu ini serah sahaja kepada kerajaan yang bijak untuk menguruskan. Mogakan tidak mengecewakan rakyat.
ReplyDeletesemua harus bekerjasama untuk atasi masalah pati yang sudah lama berlaku.
ReplyDeletemereka yang melindungi pati harus dikenakan tindakan termasuklah mereka yang menyewakan rumah kepada pati.
ReplyDeletesetuju dengan jiko, siapa yang melindungi pati harus dihukum dengan tegas.
ReplyDeletesemua harus bersungguh-sungguh agar masalah ini cepat selesai.
ReplyDeletesemua perlu bekerjasama dan bersatu untuk atasi masalah pati ini.
ReplyDeleteJiko kalau YB yang berbinikan PATI dan diberi IC dalam beberapa bulan saja macam mana? Boleh maafkan sebab dia YB UMNO kan?
ReplyDeleteDatuk Nazri Aziz pernah cakap PATI tidak mendatangkan masalah di Sabah. Jadi jangan risaulah hehe
ReplyDeletesince you agree with the title 'Land Of Illegal Immigrants', then you should agree that you and Suhakam not doing well in this state..