PERDANA Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan kerajaan akan menetap duluan (precedent) yang luar biasa jika tiada ketelusan terhadap sumbangan RM40juta yang disalurkan kepada Umno Sabah.
"Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik, Perdana Menteri akan dianggap membiarkan perbuatan itu," kata Bekas Penasihat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Robert Phang.
"Ia bermaksud bahawa jika seseorang ditangkap (menyalurkan) dana, ia dianggap sebagai sumbangan politik dan jika dia tidak ditangkap, maka ia dikira 'sendirian berhad'," kata Phang berkata dengan sinis.
"Ini akan memudarkan usaha kerajaan membanteras rasuah dan membawa Program Transformasi Kerajaan ke arah sia-sia jika perkara ini tidak dilakukan dengan telus.
"Ia akan menetapkan duluan yang buruk dan membahayakan BN kerana membenarkannya."
Semasa Persidangan Persatuan Antarabangsa Pihak Berkuasa Antirasuah (IAACA), isu sumbangan politik dibangkitkan dan panel bersetuju ia boleh dianggap sebagai rasuah jika ia tidak dilakukan secara telus.
Semalam, Bekas Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno yang kini ahli parlimen Bebas Lajim Ukin berkata, beliau tidak pernah tahu Umno Sabah mempunyai begitu banyak wang. - SK
Friday, October 26, 2012
Robert Phang Dakwa Dana 40 Juta Luar Biasa
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Sudah ada title "bekas" baru berani buka mulut? So, macam mana pula dengan rasuah pakatan rakyat? Macam mana pula dengan dana soros yang disalurkan ke negara ini untuk membantu pakatan merampas kerajaan?
ReplyDeleteTolong bagi ulasan sedikit berkenaan dengan jet peribadi Anwar.. agak mustahil Anwar yang bergaji rm1 boleh tersengih2 dalam jet mewah.. boleh tahan juga pakatan yerr.. di darat ada bas dua tingkat, siap ada toilet yang boleh muat dua orang pula tu.. pelik!.. di udara pula ada jet eksecutif... besok2 ada la tu pengangkutan laut mewah untuk Anwar, juga dilengkapi dengan toilet yang boleh muat dua orang..
ReplyDeleteKes ini sudah selesai la.. kalau sprm cakap tidak ada element rasuah tu, akur saja la.. kalau betul mahu kerajaan bersih dan transparen, jangan bersikap double standard, tolong buat laporan terhadap penyalahgunaan dana awam oleh kerajaan selangor dan juga kemewahan2 pakatan rakyat..
ReplyDeleteTidak pelik ka, Anwar yang bergaji seringgit boleh naik jet mewah? Tidak pelik ka, Khalid Ibrahim yang bergaji rm20k boleh belikan Anwar bas dua tingkat berharga hampir rm1 juta? Bila ditanya, tidak ada yang berani dedahkan sumber dana dan berapa nilainya jentera2 mewah ini.. adakah ketelusam itu hanya perlu dipihak BN tetapi tidak dipihak pembangkang?
ReplyDeleteLajim memang tidak tahu apa2. Sibuk berangan mahu jadi KM.
ReplyDeleteWilfred yang ahli UPKO lagi tiba2 boleh 'tahu' hal dalaman UMNO.
ReplyDeleteInilah sindrom 'bekas-bekas'. Macam jadi 'ritual' mereka untuk lawan kerajaan setelah mereka tidak bersama dengan kerajaan sudah. Motif?
ReplyDeleteRobert tidak pula mahu persoalkan dana politik yang diterima oleh pembangkang. Berapa yang dibayar oleh pembangkang kepada Robert untuk menambahkan kekeliruan rakyat??
ReplyDeleteIsu ini masih berlanjutan rasanya.
ReplyDeleteMasing-masing mementingkan diri dan tujuan sendiri.
ReplyDeleteMACC dan ICAC sudah mengesahkan tiada unsur rasuah.
ReplyDeleteJika ada elemen berasuah, rasa-rasa pihak yang terlibat sudahpun didakwa.
ReplyDeleteharus mencari lebih bukti kukuh jika benar nak bawa golongan ini ke mahkamah.
ReplyDeleteAsal usul kewangan tersebut masih diragui.
ReplyDeletePembangkang masih kurang beryakin dengan keputusan SPRM dan ICAC.
ReplyDeleteMana da kes rasuahan yang besar-besaran jumlah kewangan yang pernah didakwa?
ReplyDeleteICAC merupakan badan yang tegas mencegah rasuah, seharusnya keputusan yang dibuat boleh dipercayai.
ReplyDeleteTerbukti Musa tidak terlibat.
ReplyDeleteMasih ada juga unsur yang kurang pasti dan jelas.
ReplyDeletedulu Lajim dan Bumburing masih dalam BN, pasti akan mnenentang pembangkang habis-habisan, sekarang sebagai pembangkang akan menentang kerajaan. Macam mana mahu percaya cakap mereka.
