PRIME Minister Najib Razak’s refusal to disclose the donor of the S$16 million contraband cash seized at the Hong Kong International airport, following his minister’s earlier acknowledgement of the cash as donation to Sabah Umno, has only heightened suspicion over the web of deceit and cover up of high corruption in the corridor of power.
His minister Nazri Aziz had earlier (Oct 11) given a written reply in parliament denying that the said S$16 million cash was Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s money, claiming that it was a donation to Umno party in Sabah instead, even though the carrier of the cash, Michael Chia Tien Foh, was a well known personal agent and close associate of Musa Aman, as will be elaborated later.
In a further attempt to dismiss the notion of any impropriety over the episode, minister Nazri added in his statement that the Malaysian Anti-Corrupition Commission (MACC) has concluded that “no element of corruption was proven”.
However, this statement has glaringly contradicted MACC’s latest stance on the issue, aired only a few days earlier.
Answering questions by reporters on the sideline of the recently concluded Sixth Conference of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) in Kuala Lumpur, MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Shukri Abdul said on Oct 5: “The investigation against Musa is on corruption and we have completed the investigation, but the panel has instructed us to get more evidence.”
By “the panel”, Shukri Abdul was referring to MACC’s operations review panel, which instructed the operation division to collect further evidence against Musa after being presented with the report on the case during the panel’s last sitting in May.
While MACC’s head of investigation is claiming that it is still in the midst of investigation, how could minister Nazri claim in the same breath that MACC has concluded that there was no evidence of corruption?
Dishonest Answers All Round
Obviously, one of the two is lying; or more likely, both are lying, as there is no credibility in what these two gentlemen have said, if we were to take into consideration the full circumstances of the case.
Nazri is unlikely to have told the truth, as he couldn’t have known more than the head of investigation.
As for Shukri, how serious can we take his word that MACC couldn’t come to a conclusion despite four long years of investigation into a simple case of someone caught red-handed while smuggling an enormous sum of laundered cash?
After all, evidence galore in the Internet of the intricate network of money flow originating from timber corruption in Sabah with Michael Chia as one of the focal points of the trail that eventually ends up in Musa Aman’s personal account in UBS AG in Zurich.
In fact, a flow chart showing these money movements complete with account details was produced by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), a copy of which has been conveyed to MACC, according to Sarawak Report website, which has also posted the chart in Sarawak Report.
It is not difficult to see from this elaborate network of bank accounts and money transactions that the S$16 million incident is only the tip of the iceberg of a clandestine operation to siphon massive timber corruption money from Sabah.
Apparently, ICAC has also forwarded its findings to MACC, and requested for inter-country co-operation to wrap up the case, but such attempt was reportedly blocked by Attorney General Gani Patail.
Can MACC deny that it is in possession of the fruits of ICAC’s laborious investigations into the case including the said money flow chart that conclusively crucifies Musa Aman? Perhaps the parliamentary select committee on corruption should summon MACC chief commissioner Abu Kassim to answer this question.
Musa’s Lies Exposed
Adding to the credibility crisis of the duo – Nazri and Shukir – is the blanket denial by Musa Aman of all allegations against him.
Responding to Sarawak Report’s various allegations that among others, Musa’s two sons studying in Australia regularly received timber kickbacks from bank accounts controlled by Chia, Musa flatly denies these in a written statement on April 12, 2012 that reads:
“I deny all these allegations. I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia”.
Musa’s denial, however, was contradicted by banks statements produced in the Singapore High Court in a civil suit (Suit No.752 of 2010/N) in June that was brought by Chia’s former associate and now adversary involving a money dispute.
To defend its position in the dispute, UBS AG produced bank statements that clearly showed that Musa’s sons Mohammed Hayssam Musa and Hazem Musa Hazem Mubarak Musa were regular recipients of money remitted from accounts of companies which Chia claimed to be under his control.
These British Virginia registered shady companies with large amount of unaccounted for cash regularly flowing mysteriously through their accounts are obvious vehicles of money laundering.
Thus both UBS AG and Chia, out of the necessity to defend their respective positions, had unwittingly produced in court evidences that tell us that Musa Aman has told a blatant lie that he has no link whatsoever with Michael Chia. More than that, these bank documents also collaborate documents in Sarawak Report’s possession (including the abovementioned flow chart) that regularly surface in its frequent exposure of Musa Aman’s nefarious ventures as the notorious timber baron of Sabah.
Interestingly, according to Sarawak Report, these secret reports are leaked documents from not only ICAC, but also from MACC, which has carried out a parallel investigation on Sabah timber corruption, following the arrest of Michael Chia in Hong Kong on 14 Aug 2008 for money smuggling and laundering.
Judging from MACC’s long silence and inaction despite the wealth of evidence of Sabah timber corruption in its hands, it is not difficult to visualize the limitations under which it has to operate.
UMNO Incriminates Itself
Prime Minister Najib Razak certainly didn’t help matters with his curt refusal to divulge the source or any information that may lessen the gravity of this scandal. In that encounter with the press after chairing the Barisan Nasional supreme council meeting on Oct 12, he even tried to sanitize this sordid incident by saying “every political party has the right to receive political donation as long as it is done in a proper way”. He added that the amount of the donation is irrelevant, repeating the proviso that “as long as it is done in a proper way”.
It really boggles the mind to think that the Prime Minister could consider such bizarre fashion of conveying donation as “the proper way”.
May we remind the Prime Minister that money smuggling and money laundering are serious criminal offences, for which Michael Chia would have been prosecuted, convicted and jailed and the cash confiscated, if not for the Malaysian government’s refusal to extend its co-operation to the Hong Kong authorities.
And since Michael Chia is only a courier, the master for whom he serves – Umno – is even more guilty.
In any democratic country, law enforcers would have swung into action following the Prime Minister’s open admission of such association of breach of law; but of course, in Boleh Land, this is business as usual – nothing to make a fuss about.
This latest scandal is only one of many that have been incessantly popping up lately despite the imminence of a crucial election. It only serves to reinforce the hard fact that our self-styled “reformist” Prime Minister’s many “transformations” he claimed to have brought to the nation are more illusion than substance.
As for his vision of “best democracy” and “developed nation” status in the near future, is it not a land too far to reach?
By : KIM QUEK (sabahkini)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
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The only web of deceit i can see is the spreading of this unfounded allegation like a while fire. All lies.
ReplyDeleteMusa is not guilty. How come they said his 'scandal' punch Najib's vision?
