OVER 3,000 people residing in 13 villages within the Gumantong-Guluang-Gesusu Forest Reserve Class 1 have reason to smile now that the State Legislative Assembly has approved an amendment to de-gazette the status of the forest.
Matunggong Assemblyman Sarapin Magana, who welcomed the decision, said it would enable long-standing land applications by the villagers to be processed by the Land and Survey Department and local authorities.
"I am very grateful to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman for being concerned for the need of the villagers to occupy 590 hectares in the three areas.
"De-gazetting the three areas in the forest reserve is really good news and timely to the 3,500 villagers because they strongly believe they have native customary rights on the land as they have been living there for many generations.
"Also, they have been toiling the land for so long by planting rubber, coconut trees and oil palm and have been enjoying the harvests.
In addition, they have built their family homes and ancestral burial grounds in the three areas," he said.
Sarapin said this after the approval of the amendment to de-gazette the Gumantong-Guluang-Gesusu Forest Reserve Class 1, Wednesday.
The 590 hectares have been de-gazetted for the purpose of agriculture and settlements. These areas are found not suitable to be retained as Forest Reserves as the areas are titled land, occupied by settlers and have been degraded.
"Actually the area was gazetted as Forest Reserve Class 1 in 2007. However, the villagers only realised that they are living inside the forest reserve belonging to the State Government, last year," said Sarapin.
"Therefore, they submitted their objection to me as the elected people representative and sought help to bring out the 13 villages from the forest reserve on the grounds that they have been living there for so many years.
"Together with Kota Marudu MP Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili, I highlighted the issue to the Assembly last year to de-gazette and the Government agreed to do so in the same year," he said.
However, Sarapin said the matter was not yet discussed as a Bill at the sitting last year and he explained to the villagers that the process would take some time.
Unfortunately, the opposition played the issue up to fish for votes by claiming that the Government wanted to grab the land from the villagers.
"On behalf of the villagers, thank the government for its concern for the needs of the locals in line with the 1Malaysia concept: People's First, Performance Now," Sarapin said. (DE)
Friday, October 26, 2012
590 Hectares Excised From Forest Reserve
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Pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan hutan harus diusahakan.
ReplyDelete1 Malaysia concept indeed good but how many among them that really take a real action on that?
ReplyDeletekerajaan akan sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat dan sentiasa membantu rakyat
ReplyDeleteJanji ditepati kerajaan sudah tentu berusaha mengotakan janji
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa Aman adalah satu-satunya lelaki yang boleh melindungi hutan Sabah, hidupan liar dan kepelbagaian hayat yang akan mampu memperseimbangkan pemanasan global.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan telah pun merancang yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa telah menyatakan yang mana Kerajaan negeri memandang serius akan perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteRakyat perlu terus menyokong sesuatu yang memberikan kebaikkan kepada kita.
ReplyDeleteBeliau adalah ketua menteri yang menghentikan pembalakan di Ulu Segama Malua dan Maliau Basin serta mewujudkan hutan penampan yag mempunyai keluasan tiga kali besar daripada Singapura untuk melindungi Lembah Danum daripada pembalakan, perlombongan dan pembukaan tanah untuk tujuan pertanian.
ReplyDeleteTanpa Musa, hutan dan bahan galian seperti emas di pantai timur Sabah mungkin akan hilang.
ReplyDeleteKita mesti ucap syabas kepada Sabah dibawah kepimpinan Musa Aman kerana memulihara hutan," kata Lorna Casselton, setiausaha luar Royal Society yang berpusat di Britain. "Jika mereka tebang hutan, mereka akan untung berbilion dolar, tetapi mereka tidak lakukannya dan itulah yang penting."
ReplyDeleteKalau kita lihat hutan Negeri Sabah ini terus dipertahankan sehinggakan Kerabat Di Raja berminat untuk melihat sendiri keindahan tersebut.
ReplyDeleteSebagai rakyat Sabah janganlah kita mudah terpedaya dengan permainan yang dibuat oleh pembangkang ini.
ReplyDeletePenyelidikan merangkumi daripada gambaran mengenai hutan Sabah kepada kesan akibat pembalakan, pemuliharaan hutan dibalak dan perubahan cuaca ketika hutan diubah menjadi perladangan. Untuk lima tahun akan datang ini, ia akan memberi fokus kepada perubahan lanskap hutan hujan dan kesannya terhadap iklim.
ReplyDeleteDibantu oleh orang Kanada, Lembah Danum yang mempunyai keluasan 43,000 hektrar, kira-kira dua saiz Pulau Pinang, dikenal pasti untuk pemuliharaan pada 1969 apabila jabatan perhutanan melakukan iventori hutannya yang pertama.
ReplyDeleteYayasan itu diwujudkan untuk membantu sosio ekonomi dan pembangunan pendidikan Sabah dengan menyediakan bantuan sosial dan pendidikan seperti pakaian seragam sekolah percuma, biasiswa dan pinjaman belajar kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteTetapi tiada kerajaan nampak keperluan memberi perlindungan kepada Danum daripada pembalakan sehinggalah Musa menjadi pengarah Yayasan Sabah pada 1995. Musa menghentikan pembalakan di Danum selepas mewujudkan 250,000 hektar hutan penampan di sekitarnya setahun sebelum itu dan melaksanakn pengurusan hutan mampan.
ReplyDeleteBagaimanapun, kerosakan pada hutan simpan Ulu Segama sudah berlaku ketika pemerintahan pemimpin sebelum Musa yang "menjarah" kira-kira 4,000 hektar di sana, kata Mannan merujuk kepada tempoh itu sebagai "Zaman Gelap.
ReplyDeleteSituasi itu merampas sebahagian besar daripada kawasan di utara Danum. Hasilnya ialah hujan asid di Danum dua tahun yang lalu ketika musim jerebu teruk melanda Borneo. Para saintis cuba menilai kesan jangka panjang bahan penyubur kimia yang diguna ladang di sekitar Danum.
ReplyDeleteMannan kesal kerana mereka sebenarnya boleh melindungi Danum dan Ulu Segama Malua ketika itu tetapi mereka enggan melakukannya "atas sebab hanya mereka yang tahu" dan membenarkan "pembalakan haram". Hutan-hutan diubah menjadi perladangan kelapa sawit.