ReplyDeleteAnwar dan negeri2 pembangkang banyak duit. Sebab mungkin dari dana awam negeri2 pembangkang, Loan jet boleh dibayar, bas boleh diperolehi, pembangkang2 adakah charity beribu-ribu
ReplyDeleteselalunya jika dah hilang jawatan, mula nak keluarkan kenyataan bukan2. begitu jglah dgn Robert Phang.
ReplyDeleteRobert Phang, mind your own business. Keep your mouth shut.
ReplyDeletepakatan pn menerima jg dana politikm ada jet peribadi lagi.
ReplyDeleteRobert Phang sebagai bekas penasihat SPRM pasti tau bagaimana penyiasatan SPRM dan dia tak perlu nak pertikaikan keputusan SPRM.
ReplyDeleteTidak ada luar biasa pun dalam hal ini.
ReplyDeleteSeperti Anwar juga yang mendapat tajaan Jet Peribadi itu juga menjadi luar biasa.
ReplyDeletememang kalau boleh kes ini juga disiasat. Tapi tidak ada dalam undang-undang kita yang mana mendapat tajaan itu satu kesalahan.
ReplyDeleteMaka sedarlah sebelum bercakap. Kita tahu pembangkang tidak dapat menerima kenyataan dalam hal ini.
ReplyDeletePR mungkin telah pun ketandusan isu. Jadi sebab itulah kenapa mereka cuba memberikan pelbagai isu yang ulang-ulang.
ReplyDeletetak ada undang2 menghalangnya untuk mana2 parti menerima dana politik.
ReplyDeletetapi pastikan dana tersebut bukan bertujuan tidak baik dan boleh menggugat keselamatan dan ketenteraman negara.
ReplyDeletedalam kes ini, tiada unsur rasuah dikesan dan kes ini telah ditutup.
ReplyDeleteTiada pula cakap dana pembangkang luar biasa bila macam2 kemewahan yang dapat dimiliki. sedangkan mereka harapkan dana dari luar juga.
ReplyDeleteIni sibuk macam Lajim dan Bumburing juga. masing2 mau mendapat publisiti.
ReplyDeleteMemang luar biasa jumlahnya sebab jumlah penyokong pun luar biasa kan..
ReplyDeleteKalau pembangkang dapat dana dari luar termasuk dari Soros, tidak pula bising.
ReplyDeleteMana2 yang anti-kerajaan memang tak puas hati dengan keputusan ICAC dan MACC ni.
ReplyDeletepg mampus la kmu smua pecacai umgokk..
ReplyDeleteSabah will continue to prosper and progress with its extensive 2013 budget in place.
ReplyDeleteFocus will now be on delivery and if the debates in the last four days were anything to go by, the budget blueprint is good to go.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman yesterday gave an assurance that the Barisan Nasional government was committed to ensure that plans drawn up in the budget were executed efficiently.
ReplyDelete"It is our desire to make sure every citizen in the state gets the benefit from this budget."
He called on the leaders, civil service and the public to work together to ensure its success.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the key issues raised during the five-day sitting, which began with him unveiling the biggest state budget of RM4.088 billion last Friday, were on the Native Customary Rights lands, infrastructure and the people's quality of life.
To all elected representatives, Musa said the RM1 million allocation for them and the RM500,000 touch point fund should also spur them to work harder for their constituents.
ReplyDeleteHe revealed that Sabah received RM941.25 million in royalties from Petronas this year, while the state government had initially estimated the sum to be RM774.6 million.
ReplyDeleteluar biasa kerana tidak biasa mendengar wang sebegitu banyak jumlahnya....
ReplyDeleteIsu ini telah pun dimaklumkan yang mana tidak ada unsur rasuah dalam ahl ini.
ReplyDeleteCuma ada pihak yang cuba mereka-reka cerita mengenai perkara.
ReplyDeleteTambahan lagi duit itu telah diberikan kepada UMNO Sabah.
ReplyDeleteLajim pura-pura tidak tahu apa-apa. Pedulikan dengan Lajim dia cuma tahu mengejar kerusi Ketua Menteri.
ReplyDeletePembangkang sengaja memutar belitkan isu ini untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri.
ReplyDeleteTidak ada yang luar biasa dalam hal ini. Cuma permainan pebangkang saja Mengatakan semua ini luar biasa?
ReplyDeleteKalau BN yang menerima dana dari luar halaltpi kalau PR yang terima tetap haram double stanterd TUKAR...................
ReplyDeletekamu ini baru mau di bagi RM500 suda gelap mata, musa dapat 40 juta bah bukan 40 ringgit atau 40 ribu. klu duit itu betul2 utk parti semua terlibat dlm pengurusan. ini tidak anak2nya dan bapa yg terlibat boleh percaya duit utk parti? biar kita berada dlm keadaan yg nyata....robet phang bukan org kampung bah, org kerajaan (SPRM) dia boleh menilai keadaan. sepatutnya kita perlu mengkaji perkara ini sebaik2nya.. sedangkan negara kita baru saja jadi tuan rumah anti rasuah peringakat antara bangsa., adakah melihat sesuatu perkara itu sebelah mata saja tanpa untuk menyiasat dgn lebih telus....