ReplyDeleteThe opposition is trying hard to defeat the bn gov by attack the leader . Be careful with their manipulation.they are more aggressive now
ReplyDeleteMACC already cleared Datuk Musa Aman. So mean Datuk Musa not fault in this case.
ReplyDeletePerlukah seseorang itu meminta maaf jika tidak bersalah. Rasanya tidak perlu bukan. Orang yang menuduh bukan-bukan itulah yang perlu meminta maaf.
ReplyDeleteWhat lies? Opposition only making speculations!!
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, pemberian dana berjumlah RM40 juta kepada Umno Sabah disifatkan sebagai derma politik. Terima kasih kepada penderma ikhlas itu.
ReplyDeletePembangkang nak harapkan bukti Sarawak Report tu? Bukan boleh pakai sangat.
ReplyDeleteSetiap parti politik mempunyai hak untuk menerima derma politik selagi ia dilakukan dengan saluran yang betul. Itulah yang Datuk Najib katakan kepada semua. Sama juga seperti Anwar mendapat fund dari luar. Tapi menjadi masalah fund itu digunakan untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan. Itulah yang salah.
ReplyDeleteJangan nak menuduh sembarangan. Pembangkang patut cermin diri bila Anbwar sendiri menerima derma politik (private jet).
ReplyDeleteSiapa yang memberikan derma itu biarkanlah rahsia. Datuk Najib bagaimanapun enggan untuk mendedahkannya dan menyatakan bahawa pembangkang turut menerima derma politik
ReplyDeleteDengan tidak sewenang-wenang untuk mendedahkannya siapa penderma itu kerana pembangkang juga menerima derma politik dan mereka tidak mendedahkan daripada mana mereka perolehnya.
ReplyDeletebalik2 isu ini.. diulang- ulang.. bosanlah..
ReplyDeleteS$16 million cash was Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s money, claiming that it was a donation to Umno party in Sabah instead.....(MACC) has concluded that “no element of corruption was proven”.
ReplyDeletebertambah miskin lah rakyat sabah ...jangan susah dapat juga tangki air 5 tahun sekali....
Singapore keluar Malaysia - jadi negara kaya .
Brunai menolak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negara kaya .
Sabah/Sarawak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negeri miskin.
jangan lupa undi BN/PR....he he he
Kita dapat lihat memang tidak adil jika pembangkang saja yang dapat derma daripada orang luar. Cuba tanya pembangkang, berapa banyak yang mereka dapat untuk derma politik.
ReplyDeleteTidak ada salah rasanya dana diberikan. Pemberian dana itu, Datuk Najib menegaskan bahawa ia dilakukan dengan cara yang betul atas kebaikan parti.
ReplyDeleteSebab itulah apa yang Datuk Musa cuba lakukan. Ketua Menteri Sabah yang juga Ketua Umno negeri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman sebelum ini menafikan tuduhan. Kerana memang benar beliau tidak bersalah dan cuba dikaitkan dengan beliau. Siapa tidak mahu menafikan semua ini.
ReplyDeleteAda pihak yang cuba untuk mengaitkan dirinya dengan hartawan balak, Michael Chia. Semua itu cuma permainan politik pembangkang sekarang ini ketandusan isu.
ReplyDeleteMicheal Chia ditahan pada 2008 kerana cuba menyeludup wang haram berjumlah RM40 juta. Jadi itu salah Micheal Chia dan bukannya pihak lain. Cuba terima kenyataan siasatan SPRM.
ReplyDeleteAkhirnya, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) membersihkan dakwaan rasuah terhadap Musa dan Chia.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz berkata, Jabatan Peguam Negara turut memutuskan tiada elemen rasuah dengan Kes Musa Aman ini.
ReplyDeleteJadi terimalah seadanya. Memang kita percaya Datuk Musa mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada penduduk Sabah. Dibuktikan membabitkan Ketua Umno Sabah itu dengan rasuah memang tidak benar sekali.
ReplyDeleteSemua siasatan telah siap dibuat dan ini telah diputuskan yang mana Jabatan Peguam Negara telah meneliti dan mempertimbangkan keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh SPRM. Memang tidak ada kaitan kes rasuah dengan Datuk Musa Aman ini.
ReplyDeleteIni merupakan rezeki kepada Kerajaan UMNO Sabah. Dana tersebut ialah sumbangan yang dibuat kepada Badan Perhubungan Umno Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSeperti apa yang dikatakan bukannya untuk tujuan persendirian Ketua Menteri dengan pelbagai pendakwaan yang diberikan kepada beliau.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s economy registered an annual growth rate of 8 percent over the five-year period from 2004-05 to 2009-10, covering most of the term of Musa Aman. It was only 3.5 percent per year in the previous eight years. This should rule out the idea of returning to an opposition regime. Sabah’s per capita income rose from RM4402.6 per year in 1990 to RM 8441.7 in 2010.
ReplyDeleteJanganlah mudah terpedaya dengan permainan pembangkang ini.
ReplyDeleteAda pula pihak yang mengaitkan kemajuan Brunei, Singapore dengan Sabah. Memanglah maju kalau Negara di sebut ini Negara kecil saja. Fikirlah sikit. Apa pun besar Brunei ini jika dibandingkan dengan Sabah. Begitu juga dengan Pulau Singapore. Cubalah bandingkan dengan Indonesiakah mungkin ada fight juga.
ReplyDeleteSabah’s agriculture sector, construction, education, health and services sectors have all witnessed impressive growth. Manufacturing and services have been identified as the main growth sectors accounting for 6.9 percent of the total 8.0 percent GDP growth. The manufacturing sector alone is expected to contribute 33.1 percent to the total share of the GDP by the year 2010 from 9.1 percent in 1990.
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih kepada SPRM atas keputusan siasatan yang adil dan amanah. Memang kita tidak nafikan akan ramai yang cuba memutar belitkan perkara ini. Tapi abaikan saja itu. Fakta dan bukti sudah ada dengan laporan daripada SPRM.
ReplyDeleteMusa berkata, kepimpinan teladan Najib, komitmen dan keikhlasan dalam menangani isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh rakyat diiktiraf oleh rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman has remained focussed on development. He is a model chief minister that other BN states should also aspire for. Our vote goes out to Musa Aman.
ReplyDeletePembentangan Bajet 2013 adalah bukti komitmen Najib untuk membawa pembangunan ke Sabah dan meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat. Ini terbukti melalui peruntukan sebanyak RM386 juta untuk penyeragaman harga barangan di Sabah dan Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteNajib juga mengumumkan pembiayaan untuk pembangunan Kota Belud sebagai jelapang padi Sabah.