ReplyDeleteTugas itu kini dipikul Musa. Kepimpinannya membenarkannya membuat keputusan tidak popular yang kritikal mengenai pemuliharaan 300,000 hektar hutan, emas, arang batu dan galian di Lemba Danum dan di hutan kompleks Ulu Segama Malua.
Dibawah Musa kata Mannam, "profesional akhirnya dibenarkan mengamalkan profesion untuk pengurusan yang baik," dan menambah yang beliau dibenarkan menggunakan inovasi, kreativiti dan keusahawanan dalam mengurus sumber alam semulajadi Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusa berkata dengan bangganya bahawa Danum menjadi salah satu daripada tiga pusat penyelidikan hutan hujan dunia. Dua lagi ialah La Selva di Costa Rica dan Panama. Kira-kira 50 rakyat Malaysia, kebanyakan penduduk Sabah memperolehi doktorat dan ijazah untuk penyelidikan mereka mengenai Danum. Mereka menghasilkan 330 kajian. Kebanyakan mereka kini memegang jawatan penting dan kanan di agensi negeri dan persekutuan serta dengan NGO
ReplyDeleteTanpa pengurusan hutan yang baik pasti berlaku pelbagai bencana kepada negeri. terima kasih kepada kerajaan yang sentiasa prihatin bukan saja pada rakyat malahan alam sekitar.
ReplyDeleteselain pengiktirafan pengurusan hutan yang baik, Sabah juga mendapat pengiktirafan cemerlang iaitu sijil tanpa teguran selama 12 tahun berturut2.
ReplyDeleteApa yang baik sudah pasti mengembirakan hati rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSemoga semuanya berjalan lancar demi kebaikan rakyat juga.
ReplyDeletePastikan dalam mengejar pembangunan alam sekitar tetap kekal terpelihara.
ReplyDeleteKita patut terus menyokong usaha murni kerajaan dan jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan mana-mana hasutan.
ReplyDeleteUsaha kerajaan untuk memasti alam sekitar di jaga harus di sokong.
ReplyDeleteMUSA said there are five methods through which natives could apply for land and for the State to protect and preserve native land ownership as well as the NCR.
ReplyDelete- The first method was to give ownership to natives through land application approval and up to December 2011, the State Government through the Land and Survey Department had registered 348,652 land titles.
Of these, 190,452 were Native Title (NT) lands, which was 55 per cent from the total land titles registered in Sabah. So far a total of 1,970,961 hectares had been issued with titled and of which 487,680 were NT land, representing 24.7 per cent of the total land acreage that had been registered in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIn the bid to boost the number and acreage of NT land awarded to natives, he said the State Government had expedited the approval process and land surveying applications as well as issuance of the land titles.
ReplyDeleteIn this respect, a total of 17,501 land applications had been processed in 2011 and 6,872 of which 6,218 were NT lands endorsed for approval through the respective district Land Utilisation Committees (LUC).
ReplyDeleteUp to August this year, 35,350 land applications had been processed out of which 10,540 comprising 9,922 NT lands had been endorsed for approval by the district LUC.
ReplyDeleteMusa said continuous efforts would be taken until all the land application backlog totalling 302,189 have been cleared in the interest of the natives.
Among the steps taken by the Department to expedite the application processes was the policy requiring only comments from the district surveyor on the status of the applied land before it could be brought to the district LUC meeting.
ReplyDeleteAnother was requiring personnel of the Land and Survey Department to do daily overtime from 5pm to 7pm and from 8am to 5pm during the weekends as well as increasing the frequency of the district LUC meetings.
Besides, he said, the department had also fully implemented the e-Kadester system in January 2011 to speed up the surveying of approved NT lands.
ReplyDeleteAs a comparison, up to Dec 2011, a total of 4,070 NT land application lots had been surveyed while only 2,931 were completed in 2010 using the conventional method.
- The second method for natives to acquire land was through the gazettement of State Land as Natives Reserve under Section 78 of the Sabah Land Ordinance.
He said up to Dec 2011, a total of 53,190.857 hectares had been gazetted for native use such as village and grazing fields.
ReplyDelete- The third method was through Communal Land Title under the amended Section 76 of the Sabah Land Ordinance that was gazetted on Dec. 10, 2009.
Issuance of the Communal Land Title was aimed at protecting the interest of natives on State Land in the vicinity of native village settlement, expediting the issuance of land title typed Native Title/Field Register to natives enbloc, resolving the NCR claim issues, resolving overlapping land application and ensuring natives do not easily sell off their land, Up to December last year, Musa said seven Communal Land Titles had been issued totaling 12,777.14 hectares for 2,661 beneficiaries in three districts.
ReplyDeleteHe said another 52 Communal Title for 23,046.07 hectares of land would be issued to 5,373 beneficiaries in seven districts.
ReplyDeleteAccording to him, the Communal Title could be sub-divided into individual lots should the beneficiaries want to do so and once the individual lots have been fully developed the individual land title would be issued.
The State Government was planning to issue communal grants in Kota Marudu (17,000 acres), Pitas (10,000 acres), Tongod (15,000 acres), Semporna - Mount Pock Forest Reserves and Tanjung Nagas (5,177.12 acres).
ReplyDeleteHe said the State Government had also on April 2010 de-gazetted 24,563 hectares from the Sook Plain Forest Reserves and Mandalom through a land swap with State land for the issuance of several Communal Titles.
ReplyDelete- The fourth method was under Section 9 (1) of the Sabah Land Ordinance, which was to give ownership of the land to a government agency for agricultural development through a smart partnership with in-situ natives.
ReplyDeleteThe objectives of the move were also to assist in the poverty eradication effort, provide job and business opportunities and improve the rural folk prosperity.
ReplyDeleteUp to December last year 36,486.43 had and are still being developed for agriculture under this method.
Ownership of the whole area would be transferred to the in-situ natives once the government agency concerned get back the development cost as stipulated in the signed joint-venture agreement.
ReplyDelete"It is hoped that people in the rural areas would understand the noble intention of the government to help them through the relevant agencies and not misunderstand the move as grabbing their land," he said.