ReplyDeletekalu betul pembangkang terima duit dari soroskah atau org luar atau masalah anwar naik jet laporlah di SPRM/ AG/ POLIS atau Bomba ka atau jabatan airka setakat ini tiada tindakan undang2 bererti mereka telus kerana mereka org kerajaan tiada siapa mau di suap...berlainan org kerajan/pemimpin ibarat pokok kelapa byk penggunanya paling koman pun lidi untuk pencucuk gigi jadilah!
ReplyDeleteThe proposed coastal highway from Tuaran to Kudat would open up development and economic opportunities that could bring massive employment and wealth to the people, said Sabah UMNO Deputy Head Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak.
ReplyDeleteHe said that the highway, once completed would make traveling to the various towns between Tuaran and Kudat, a very pleasant journey.
ReplyDelete“The coastal highway was mooted some time ago and we are thankful that the Prime Minister has acknowledged the need for such road communication in Sabah.
“Just like elsewhere, when new roads cut through the interior, business opportunities transformed the region and the people, living close-by, enjoyed the economic spin-offs. This would also happen along this region once this project becomes a reality,” he told Bernama.
ReplyDeleteSalleh, who is also Sabah Legislative Assembly speaker, said the highway was not a mere election pledge “as so far Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had made good every promise he made to Sabah”.
ReplyDelete“If he says this or he makes a pledge, then surely he will follow through. Such a massive project would need a longer preparatory time as experts must be consulted and surveys done to find the most suitable route,” he said.
ReplyDeleteNajib, on an official visit to Kudat on Sunday, said he was in favour of building the coastal highway and that the Federal government would seriously look into its construction.
ReplyDeleteTouching on the economic opportunities that would follow the peace plan between the Philippines government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Salleh said Kudat would stand to gain with peace and stability in the region.
ReplyDeleteApart from the highway and other projects promised by the Prime Minister, Kudat would also get a Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) Complex that would help facilitate Kudat as a premier northern port in time to come.
ReplyDeleteThe proposed highway would link Tuaran to Kudat via the towns of Kota Belud, as well, as the coastal area of Matunggong.
ReplyDelete“Most of the areas here are either fishing villages, farms or plantations while the highway could bring industries to the region,” said Salleh.
Member states within the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines-East Asean Growth Area) should optimise the use of common infrastructure and sustainable use of natural resources so as to facilitate growth in the countries concerned.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said it is the common accepted goal of BIMP-EAGA to realise equitable and sustainable economic development of the sub-region based on value-added agro-industrial activities.
ReplyDeleteThis, he said, is supported by the equally important manufacturing sector and complemented by high-grade tourism within the growth area.
"So, to ensure success, member states need to put in place an effective delivery system by facilitating movement of people, goods and services within the designated areas of cooperation," he said.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking at the 6th BIMP-EAGA Heads of Customs meeting at the Pacific Sutera, he said, the BIMP-EAGA initiative is market driven and operates through a decentralised organisation structure involving the four governments and the private sector.
It is imperative, therefore, to understand the roles played by both the private sector and the relevant government bodies in achieving the common economic objectives of the growth area, he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said the private sector is the sub-regional grouping's engine of growth while the public sector acts as facilitator in ensuring a seamless flow of the supply chain in terms of people, goods and services.
Sabah, Musa said, is an integral part of the Bimp-Eaga sub-regional cooperation.
ReplyDeleteTo this, he reiterated the State Government's commitment and support to the aspirations of the grouping's future plans.
"The State Government (also) will continue to formulate policies and procedures that complement a business friendly environment," he assured.
He told the participants of the two-day meeting that Sabah is currently focusing on specific sectors of economic growth that include agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and oil and gas.
ReplyDeleteThese sectors, he said, are strategically planned under several government initiatives both as State and Federal levels.
Sabah, he said, is also strategically located within the growth area and offers a great variety of opportunities including in agro-business, eco-tourism and fisheries.
ReplyDeleteOn this, he said the government welcomes genuine investors and that it is prepared to offer facilities and incentives to ensure fair competition and beneficial returns to investment.
He also expressed optimism that the Bimp-Eaga would become more dynamic in its efforts to become a prosperous sub-region.
ReplyDeleteAnd Customs administration, Musa said, plays an integral role in ensuring supply chains remain fluid and secure leading to further economic, social and political progress in the sub-region.
About 700,000 smallholders nationwide will continue to receive benefits from the 2013 Budget announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak recently.
ReplyDelete“The allocation is also for the continuation of the National Key Economic Area (NKEA) projects involving oil palm and rubber to increase the productivity and income of smallholders,” he said after opening the Smallholders and Commodity Entrepreneurs National Conference at the Melaka International Trade Centre, here, yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe one-day inaugural conference was attended by about 1,000 smallholders and those from the primary commodity industry from throughout the country.
ReplyDeleteDompok said RM432 million was allocated in the 2013 Budget for oil palm replanting programmes under the NKEA plantation sector.