ReplyDeletePendekatan membangkitkan kebencian kepada Perdana Menteri, tidak akan kemana-mana, kerana hanya puak pembangkang sahaja yang terlibat, bukannya rakyat jelata yang masih majoriti.
ReplyDeleteSemua bahagian harus bersedia untuk memastikan kemenangan Barisan Nasional di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabahans are grateful for having Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as Prime Minister of Malaysia, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.He said Sabahans recognised Najib’s exemplary leadership, commitment and sincerity in addressing issues faced by the people.
ReplyDeleteMusa berkata sebarang ancaman kepada BN boleh dineutralkan jika kita sudah bersedia.
ReplyDeleteWhen Musa was appointed the State's Finance Minister, many government agencies were incurring losses with some not even being able to pay staff their salaries.
ReplyDeleteBut after Musa gave them his advice and views, these agencies were slowly able to pay their loans and subsequently dividends.
ReplyDeleteMusa said if this is achieved, the State's financial performance would become more efficient and thus enhance its competitiveness.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the financial management accountability index excellence awards, he said, it was conducted to create awareness and also to give incentive to the government departments and agencies that have attained four-star sta
ReplyDeleteMusa added what's important is that state govt continue to enhance its efforts to enable this achievement to be maintained and enhanced so as to support the various development activities at all levels
ReplyDeletePembangunan yang dikecapi Sabah seiring dengan negeri lain di negara ini adalah hasil hubungan baik dengan kerajaan Persekutuan.
ReplyDeleteMusa Haji Aman, berkata pencapaian yang diperolehi menerusi pelaksanaan pelbagai rancangan dan dasar itu diharap dapat membantu mengurangkan jurang pembangunan antara Sabah dan negeri lain di Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteSabah komited sepenuhnya memastikan semua rancangan dan dasar seperti Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP), Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara (NKRA) dan Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) dilaksanakan dengan jayanya untuk manfaat rakyat
ReplyDeleteMusa berkata, kerajaan Persekutuan menerusi kepimpinan dinamik Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak mengemukakan pelbagai inisiatif mengurangkan beban rakyat.
ReplyDeleteKatanya, ia termasuklah melalui Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) dan Klinik Rakyat 1Malaysia.
beberapa perkembangan menarik telah berlaku di Sabah dan walaupun terdapat ketidaktentuan dalam landskap politik sejak dua dekad lepas, Sabah pada masa ini mempunyai wakil yang kukuh dalam Kabinet Persekutuan.
ReplyDeleteMusa turut menyeru kepada rakyat Sabah agar berterusan menghasilkan sumbangan terhadap kejayaan pembangunan di negara ini.
ReplyDeletejembatan labuan - menumbuk .
ReplyDeletejembatan bum bum - bandar sempolna.
jalanraya kalabakan - sepulut.
jalanraya baru tuaran - kudat.
BN-janji di tepati...he he he.
jangan susah dapat juga tangki air 5 tahun sekali....
Singapore keluar Malaysia - jadi negara kaya .
Brunai menolak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negara kaya .
Sabah/Sarawak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negeri miskin.
jangan lupa undi BN/PR....he he he
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2011 mendapati Pendidikan Industri YS Sdn. Bhd. (PIYSB) yang mengendalikan Universiti Selangor (Unisel) mencatatkan kerugian sebelum cukai sebanyak RM37.63 juta pada 2010.
ReplyDeleteSyarikat milik kerajaan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Selangor itu dilaporkan mengalami peningkatan kerugian sebelum cukai sebanyak 198.1 peratus berbanding RM12.62 juta pada 2009.
ReplyDeleteMenurut laporan itu, pendapatan PIYSB pada tahun 2008, 2009 dan 2010 masing-masing berjumlah RM91.41 juta, RM89.35 juta dan RM71.82 juta.
ReplyDeletePenurunan itu disebabkan bilangan kemasukan pelajar berkurangan.
Laporan berkenaan turut menyatakan liabiliti syarikat tersebut pada 2010 iaitu sebanyak RM439.17 juta meningkat berbanding RM381.58 juta pada 2009. Antara pemiutang utama adalah pemaju, kontraktor dan penyenggara (RM263.6 juta); 'Bai Bithamin Ajil Debt Securities' - Affin Bank Berhad (RM150 juta) dan kerajaan PKR Selangor (RM73.31 juta).
ReplyDeleteSecara keseluruhan, laporan itu mendapati prestasi kewangan PIYSB tidak memuaskan. Lembaga Pengarah PIYSB diketuai Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Pengerusi dan turut dianggotai sembilan ahli lain.
ReplyDeleteLaporan Ketua Audit Negara 2011 turut menemui tujuh kelemahan pada pengurusan aktiviti dan tadbir urus korporat PIYSB. Kelemahan-kelemahan yang dikenal pasti adalah pengambilan pelajar tidak mencapai sasaran, tunggakan yuran meningkat dan sebahagian kemudahan Unisel tidak disenggarakan dengan sempurna.
ReplyDeleteKelemahan lain termasuk Audit Dalaman tidak berfungsi, Jawatankuasa Audit dan Pemeriksaan tidak ditubuhkan, Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan tidak dijalankan dan tatacara operasi standard tidak diluluskan Lembaga Pengarah.
ReplyDeleteDalam kesibukan pembangkang mahu kritik Musa-Najib, rupa-rupanya PKR sendiri tidak dapat urus Unisel dengan baik. Ada hati mahu tawan Putrajaya konon!!
ReplyDeleteMahu sangat mansuhkan PTPTN..memang hancur la kalau PR yang menang.
ReplyDeletePKR failures to govern Selangor will be an advantage for BN.
jangan susah dapat juga tangki air 5 tahun sekali....
Singapore keluar Malaysia - jadi negara kaya .
Brunai menolak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negara kaya .
Sabah/Sarawak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negeri miskin.
jangan lupa undi BN/PR....he he he
Macam mana pula, scandal Selangor yang terlibat Rm 1 billion tu?
ReplyDeletesejak BN perintah sabah hampir 20 tahun, sabah cuma jadi fix deposit dan negeri paling miskin di malaysia. itu saja jawapan kepada semua komen penyokong BN.