ReplyDeleteAmong the government agencies involved were the Sabah Land Development Board, Sabah Rubber Industry Board, Borneo Samudera Sdn Bhd and Felcra.
ReplyDelete- The fifth method through which land is given to natives was through the enforcement of Section 9 (1) of the Sabah Land Ordinance, which required native equity ownership for 1,000 acres awarded to a company.
Under the section, companies that had been given approval for land above 1,000 acres for agriculture development would be imposed with a special condition, that is, to make it mandatory for them to transfer 30 per cent or 49 per cent (based on the clause in the land title) to natives or government agencies approved by the State Natural Resources Office five years after the land is fully developed according to its agriculture development plan, he said.
ReplyDeleteUp to December 2011, 16 Country Lease (CL) titles comprising 37,514.86 hectares had the 49 per cent clause while another 123 CL titles comprising 240,075.11 hectares were imposed with the 30 per cent clause.
ReplyDeleteThrough this agreement, the total equity ownership that must be transferred to the natives or government agencies amounted to 277,588.97 hectares.
ReplyDeleteThrough these five methods, Musa said the size of land available for natives were 890,626.47 hectares or 45 per cent of the State land that had been issued with titles in Sabah, which is bigger than the size of Selangor Darul Ehsan (795,600 hectares).
Earlier, he said the State Government had also set up the Mobile Native Unit or Pantas not only to address current issues such as NCR but also provide land-related services to the rural folk.
ReplyDeleteAmong the duties of Pantas were to create awareness on the policies, procedures and regulations of land-related matters, particularly on NCR claims; receiving and recording NCR claims as well as making site inspections; accepting land usage conversion application, updating of land owners address and collection of land revenue.
ReplyDelete"This clearly shows the seriousness of the State Government in improving the land ownership of Sabah natives. This noble effort is continuing from time to time with better planning so that Sabah natives could enjoy the true meaning of land ownership," he said.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the State Government was always open to views and constructive criticisms in enhancing the efficacy of the delivery system with the view to boost preservation and protection of the NCR from time to time.
ReplyDeletePasti KM akan membantu natives dalam menyelesaikan masalah tanah
ReplyDeleteKeprihatinan kerajaan terserlah dalam kepimpinan Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteini menunjukkan kepimpinan yang mengutamakan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteteruskan usaha untuk memberikan khidmat yang baik kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeletekepimpinan yang baik akan terus disokong oleh rakyat.
ReplyDeleteapa yang baik pasti disokong oleh rakyat.
ReplyDeletesemoga keperluan rakyat akan terus diambilberat.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan pasti akan ambil berat atau mengutamakan keperluan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteAdakah ini merupakan perangkap pembangkang?
ReplyDeleteSabah lawmakers Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin and Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing left Barisan Nasional (BN) in search of higher positions in the opposition, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said.
ReplyDeleteajib has never 'interfered' in Sabah matters
ReplyDeleteMusa said leaders should place party interests above their own personal interest instead of "chasing after power and positions".
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister expounded on BN's successes, saying it was through the ruling pact that the resource-rich Sabah attraction a total of RM10 billion in private investments last year.
ReplyDeleteNajib said Lajim's and Bumburing's exits would not affect the date of the coming polls as speculated, adding that the ruling pact is taking steps to strengthen its east Malaysian fortress.
ReplyDeleteThe prime minister had also said that despite rumours that more would follow in the footsteps of the Beaufort and Tuaran MPs, BN was capable of dealing with the issue.
ReplyDeleteBN sources in Sabah and Kuala Lumpur said the duo's decision to back PR are among reasons that Najib is rethinking dates for a snap poll after Budget Day on September 28 for his personal mandate, some three years and three months after taking power in April 2009.
ReplyDelete"Umno needs to make sure both Sabah and Sarawak remain a fixed deposit and provide the bulk of seats because the Malay vote is split in the peninsula," the source added, referring to Umno's share of only 79 seats in Election 2008.
ReplyDeleteSources had earlier said that a snap poll was likely to happen in September if Najib carries through a plan to dissolve parliament in August, nine months before the BN mandate expires in April 2013.
ReplyDeleteThere have been a few dates bandied about in the past year although the country's sixth prime minister has expressed confidence of sweeping the majority of all state and federal seats.
ReplyDeleteI think the oppositions have ntg besides telling people lies.
ReplyDeleteNajib said the biotech Implementation Council meeting identified 10 Entry Point Projects (EPPs) specifically to boost the national biotech sector, which will create 20 trigger projects that can increase gross national revenue to RM3.6b besides creating 13,600 high quality new job opportunities. He also said an American company will invest US$1b in an integrated lobster aquaculture project in Semporna, Sabah.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a good idea.
ReplyDeleteApa pun kata pembangkang, BN tetap kuat!
ReplyDeleteThe proposed Tawau Green Energy Geothermal Power Plant project in Apas Kiri, Tawau is expected to be operational by 2015, making it the country's first grid-connected geothermal power plant.
ReplyDeletePertumbuhan pokok di Sabah memang antara yang terbaik.
ReplyDeleteForest Management Unit is one of the most efficient in the whole country.
ReplyDeleteTingkatkan usaha untuk menjaga alam sekitar.
ReplyDeletePembangunan dan alam sekitar sama penting.
ReplyDeleteJika untuk kebaikan rakyat, pasti akan diterima dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteAlam sekitar antara tarikan utama di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan akan sentiasa menunaikan janji yang di beri.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa akan sentiasa memberi perhatian dalam isu ini.
ReplyDeleteAyuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteProgram ini bukanlah sebuah program yang kecil. Ia melibatkan sejumlah 19 buah projek kesemuanya, dan meliputi kawasan seluas 81,095 ekar (satu setengah kali keluasan Kuala Lumpur sebenarnya!).
