IN response to Kota Belud MP, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan on RM40 million donation to Umno, I feel his admission that it is not wrong for political party to recieve donation from any individual, the Kota Belud is implying that UMNO in and of itself is condoning corruption.
His admission also leave many unanswered questions. Such as Where did the money came from? Is the money tax-exempted or Did the donor paid income tax on the money donated?
If the money was meant to be donated to UMNO, Why was it remitted into an individual and personal bank account? Why was others, especially family members and children of an UMNO leader were able to withdraw the money from the said accounts bit by bit? Was the withdrawal approved by UMNO?
In as far as APS is concerned, and well understood by the people of Sabah, UMNO is BN and BN is UMNO. UMNO dictates everything in the overall policy adopted by BN. With this admission, UMNO condones corruption at its highest level and thus is condone by BN as well.
With this admission, it also proves that there may exist other form of corrupt practices condoned by BN-UMNO and it is for this very reason that the people have lost confidence in the BN government and that the people of Sabah as a whole should make a wise decision by voting for a change. A vote for Pakatan Rakyat would be a vote for a change in the Federal Government after the next general election.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
UMNO Condoning Corruption
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DATUK SERI WILFRED M. BUMBURING , have u seen Musa's family withdraw it by ur eye?
ReplyDeletei think much better the gov reveal the source of the money to avoid this stuff. Hope after all people may satisfied of it
ReplyDeleteAdakah Bumbering ada bukti berkata demikian?
ReplyDeleteJika tiada bukti, ini seolah fitnah.
ReplyDeleteBerdasarkan apa Bumbering membuat statement demikian?
ReplyDeleteSelagi tiada bukti yang selanjutnya, kes ini berakhir sekarang.
ReplyDeleteKenyataan pembangkang hanya bertujuan mahu menjatuhkan Musa Aman
ReplyDeleteDari mana duit itu diperolehi?
ReplyDeletekenyataan Bumburing perlu berasaskan bukti.
ReplyDeleteA vote for Pakatan Rakyat would be a vote for a change in the Federal Government after the next general election.
ReplyDeleteSerahkan kerja mengundi kepada rakyat sendiri untuk menentukannya.
Tiada unsur rasuah, itu la keputusan dan hasil siasatan MACC dan ICAC.
ReplyDeleteSemua ada agenda sendiri untuk dicapai.
ReplyDeleteBumburing ni nak wat temberang lagi.
ReplyDeletedulu masa dgn BN bukan main c Bumburing Musa, kini dah keluar, mula nak jatuhkan Musa.
ReplyDeleteBumburing yang keluar BN ada kaitannya dengan frust dan kepentingan peribadi.
ReplyDeleteBumburing, beliau menjadi calon UPKO untuk kerusi Parlimen P 170 Tuaran pada tahun 2008 menggantikan Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau dengan persetujuan satu penggal sahaja.
ReplyDeleteKini ketika penggalnya semakin berakhir, beliau berusaha melobi sana-sini diberi peluang semula, tapi UPKO katanya tetap mahu berpegangkepada perjanjian asal iaitu sepenggal sahaja.
ReplyDeleteBerkutan itu Bumburing berhajat pula kerusi DUN Tampurali yang kini milik PBS, sudah tentu PBS tidak lepas, dan beliau mula bercakap dengan nada dan retorik pembangkang sehinggalah keluar parti
ReplyDeleteTAWARAN jawatan kanan di Penang Institute dengan elaun tahunan sebanyak RM 50,000 (dan faedah lain) sebagai ganti tidak meletak jawatan dan kehilangan jawatan Senator kepada bekas Naib Pengerusi DAP, Tunku Aziz adalah bukti jelas kekorupan parti DAP ini.
ReplyDeleteSoal ini sangat penting kerana intergriti dan bebas rasuah adalah tiang yang membentuk DAP hari ini.
ReplyDeleteKalau PAS menentang BN dan UMNO dari sudut agamanya (hudud), DAP pula memperjuangkan soal intergriti dan rasuah.
ReplyDeleteKalau PAS cukup pantang dituduh kurang Islamik, DAP juga sangat pantang kalau dikaitkan dengan rasuah, kerana itu imej yang telah dibina sekian lama.
ReplyDeleteTapi akhirnya sekarang, dua-dua itu pun telah dibuktikan tuhan hanya penipuan masing-masing untuk mendapat kelebihan politik dan undi.