ReplyDeletelaporan audit negara mengakui negeri2 di bawah pentadbiran PR ditadbir dengan baik dimana hasil negeri masing2 telah meningkat. dengan ini, kalau penyokong BN mengatakan pembngkang tak tahu memerintah maka sikul korang nampaknya setakat tadika saja.
korang sebut pasal unisel, talam, skandal itu ini ttg PR tetapi kenapa korang tak sebut satu persatu kes di bawah kerajaan BN seperti:
1. Kes altantuya - orang yg mati tetapi mahkamah tak tahu apa motif pembunuhan. takut kedapatan kali kalau mau siasat lagi, ada org besar BN terlibat.
2. Kes perwaja stell.
3. Kes kehilangan ekuiti bumiputera yg berpuluh bilion
4. hutang negara meningkat kepada lebih 60% KDNK iaitu lebih kurang 100 bilion.
5. PTI yang diberi IC oleh pemimpin BN ( Jual negara/pengkhianat negara )
byk lagi laa..
ini kali laaaa
BN's Boleh Achievement:Betul ka ini ?
ReplyDeleteStill believe in 1malaysia?
1. PKFZ RM12bill
2. Submarine RM500mil
3. Sime Darby RM964mil
4. Paya Indah Westland RM88mil
5. Posmalaysia (transmile) RM230mil lost
6. Eurocopter deal RM1bil waste?
7. Terengganu Stadium Collapsed RM292mil
8. MRR2 repair cost RM70mil
9. Maybank Overpay for BII RM4bil
10. Tourism -NYY kickback RM10mil
jangan susah dapat juga tangki air 5 tahun sekali....
Singapore keluar Malaysia - jadi negara kaya .
Brunai menolak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negara kaya .
Sabah/Sarawak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negeri miskin.
jangan lupa undi BN/PR....he he he
contoh kebahlulan undang2 umno/bn.
ReplyDeleteada org bagi sumbangan kpd nik aziz untuk p haji. apa jadi? segala jenis polis, sprm, entah apa lagi berlumba lumba siang malam, panas hujan masuk berita tv3 suku, utusan, ada pula repot polis dgn tujuan mendakwa nik aziz.
tapi bila kes beri derma kepada umno, jangan kan polis, sprm, segala ulama2 umno secara otomatik jadi bisu. si mentri pula dengan cepat memutuskan tidak salah umno dapat sumbangan.
korang sedar tak, isu2 ini bakal menjahanamkan umno/bn dgn lebih cepat.
mmg betul kata TUN M. BN parti syaitan yg di kenali.
Oppositions will do anything to defeat BN. Lately, they going more aggressive compared previously. It might, the election is around the corner. So, anything that they think helpful they will do it.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak said that "came up the arising matter is the norm of oppositions. They want to slander leader and gov to get more vote and ask sympathy from the people"
ReplyDeletenak suruh sapa siasat???????agak2lah, dgn puak diorg ni report semua tak jln, yg penting dimana rakyat yg cintakan keadilan, kesesamaan, ketelusan dan yg benci pda salah guna kuasa, rasuah, perkamuan, kita bangkit beramai-ramai bersatu, berganding bahu, bersama sama memperingatan satu sama ataupun satu org dptkan 10 0rg menyokong sama menentang penipuaan, fitnah, tuduhan, salah guna kuasa dgn vmenguasai semua media melagakan sesama rakyat, kaum, fitnah, tuduhan, sepatutnya semua media membawa rakyat menuju kemajuaan bukan melaga-laga, fitnah, tuduhan dgn itu rakyat semua kena bersatu menghapuskan kezaliman ini dan pastikan ahli keluarga kita dan kawan2 kita menyokong org yg cintakan bangsa, ugama, negara A.B.U krn mrk perusak bangsa, pemimpin2nya byk melakukan mcm2 kesalahan seperti Ex-MB S'gor dll...lawan tetap lawan
ReplyDeleteSPRM buat apa tidur ke?...boleh ke apabila SPRM dah mengesyaki bahawa duit itu terdapat unsur yg meragukan, lalu PM kata umno xperlu memberitahu siapa yg menyumbangnya...kalau mcm ni senang la.... lepas ni bila SPRM tangkap sapa2 dan syak dia terima duit dari sapa2...lantas org tersebut cakap saya xnak istihar atau saya xboleh istiharkan dari mana duit saya datang...lalu SPRM pun lopong je xboleh buat apa dan xboleh tanya dah....bagi aku inilah PM yg paling bodoh dan bebal dalam sejarah PM Malaysia....Wajib Undi Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU13 nanti.
ReplyDelete"Ia adalah untuk sumbangan politik. Setiap parti politik mempunyai hak untuk menerima sumbangan politik selagi ia dibuat dengan mengikut saluran yang betul"
ReplyDeletePasal tak betul lerrr pihak Hong Kong tahan wang tuuuu. Nama pon
Pecacai Najis!!
seludup, mesti lah SALAH. Memalukan Malaysia aja. Parti memerintah dpt dana dgn menyeludup wang. Kalau ini berlaku d negara2 seperti Jepun, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, serta negara Eropah, pemimpin utama parti berkenaan dah tentu2 letak jawatan disamping agensi anti rasuah/polis/bank negara akan siasat kemungkinan dakwaan penggubahan wang haram.
Tetapi utk UMNO BN apa pon takpa..... Bg aku ini pemimpin sebegini NO PRINCIPAL. Tak layak memimpin negara berdaulat.
Lalalalalaaaa...rupa2nya apa yg dia sebut dan tuduh kpd pembangkang tu, dia perli parti dia sendiri.....hahahaha....tu la, Allah nk tunjuk kejap je....sekelip mata kena kat batang hidung. Tuduh pembangkang dgn Soros, last2 dia ngaku berjumpa soros. Tuduh pembangkang dpt duit luar....last2 mengaku juga dia dpt duit luar....bezanya, yg dia dapat semua 'Bersih' halal sehalal-halalnya...walaupun diseludup....kehkehkeh....kan dah kantoi..orang sabah juga bah dikasih bodoh-bodoh..ha..ha dilembukan..
ReplyDeleteTransformasi BN .
ReplyDeletePRIME Minister Najib Razak’s refusal to disclose the donor of the S$16 million contraband cash seized at the Hong Kong International airport.
jangan susah dapat juga tangki air 5 tahun sekali...
Singapore keluar Malaysia - jadi negara kaya .
Brunai menolak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negara kaya .
Sabah/Sarawak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negeri miskin.
jangan lupa undi BN/PR....he he he
Musa isnt guilty. Just people very sensitive
ReplyDeleteapa pula? kan sudah jelas dalam laporan SPRM dan ICAC mengatakan tiada elemen rasuah dibuktikan yang mengaitkan musa aman...apa lagi mahu siasat? tu sarawak report tu pun pandai saja buat cerita tapi faktanya tiada...kalau yang rekaan sendiri banyaklah...