Projek ini pada mulanya telah dirancang untuk membantu golongan miskin negeri Kelantan dengan menjanjikan dividen dan gaji bulanan sebanyak RM200 dan RM700. Selain daripada itu, projek ini mensasar untuk menyediakan tempat tinggal percuma dan merangsang kadar guna tenaga tempatan. Namun pastinya, janji-janji ini tidak ditepati. Golongan miskin yang meletakkan harapan yang tinggi ke atas program ini masih lagi hidup dalam status quo.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteApabila dua buah projek di bawah program ini gagal mencapai sasaran, Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan melalui Perbadanan Pembangunan Ladang Rakyat (PPLRK) telah memajak 17 buah projek yang selebihnya (keluasan tanah terlibat adalah 76,780 ekar) kepada 16 buah syarikat yang terpilih.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteNamun seperti yang telah dijelaskan secara terperinci dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara, tiada jawatankuasa khusus telah ditubuhkan untuk menilai kebolehan atau prestasi silam 16 buah syarikat tersebut. Apa yang lebih teruk lagi adalah apabila kesemua 16 buah syarikat tersebut telah dicadangkan oleh tidak lain tidak bukan CEO PPLRK sendiri! Alangkah seronoknya dapat menguasai empayar sendiri – pada hematsaya.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteUntuk mengeruhkan lagi masalah, analisa audit terhadap perjanjian bersama syarikat-syarikat ini telah menunjukkan bahawa syarat perjanjian terbukti berat sebelah dan tidak menyebelahi kepentingan-kepentingan kerajaan negeri.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteSebagai contoh, dalam tempoh pajakan selama 20 tahun itu, syarikat-syarikat tersebut dikatakan bakal memperolehi keuntungan bersih berjumlah RM1.6 bilion. Walaubagaimanapun, mereka hanya perlu membayar kepada Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan sejumlah RM421 juta dalam bentuk bayaran pajakan. Anggaran keuntungan bersih 16 buah syarikat ini adalah setinggi RM59 juta setahun untuk tempoh 20 tahun yang akan datang!
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteDan siapa pula pemegang-pemegang kepentingan dalam Liziz Standaco Sdn Bhd? Dalam satu lagi kontroversi tanah di Kelantan, Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mempersoalkan langkah Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan menawarkan 1,000 ekar tanah kepada Liziz Standaco pada tahun 2003. Ini sepatutnya untuk sebuah projek pembangunan dan pengindahan tebing sungai selama 12 tahun.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteBerlandaskan tawaran itu, Liziz Standaco harus membayar semula RM389.09 juta kepada Kerajaan Negeri. Namun di dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara, Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan telah hanya menerima sejumlah kecil pembayaran RM45.7 juta sehingga ke hari ini. Baki berjumlah RM343.4 juta masih lagi belum dibayar pada waktu analisa ini dikarang.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteBerlandaskan tawaran itu, Liziz Standaco harus membayar semula RM389.09 juta kepada Kerajaan Negeri. Namun di dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara, Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan telah hanya menerima sejumlah kecil pembayaran RM45.7 juta sehingga ke hari ini. Baki berjumlah RM343.4 juta masih lagi belum dibayar pada waktu analisa ini dikarang.
Ayuh kita lihat kepada salah urus yang besar dalam Program Ladang Rakyat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan.
ReplyDeleteKebimbangan juga memuncak apabila Laporan Ketua Audit Negara menyatakan bahawa Liziz Standaco telah meletakkan 13.52 ekar tanah yang dimaksudkan itu sebagai cagaran demi mendapatkan pinjaman berjumlah RM75 juta. Walaupun kita tidak tahu dengan jelas samada Liziz Standaco telah menggunakan sebahagian daripada pinjaman RM75 juta itu untuk membayar RM45.7 juta kepada Kerajaan Negeri, kita boleh dalam banyak cara mengandaikan bahawa syarikat tersebut bukanlah sebuah syarikat yang baik danmampu membawa projek ini ke arah kejayaan.
We are grateful that the government has approved an amendment to de-gazette the status of the forest.
ReplyDeleteThis will help resolve the long-standing land applications by the villagers to be processed by the Land and Survey Department and local authorities.
ReplyDeleteHope that the Land and survey department will hasten the processing of application for local villagers.
ReplyDeleteThis shows taht the govenrment place the land issue as a priority.
ReplyDeleteHope that other long standing land issues will also be resolved by the Sabah state government.
ReplyDeleteYayasan Sabah and the Forestry Department will continue to identify "new" areas for legislative protection against future logging, alienation or development, in addition to those already gazetted.This is part of the intergenerational contract that both organistions adhere to.
ReplyDeleteYayasan Sabah (YS), to date, has about one million hectares under its management (excluding alienated lands) mainly under Forest Reserves.
As of today, the totally protected areas (TPAS) within its management area cover over 420,000 hectares or 40 per cent of its concession.
ReplyDeleteThese include the crown jewels such as Imbak Canyon, Danum Valley and Maliau Basin. For added security, the State Government has also gazetted approximately 300,000ha of "Buffer Zone Forests" in the last six months, near or surrounding the three-core conservation zones.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, nearly 600,000ha of the existing and past management area, are under TPAs.
ReplyDeleteThey include both pristine and logged-over forests of high biological diversity, which arguably are the richest eco-zones on the entire island of Borneo.
ReplyDeleteIt is also apt to note that Yayasan Sabah, had in the recent past, handed back vast tracts of lowland forests to the State Government for wildlife conservation such as Tabin Wildlife Reserve and Mount Hatton Forest Reserve of 120,000ha and Kulamba Wildlife Reserve of 21,000ha, Environmental Protection such as Gunung Tinkar Forest Reserve of 10,150ha, Nurod-Urod (1,700ha) and Silabukan Forest Reserve (11,000ha) and the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified Tangkulap Forest Reserve (27,258ha) in the upper Kinabatangan.
ReplyDeleteNot only are these areas protected by legislation, they are also managed on the ground through a wide stakeholder network involving the NGOs, environmental philanthropists and research organisations, to name a few.
ReplyDelete"We are of the opinion that Yayasan Sabah is the leading concessionaire in the country in the establishment of totally protected areas, within its jurisdiction and in varied conservation endeavours," it said.
The Forestry Department also expressed its gratitude to Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and his Cabinet colleagues for providing the much-needed leadership that has allowed the "TPA" policy to progress further.
ReplyDeleteThe totally protected areas (TPAs) in Sabah today covers 1.3 million hectares or about 20 per cent of the State’s total land area.