ReplyDeleteTerutama DAP, sanggup menggunakan wang rakyat Pulau Pinang dalam jumlah yang banyak untuk merasuah Tunku Aziz menarik semula perletakkan jawatannya.
ReplyDeleteYa, duit rakyat Pulau Pinang, sebab Penang Institute itu bukannya badan yang menjana keuntungan tapi sebaliknya badan pemikir think thank yang bertujuan memantapkan DAP.
ReplyDeleteSudah tentu fundingnya datang dari duit rakyat Pulau Pinang, takkan dari poket Guan Eng dan bapanya kot.
ReplyDeleteMungkin DAP akan kata Tunku Aziz membuat cerita dan sebagainya, itu masalah senang, saman sajalah Tunku Aziz dan selesaikannya di Mahkamah.
ReplyDeleteLagipun kita tak hairan sebab plot cerita apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan Pakatan Rakyat ini sama sahaja setiap kali – sama macam PAS dan soal hudud jugalah.
ReplyDeleteTapi sementara itu berlaku, bolehlah kita anggap DAP ini tidak terlepas dari menjadi korup, bukan orang lain kata, tapi bekas Naib Pengerusi dia sendiri kata.
ReplyDeleteItu yang terdedah ya kawan-kawan, yang tidak terdedah tak tau macam mana hebat lagi.
ReplyDeleteJadi sekarang yang beria-ia nak menyokong DAP ni kenapa? Dulu bolehlah, dia tidak memegang kuasa, sekarang dia sudah berkuasa di Pulau Pinang, kita sudah ada bukti fizikal yang boleh dijadikan perbandingan.
ReplyDeleteNampak sangat DAP lebih korup dari apa yang dia selalu kata kepada UMNO.
ReplyDeleteIni belum lagi kes skandal berkaitan dengan projek Bayan Mutiara terbongkar habis lagi ni tau.
ReplyDeleteSatu-satu gebang parti komponen Pakatan haram ini mula memakan diri sendiri dari dalam. Dulu cakap pandai, bila dah berkuasa baru tau langit tinggi atau rendah.
ReplyDeleteDAP pun tidak boleh menahan diri dari membelanjakan wang rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk kepentingan parti itu sendiri, bukan untuk kepentingan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteHayatilah sebahagian petikan temuramah Tunku Aziz dengan The Star, mengesahkan DAP adalah sebuah parti korup seperti yang telah diterjermahkan oleh AgendaDaily:-
ReplyDeleteSehingga semalam, selepas saya telah membuat keputusan (meninggalkan parti). Pembantu beliau menelefon saya pada waktu makan tengahari mengulangi tawaran bosnya, tetapi menambah bahawa kali ini terdapat wang saku sebanyak RM50, 000 setahun, bersama-sama dengan faedah lain.
ReplyDeleteLajim dan Bumburing ni macam sudah pakat mahu keluarkan kenyataan bersama-sama.
ReplyDeletePemimpin PKR adalah manusia walaupun dinaik-tarafkan oleh penyokong dan ahli mereka sebagai DEWA. Walaupun bertaraf DEWA, pemimpin PKR masih MANUSIA. Sebagai manusia biasa bertaraf DEWA, pemimpin PKR juga ada kecenderungan melakukan rasuah secara berlebihan dan melampaui batasan.
ReplyDeleteTidak mustahil para Dewa PKR melakukan rasuah. Kehidupan hari ini menuntut agar para Dewa PKR melakukan rasuah. Sedangkan lidah lagikan tergigit inikan pula para Dewa PKR dengan amalan rasuah.
ReplyDeleteLagipun para Dewa PKR memerlukan banyak kewangan untuk mengekalkan sokongan dan terus berkuasa. Pada para Dewa PKR wang adalah segalanya dan rasuah adalah jalan pintas untuk mengumpulkan kekayaan bagi mengekalkan kekuasaan politik terus berada dalam tangan mereka.
ReplyDeletePenyelewengan pasir di Selangor bukan lagi sebuah rahsia walaupun SELCAT cuba membersihkan 'pasir kotor'. Amat jelas apabila pendedahan mengenai pembunuhan Datuk Patrick dikaitkan dengan skandal penyelewengan pasir, Khalid G terus menyatakan bahawa tidak perlu ditubuhkan Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja.