Kotor dan jahat politik UMNo,ya. RM40 juta dseludup utk UMNO dkatakan sumbangan. Ayuh selamatkan Malaysia dr kerja jahat UMNO
ReplyDeletebagaimana dengan kekayaan Azmin yang melimpah ruah..adakah itu biasa?
ReplyDeleteisu jett peribadi Anwar pula bagaimana?
ReplyDeletepandai-pandailah rakyat menilai pekara ini dengan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeletesiasatan sudah menunjukkan bahawa tiada elemen rasuah yang berlaku.
ReplyDeletejengan mudah percaya dengan sesuatu pekara yang tidak ada bukti atau hanya khabar angin.
ReplyDeleteMasing-masing lah mahu cakap luar biasalah, apa lah... hhmm..
ReplyDeleteTapi kalau tidak ada bukti nak cakap apa pun memang tak guna lah. hihi
ReplyDeleteMakin hangat pula isu ni diperkatakan. Apa sudah cerita Rafizi yang kononya mahu ke hong kong?
ReplyDeleteBanyak betul dugaan si Musa ni tapi lihatlah CM kita tetap cool... Masih dengan keseriusannya menjalankan t/jawabnya sebagai CM.
ReplyDeleteHasil siasatan sudah membuktikan takda elemen rasuah so janganlah kita telampau emosi ya.
ReplyDeleteJadi terimalah hakikat dan fokuslah pada perkara yang lebih penting dan bukannya menyibukkan diri utk hal yang dah settle.
ReplyDeletemasakan pokok bergoyang kalau tiada angin! walaupun duduk didapur , diperahu,di hutan, dikolej dimana2 saja kita kena perhatin perkara ini. ini melibatkan soal kepimpinan dari pemimipn yg kita angkat untuk mengatasi masalah rakyat bukan untuk mengaut kekayaan untuk peribadi....lihatlah jepun atau korea kalau pemimpin mereka rasuah ssebelum rakyat bangun, pemimpin mengundur diri secara hormat dan memikul kesalahan mereka...pemimpin seru kita pandang ke jepun atau korea tapi budaya bertanggung jawaban tiada sama sekali! inda apalah Tuhan tahu apa yg mereka buat...!
ReplyDeletekes c musa ini ibarat cerita di astro filem SX 18 atau SG 18 atau filem sesuai untuk tonton ramai... ada part2 SX 18 atau SG 18 di potong2..jadi org2 yg dipertontonkan hero tersebut akan mengatakan dia ok, disanjung tinggi TAPI... cuba filem itu tidak dipotong nampaklah cacat celanya atau ceritanya org yg benar2 tahu perkARA SEBENARNYA... mcm MR prono soiii yg filem prononya apa boleh buat kedapatan kalau inda naik carta menang OSCAR...! itu sebabnya pemimpin semacam ini inda INDA BULE PAKAI.. mereka ceramah soal rasuah org akan ketawa, mereka ceramah soal sendkit seks lagi2 org ketawa kerana org melihat siapa sebenar pemimpin itu!
ReplyDeleteOrg brcakap isu RM40 juta yg dseludup oleh UMNO...ada mala'un sorang tu brcakap isu jet peibadi Anwar. Nampak sgt peribadi anjing kurap UMNO.
ReplyDeleteAlahai anjing kurap? Jadi kau tu babi hutan kurap pembangkang la.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Anwar is indeed using the people money for the rent of the jets.
ReplyDeleteAda juga yg terasa pasal Anwar.
ReplyDeleteRobert Phang is playing with fire now
ReplyDeleteThe State government has approved RM30million as Rubber Production Incentive since last 1 August to increase rubber output and boost the income of all rubber smallholders in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Chief Minister, Datuk Yahya Hussin, said the incentive scheme also aimed to standardise prices of rubber in Sabah and the peninsula and therefore lessen the impact on smallholders when prices drop
ReplyDeleteSabah will continue to prosper and progress with its extensive 2013 budget in place.
ReplyDeleteMusa said the key issues raised during the five-day sitting, which began with him unveiling the biggest state budget of RM4.088 billion last Friday, were on the Native Customary Rights lands, infrastructure and the people's quality of life.
ReplyDeleteApa la orang tua ni bagus lagi retire awal2.
ReplyDeleteA total of RM204,586.70 was collected at the Sutera Harbour Resort's 12th 7K Sunset Charity Run that was held on 7th of July this year.
ReplyDeleteThe money collected is shared between the Sabah Thalassaemia Society and the Special Olympics Sabah with each receiving RM102,293.35.
ReplyDeleteThe Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MOID) has received RM368.51 million under the 2013 state budget. "It is the largest allocation for development purposes among the Ministries,
ReplyDeleteRM186.9 million will be allocated to the Public Works Department (PWD). The department will spend RM109.1 on the construction of roads in major cities and small towns throughout the state and in the sectors identified as drivers of the economy such as agriculture, manufacturing and tourism.
ReplyDeletePWD will spend RM21.8 million on the Bridge Program, RM17.5 million on the Slope Program, RM3.24 million on the Building Program and RM 35.3 million on the Sewerage Projects.