ReplyDeleteThis is an achievement that even exceeds the standard of 10 per cent of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).And, these protected areas are further complemented with key conservation initiatives like the Ulu Segama-Malua involving about 240,000 hectares of forest reserve for orang utan conservation and the Ulu Kinabatangan Corridor of Life which makes up of about 150,000 hectares of wildlife rich ecosystem.
ReplyDeleteOther initiatives include the conservation of Lower Kinabatangan and Segama Wetlands involving 79,000 hectares of pristine wetlands ecosystem as well as the Trusmadi, Danum Valley, Maliau Basin and Imbak Canyon conservation areas.
ReplyDelete“We walk our talk and testimony of this is the reclassification of about 180,000 hectares comprising of about 54,000 hectares of a wildlife corridor linking Maliau Basin and Imbak Canyon to Danum Valley and Ulu Segama as well as 130,000 hectares of the Ulu Segama area as a Class One forest reserve which means the area is totally protected,” Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said at the launch of the “International Conference on Heart of Borneo (HoB) + 5 & Beyond: Shaping & Nurturing Sabah’s Future Together” .
ReplyDeleteIn his speech read by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai, he assured that while much has been accomplished in the implementation of HoB, the State government would not be complacent but to continue striving to excel in the governance of best practices in forest management and conservation.
ReplyDeleteThe key focus in driving sustainability, he added, was restoration and rebuilding of productive capacity of forests, rationalising forest land-use from ecological and social perspective and further developing and capitalising on ecosystem services provided by the forest and its biodiversity in search of sustainable financing.
ReplyDelete“We believe that the HoB is the brand name towards a greener pathway,” Musa said adding that it aimed to conserve and manage ecologically interconnected highlands of Borneo and part of adjacent foothills and lowland forests straddling the borders of three Asean nations – covering an area of some 22 million hectares.
ReplyDeleteThe State government through the Forestry Department, he said, remained committed to this initiative and has in fact designated about four million hectares of Sabah’s landmass, mainly comprising important inland and highland forest ecosystems, as part of this initiative.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the HoB initiative was also envisioned to support current conservation efforts of various land categories and its implementation took cognizance of local sensitivities and culture and adhered to existing legal instruments and policies.
ReplyDelete“With support from WWF Malaysia, Sabah has formulated and encapsulated the HoB vision into the Sabah Strategic Plan of Action which was adopted and published in 2009.
ReplyDelete“The programmes and plans of action include the management of boundaries, protected areas and natural resources, ecotourism development and capacity building.“
ReplyDeleteAnd in 2001, the Sabah Heart of Borneo: Conservation in Action document was published – highlighting implementation accomplishments by the forestry department,” Musa said.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister also said the Forestry Department has under the 9th Malaysia Plan received funds through the Federal Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment for implementation of the HoB programme.
ReplyDeleteThese funds were used to carry out biodiversity documentation on various selected forest reserves and social baseline studies of nearby communities.
ReplyDelete“To date, 17 forest reserves have been surveyed and the results incorporated into the preparation of forest management plans that contribute significantly to best practices in forest management,” he added.
ReplyDeleteMusa also said Sabah recognised the needs for wide stakeholder participation and for this reason, it adopted an open and wide partnership programme at the local and international levels as part of efforts to institutionalise the conservation and management of forests.
ReplyDelete“I believe this conference is the right platform in keeping us all updated on the implementation of the HoB and to understand what can be done in our respective fields to take part effectively for the next five years and beyond.
ReplyDeleteI trust that speakers and participants gathered here for two days will provide the state government with ideas and recommendations to make the HoB a better place for wildlife, the environment, the economy and more importantly, a better tomorrow for our future generations.”
ReplyDeleteAlso present were former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and wife Tun Jeanne Abdullah and State Forestry director Datuk Sam Mannan.
AN ALLEGATION has been made that large scale and rampant illegal felling of timber has been ongoing in Sabah, the proceeds of which, are purportedly to have been laundered outside the country, as widely reported by blogs and surprisingly thereon by various an international press agency, in print and online.
ReplyDeleteThe Forestry Department acknowledges that illegal felling does exist in Sabah but no way near the scale and extent as allegedly reported. The allegations are therefore 'baseless and made with bad intention's (Mal fide) to discredit and lessen the effort and sacrifices made by the state government of Sabah, to achieve good forest governance and SFM (Sustainable Forest Management) in the shortest time possible, despite the economic financial and social challenges.
ReplyDeleteThe enormity of the alleged extent of illegal felling (1 million m3) could not have escaped the attention of the world at large. A well stocked forest of 20,000 hectares badly logged because of illegal felling would have been easily detected by satellites and attract the attention of NGOs, environmentalists and the communities living nearby. No way could have such acts be committed and passed without notice. Unless and until the burden of strict proof is shown the allegations are baseless and untruths.
ReplyDeletelf 50% of the annual production of timber from Sabah was alleged to be illegal world markets especially sensitive ones like Europe, North America and Japan, would have long ago stopped buying timber from Sabah, and the enormous economic and financial implications would have been dire to the state as a whole. This never occurred because the alleged large scale alleged illegal logging never happen.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s long term licences have been subjected to third party auditing (independent audit) since 2010, under the Ma|aysia—ECTLAS) Timber Legality Assurance Programme) the independent auditors would have detected such large scale illegal felling. On the contrary Sabah has always been transparent and letting her forest manager be opened to public scrutiny and third party auditor in wanting to attain world recognition an credibility.
ReplyDeleteRIL (Reduced Impact Logging) has been introduced in 2009 with full implementation in 2010, again verified independently by third party auditors such an allegation of rampant illegal felling (20,000 ha at least) would have been impossible to escape the attention of the auditors who are well renowned international players.
ReplyDeleteAt least 800,000 hectares of Sabah's forests are partially of fully certified under various internationally recognized system (Forest Stewardship Council or FSC, MTCS — Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme, PEFC — Pan European Forest Scheme). This also covers the Sabah Foundation with at least 250,000 hectares of fully certified and 150,000 hectares partially certified forest.