ReplyDeleteMB Khalid mengakui bahawa SIFAR RASUAH hanyalah ‘idealisme’. Idealisme? Oleh yang demikian, apa yang nak kecoh sangat bahawa UMNO Selangor ini BERSIH, transparent dan sebagainya. MB sendiri maklumkan kepada semua, itu hanyalah idealisme. Idealnya. Tapi rasuah dan salahguna kuasa masih ada dan berleluasa.
ReplyDeleteDalam wawancara bersama Zara Khan, dapat dilihat bagaimana MB Khalid sendiri tidak ‘committed’ dengan agenda pembasmian rasuah. Sebab dia tahu bahawa pejabatnya sendiri pun kecoh dengan aktiviti rasuah dan salahguna kuasa.
ReplyDeleteTony Pua sendiri maklum bahawa Kerajaan Selangor tidak bersih. Ini boleh didengar dan dilihat dalam wawancaranya dengan Business FM juga.
ReplyDeleteCantiklah tu. Kalau MB (PKR) dan MP (DAP) sendiri mengakui bahawa mereka rasuah. Siapa kita nak nafikan.
I doubt Bumburing never accept bribes.
ReplyDeletePersatuan Pengguna Subang dan Shah Alam (Cassa) sebelum ini pernah membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaan berlakunya penyelewengan dalam pembahagian kontrak kutipan sampah di Selangor.
ReplyDeleteCassa menubuhkan satu pasukan khas bagi menyiasat dakwaan berkenaan kerana pihaknya menerima lebih 30 aduan daripada orang ramai dan kontraktor yang tidak berpuas hati dengan pembahagian kontrak berkenaan.
ReplyDeletePresiden Cassa mendakwa pembahagian zon kutipan antara kontraktor yang dipilih juga menimbulkan keraguan kerana terdapat sesetengah kontraktor diberikan tiga zon kutipan sampah sedangkan ia tidak berlaku sebelum ini.
ReplyDeleteBiasalah kalau rasuah dalam PKR ni..dah ketuanya pun kaki rasuah, anak buah lagi rasuah. Tanyalah pada orang-orang lama dalam UMNO. masa tahun pemilihan Timbalan Presiden tahun 1992, duit melayang-layang..
ReplyDeleteLepas tu, tanyalah bekas rakan baik Anwar pada masa tu, mesti ramai yang tahu macam mana anwar punya strategi dalam permainan politik.
ReplyDeleteAnwar yang sebenarnya merosakkan UMNO. Anwar yang memulakan politik wang dalam UMNO. Lepas kena tendang, cakap orang lain yang rasuah..
ReplyDeleteSampah pun PKR nak main rasuah? Alahai..
ReplyDeleteBumburing, your time is done. You will not win in the coming election.
ReplyDeleteSkandal pasir..TALAM...masalah air di Selangor..teruknya kerajaan PKR Selangor ni
ReplyDeleteDAP pun sama juga..terima derma untuk buat HQ DAP. Tiada modal sendiri ka??
ReplyDeleteMasalahnya kalau pembangkang yang dapat dana dari luar ANJING-ANJING UMNO MENYALAK tapi kalau UMNO yang dapat dana dari luar ok pula. Buka soal musa salah atau tidak.
ReplyDeleteIs Bumburing free and clean from corruption??
ReplyDeleteDAP sendiri mendapat wang kira-kira RM3.5 juta daripada penyokong setianya untuk membina bangunan baru di Pulau Pinang.
ReplyDeleteNajib had told all ministers to set the right values for their constituents to follow in order to prevent corruption.
ReplyDeleteSocial norms and values play an important role in preventing corruption.
ReplyDeletePeople in in positions of leadership, be it in politics, government, business, civil society, education and the home have to set a good example to others to reject corruption.
ReplyDeleteNajib said we must have natural abhorrence towards corruption in the society.
ReplyDeleteCorruption does not only involve the government but also the private sector, therefore all have a role to play in avoiding it.
ReplyDeleteboleh datuk wilfred serahkan bukti untuk menyokong kenyataan datuk ini? dan tentulah bukti tersebut adalah tulen dan bukannya rekaan daripada mana2 pihak seperti sarawak report...kalau tiada, maka kenyataan datuk ini hanya bermotifkan kepentingan politik datuk..