ReplyDeletepembangkang ni pun hanya tahu buka mulut besar...bising sana bising sini...kuat pusing dan putar belit...
ReplyDeletekalau sudah terdesak beginilah sikap ni pembangkang...kitar semula...
ReplyDeletefaham2 lah kalau sudah janji jika PR kalah pada pru13 nanti, ketua pembangkang akan pencen...
ReplyDeletesarawak report pula sekali lagi gagal dalam misinya untuk menjatuhkan musa aman di sabah setelah gagal menjatuhkan taib mahmud di sarawak..
ReplyDeleteskandal pembangkang di selangor rm1 billion tidak mahu cerita kah?
ReplyDeletebiarpun banyak tuduhan2 dilemparkan kepada musa aman, namun beliau tetap teguh menghadapi tuduhan2 tersebut yang mana kini telah disahkan tidak benar melalui laporan siasatan SPRM dan ICAC di hong kong...musa aman tetap fokus kepada tugas beliau selaku KM sabah dalam usaha kerajaan negeri yang berterusan untuk membangunkan negeri sabah dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup rakyat...kecemerlangan musa aman selaku KM sabah harus dipuji dan dicontohi oleh pemimpin2 lain...
ReplyDeleteNajib is not worried at all.
ReplyDeleteThe people still show strong support to the BN government.
ReplyDeleteThe scandal is not proven and MACC has already declare the case closed.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa Aman has been declared innocent, so problem solved.
ReplyDeleteThis baseless allegation will not threaten BN.
ReplyDeleteTidak cukup dengan bas mewah, Pakatan Rakyat kini mempamerkan jet mewah pula dalam usaha mereka ‘mendekati’ rakyat marhaen.
ReplyDeleteJika dulu PR sering menuduh pemimpin BN suka bermewah dan membazir, dan sering menonjolkan imej pemimpin mereka sebagai zuhud, merendah diri dan berjimat cermat. Tetapi hari ini, itu semua hanya tinggal ‘kenangan’ kerana jelas pemimpin PR adalah jauh lebih mewah dari BN.
Pemimpin BN diperuntukkan segala kemudahan oleh kerajaan, dan bukannya dengan menggunakan wang persendirian. Begitupun, tiada pemimpin BN yang sebegitu mewah, termasuk Perdana Menteri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya, kemewahan pemimpin PR, terutamanya Anwar Ibrahim bukanlah sesuatu yang rahsia. Melihat dari cara hidup dan jumlah kunjungan beliau ke luar negara dalam setahun atau sebulan, tidak salah untuk dikatakan bahawa kemewahannnya adalah setanding atau lebih hebat dari seorang Ketua Negara.
ReplyDeleteMungkin Anwar yang dilaporkan hampir gila kerana tidak tertahan-tahan ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri sudah tidak sanggup lagi untuk berpura-pura. Beliau yang menjadi mewah secara mendadak, sejurus selepas menjawat jawatan di dalam kerajaan suatu ketika dahulu, tidak mampu lagi untuk menutup citarasanya ke arah kehidupan yang mewah secara melampau.
Justeru, beliau sudah tidak berminat lagi untuk menonjolkan imej zuhud yang dipakainya sebelum ini, tetapi mula menunjukkan warna dirinya yang sebenar kepada rakyat iaitu seorang yang penuh gaya dan bercitarasa tinggi. Tentu sekali, sebagai sahabat kepada tokoh-tokoh Zionis yang menguasai dunia, Anwar perlu membawa imej yang sesuai dengan kedudukannya.
ReplyDeleteKhabarnya, jet tersebut disewa dari sebuah syarikat di Amerika Syarikat untuk digunakan khas bagi Anwar melawat Sabah, Sarawak dan Labuan. Turut bersama Anwar ialah Tian Chua dan beberapa pemimpin PR lain, termasuk Bendahari parti PAS.
Nampaknya, Anwar benar-benar ingin menjalani kehidupan sebagaimana dirasakan ‘layak’ buat dirinya iaitu sebagai seorang yang sepatutnya menjadi ketua negara. Pastinya, lawatan ke Sabah, Sarawak dan Labuan begitu penting bagi Anwar sehinggakan kos sewaan dan segala perbelanjaan sampingan yang pastinya mencapai ratusan ribu kalaupun tidak jutaan ringgit tidak menjadi soal baginya.
ReplyDeleteAtau mungkin juga, kos setakat itu hanyalah ‘di celah gigi’ saja baginya..
Dengan kemewahan Anwar dan PR yang melampau ini, dengan sendirinya segala fitnah mereka terhadap Datin Seri Rosmah yang kononnya suka bermewah dan membazir sudah tidak relevan lagi.
Kini, PR tidak punya kredibiliti lagi untuk mencipta isu rasuah ketua menteri, lebih2 lagi selepas hasil siasatan SPRM dan ICAC membuktikan bahawa Musa Aman tidak terlibat dengan skandal itu.
ReplyDeleteSedangkan di pihak PR sendiri, belum pun mendapat kuasa, jurang antara pemimpin PR dengan rakyat sudah begitu jauh sekali dan begitu ketara.
Tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimana keadaannya jika Anwar dan PR benar-benar berkuasa. Agaknya, apakah jenis istana yang bakal didirikan mereka, yang pastinya lengkap dengan sistem keselamatan tercanggih ala Israel. Majlis-majlis keluarga mereka juga tentunya setanding dengan Presiden Amerika Syarikat layaknya dan mungkin dihadiri oleh artis-artis Hollywood juga.
Cakap-cakap di laman sosial kini berbunyi, jika PR selama ini memburukkan kerajaan atas alasan ‘membazir’, maka apakah menyewa jet mewah tersebut tidak membazir? Apakah Anwar itu terlalu tinggi kedudukannya sehingga tidak layak untuk menaiki kapal terbang biasa? Kenapa perlukan sebuah jet? Apa sebenarnya yang Anwar ingin buktikan atau tunjukkan kepada rakyat atau musuhnya?
ReplyDeleteRakyat wajar meneliti sifat suka bermewah dan membazir pemimpin PR dengan lebih serius.