ReplyDeleteWater supply throughout the state will receive a great deal of attention. Pairin's ministry will continue with the development works of water supply throughout the state.
ReplyDeletePart of the RM164.9 million allocated to the Sabah Water Department (SWD) will be used to continue with the Non-revenue Water Reduction Program, Pipe Installation Program and Booster Pump System Upgrade Program
ReplyDeleteA total of RM13 million will be allocated for the Emergency Water Works Program and RM18.4 million will be used for the Main Pipe Upgrade, Distribution and Reticulation Program.
ReplyDeleteRM7.9 million will be spent for the building or upgrading of water treatment plants and "Muka Sauk" (a building erected at the river bank which houses submersible pumps).
ReplyDeleteRM11 million is allocated for research work and the Design Preparation Project.
ReplyDeletePairin also told the Dewan that the RM13.5 million allocation for the Ports and Harbor Department will be utilised for the installation of beacons and navigation aids to increase the number of water traffic facilities in ports and rivers.
ReplyDeleteDredging river works will also be conducted and RM1 million is the expected cost. Some areas have been identified for this work such as the Garama River and Kimanis waters.
ReplyDeleteOiiii... kamurang tidak hairankah? Kita nih Sabah adalah termiskin di Malaysia.... sepatutnya duit itu utuk pembangunan. Bukan untuk tujuan kepada UMNO! Lagipun duit ini didapati secara haram dibawa masuk ke malaysia. Kalau duit ini secara telus untuk kerajaan BN dan untuk pembangunan sabah apasal masuk secara haram! LU FIKIRLAH SENDIRI...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNovember 1, 2012 8:23 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNovember 1, 2012 8:23 PM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNovember 1, 2012 8:23 PM
Kau sama teroris sama-samalah tunggu laporan kepada SPR yang dibuat oleh tuan Rafizi... memanglah kalu tak ada proses mahkamah orang kata tiada masalah.... sekarang tunggu dan lihat... he he
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNovember 1, 2012 8:23 PM
Tak adapun laporan hal ini dalam laporan audit baru-baru ini. Malah pentadbiran selangor dipuji setelah diaudit... he he
Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik, Perdana Menteri akan dianggap membiarkan perbuatan itu.
ReplyDeleteNajib tidak mahu membesar-besarkan isu ini seperti pihak pembangkang.
Robert Phang juga pernah dituduh telribat dalam rasuah, tapi SPRM membersihkan nama beliau, tapi SPRM tidak boleh bersihkan nama Musa?
ReplyDeletePerkara ini sudah selesai jika bukan disebabkan pihak pembangkang yang sibuk membesar-besarkan isu ini.
ReplyDeleteTidak perlulah mempertikaikan kes RM40 Juta ini lagi kerana Najib sudah kata ia satu sumbangan politik kepada UMNO Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSetiap parti boleh menerima sumbangan politik, pembangkang juga menerima sumbangan politik sendiri.
ReplyDeleteBekas ahli UMNO sibuk badan juga..
ReplyDeleteApa yang luar biasa, biasalahdalam politik.. yang luar biasa Anwar, masih boleh dapat banyak kemewahan..dari mana itu semua.
ReplyDeleteRasanya pembangkang yang perlu di siasat dari mana datangnya data yang menampung mereka selama ini.
ReplyDeletePembangkang akan berabisan memanaskan isu ini.. kita tunggu dan lihat, pembangkang yang akan dapat malu juga.
ReplyDeleteTiada apa yang salah menrima dana untuk politik.
ReplyDeleteJangan banyak cakap..pemimpin pembangkang semua gila glamer.
ReplyDeleteLajum dulu waktu bersama BN, bukan main lagi, sekarang kasih buruk2.. memang tiada pendidian punya pemimpin.
ReplyDeleteThe clandestine operation to get Musa removed from his seat of power got into action in 2008 with the infamous Michael Chia case. Much has been said and written about the RM40 million money laundering case involving Michael Chia.
ReplyDeleteBut unknown to many, the telephone call to Hong Kong anti-graft body ICAC originated from this KK number: 088-4XXX83. The ICAC received the information from KK via line +852 2587 9813 two days before anti-graft officers ambushed Michael Chia at his luxurious hotel suite.
ReplyDeleteMichael Chia was entrapped so that information on Musa and his proxies could be squeezed out of him by the authorities. Chia had escaped the dragnet on 2 different occasions a month earlier because he diverted the money to other locations around the world at the last minute.
ReplyDeleteThe anti-graft authorities - both in HK and KK, managed to extract only a certain amount of information from Michael Chia. But additional information, that were essential to the success of this elaborate operation to pin down Musa, came from an individual by the name of Lo Man Heng, a KK based timber businessman.
ReplyDeleteHe was Michael Chia’s partner and the two later had a fallout due to money issues.
ReplyDeleteLo Man Heng and Michael Chia were involved in a legal battle at the Singapore High Court following the fallout. Now, what is interesting about this little-known Lo Man Heng is that he became a strong supporter of PKR supremo Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim immediately after Michael Chia’s arrest in Hong Kong.