ReplyDeletekenapa datuk tidak mempersoalkan juga tentang jet mewah anwar, bas treler mewah, dan lain2 skandal yang melibatkan PR? adakah datuk ni seorang yang bias?
ReplyDeletedan datuk, adakah datuk bermaksud melalui kenyataan datuk ini bahawa dalam PR tiada rasuah, hanya dalam kerajaan saja?
ReplyDeleteWB pun sudah tidak laku...tubuh APS tapi tiada fungsi...bagus datuk WB bersara dari politik saja...duduk rumah main dengan cucu...
ReplyDeletesuara2 sumbang pembangkang di negeri sabah semakin berkumandang di udara...masing2 mahu tunjuk hero dan kebijaksanaan...pada dasarnya, pembangkang di sabah adalah sangat rapuh...rakyat juga tidak yakin akan kemampuan pembangkang untuk menang pru13 nanti...sebab pada pandangan rakyat, pembangkang di sabah hanya lah seronok sendiri dengan wayang dan sandiwara politik mereka..
ReplyDeleteBN sabah pula akan terus kukuh dan akan mendapat mandat pada pru13 nanti untuk terus menerajui kerajaan negeri sabah...
ReplyDeleteKalau duit tuh bukan rasuah kenapa perlu diseludup dan kenapa pula atas nama musa dan bukan umno sabah.
ReplyDeletesahlah memang rasuah budak2 kecikpun tahu duit rasuah tuh.Ingat orang sabah buduh kah ..INI Kalilah
urang sabah tida buduh tapi ada lagi perkara yang lebih penting...
ReplyDeletekalau Bumburing ada bukti atas semua tuduhan ini silalah tunjuk.
ReplyDeletekalau mahu mainkan isu ini pun biarlah ada bukti, bukan cakap kosong saja.
ReplyDeleteadakah pembangkang akan dedahkan siapa yang beri dana kepada mereka selama ini?
ReplyDeletesiasatan menunjukkan rasuah tidak berlaku.
ReplyDeletebaik tunggu saja pada pilihanraya nanti. pilihlah yang terbaik.
ReplyDeleteWilfred ada bukti kah mahu cakap mcm ni?
ReplyDeletePlaing pun ini mesti kes si wilfred tak puas hati dengan Musa. hihi
ReplyDeleteKita tunggu dulu lah apa bukti yang ada, kalau cukup mungkin siasatan boleh dibuat semula.
ReplyDeleteItupun kalau cukup bukti lah, kalau tak buat apa pening-pening kepala nak fikir pasal hal yang dah selesai kan. hihi
ReplyDeleteSiasatan sudah dibuat dan sah tidak ada elemen rasuah, apa lagi nak siasat?
ReplyDeleteSusahnya nak buat semua orang faham. Entah apa juga yang nak dibenci sangat dengan Musa.
ReplyDeleteSuruh wilfred tunjuk bukti lah, itupun kalau dia ada.
ReplyDeleteBanyak persoalan yang bermain di fikiran tapi takda satupun yang tahu apa jawapannya.
ReplyDeleteSenang saja, jangan percaya tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadap Musa. Bukannya ada bukti pun.
ReplyDeleteHarap rakyat lebih matang berdepan dengan perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteParti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) vice-president Datuk Herbert Timbun Lagadan said the people of Sabah should be wise in evaluating the history and background of the head of the opposition pact, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who had made many promises which were never fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteSABAH Barisan Nasional has refuted allegations that it had interfered in the corruption investigations against Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and timber trader Michael Chia involving RM40mil of political funds.
ReplyDeleteIts secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (BN-Kota Belud) said Sabah Umno had given its full cooperation to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, which had carried a two-year investigation into the case.
ReplyDelete“None of our officers had stopped them from carrying out their duties or urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to interfere and disrupt the investigations,” he said when debating the Supply Bill 2013 in committee stage, in Parliament yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe digital age will be heading deeper into the heart of Borneo soon – that was the message delivered by Deputy Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum in Sarawak recently. The Minister said in early December that more than 500 villages in Sabah would gain access to the internet via satellite next year as part of the “Kampung Wi-Fi” project.
ReplyDeleteThe plans are the latest in a raft of measures being undertaken by state and federal authorities to boost the infrastructure and standard of living of Sabah’s rural population – one of the main thrusts of the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP). The 10MP is a five-year plan to become one of the world’s most competitive countries, unveiled in June.