ReplyDeleteJika PR diberi mandat, negara ini tidak mungkin mampu membiayai cara hidup mereka yang setanding pemimpin kuasa besar dunia. Apatah lagi jika segala janji-janji Buku Jingga ditunaikan di mana tol dihapuskan, hutang PTPTN dihapuskan, royalti minyak dinaikkan bagi negeri pengeluar minyak dan lain-lain janji manis lagi, yang mana pasti menyebabkan pendapatan negara berkurangan secara mendadak, maka bagaimana agaknya pemimpin-pemimpin ini akan memastikan cara hidup mewah mereka kekal?
pemimpin2 pakatan sendiri terlibat dengan pelbagai bentuk rasuah dan juga menerima sumbangan dari kuasa asing.. kenapa tidak ada pihak yang mempertikaikan tindakan2 pemimpin pakatan?? adakah kerana mereka "pembangkang" maka apa sahaja yang mereka lakukan HALAL??
ReplyDeleteyang pasti hasil siasatan SPRM dan ICAC sudah pun membersihkan imej Musa Aman.. tidak perlu lagi ada istilah "skandal" dihadapan namanya.. cuma yang belum dibersihkan ialah skandal rasuah dan seks pemimpin2 Pakatan Rakyat..
ReplyDeletekalau musang jaga ayam boleh Aman ka itu kadang .
ReplyDeletebertambah lah miskin rakyat sabah ....
jangan susah dapat juga tangki air 5 tahun sekali...
Singapore keluar Malaysia - jadi negara kaya .
Brunai menolak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negara kaya .
Sabah/Sarawak masuk Malaysia - Jadi negeri miskin.
jangan lupa undi BN/PR....he he he
ReplyDeletestatement headhunter otak2 udang, beza umno/bn parti memerintah segala kemudahaan kerajaan digunakan duit rakyat pembayar cukai pun roliing di umno/bn tetapi pakatan mana sumber diaorg itu sahja, DSAI kalau naik jet atau beca tidak payah lah dipersoalkan tapi kalau YB/MP pak menteri bebelanja lebih dari kemampuan dan pendapatanya itu something wrong ...rakyat sekarang bukan bodoh ..mereka perhati sahaja kalau hendak tahu kita tnggu PRU 13 nanti .
dulu puak2 umno yg marah sgt dgn PR, kata terima dana asing la, soros la, yahudi la. kena istihar sumbangan la., smpai naik jet pun jadi pertikaian. skrg bila korg terima, ok je pulak. lain kali jgn mengata pihak lain.
ReplyDeletekalau RM 40 juta tu digunakan untuk menaiktaraf jalan raya di pedalaman sabah , alangkah baiknya ...ada juga manfaat untuk rakyat .
ReplyDeleteNampaknya beria2 bnr pecacai bn mempertahankn musa yg x aman nie...ada apa2 habuan ke ko dpt?x payahlh nk menegakkn benang yg bsh n kalo telunjuk lurus kelingking berkait apa gunanya...
ReplyDeleteisu ini asyik dipolitikkan oleh pihak pembangkang.
ReplyDeletepembangkang mungkin sengaja mainkan isu ini supaya orang lupa pasal isu yang melanda mereka.
ReplyDeleteapap un, rakyat pasti dapat nilai siapa yang selama ini bekerja untuk mereka.
ReplyDeletebiarkan saja mereka mainkan isu ini. lama-lama diamlah mereka.
ReplyDeleterakyat akan menyokong berdasarkan prestasi seseorang pemimpin itu. pemimpin yang berjaya bangunkan Sabah akan disokong.
ReplyDeleteWang RM 40 juta, itu bukan untuk Musa tapi untuk UMNO Sabah. Kalau untuk UMNO boleh, tapi kenapa Soros tak menyeludup tapi beri secara legal melalui bank, tapi SUARAM di siasat seperti jenayah yang belaku.
ReplyDelete40 juta wang tunai di dalam bagasi pesawat nak dibawa dari HK ke Malaysia tak GANJIL ke? Ada insuran ke? Michael Chia boleh dipercayai ke? Tak takut dirompak ke? Kenapa tak guna saluran perbankan, cara yang selamat dan tanpa was2? Aiyoo! ingat Rakyat bodoh ke? lain la pecacai macam jila ngan Dai..
ReplyDeleteThis allegation is certainly a web deceit.
ReplyDeleteWe all need to be careful of what we are been told.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is Musa Aman is not guilty.
ReplyDeleteMusa is innocent as investigated already lah.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious the opposition is trying hard to defeat Musa.
ReplyDeleteIs there anyone still not aware that MACC has declared Musa not guilty as accused?
ReplyDeleteThe opposition is making speculation and trying to get attention from the public.
ReplyDeleteWell it seems the opposition is only trying to win the people's heart.
ReplyDeleteWho exactly is telling the truth here?
ReplyDeletePlease do not confuse the people, all we desire is a good and trust worthy leader.
ReplyDeleteIf the money donated is done with the right channel then no need to point hand on anyone.
ReplyDeleteThis matter is simply a political issue.
ReplyDeleteThere is no need to start accusing falsely.
ReplyDeleteI presume the opposition do receive political donations as well.
ReplyDeleteMusa has tried in the past years to give his best to the people though we believe he can do better than before.
ReplyDeletePutrajaya has confirmed that Datuk Musa Aman was only cleared of corruption after Malaysian graftbusters told Hong Kong authorities that a RM40-million cash contribution allegedly meant for the Sabah chief minister was a “political donation” to Umno.
ReplyDeleteDe facto law minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) probe on Musa was initiated after Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) requested for information on the issue.
ReplyDeleteHe said the ICAC had asked for MACC’s co-operation after Sabah timber trader Michael Chia was arrested and charged with money laundering in 2008 for attempting to smuggle S$16 million (RM40 million) out of Hong Kong.
ReplyDelete“MACC agreed to co-operate with its Hong Kong counterparts and found that the money in question was not for Musa’s personal use.
ReplyDelete“The agency then reported back to ICAC with the information and the Hong Kong authority decided to drop the matter and pull its complaint from the Swiss court,” Nazri said.
ReplyDeleteThe minister was asked to respond to DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang’s accusation that he had been giving conflicting reports to Parliament on which anti-graft authority ― Malaysia’s or Hong Kong’s ― had first cleared Musa of graft.
ReplyDeleteIn a statement, Lim had demanded a full disclosure and chronology of events leading to Musa’s name being cleared, raising suspicion over whether Malaysia had tampered with the graft case to save the Umno leader from a graft charge.
ReplyDeleteLim pointed out that Nazri had at first told Parliament that it was Malaysia’s Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) that had absolved Musa, based on findings from MACC’s investigation on the matter.