Photographs of him standing next to Anwar were found hanging on his office wall.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, Anwar introduced him to Clare Rewcastle Brown, who is behind Radio Free Sarawak and Sarawak Report. Lo Man Heng was the deep throat that Clare boasted about in her website when she was attacking Musa before the 13th GE.
The conspirators tried hard to bring down Musa but so far they have been unsuccessful. Despite coming up with an impressive chart on the money trail, nothing much was accomplished.
ReplyDeleteAmong the key reason why the money trail chart above had little impact was that the account number registered to Musa was opened on 14 June 1999, four years way before he became CM. The argument that there was abuse of power while in office as CM could not be pinned down on Musa.
ReplyDeleteMACC officers who questioned Musa found that the money paid to his sons was carried out by his trusted aide, who conveniently used the funds from the UBS account. And the lawyer who supposed to ensure no such complications or conflict of interest arose was clearly sleeping on his job.
ReplyDeleteNext, in 2010, the conspirators tried to ruffle the feathers in BN component parties to come up with a vote of no-confidence on his leadership. If you read here, Sabah Umno deputy chief Salleh Said Keruak openly disclosed that certain leaders of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) were in cohorts with certain quarters to topple Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteHe warned that Sabah BN would not be intimidated by any attempt to hold the coalition at ransom by mounting a veiled threat on its Chairman-cum-Chief Minister. "We are prepared to face the worst challenge," Salleh was quoted as saying.
ReplyDeleteSalleh questioned the rationale behind LDP Deputy President Datuk Chin Su Phin's outrage and claimed it was part of an on-going plot to oust Musa. Chin was quoted as asking PM Najib to remove Musa because his party could no longer work with the CM.
ReplyDeleteThen in 2012, stories of Michael Chia and Musa reappeared, making their rounds in the various media. This time, whistleblower site Sarawak Report, which had their guns initially trained at Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and the rainforest issue, shifted their target to Musa.
ReplyDeleteScores of allegations were made but none of this came close to even warrant a misdemeanor criminal or corruption charge in Malaysia or Hong Kong on Musa Aman, or even Michael Chia for a fact.
ReplyDeleteAny charge on money laundering on Michael Chia by the Hong Kong authorities, or say the MACC, could have had a devastating effect on Musa’s political career. But for all their worth, they were just hot air.
ReplyDeleteThen, stories surfaced that Musa was asked to take a leave by PM Najib but these were also found to be false and malicious articles. The operation to topple Musa is still active, even after the 13th General Elections.
ReplyDeleteThe conspirators are trying everything and will continue to do all they can until they succeed in bringing down Musa. But Musa is a battle hardened veteran who has survived much worse battles and he is not to be brought down by a bunch of disgruntled businessmen or politicians who could not get what they want.
ReplyDeleteThe very first has just been presented by the new Sabah Government after being re-elected in May 2013, and after hours of back and forth (cursing and paper tearing included), the new budget shows that the Sabah Government is committed to progress and is also as determined to increase the pace of development in the state
ReplyDeleteSabah budget is earmarked for development
ReplyDeleteThe RM4.622 billion of the Sabah budget for the financial year of 2013-2014 proposed by Chief Minister-cum-State Finance Minister Musa Aman in the state assembly Friday sought to tell the Sabah growth story vis-a-vis Malaysia’s and achieve the five-year dream in the first year itself
ReplyDeleteThe new budget for 2013-14 would build new confidence among people and showcase state’s potentialities before the world
ReplyDeleteBarisan National’s Government is very committed to the development of not only in the urban but also rural areas in Sabah and at the same time ensuring nobody is sidelined in the budget
ReplyDeleteThe State 2014 Budget is higher by nearly 80-fold than Sabah’s first State Budget 50 years ago where the revenue estimate was only RM61.5 million while the expenditure estimate was RM61 million. In 1974, the estimated revenue rose to RM207 million and the estimated expenditure increased to RM239 million
ReplyDeleteTen years later in 1984, the estimated revenue reached RM1.22 billion while State revenue rose to RM1.38 billion. 2014, has set the highest ever State revenue target which is RM4.58 billion, marking an increase of 20 per cent from 2013's original estimate of RM3.83 billion
ReplyDeletethe Federal government earmarks just 35 per cent of the Federal Budget for development work, the Sabah government spends as much as 65 per cent of the state Budget on development work