ReplyDeleteFederal and state governments are attempting to accelerate the state’s economic development, with a focus on improving the physical and human resources infrastructure, as outlined in the 10MP. For Sabah, the plan calls for reducing poverty among ethnic minorities by more than half to 12%; building new roads, supplying clean water and electricity to most rural households and investing in school infrastructure and facilities, especially rural schools by 2015.
ReplyDeleteThe 10MP relies heavily on the private sector to reach its goals, and one company stepping up to the challenge is Maxis, one of Malaysia’s largest communications companies. In 2010, Maxis invested more than RM80m ($25.4m) to bring internet network and telecoms coverage to rural Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIn recent comments to the press, Maxis’ Chief Operating Officer, Jean Pascal Van Overbeke, said this investment came in response to the government’s call to narrow the digital divide in Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteThe extension of broadband networks to rural non-peninsular Malaysia is in line with the government's Universal Service Provider (USP) fund initiative, which aims to provide telecoms facilities and internet access to underserved areas such as rural Sabah. In addition to private sector investments, funds from the USP facility are to be allocated for setting up internet access and telecoms in rural areas, as seen in the “Wi-Fi kampungs”.
ReplyDeleteSabah has been progressing towards its target of achieving a 30% penetration rate in the domestic broadband sector. The rate now stands at 26%, and it is hoped that with the cooperation of all the country’s telecommunication outfits, the target will be met, particularly in rural areas where the shortfall is the greatest.
ReplyDeleteImproving rural infrastructure is one of the government’s six National Key Results Areas (NKRAs). The NKRAs – reducing crime, fighting corruption, raising the living standards of low-income households and improving rural basic infrastructure, student outcomes and urban public transport – are being administered by the Government Transformation Programme (GTP).
ReplyDeleteSabah’s rural population ranks high on the list of those that stand to benefit from NKRA’s improvement scheme. According to the GTP, approximately 40% of households in Sabah do not have access to clean water, many villages are not connected by roads, and more than a quarter of households do not have access to electricity.
ReplyDeleteThe GTP’s mission is to come to grips with such challenges, and it has made many inroads in the past year. In 2010 in Malaysia as a whole, 538 km of rural roads were constructed, 1358 pre-school classes benefiting 54,569 children were opened, and the number of “hardcore poor” households was reduced by 55%.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), a unit under the Prime Minister’s Department that oversees GTP and NKRA implementation and progress, by 2012 Sabah is to see the construction of 1035 km of roads and 1000 houses, 56,200 households hooked up to electricity and 103,000 households fitted up with a water connection.
ReplyDeleteThe GTP’s initiatives for all of Malaysia include constructing more than 7000 km of new and upgraded roads, with 1900 km of these in Sabah and Sarawak. It also envisions providing approximately 50,000 new and restored houses to the rural poor and hardcore poor, two-thirds of whom live in Sabah and Sarawak. Of the 50,000 homes, more than 16,000 are scheduled to be provided by the end of the year.
ReplyDeleteThe programme will raise the percentage of rural houses in Sabah with access to clean or treated water to 59% in 2010, rising to around 90% by 2012. Access to 24-hour electricity will increase the percentage of households with access to electricity in Sabah to 81% in 2010.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman is satisfied with the level of cooperation and relations between civil servants in the State and Federal departments and agencies.
ReplyDeleteHe said there is no difference between them and that both subscribe to the common goal of implementing government programmes and policies.
"Most important is that the civil service implement the programmes and policies of the State and Federal Governments," he said in a press conference after officiating at the Sabah Federal Department/Statutory Bodies civil service assembly at the Sabah Federal Administrative Complex.
ReplyDeleteHe also said the State's civil service counterparts are welcome to utilise state facilities such as the State Banquet Hall and Tun Rafaee Auditorium and likewise facilities such as the Intan Complex in Sepanggar.
ReplyDeleteThe display of cooperation and relations between the two entities, he said, is proof that it is congenial and that they have a similar focus.
He also said that Sabahans are encouraged to take up employment with the Federal departments and agencies. "Nobody has ever attempted to prevent this (Sabahans to apply for employment with Federal service)," he said.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, he said the Federal Government really encourages more Sabahans to join its services.
ReplyDeleteMusa, who is also State Finance Minister, said there are now more Sabahans working in Federal departments and agencies.
Several, he said, have become director-general with the departments and agencies.