ReplyDeleteMany more forest areas are being earmarked for certification as Sabah has set 2014 as the year for all long term licensed areas to be fully certified. The process of certification means independent third party on auditing the ground to access credibility. If such an allegation was true, why does Sabah continue to attract the attention of certifying bodies and NGOs, who want to be our partners and to assist us in obtaining verifiable and certifiable good governance?
ReplyDeletelt is not lost to the world that Sabah is the first tropical region in the whole world to have a tract of rainforest certified under the Gold Standard of the FSC in 1997. i.e. Dermakot Forest Reserve. This is a model area not just for Malaysia but the tropical world.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s Ulu Segama-Malua eco·region bordering Danum Valley, is also home to the wor|d's GRASP (Great Apes Succeed Project) model under UNESCO, whereby not less than 3,000 orang utans are now protected in an FSC certified forest for which the state government under the leadership of Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, put a total halt to logging on 31.12.2007, after the policy announcement was made on 15.3.2006. This bold decision was made despite the enormous financial implication — loss of potential revenue of at least RM4 billion. Why lock up valuable rainforests forever if the administration was bent on organizing illegal felling?
ReplyDeleteThe area of TPAS (Totally protected areas) reserves in Sabah is now reaching 1.3 million ha. or about 20% of Sabah’s total land area, even exceeding the IUCN standard of10%. The latest addition is about 180,000 ha — the 55,000 ha. wildlife corridor linking Maliau Basin, lmbak Canyon to Danum/Ulu Segama and the re-classification of Ulu Segama (130,000 ha) to total protected status. lt must be put on record that the leadership of the current Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, has seen the greatest extent of TPAS expansion in the history of Sabah, despite enormous opportunity cost of conservation.
ReplyDeleteUnder his leadership, SFM has improved by leap and bounds, Short term licenses that cause tremendous damage to the environment are being drastically phased out and Sabah's forest management credibility is at its highest-an open-book philosophy whereby, logging and forest management areas, are all open to third party and NGO scrutiny. The good, the bad and the ugly are laid bare with the intention of improving standards and practices on the ground.
ReplyDeleteThe planned drop in forest revenue is also a deliberate strategy to ensure that the forests are given a chance to recover (about RM150 Million/year today as opposed to RM500 Milion — RM1 billion in the forest) and the stocks are rebuilt again in the next 20 years and this will benefit those generations to come.
ReplyDeleteIt would have been too easy to liquidate more forest for revenue solely and to abandon conservation and raising standard in the short term. If such a policy was pursued then there will be absolute depletion in the future. This is commonly known in economic as "The Tragedy Of The Commons".
ReplyDeleteThe Wild and baseless allegation actually do a lot of harm to the forest of Sabah not help it. A gullible audience would have stopped buying timber (most valuable resource financially in a forest) from Sabah, rendering the rainforest and the SFM efforts worthless and of no economic value.
ReplyDeleteOnce rainforest have no more economic value and the timber therein unsaleable, in the rainforest of continuing socio-economic, development, then they will be threatened by alternative land uses. If SFM and conservation no longer sell or bring benefit to society, then there will inevitably be dropped as policies, despite the progress painfully gain over the years.
ReplyDeletelt is hoped that those who have projected the unfounded allegations realize the enormity of misinforming the world and in the process, they have in effect hurt our conservation effort as a whole. We have reason to believe the unfounded allegations are politically motivated and not driven by any love for the environment. lt distorts with the motive of derailing Sabah’s efforts and frustrating the momentum of forest management reform The public should discard the reports as malicious and harmful to Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSebagai rakyat Sabah kita bersyukur kerana kerajaan negeri sentiasa berusaha untuk memastikan hutan di negeri terus terjaga dan dilindungi.
ReplyDeletePelbagai usaha telah dilakukan untuk memastikan masalah kemusnahan hutan ini dapat ditangani.
ReplyDeleteTambahan lagi, kerajaan telah mengantikan hasil kayu balak yang sebelum ini pendapatan utama di Sabah kepada kelapa sawit yang mana lebih memberikan keuntungan dan mesra kepada alam sekitar berbanding dengan pembalakan yang lebih kepada pemusnahan hutan.
ReplyDeletePersidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah Isnin meluluskan pindaan Enakmen Hutan (Penubuhan Hutan Simpan dan Pindaan) 1994 yang menyaksikan pewujudan 12 hutan simpan yang baru.
ReplyDeleteNasrun berkata dengan pewujudan kesemua hutan simpan itu, hutan simpan kekal kerajaan negeri Sabah akan bertambah keluasannya dari 3,594,366.000 hektar kepada 3,604,894.876 hektar atau lebih kurang 49 peratus daripada keluasan negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKira-kira 326,000 daripada 340,000 hektar hutan bakau di Sabah diwartakan sebagai Rizab Hutan Bakau
ReplyDeleteDEWAN Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sabah meluluskan Rang Undang-undang Hutan (Penubuhan Hutan Simpan dan Pindaan) 2012
ReplyDeleterang undang-undang itu bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan hasrat kerajaan, pertama, untuk membubarkan seluas 7,024,00 hektar hutan simpan kekal melalui ke arah landskap dengan tanah kerajaan.
ReplyDeletemenubuhkan seluas 9,544,50 hektar hutan simpan kekal negeri yang baru bagi menggantikan hutan simpan-hutan simpan yang telah dibubarkan.
ReplyDeletemengkelaskan semula lima kawasan hutan simpan sedia ada dengan keluasan 129,209,00 hektar kepada kelas-kelas yang lebih sesuai selaras dengan fungsinya
ReplyDeleteMenerusi sistem pengurusan yang mapan, Sabah berjaya memiliki 17 kawasan hutan simpan dan mempunyai 1.3 juta hektar kawasan hutan yang dilindungi sepenuhnya atau kira-kira 20 peratus daripada keseluruhan negeri pada masa ini.
ReplyDeletekeupayaan mengurus hutan secara bijak membolehkan negeri itu melepasi ketetapan piawaian yang dikenakan oleh Kesatuan Antarabangsa untuk Perlindungan Semulajadi (IUCN) sebanyak 10 peratus.