ReplyDeleteTalking about Sabah’s contributing a lion’s share in the nation’s development, Musa said, Although the state government was elected for a five-year term, it resolves to fulfill the people’s aspirations from the very first year itself
ReplyDeletestate economy has grown by leaps and bounds in the past five decades since independence, he added that “I am confident that people from all walks of live regardless of religion, race, gender, rich, poor, old or young, physically challenged, wherever they may be ( whether on land or sea); people’s well-being and States prosperity are our main agendas for us to always strive for, which are certainly achievable
ReplyDeletewhich the government has allocated RM 1.58 billion “for improving infrastructure and public amenities”. This is besides RM627.92 million allocate to upgrade water supply
ReplyDeleteMusa claims that to achieve zero hardcore poor target and reduce relative poor in Sabah, the government has allocated RM178.14 million to implement various programmes
ReplyDeleteThe reduction of poverty from 19.7% in 2009 to 8.1% in 2012 proved that the governments efforts in this has borne fruits
ReplyDeleteclaiming to be for inclusive development, seeks to strike balance for growth in both agricultural and industry, enhance quality of life in rural and urban by focusing on housing and infrastructure
ReplyDeleteTo empower the youths the Y Generation so that they will be more valuable, creative, innovative and productive through education, training, skill programmmes, sports and community activities the budget has set aside RM229.86
ReplyDeleteThe budget also proposes The Enhancement of Knowledgeable Livestock Entrepreneur (K-Entrepreneur) Programme which will be continued
ReplyDeleteTo spur growth in the State tourism sector, particularly on investment in providing tourism facilities, the State Government has approved the Tourism Master Plan covering the coastal areas of Tuaran to Kota Belud and RM233.99 million has been set aside for next year
ReplyDeleteThe State tourism sector targets 3.4 million tourist arrivals and an estimated tourism receipts of RM6.277 billion although while writing this, a Taiwanese tourist got killed and his wife got kidnapped in Pom Pom Island in Semporna by Abu Sayyaf bandits. Perhaps in this instance, it is best if the state tourism sector uses the money to ensure maximum security before handing out pamphlets about exotic resorts in the East Coast of Sabah
ReplyDeleteFor a fair and unbiased understanding of the ‘Sabah Story’ we should read it with an open mind and look at the State’s performance against the backdrop of the low socio-economic base from where it started its journey to rapid growth and spectacular development
ReplyDeleteThe ‘Sabah Story’ is a story in the making, much like the Thousand-and-One Arabian Nights, it is not a story that concludes here and today and perhaps never will. Sabah inherited low levels of social indicators (at independence) and it is the change in these indicators where Sabah shows impressive progress
ReplyDeleteThe literacy rate has risen from 22 per cent in 1960 to 69 per cent in 2001 and 80 per cent in 2011. Even the infant mortality rate per thousand has fallen from 144 in 1971 to 60 in 2001 and 21 in 2011
ReplyDeleteAnybody reading the ‘Sabah Story’ with an open mind would see it is a story of immense success that inspires hope and determination to achieve greater success. But an open mind is something that is alien to our liberal media and the intellectually bankrupt commentariat that controls publications which lay greater stress on fiction over fact
ReplyDeletePKR dan parti-parti pembangkang terus mahu mengelakkan daripda mengambil tanggungkawan sepenuhnya terhadap rusuhan yang berlalu semasa perhimpunan Bersih 3.0
ReplyDeleteSetelah butki didedahkan bahawa pengerusi Bersih, Ambiga Sreenevasen mengarahkan peserta berarak menuju ke Dataran Merdeka, serta arahan isyarat tangan ketua Umum PKR, Anwar Ibrahim kepada timbalannya, Azmin Ali supaya penokong merempuh penghalang, kini mereka mahu mendesak agar satu tribunal ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat pengerusi SPR dan timbalannya pula
ReplyDeleteBelum lagi memerintah negara, PKR dan pembangkang sudah menunjukkan belang untuk memburuk-buruk semua institusi negara termasuklah institusi raja-raja Melayu
ReplyDeleteIngat bagaimana Azmin serta pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang mencemuh raja-raja Melayu dan pemimpin-pemimpin negara dengan kata-kata sinis dan berunsur cacian semada pertabalan Yang diPertuan Agong baru-baru ini?
ReplyDeleteInilah orang yang sama yang menjadi balaci kepada Anwar untuk mengarahkan peserta Bersih merempuh masuk ke dataran Merdeka yang telah diisytiharkan oleh mahkamah sebagai kawasan larangan
ReplyDeleteOrang yang sama jugalah kini berdepan dengan dakwaan melakukan perbuatan jijik berzina dengan salah seorang pemimpin Wanita Keadilan seperti yang telah didedahkan oleh laporan media
ReplyDeleteInikah jenis manusia seperti juga bosnya, Anwar dan pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang umpamanya Mat Sabu yang pincang akhlak dan moral mereka tetapi menipu rakyat untuk mendapat kuasa?