Federal civil servants in Sabah at the moment almost number 100,000 and are widely distributed across 142 agencies.
ReplyDeleteThe State Government, he said, always acknowledges and appreciates the contribution of the Federal civil servants in Sabah and ready to render cooperation with Federal agencies in the State.
"But although you are employed in different departments and agencies, State and Federal civil servants must continue working and serving as a firm and strong team," he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said the aim is similar in that they are all working to develop the State and enhance the people's standard of living.
Musa said the Sabah Federal civil employees are responsible to ensure the development projects planned in Sabah are not only implemented but also benefit the people.
ReplyDelete"The Federal Civil Service also contributes towards the State's development though employment opportunities to the locals. This could enhance the people's socio-economy," he said.
On the other hand, he urged the civil servants to avoid getting involved with corruption and power abuse but to maintain time management integrity, monitoring integrity and aid programme implementation integrity, among others.
ReplyDeleteThis is important, he said, so as to ensure the target groups enjoy the benefits of government programmes.
Also present at the event were State Secretary, Datuk Sukarti Wakiman and Sabah Federal Secretary, Datuk Khazali Ahmad.
His admission also leave many unanswered questions. Such as Where did the money came from? Is the money tax-exempted or Did the donor paid income tax on the money donated?
ReplyDeletehow about Pakatan Private Jet, luxury bus and luxury truck?? where did the money come from?? can Bumburing explain about this Pakatan luxury vehicles??
the rm40 million donation shold have no more question since the case already settled by ICAC and MACC..
ReplyDeletemany Pakatan Rakyat supporters always keep closing their own eyes on all Pakatan Rakyat weakness , flaws , mistake , fraud , scandals and problems. For them whatever wrong in Barisan Nasional will forever be wrong and whatever wrong in Pakatan Rakyat will forever be right. I am not sure in this case who are the one being bias and unfair in the judgements ?
ReplyDeleteNga Kor Ming came into power less than 49 days in Perak already gave out the state tailoring contract to his wife . Is this not the world fastest corruption after coming into power ? What about all the Selangor Local Council law contract all given to a list of PKR Lawyers ( exposed by Raja Petra ) , what about Selangor Sand Mining scandal after PR take over after Mac 2008 ? What about in Teoh Beng Hock Royale Commission of Selangor DAP Au Yong and Lee Kee Hiong corruptions ? What about On 26 April 2012, Tony Tan, accompanied by Member of Parliament Tan Tee Beng reported Teresa Kok to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and provided documentations that suggested mishandling of the donation funds. For example, half of the RM10,000 donation for the Single Parents NGO by a Sabah businessman, was allegedly channeled into party funds. What about Malaysia Today blog dated Jan 6, RPK has alleged that Johan Taharin – the brother in law of PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali – has approached a developer who was encountering difficulties in getting state approvals with an offer to secure a project in exchange for a fee. ? The list will just goes on and on right after Mac 2008 a list of PR leaders it hit with corruption issues and scandal compare to zero from MCA , MIC , GERAKAN , PPP and other component party in Barisan Nasional after Mac 2008. So is all this that I had just posted is not the facts or is just another illusion? On the other hand , it is PR supporters to chose to defend all the Pakatan Rakyat leaders who is hit with list of corruption. It was PR supporters that close their eyes and shut down their ears in all Pakatan Rakyat wrong doings.
ReplyDeleteParti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan yesterday advised party members to be forward-looking and to get ready for “changes” in the party’s leadership.
ReplyDeleteThe Deputy Chief Minister reiterated that the coming general election would be his last but left the issue on the party’s leadership succession plan unclear, keeping party members guessing whether he wanted to continue leading the party or pass the baton down.
ReplyDeletePairin when officiating at the PBS Youth and Wanita annual general meeting here, however said that the party needed to be prepared for the future and accept unavoidable changes when the time came.
ReplyDeletePairin, who has led PBS since founding it in 1985, said although he was still being held in high regards and had the support to continue to lead, one must look ahead and plan for the future.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, commenting on UPKO Keningau division’s call for revival of the rotation system for the chief minister’s post, he said it was not the right time to deliberate on the issue.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia’s 135,000 barrels-per-day Gumusut-Kakap oilfield has begun first production ahead of schedule, Royal Dutch Shell said in a statement today.
