DAP Sabah Secretary Dr. Edwin Bosi said as an MP for several terms Pairin has failed in his duty miserably and in accordance with the political standard of developed countries he (Pairin) should have tendered his resignation without being asked to.
"Why should the people in the interior suffer because of his poor performance? It is so ironical that the Prime Minister has to come to the interior to resolve the water problem.
"DAP Sabah can see water pipe laying here and there in Sabah but the sources of the water are unclear. What is obvious is the poor coordination between the State and Federal Ministries of infrastructure as far as water supply is concerned."
Edwin also said DAP Sabah is sad that development of handicraft and livestock is only surfacing now.
"They should have been undertaken long ago. In fact they are already handicraft and livestock activities in Sabah.
"It looks like the handicraft centre and livestock centre are given a new "paint" for the sake of the Prime Minister's visit to the interior.
Edwin said DAP Sabah would like to remind the government that Sabah had the largest cattle farm during the PBS era. Desa Cattle, a wholly-owned government company had more than 5,000 heads of cattle in Sook but this was sold off to a company which has since converted the cattle farm into oil palm plantation.
"Sabah used to own three cattle properties in the Northern Territory of Australia. They too have been sold off.
"DAP Sabah would also like to ask the government why it has only 'created' one Datuk Yap Yun Fook through its dairy programme?
"Datuk Yap who is a dairy millionaire was cited by the Prime Minister during his visit to Sook.
What happened to the others especially the natives who were also involved in the dairy programme?
The government should tell the people why the natives have failed in this enterprise.
"We would like to ask if the Keningau Livestock Integrated Centre (KLIC) will benefit the local natives?
"We feel that the local should not just benefit from employment opportunity in KLIC but be part and parcel of the business.
"It is only when they are involved with the business that poverty eradication among the said community can be realised. We would also like to see many dairy millionaires from the native community."
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Sabah Lost All Its Cattle Under PBS
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masa masuk berita bahawa PM akan buat pecah tanah kolej KDM kembang kempis hidung dan bontot orang KDM memuji si hugan sial kerana mendapatkan peruntukan pembinaan koleh KDM di Tambunan tapi pada hari itu saya dengar ucapan si PM Penipu ini,lebih kurang begini lah mangkali ucapan nya "saya umum kan kelulusan pembinaan kolej KDM di Tambunan Sabah dengan Kos nya yang akan ditentukan kelak...(maksudnya duit belum ada lah RM 00000 ,000.00 dan sumbernya kita akan cari bagi pembinaan kolej ini...begini lah yang saya dengar dari ucapan si PM Penipu Rakyaat sabah....maksudnya kolej ini masih dalam impian...kena tipu lah kita orang KDM...siap rakam ucapan si PM Penipu ini sila edarkaan untuk menyedarkan orang KDM terhadap dasar penipu ini
ReplyDeleteKeningau mmg mempunyai ladang tenusu sebelum ini, Ladang ternak serta tenusu yang seluas 40 hektar itu terletak di Kampung Ansip Lama, ladang tersebut dapat mengeluarkan 600,000 liter susu segar sebulan, 60 peratus daripada pengeluaran susu segar Sabah dan Sabah merupakan pengeluar utama susu segar tempatan dengan pengeluaran mencecah 7.8 liter juta setahun.
ReplyDeletekerajaan dah umumkan pinjaman RM235 juta untuk atasi masalah air di Keningau.
ReplyDeleteBaru ini PM sudah menyatakan sebanyak RM235m pinjaman bagi Sabah menyelesaikan masalah air di keningau. Menurut PM, Pairinlah orang yang sentiasa bercakap tentang hal ini setiap kali berjumpa dengan PM. Kita tidak sepatutnya menengking Pairin kerana beliau juga ada usaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat setempat. Bukan beliau tidak pernah berusaha. Kita sepatutnya terus menyokong beliau kerana jika bukan kita siapa lagi yang akan menyokong beliau?
ReplyDeleteMemang diakui bahawa ada sesetengah keputusan yang beliau lakukan tidak dapat memuaskan hati semua orang, hal ini kerana semamangnya manusia tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang mereka perolehi. Oleh itu kita tidak boleh melihat keburukan seseorang itu sahaja kerana disebalik keburukan itu ada kebaikkn yang tersembunyi. Selain itu Pairin juga berusaha untuk RCI ditubuhkan. TOR telah beliau jalankan untuk sama2 menyatakab hasrat beliau untuk RCI ditubuhkan dengan segerea.
ReplyDeletepusat kraftangan sudah ada di keningau..