ReplyDeleteKawasan-kawasan yang dilindungi seperti Ulu Segama-Malay melibatkan kira-kira 240,000 hektar hutan simpan untuk pelindungan Orang Utan, kira-kira 150,000 hektar sebagai ekosistem hidupan liar, pemuliharaan Lembah Kinabatangan dan Tanah Lembap Segama kira-kira 79,000 hektar dan Trusmadi, Lembah Danum, Maliau Basin dan Imbak Kanyon.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan telah mengklasifikasikan semula kira-kira 180,000 hektar kawasan termasuk 54,000 hektar koridor hidupan liar menghubungkan Maliau Basin dan Imbak Kanyon ke Lembah Danum dan Ulu Segama dan 130,000
ReplyDeleteWalaupun penanaman kelapa sawit dilakukan secara besar-besaran dan meluas di negeri Sabah namun kerajaan tetap mengambil langkah pemuliharaan hutan secara terancang. Itulah yang telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan negeri untuk memastikan hutan dapat dipulihkan semula.
ReplyDeleteSebanyak RM300 juta telah dibelanjakan untuk menggerakkan Unit Pengurusan Hutan (FMU) bagi menjalankan kerja-kerja penanaman dan pemulihan hutan di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteFMU sudah pun dilaksanakan di kawasan seluas 384,342 hektar, daripada jumlah tersebut kerja-kerja pemulihan hutan sudah dilakukan di kawasan seluas 18
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman adalah satu-satunya lelaki yang boleh melindungi hutan Sabah, hidupan liar dan kepelbagaian hayat yang akan mampu memperseimbangkan pemanasan global
ReplyDeleteTanpa Musa Aman, hutan dan bahan galian seperti emas di pantai timur Sabah mungkin akan hilang. Kelapa sawit mungkin menggantikan hutan hujan yang ada.
ReplyDeleteTiga badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) di Sabah Jumat menyatakan sokongan terhadap langkah Jabatan Hutan Sabah mahu mewartakan semula 183,000 hektar Hutan Komersil Kelas 2 yang terlibat dengan kegiatan pembalakan secara besar-besaran, sebagai Hutan Perlindungan Kelas 1 yang menjadikannya kawasan yang dilindungi.
ReplyDeleteDalam satu inisiatif penting, empat syarikat kelapa sawit Malaysia iaitu IOI Corporation Berhad, TH Group, Kwantas Corporation Berhad dan Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Selangor hari ini, mengumumkan Perjanjian Pemuliharaan Hidupan Liar Malua.
ReplyDeletePerjanjian ini adalah perkongsian unik dengan BioBank Malua bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perlindungan hidupan liar yang terancam di kawasan Heart of Borneo.
ReplyDeleteMenurut sumber Jabatan Perhutanan, BioBank Malua ditubuhkan untuk melindungi dan memulihkan Hutan Simpan Malua. Projek itu bermula pada 2008 yang meliputi kawasan seluas 34,000 hektar, kebanyakannya tanah pamah dipterokarpa yang terancam di Sabah dan terletak di Heart of Borneo, bahagian Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteSabah merupakan pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit utama untuk Malaysia. Bukan itu saja malahan Sabah adalah pengeluar hasil kelapa sawit ke-3 Dunia. Ini membuktikan Sabah sememangnya berpotensi besar dalam perladangan kelapa sawit.
ReplyDeleteProgram pemulihan hutan tetap tidak dilupakan walaupun Sabah menjadi pengeluar hasil kelapa sawit utama negara dan dunia. Itulah yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan negeri dibawah kepimpinan Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman.
ReplyDeleteMenurut Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOB), pada 2009, Sabah mempunyai kawasan penanaman kelapa sawit terbesar berbanding negeri lain, seluas 1.36 juta hektar daripada 4.69 juta hektar keluasan tanaman di seluruh negara.
ReplyDeleteHasil juga secara umumnya lebih kukuh pada purata 4.3 tan sehektar pada 2010 - tertinggi berbanding negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia. Sabah Timur dikenal pasti sebagai lokasi baik untuk kelapa sawit, terutama di Tawau, Lahad Datu dan Sandakan.
ReplyDeleteSabah muncul sebagai peneraju dalam usaha memajukan pengurusan ekosistem semula jadi dan dalam mengurus hutan sebagai kawasan simpanan air, karbon serta biodiversiti, bukan semata-mata sebagai sumber balak
ReplyDeleteLangkah kerajaan memperkenalkan aspek pertanian di negeri ini bagi mengurangkan penggantungan kepada balak tidak menjejaskan saiz hutan di Sabah. Ia ekoran pelaksanaan sistem hutan simpan yang menjadikan kira-kira 60 peratus muka bumi Sabah masih dilitupi hutan.
ReplyDeleteSekalipun negeri ini menyaksikan perubahan lanskap yang pesat sejak beberapa dekad yang lalu namun kerajaan berjaya mengekalkan kira-kira empat ju
ReplyDeleteKadar penerokaan hutan bagi tempoh 1970 hingga 2010 adalah 0.5 peratus dengan kemuncaknya sekitar 1990 dan 2000 iaitu ketika tempoh letusan ladang kelapa sawit. Namun, hutan hujan di Sabah berjaya dipulihkan dengan sebahagian besar aset biologinya kekal utuh serta tiada rekod mengenai kepupusan haiwan.
ReplyDeleteLangkah kerajaan memberikan penekanan kepada sektor pertanian telah berjaya meletakkan industri ini kekal sebagai penyumbang utama kepada ekonomi negeri Sabah
ReplyDeletePada tahun lepas (2012), kawasan tanaman sawit negara telah mencecah seluas lima juta hektar meliputi 73.2 peratus kawasan tanah pertanian negara di mana Sabah mengekalkan kedudukan sebagai negeri yang mempunyai kawasan tanaman sawit terbesar dengan keluasan 1.43 juta hektar.
ReplyDeletepengeluaran minyak sawit mentah pada tahun lepas juga meningkat sebanyak 11.3 peratus iaitu daripada 16.99 juta tan pada tahun 2010 kepada 18.91 juta tan tahun lepas.
ReplyDeletepengukuhan harga sawit di pasaran global turut menyumbang kepada peningkatan pendapatan eksport produk sawit dengan nilai eksport pada tahun lepas mencatatkan peningkatan 34 peratus iaitu RM83.4 bilion berbanding dengan RM62.2 bilion pada tahun 2010.