ReplyDeleteThe oilfield, located about 120 km offshore Sabah in Malaysia, began production on Nov. 18 ahead of completion of the field’s floating production facility, the company said
ReplyDelete“This is made possible by an innovative linking or tie-back of two of (the field’s) production wells to the Kikeh production facility, the country’s first deepwater development also offshore Sabah, operated by Murphy Sabah Oil,”
ReplyDeleteThe full start-up of the deepsea oilfield was expected to be delayed to the second half of 2013 from 2012 as construction of the floating production facility for the field has taken longer than expected, Wee Yiaw Hin, executive vice president for exploration and production at national energy company Petronas has said.
ReplyDeleteThe “tie-back” early production option is an interim measure that is expected to bring an additional 25,000 barrels per day to Malaysia, Shell added.
ReplyDeleteThe Cabinet today approved the Malaysia Open Skies, which will see 37 routes connecting Kota Kinabalu with Asean countries and China.
ReplyDeleteAnnouncing the decision, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha (picture) said the arrangement would see Malaysia signing and ratifying Protocol 2 Implementation of Limited Fifth Freedom under Asean-China Air Transport Agreement (AC-ATA).
ReplyDeleteThis ratification would enable Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) to connect nine secondary points within Asean and 28 secondary points in China for cargo and passenger services, he said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteKong said the AC-ATA framework would enhance air travel connectivity in Malaysia, especially with the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA), to be a major hub connecting Asean and China.
ReplyDeleteThrough intra-package deals, the airlines in Asean and China are authorised to exercise fifth traffic rights for passengers and cargo services, with unlimited flight frequencies, carrier capacity and types of aircraft.
ReplyDeletehile China has named 28 secondary points comprising Changchun, Chongqing, Xi’an, Xiamen, Urumqi, Chengdu, Shenyang, Fuzhou, Kashgar, Kunming, Dalian, Guiyang, Hohhot, Xishuangbanna, Haikou, Lanzhou, harbin, Nanning, Sanya, Xining, Wuhan, Changsha, Yinchuan, Ningbo, Guilin, Zhengzhou, Lhasa and Yanji.
ReplyDeleteChua Soi Lek noted that Pakatan's bid to increase the minimum wage by RM200 would backfire.
ReplyDeleteThe various populist polices in Pakatan's manifesto (Buku Jingga) amounting to almost RM200bil a year will bankrupt the country within two years if they take over Putrajaya
ReplyDeleteNajib said Umno members should also focus on the party rather than their personal interests or other petty matters that could affect the party's strength and unity.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is still there.
ReplyDeleteAnd nobody will question
ReplyDeleteheadhunter said.. = LIDAH SYAITAN
ReplyDeleteheadhunter said.. = LIDAH SYAITAN
ReplyDeleteheadhunter said.. = LIDAH SYAITAN
ReplyDeleteHong Kong’s anti-graft authority had written privately to Datuk Musa Aman last December to inform the Sabah chief minister that he was no longer under probe for corruption for a RM40 million donation to the state Umno chapter, according to the letter sighted by The Malaysian Insider.
ReplyDeleteIn the December 22, 2011 letter, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) explained to the long-serving state chief minister that it had started the probe after receiving a complaint against him, saying that this was required by Hong Kong’s laws on corruption.
ReplyDeleteBut the agency said that upon completing investigations and filing a report with its Operations Review Committee (ORC), both the committee and the ICAC Commissioner had agreed not to take further investigative action “on the basis of the facts now known”.
ReplyDeleteThe letter, which bore the ICAC’s letterhead, was signed off by principal investigator Tso Wai-Yan and was addressed solely to Musa at his office in Kota Kinabalu. No other individual was carbon copied on the document.
ReplyDeleteSabah BN secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, who showed The Malaysian Insider a picture of the letter on his iPad, said the one-page correspondence could vindicate Musa and the ruling Umno against the firestorm of allegations from opposition leaders here of a major scandal cover-up ahead of the coming polls.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman pointed out that the letter was strictly private and confidential as it was only addressed to Musa, indicating that the agency had acted independently without any interference from outside parties. “The ICAC are professionals. No one else was copied on that letter. They respect the right of an accused to confidentiality,” Abdul Rahman told The Malaysian Insider.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Rahman said Sabah Umno was ready to co-operate with the ICAC should there be a second probe. As examples, the Sabah lawmaker said that apart from defamation, Rafizi had likely violated section 29(4) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 which protects the identity of an accused.