ReplyDeletemasalah air juga akan dapat diatasi setelah loji rawatan air bersih yang baru dibina...sebanyak rm235 juta telah diberi pinjam kepada kerajaan negeri untuk menjayakan projek ini.
ReplyDeleteKLIC pasti akan memanfaatkan rakyat tempatan khasnya di kawasan keningau...
ReplyDeletebukan semua masalah dapat diselesaikan dengan segera...perlu masa...dan kerajaan melakukan sebaiknya untuk menyelesaikan isu rakyat berbanding dengan DAP yang hanya tahu bising dan mempolitikkan isu rakyat untuk kepentingan politik mereka..
ReplyDeletekerajaan sentiasa memastikan nasib rakyat terbela..
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of problems to be considered.
ReplyDeletePlease try to solve every issue involved.
ReplyDeleteI believe the government is trying its best to take care of the people.
ReplyDeleteOther projects coming up will benefit the people.
ReplyDeleteI hope the government will solve water problems in SABAH.
ReplyDeleteZaman pemerintahan PBS sudah berlalu lebih sepuluh tahun yang lalu.kenapa sekarang dekat PRU baru mau bising2 tentang isu lama ni?hairan2.
ReplyDeleteSabah Chief Minister Musa Aman said the KLIC is estimated to generate investment opportunities worth RM763 million for the interior areas. It would become a catalyst for agriculture and agro-based development in the country, in general, and specifically Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSatu perjanjian telah ditandatangani antara Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (Sedia) dan Brunei Investment Agency (BIA) untuk berkerjasama dalam pemeliharaan ternakan dan pertanian. Paling menarik ialah apa yang tersiar di laman web SEDIA mengatakan SEDIA sebagai dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan persekutuan dari peruntukan Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM).
ReplyDeleteKalau DAP hebat kan, mesti dari dulu lagi dorang dah terajui Sabah. Tapi hingga sekarang takda pun kejadian.
ReplyDeleteBanyak sangat isu yang diutarakan oleh pembangkan... Yang hairannya napa cakap saja, tak bantu selesaikan???
ReplyDeleteNampak sangat hanya tahu bercakap. At the end, kerajaan juga yang selesaikan masalah tu. Tengok lah nanti. huhu
ReplyDeleteHarap hal ini dapat diberi perhatian dan jika perlu berilah penjelasan bagi mengelakkan salah faham berpanjangan.
ReplyDeleteSaya yakin kekurangan yang ada di negeri kita pasti akan dapat dipenuhi suatu masa nanti. Good luck to our gov:)
ReplyDeletenot all issues can be resolved immediately. Time and money should be taken into account.
ReplyDeleteThe government is trying their best to develop the interior. There are many interior in sabah. its not possible to develop all interior in a short time.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure if DAP become the government, they will face the same problem too.
ReplyDeleteMasalah2 yang ada sekarang bukan boleh di selesaikan dengan sekelip mata, mana2 kerajaan akan megalami masalah sebegini.
ReplyDeleteBukan senang mau memuaskan hati semua pihak, ada sahaja komen2 negatif yang di beri, namaun begitu di harapkan kerajaan akan berusaha membantu rakyat dan menaikkan taraf ekonomi Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJangan terlalu ikut perasaan, pembangunan bukan boleh di buat dalam masa yang singkat, yang ada sekarang pun sudah cukup bagus, banyak bersabar.
ReplyDeleteDr. Edwin tidak suka kerajaan bantu rakyat? Sabah akan lebih mundur jika dipimpin oleh seseorang seperti anda.
ReplyDeleteSenang saja mahu kritik kan? Sebab DAP bukan kerajaan di Sabah. Apa yang DAP tahu sangat??
ReplyDeleteDAP Sabah perlu sedar bahawa bukan apa yang diminta oleh pemimpin Sabah, esok lusa kerajaan pusat luluskan. Perlu diteliti jumlah peruntukan yang sesuai, lokasi etc. Semuanya mengambil masa.
ReplyDeleteSupport the Huguan Siou and don’t bring him down. We will become a laughing stock if we ourselves destroy our own leader after he has done so much for us and uniting us. The PBS President said that the government was very perceptive to the needs of the people and wished to protect their interests. However, to enable the government to help the people, it was important that they remained united in voicing their needs.
ReplyDeleteThe present BN-Umno administration under Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, has shown tremendous economic developments for the State too, and its forest policy is also considered as one of the best in the region if not in the world.There is no reason for us to disturb the present political stability in the State.It is in our interest to continue to support this administration for our own good and that of our future generation.
ReplyDeleteThe government should prioritize the issue and be able to take prompt action.
ReplyDeleteProjek pembangunan juga mengambil masa, harus sabar!
ReplyDeleteMasalah perairan harus diambil langkah yang wajar.