ReplyDeleteDengan 124 kilang minyak sawit dan kilang pemecah isi rong minyak sawit serta kilang-kilang dalam industri hiliran minyak sawit di Sabah, industri minyak sawit adalah signifikan bukan sahaja kepada ekonomi negeri tetapi juga kepada ekonomi Malaysia secara keseluruhannya.
ReplyDeletedisebalik kejayaan kerajaan negeri Sabah menjana pendapatannya melalui industri pertanian secara mampan, malah berjaya menyediakan sebanyak 2,200 peluang pekerjaan secara langsung ekoran daripada penubuhan kilang-kilang industri hiliran minyak sawit dan gudang-gudang di POIC Lahad Datu yang mana kebanyakan pekerjaan itu telah diisi oleh rakyat tempatan, ada pula pihak luar yang cuba mengulangi kerja-kerja sabotaj seperti rangkaian Zoo Victoria di Australia bagi melancarkan kempen anti minyak sawit dengan melemparkan tuduhan mengaitkan pengeluaran minyak sawit dengan kemusnahan hutan dan kepupusan habitat hidupan liar.
ReplyDeletePerlu diingat, tomahan dan tanggapan negatif terhadap minyak sawit atau penanaman sawit di Malaysia, terutamanya di Sabah, oleh NGO-NGO barat sudah pernah dijawab sebelum ini dengan tertubuhnya Tabung Pemuliharaan Hidupan Liar Minyak Sawit Malaysia
ReplyDeleteDatuk Peter Chin Fah Kui berkata, IPOSC menjadi satu platform yang amat baik untuk industri minyak sawit Malaysia dalam melenyapkan dan menangkis segala tuduhan dan sangkaan negatif yang melanda industri sawit selama ini. Pada majlis yang sama, Dana Pemuliharaan Hidupan Liar Minyak Sawit Malaysia (Malaysian Palm Oil Wildlife Conservation Fund - MPOWCF), dana berpusing dengan jumlah sebanyak RM20 juta yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan dan juga syarikat perladangan minyak dilancar dengan rasminya.
ReplyDeletePelancaran Tabung Pemuliharaan Hidupan Liar Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOWCF) ini adalah bukti komitmen kerajaan dan industri untuk membiayai program-program kajian dan penyelidikan, dimana ianya akan membantu dalam usaha-usaha memelihara persekitaran dan pelbagai bionya. Ini mengukuhkan lagi mesej bahawa industri sawit amat memandang serius terhadap pemuliharaan alam semula jadi. Ia juga salah satu daripada usaha tanggungjawab Sosial korporat (CSR) dan penjagaan alam sekitar yang ditekankan oleh industri minyak sawit Malaysia.
ReplyDeletePihak-pihak yang sebelum ini banyak memberikan tomahan atau tanggapan buruk terhadap perladangan kelapa sawit di negeri ini sepatutnya mengkaji semula objektif penubuhan MPOWCF yang mana penubuhannya adalah untuk memulih dan menonjolkan imej bersih minyak sawit Malaysia dengan jaminan bahawa penanaman sawit TIDAK memusnahkan kawasan hutan serta habitat hidupan liar di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteJika kemusnahan hutan adalah isu membimbangkan NGO pro alam sekitar, Bullet ingin mengingatkan bahawa Australia yang mempunyai bilangan penduduk lebih kecil berbanding Malaysia memusnahkan hutannya 5 kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding Malaysia (lebih setengah juta hektar setiap tahun di antara tahun 2000 dan 2010). Jika NGO pro alam sekitar berhasrat menghalang kemusnahan hutan, Australia adalah negara yang lebih sesuai untuk diberi perhatian.
ReplyDeleteKawasan hutan yang masih belum terusik merupakan antara khazanah alam semula jadi yang menjadi tarikan utama kepada pelancong-pelancong dari luar negara
ReplyDeletekerajaan negeri akan mengekalkan 55 peratus kawasan hutan di Sabah sebagai hutan kekal dan terlindung
ReplyDeletedasar kerajaan negeri adalah memastikan penerokaan dan pembangunan di Sabah tidak akan berlaku sewenang-wenangnya sehingga mengganggu gugat hutan kekal dan hutan yang dilindungi.
ReplyDeletePolisi pemuliharaan hutan yang dilaksanakan kerajaan negeri ketika ini yang membawa kepada pengukuhan hasil negeri adalah menepati usaha mengurangkan kemusnahan hutan
ReplyDeleteDengan menyedari bahawa kerajaan negeri tidak lagi boleh terus bergantung kepada sektor itu untuk membangunkan negeri, usaha sedang dilakukan bagi memastikan sumber pemuliharaan itu terpelihara untuk tempoh 25 tahun akan datang
ReplyDeleteSabah kini mempunyai salah satu kawasan pemuliharaan terbesar di negara ini. Keluasannya adalah hampir 15 kali ganda saiz Pulau Pinang
ReplyDeleteKawasan yang berkeluasan lebih daripada 400,000 hektar itu merangkumi tiga usaha-usaha pemuliharaan alam sekitar di Sabah - Lembah Danum, Maliau Basin dan Imbak Canyon.
ReplyDeleteSejak beberapa tahun lalu, Kerajaan Negeri Sabah telah menghubungkan kawasan hutan di kawasan tiga pemuliharaan demi mengklasifikasikan semula yang ditetapkan untuk pembalakan dan aktiviti-aktiviti komersial lain ke kawasan-kawasan yang dilindungi.
ReplyDeleteKhazanah itu akan dipulihara apabila Dewan Undangan Negeri meluluskan pindaan Enakmen Hutan 1984 di mana 23,135 hektar hutan diklasifikasikan semula sebagai kawasan perlindungan
ReplyDeleteKita kini mempunyai kawasan pemuliharaan yang besar, yang benar-benar dilindungi dan tidak boleh diambil
ReplyDeleteKerja-kerja untuk memulihkan kawasan-kawasan yang baru dilindungi sedang dijalankan
ReplyDeleteKerja-kerja pemulihan yang terlibat adalah penanaman semula spesies pokok semula jadi di kawasan yang terjejas