ReplyDeleteThe section stipulates that a report lodged to the commission “shall be kept secret and shall not be disclosed by any person to any person other than officers of the Commission and the Public Prosecutor until an accused person has been charged in court for an offence under this Act or any other written law in consequence of such report, unless the disclosure is made with the consent of the Public Prosecutor or an officer of the Commission of the rank of Commissioner and above.”
ReplyDeleteRafizi has also claimed of rumours that the ICAC’s decision to close the case was due to a lack of co-operation from the MACC. But Abdul Rahman said the letter from the ICAC clearly refuted this as it states that it had conducted its own separate and independent investigation before deciding to close its file on the case.
ReplyDelete“I believe the ICAC investigated this thoroughly. Remember, the money in question had allegedly come from Hong Kong and the ICAC is a Hong Kong agency. “They have full power and access there,” he said.
ReplyDeleteHe accused Rafizi of insulting the ICAC and MACC’s reputations as credible and independent law enforcement agencies, saying that the latter was likely using the controversy to gain political mileage ahead of the coming polls.
ReplyDeletedakwaan bahawa ada parti politik tertentu di negara ini menerima dana asing yang disalurkan menerusi pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) ternyata bukan rekaan atau ingin menakutkan mana-mana pihak, termasuk rakyat.
ReplyDeletePerbuatan itu amat bahaya dan boleh mengancam kestabilan negara kerana kuasa luar itu mempunyai agenda tersembunyi bersekongkol dengan pembangkang untuk mempengaruhi keputusan pilihan raya, seterusnya menjatuhkan kerajaan.
ReplyDeletePendedahan itu diakui benar oleh Presiden Pertubuhan Pergerakan Keadilan Sedunia (JUST), Dr Chandra Muzaffar dengan mengambil contoh sejarah yang pernah berlaku di Amerika Latin.
ReplyDeleteSebagai ahli sains politik, Chandra memberi amaran jika ada parti politik terus menerima dana asing itu, tidak mustahil negara akan terjebak dengan penjajahan bentuk baru kuasa asing. Oleh itu kerajaan tidak seharusnya membiarkan mana-mana parti politik dan NGO menerima dana asing bertujuan mempengaruhi keputusan pilihan raya di negara ini.
ReplyDeleteSekiranya parti politik membenarkan gejala ini berlaku, mereka sebenarnya cuba menggadaikan kepentingan dan maruah negara kepada kuasa asing yang tentunya mempunyai agenda tersendiri.
ReplyDeleteRakyat harus waspada kerana ancaman penjajahan tidak pernah tamat berikutan adanya matlamat pihak tertentu untuk menguasai dunia supaya mengikut telunjuk mereka. Apabila pihak yang menerima dana berkenaan berjaya dalam pilihan raya, nescaya mereka terpaksa tunduk dan akur dengan kehendak negara yang mengeluar dana berkenaan.
ReplyDeleteOleh itu langkah menyekat kemasukan dana asing membiayai parti politik, terutama ketika pilihan raya harus disegerakan bagi menyelamatkan negara daripada cubaan kuasa luar mengambil kesempatan mempengaruhi dan mencampuri hal ehwal politik negara.
ReplyDeleteDakwaan bahawa ada parti pembangkang memperoleh bantuan dana asing perlu disiasat sehingga ke akar umbi secara menyeluruh. Jika dibiarkan, ia boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada proses pemilihan kerajaan.
ReplyDeletePihak penguat kuasa seperti Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah (SPRM) dan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) hendaklah menyiasat sebarang dakwaan berkaitan dengan kerjasama Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
ReplyDeleteJusteru adalah wajar beberapa perundangan seperti Akta Pendaftar Pertubuhan 1966, Akta SPRM 2009, Akta Penggubahan Wang Haram dan Akta Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 dipinda bagi merangka mekanisme sesuai untuk menguatkuasa dan membendung kegiatan seumpama itu.
ReplyDeleteParti politik sepatutnya memelihara harga diri dan memastikan mereka tidak terdedah dengan gejala ini, yang akhirnya akan merosakkan masa depan negara. Janganlah kerana inginkan kuasa dan mengejar kemenangan, ada parti sanggup menggadai maruah dan membenarkan proses pemilihan kerajaan dipengaruhi pihak luar yang mempunyai agenda tersirat.