ReplyDeleteIm sure the government ill do the best to allocate sufficient fund for ongoing project.
ReplyDeleteRasa-rasa masalah air dapat diselesaikan dengan pembinaan loji air yang baru.
ReplyDeleteKeningau sememangnya patut diberikan tumpuan terhadap projek tenusu ini. Jika kita lihat memang Keningau ini antara pengeluar tenusu yang besar di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBerita yang baik kita dengar mengenai pijaman yang diberikan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah untuk menyelesaikan masalah BALB di Keningau ini. Harap peruntukkan yang diberikan ini akan digunakan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan sebenarnya memang memandang serius mengenai masalah yang terdapat di Sabah ini. Tapi masalah yang utama berlaku dalam kerajaan ada mengenai peruntukkan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan pusat kepada kerajaan negeri yang tidak dapat menampung semua pembangunan dan memerlukan cara berperingkat dilakukan.
ReplyDeletePBS mungkin sangka dorg piara itu bakas n payau [dlm hutan]!!!
ReplyDeletedalam politik ni ada yang suka dan ada yang tidak terhadap setiap pemimpin.
ReplyDeleteapa pun, rakyat pasti tahu siapa yang selama ini berkhidmat untuk mereka.
ReplyDeleteusaha-usaha untuk melaksanakan pembangunan setiasa dibuat dari masa ke masa.
ReplyDeletememang susah mau puaskan hati semua orang, yang penting sentiasa berusaha untuk kebaikan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteLoji air yang baru harus dibina dan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
ReplyDeleteBekalan air harus dipastikan bersih dan selamat digunakan.
ReplyDeleteProjek pembangunan dan naik taraf harus menikut perancangan.
ReplyDeleteWR akan buat terbaik untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan harus diguna dengan wajar dan sempurna untuk mengelakkan pembaziran.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Government just approved RM235 million to set up a water treatment plant in Keningau to resolve the water woes. No problem with the coordination between Sabah government and Federal.
ReplyDeletePBS is still relevant to Sabah, its the only multiracial local party that fights for all Sabahans regardless of race or religion.
ReplyDeletehanya jauhari mengenal manikam! kita baiki hati dulu lahh. mengata2 orang ni bukannya selamat. org yg mudah sakit hati ni-org tidak baik bha.
ReplyDeletebila kita naik & jadi pemimpin, org lain pula akan benci dgn kita!! i luv sabah
kerajaan sedang berusaha untuk memenuhi keperluan rakyat. harap semua projek pembangunan akan berjalan lancar.
ReplyDeleteHow can Edwin say that Pairin did not raising the water supply problem when he is the one who urge PM many times to solve the problem??
ReplyDeleteif Edwin is right, then how come Sabah is a major producer of fresh milk for the state school milk program and 1Malaysia milk program with the production capacity of 10 million liters of milk per year????
ReplyDeletehere is my advice to you DR. Edwin Bosi,,, better find your facts first before making any statement.. or resign form your current post and retired from politics without having to be asked to do so...
ReplyDeleteYes, DAP Sabah should be Sad due to the fact that Mr Edwin Bosi is IGNORANT on the handicraft as well as the livestock aspect within Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Datuk Wences Agang of the Sabah Cultural Board has made emphasis that of the handicraft industry can be a cottage industry for the country folk; thus emphasized that the skill ought to be pass down to the younger generation for it's survivability.
ReplyDeleteMany have taken this opportunity and it is clearly visible in the handcraft market in Sinsuran area in KK; we can see that locals are making full use of the tourism industry in Sabah to indirectly promoting Sabah via their hadicraft.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Livestock, the government wanted to make drastic changes on this front and has introduced aggressive plans to fully exploit the vast potential of the livestock industry in the state. Sabah's Department of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry (Dovsai), a government agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, entrusted to turn the livestock farming sector into a commercial business, thus reducing the dependency on imported livestock.
ReplyDeleteIn was noted that in 2004 Sabah is the country's top producer of fresh dairy milk with last year's production of 6.5 million litres or 75 per cent self-sufficiency.
ReplyDeleteThis is in line with the state's 'Halatuju Pembangunan' or development blueprint under the Musa Administration which would focus on the development of agriculture, livestock farming and the tourism sector as the new engine of growth.
ReplyDeleteThe response from companies (GLCs) like Sawit Kinabalu, Felda and Felcra are positive to the government's efforts of increasing livestock output through PINTAR or integrated ruminant farming programme.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr. Edwin Bosi is still in a time limbo back in the 80's and 90's. He needs to do his homework and update his knowledge on the contemporary developments of both the agricultural as well as the tourism industry of Sabah.