ReplyDeleteThe minister also said that the ICAC had pulled its Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (MACMA) application from Switzerland’s courts after finding that the RM40 million was meant for Sabah Umno and not Musa’s personal use.
ReplyDeleteNazri had also told the House that it was ICAC that had first cleared Musa, even telling opposition parliamentarians to refer their queries to the Hong Kong agency if they were dissatisfied with the decision.
ReplyDeleteThere is no use for constant recycling of this issue.
ReplyDeleteBoth ICAC and AGC has cleared Musa Aman's name from this allegation, it has proven that Musa Aman is not involved.
ReplyDeleteThe matter has been settled between Malaysia and HK authorities, no need to probe further.
ReplyDeleteThe case was dropped after to HK ICAC investigation failed, they did not have enough evidence to prove the allegations.
ReplyDeleteBringing this case back over and over will not get a different outcome if the authorities have done their investigations on this and found nothing.
ReplyDeleteKepimpinan PM tidak tercalar dengan apa sudah terjadi. Lgi pun musa aman terbukti bersih daripada tuduhan rasuah
ReplyDeletePembangkang saja mahu bagi ayat power, PM dan KM Sabah mempunyai kredibiliti yang tersendiri untuk memantapkan lagi kepimpinan mereka
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa Aman akan sentiasa mendapat sokongan daripada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Musa telah beri yang terbaik kepada rakyat, dan tumpuan beliau adalah untuk pembangunan Sabah.
ReplyDeletePembangkang sendiri pun, mungkin ada menerima dana-dana dari pihak yang tertentu..siapa taukan.
ReplyDeleteTidak perlu dengan kata-kata pembangkang, buang masa sahaja.
ReplyDeleteSelepas PRU cerita ini akan terkubur juga.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin said the present government is a caring and people-centric government as proven in the just announced 2013 Budget.
ReplyDeleteYahya referred to some of the budget highlights that directly assist to improve the livelihood of the people such as BR1M 2.0, where households with monthly income of less than RM3,000 would be given a one-off payment of RM500.
“This time around the government is doing better by including the single citizens aged 21 and above,” he said in his speech to the residents of Kampung Contoh, Petagas near here in conjunction with “Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Community Service Programme” carried out in collaboration with Putatan District Office yesterday.
ReplyDeleteHe added that in the new budget, Sabahans would enjoy groceries at the same retail prices as their counterparts in Peninsular Malaysia because the government will subsidise freight chargers of goods transported to Sabah from the Peninsular.
ReplyDeleteYahya, who is also Minister of Agriculture & Food Industry, said the government’s plan to turn Kota Belud into a rice-producing district is a good one as it will open more job opportunities for the locals besides helping to uplift the economy.
ReplyDelete“We have been waiting for this as Sabah is not self-sufficient in terms of rice production. We’re currently importing around 70 per cent of our rice compared to other states in the Peninsular which supply about 80 per cent of their domestic consumption,” he added.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, at the event, Yahya presented gifts of food supplies to E-Kasih Programme recipients of Kampung Contoh. The gifts were contributed by UUM Sabah Campus students.
ReplyDeleteIn the programme, the students will repair and paint a damaged house belonging to an E-Kasih recipient for free.
ReplyDeleteWhen commending on the good deeds, Yahya said, although it is a unique programme now, it was a norm during his younger days.
“Community Service used to be a common practice; if a member of a community faced problems, the others will help him for free, this is the price we pay for modernity,” he added in congratulating UUM for reviving a useful forgotten practice.
ReplyDeleteThe UUM Community Service Programme is tailored to expose the students to community service.
According to the programme’s facilitator, Dr Rafihi Derim, the programme now is a compulsory subject for UUM students to participate in order to graduate.
ReplyDelete“The objective of the programme is to produce graduates who are willing to serve the community,” he added
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s visit to three districts in Sabah over the weekend is poised to further strengthen the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the state ahead of the next general election.
ReplyDeleteA political analyst said the prime minister’s assertion in Penampang on Saturday that the federal government never seized Sabah’s rights has somewhat diluted the opposition’s trump card – playing up or harping on that issue to win the hearts and minds of the people.
In what is seen as a plus point for the BN, Najib had aptly assured the local people during a walkabout in Kundasang town that the federal government had big plans for Sabah “if the BN is given the mandate once again”.
ReplyDeleteAs a prelude to this, Najib, the architect of the 1Malaysia concept, announced on his visit to Kudat on Sunday that he agreed in principle to build a coastal road linking Tuaran, Kota Marudu and Kudat as well as the setting up of a Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) centre in Kudat in the northern part of Sabah.
Political analyst Salman Nurillah sees the prime minister’s visit to Sabah as a timely boost for the BN as it sought to reassert its dominance following the recent departure of several state BN leaders to the opposition camp.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Sabah BN might face a strong challenge from the opposition in the urban and suburban areas, he predicted that Sabah would remain a stronghold of the BN, helmed by Najib and, at the state level, by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
In the last election, in 2008, Sabah BN almost made a clean sweep of all the 25 parliamentary and 60 state seats. The only seats that fell to the opposition, namely the DAP, were the Kota Kinabalu parliamentary and Sri Tanjung (Tawau) state seats.
ReplyDeleteSalman, a former civil servant with a law degree from Universiti Malaya and a Master’s degree from UiTM, said the big turnout for the prime minister’s programmes in Penampang, Kundasang and Kudat “where thousands of people were so eager to see him face to face and listen to his speech, actually sent a strong signal or message to the opposition, especially local parties like STAR and SAPP, that the people still have trust and confidence in the BN to deliver”.
“While the local parties are trying to show that they are fighting for the rights of Sabah, the big plan for Sabah for the year 2013, with a huge allocation, was actually complementing the struggle and showing that our PM really cares for the welfare of the people of Sabah,” he said.
ReplyDeleteSalman said: “While I don’t deny that we are left behind in certain parts of physical development, the allocation of RM2.98 billion for 2013 shows that our PM means business as far as the further development of Sabah is concerned, particularly in the north of Sabah.”
ReplyDeleteHe also cited several programmes or projects in the north that would eventually benefit the people of Sabah as a whole.
Salman said these included the 1Malaysia People’s Housing Programme (PRIMA), a fish-rearing project by Ko-Nelayan which has identified 400 hectares of land in Kudat and was expected to produce 28,000 tonnes of fish with good prices in China and Hong Kong, and an agro-based project with 3,600 hectares of land for rubber estates in Bengkoka.