ReplyDeletePembangkang cuba membawa isu rusuhan kepada perkara lain agar rakyat melupakan peranan besar mereka mencetuskan kekecohan yang menyebabkan ramai yang tercedera termasuk anggota polis
ReplyDeletePembangkang menyebarkan fitnah dan propaganda bahawa SPR adalah satu badan penyelia pilihanraya yang tunduk kepada arahan kerajaan, maka dengan itu tidak bebas dan adil
ReplyDeletepembangkang membawa sekumpulan pemantau pilihanraya bebas dari luar negara untuk membuktikan kepada dunia bahawa apa yang mereka katakan adalah benar
ReplyDeleteJika benarlah seperti yang didakwa bahawa SPR menjadi alat kerajaan, sudah tentu Barisan Nasional akan memenangi setiap satu daripada 222 kerusi parlimen dan 456 kerusi negeri, dan pembangkang tidak akan berjaya memiliki satu pun kerusi samada di Dewan Rakyat mahupun Dewan Negeri
ReplyDeletePembangkang bukan sahaja dapat mengekalkan penguasaan ke atas negeri Kelantan bagi lima pilihan raya umum berturut-turut sejak 1990, tetapi berjaya merampas empat buah negeri iaitu Selangor, Perak, Pulau Pinang
ReplyDeleteKalaulah benar dakwaan pembangkang bahawa SPR mengikut telunjuk, mustahil pembangkang mampu merampas dua negeri terkaya di Malaysia iaitu Selangor dan Pulau Pinang
ReplyDeleteSudah tentu BN dengan menggunakan SPR sebagai 'alat' akan memastikan Selangor dan Pulau Pinang terus kekal di bawah pemerintahan BN tetapi realitinya ini tidak berlaku. Tapi sebaliknya. Ternyata pembangkang pembohong
ReplyDeleteamat jauh sekali daripada realiti, hakikat dan kebenaran menuduh SPR sebagai satu badan bebas yang ditugaskan menyelia pilihan raya sejak merdeka sebagai institusi yang diperalatkan
ReplyDeleteTaktik pembangkang ialah untuk terus menabur fitnah siang dan malam terhadap SPR supaya lama-lama rakyat akan termakan dengan dakyat mereka
ReplyDeleteTohmahan pembangkang tidak akan berkesan lagi kerana rakyat sudah tahu SPR telah menjalankan tugasnya dengan telus, adil dan bersih sejak 55 tahun lalu
ReplyDeleteJangan mudah terpedaya dengan segala janji manis pembangkang
ReplyDeleteKerja pembangkang menabur fitnah dan menghasut rakyat membenci kerajaan
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan menegaskan dakwaan pembangkang Barisan Nasional (BN) gagal membawa "apa-apa pembangunan" untuk rakyat dan negeri Sabah sejak 49 tahun lepas adalah satu pembohongan besar.
ReplyDeleteSambil menyifatkan ia sebagai usaha pembangkang untuk meraih sokongan rakyat menjelang pilihan raya umum akan datang, beliau berkata rakyat boleh melihat sendiri pembangunan yang berlaku di negeri ini daripada pelbagai segi seperti kemudahan asas, infrastruktur, pendidikan, bekalan elektrik dan air.
ReplyDelete"Namun keadaannya kini jauh berubah. Terdapat perubahan yang ketara di mana banyak kemudahan yang kita boleh lihat sendiri sekarang seperti jalan raya, elektrik, bekalan air, sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) di Sabah termasuk di kawasan Kiulu," katanya.
ReplyDelete"Namun keadaannya kini jauh berubah. Terdapat perubahan yang ketara di mana banyak kemudahan yang kita boleh lihat sendiri sekarang seperti jalan raya, elektrik, bekalan air, sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) di Sabah termasuk di kawasan Kiulu," katanya.
ReplyDeleteSambil menyifatkan Najib sebagai 'doktor politik', Pairin berkata Perdana Menteri adalah seorang pemimpin berjiwa rakyat yang sentiasa turun padang untuk mengubati atau menyelesaikan masalah rakyat terutama di kawasan luar bandar atau terpencil.
ReplyDelete"Najib benar-benar mendengar keluhan dan keperluan rakyat. Sebab itu, beliau sanggup turun padang bagi mendengar sendiri permasalahan rakyat termasuk di kawasan saya Tambunan," katanya sambil menambah Najib merupakan Perdana Menteri pertama yang menjejak kaki di daerah Tambunan.
ReplyDeleteOleh itu, beliau berharap rakyat Sabah tidak mudah terkeliru dengan taktik pembangkang yang sanggup menjanjikan apa sahaja semata-mata untuk merebut kuasa kerana "tiada negara di dunia yang tiada kelemahan dan kekurangan termasuk negara maju seperti Amerika Syarikat".
ReplyDeleteKatanya Perdana Menteri juga komited menyelesaikan masalah pendatang tanpa izin khususnya di Sabah apabila bersetuju meluluskan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) bagi menangani masalah itu.
ReplyDeleteSehubungan itu, beliau meminta penduduk Kiulu memberi sokongan padu kepada BN pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan memperuntukkan RM2 bilion untuk melaksanakan 79 projek pembangunan infrastruktur asas luar bandar di Sabah dan Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteMenteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd. Shafie Apdal berkata, daripada jumlah itu, Sarawak menerima 52 projek dengan nilai RM1.3 bilion.
ReplyDelete"Kerajaan komited mengatasi masalah kemudahan infrastruktur dan pembangunan ekonomi luar bandar melalui pelaksanaan Pelan Induk Pembangunan Luar Bandar (PIPLB) yang berteraskan Program Transformasi Luar Bandar.
ReplyDelete911.87 kilometer, menyambung air bersih ke 71,064 rumah, membina 18,301 rumah dan menyambungkan bekalan elektrik 24 jam kepada 46,457 rumah," katanya dalam soal jawab di Dewan Rakyat di sini hari ini.