ReplyDeleteOther government programmes are standardising the prices of essential goods in Sabah with a RM386-million allocation in the 2013 budget, expansion of the 1Malaysia Clinic concept for the people of Sabah and the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) to benefit nearly 500,000 middle- and low-income people.
ReplyDeleteConstruction of a new Community College and upgrading the Teaching College in Tuaran, improving water supply, which is one of the basic needs for Sabahans that still needs proper attention from the federal government, and improvement of water and electricity supply and housing for the people, he added.
ReplyDeleteSalman believed that these programmes or projects would help strengthen the people’s support towards the BN, thus spearheading the country to achieving developed nation status by the year 2020.
ReplyDelete“In fact, a senior citizen in Kundasang (as reported in newspapers) prayed and wished that our beloved prime minister will have a long life so that he would be able to lead us for many more years to come,” said Salman, adding that Najib’s 1Malaysia concept of ‘People First, Performance Now’ was bearing fruit and was well-liked by the people.
The huge allocation provided for the development of religious schools, national type schools (Chinese & Tamil) and mission schools as well as government-assisted schools proves that the government puts much importance to the development of human resources that includes all the people both in the urban and rural areas.
ReplyDelete“The Barisan Nasional government under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman give a lot of attention to the development of the education sector,” said Youth & Sports Minister Datuk Peter Pang En Yin when asked to comment on the Education Ministry’s 2012 Special Stimulus Package (PRK) for mission schools in Sabah and Labuan.
Hong Kong’s anti-graft authority had written privately to Datuk Musa Aman last December to inform the Sabah chief minister that he was no longer under probe for corruption for a RM40 million donation to the state Umno chapter, according to the letter sighted by The Malaysian Insider.
ReplyDeleteIn the December 22, 2011 letter, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) explained to the long-serving state chief minister that it had started the probe after receiving a complaint against him, saying that this was required by Hong Kong’s laws on corruption.
ReplyDeleteBut the agency said that upon completing investigations and filing a report with its Operations Review Committee (ORC), both the committee and the ICAC Commissioner had agreed not to take further investigative action “on the basis of the facts now known”.
ReplyDeleteThe letter, which bore the ICAC’s letterhead, was signed off by principal investigator Tso Wai-Yan and was addressed solely to Musa at his office in Kota Kinabalu. No other individual was carbon copied on the document.
ReplyDeleteSabah BN secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, who showed The Malaysian Insider a picture of the letter on his iPad, said the one-page correspondence could vindicate Musa and the ruling Umno against the firestorm of allegations from opposition leaders here of a major scandal cover-up ahead of the coming polls.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman pointed out that the letter was strictly private and confidential as it was only addressed to Musa, indicating that the agency had acted independently without any interference from outside parties. “The ICAC are professionals. No one else was copied on that letter. They respect the right of an accused to confidentiality,” Abdul Rahman told The Malaysian Insider.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman said Sabah Umno was ready to co-operate with the ICAC should there be a second probe. As examples, the Sabah lawmaker said that apart from defamation, Rafizi had likely violated section 29(4) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 which protects the identity of an accused.
ReplyDeleteThe section stipulates that a report lodged to the commission “shall be kept secret and shall not be disclosed by any person to any person other than officers of the Commission and the Public Prosecutor until an accused person has been charged in court for an offence under this Act or any other written law in consequence of such report, unless the disclosure is made with the consent of the Public Prosecutor or an officer of the Commission of the rank of Commissioner and above.”
ReplyDeleteRafizi has also claimed of rumours that the ICAC’s decision to close the case was due to a lack of co-operation from the MACC. But Abdul Rahman said the letter from the ICAC clearly refuted this as it states that it had conducted its own separate and independent investigation before deciding to close its file on the case.
ReplyDelete“I believe the ICAC investigated this thoroughly. Remember, the money in question had allegedly come from Hong Kong and the ICAC is a Hong Kong agency. “They have full power and access there,” he said.
ReplyDeleteHe accused Rafizi of insulting the ICAC and MACC’s reputations as credible and independent law enforcement agencies, saying that the latter was likely using the controversy to gain political mileage ahead of the coming polls.
ReplyDeletePakatan Rakyat, which is headed by a man convicted of corruption while Deputy Prime Minister, is keen to let us know that they dislike corruption. "The war on corruption is at the centre of Pakatan Rakyat's struggle," their manifesto begins in its corruption section, which has the virtue of being one of the largest parts of the tract. Yet when confronted with real efforts to prosecute corruption, their response is to treat it unseriously.
ReplyDeleteThe pattern is straightforward. When a Barisan Nasional politician or non-political business leader is investigated or even convicted, Pakatan claim it is a mere show. When a Pakatan politician is investigated, it is a sign that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is a political tool that exists only to harass those noble heroes at Pakatan.
ReplyDeleteIn the time since its re-organisation, the MACC's work has led to charges against and convictions of dozens of politicians and businessmen, including a former Menteri Besar and the husband of Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. When faced with these enforcements of the law, Pakatan has responded by claiming that even convictions are merely for show.
ReplyDeleteYet when Pakatan Rakyat leaders are even investigated, Pakatan claims that the MACC is transformed from a toothless tiger to a vicious persecutor of the inherently innocent. One year ago, Opposition blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin produced documents that suggested that the MACC's predecessor, the Anti-Corruption Agency, had overlooked corruption by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali while he was in Government.
ReplyDeleteWhen the MACC opened an investigation into this serious charge, PKR point man Rafizi Ramli attacked the MACC as a political tool, suggesting that Azmin is forever beyond reproach even though the allegations came from a man who lives in self-exile because of his pro-Opposition activities.
ReplyDeleteThis remains true no matter the claim against Pakatan leaders. Allegations of corruption in the PAS government in Kedah, brought by Pakatan members there; allegations of shady deals with developers in Selangor and Penang, again brought by Opposition members; and a second look at the claim that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim controlled bank accounts with up to RM3 billion in corruptly-taken funds – all of these are, of course, Umno plots.
ReplyDeleteIt is apparently Pakatan's position that joining an Opposition party makes a man incapable of committing a crime. This reduces the battle against corruption to mere politics. If Pakatan truly believes that there is no more important political issue than corruption, then they should welcome MACC investigations of the powerful, regardless of their party.
ReplyDeleteInstead, they apply a double standard, a worrying sign for their alleged anti-corruption agenda should they win GE13. Dr Chandra Muzaffar, founding member and former deputy president of PKR, attacked this mind-set earlier this year. The fight against corruption, he said, cannot be won by those who sweep aside their own failings.