BEBERAPA Laporan sebelum ini berhubung Skandal Sarang Burung di Gua Gomantong adalah benar dan bukan cerita rekaan Angkatan Muda PKR setelah Ketua Audit Negara melaporkannya dalam Laporan Audit 2011 yang dibentangkan di Parlimen hari ini.
Ketua Penerangan AMK PKR, Citra Masadi menjelaskan Ketua Audit Negara mengesahkan beberapa syarikat proksi pemimpin UMNO berhutang lebih RM7.7 juta tetapi masih dibenarkan memungut sarang burung.
"Kita berharap agar SPRM tidak teragak-agak selepas ini untuk mengambil tindakan kerana sebelum kita dedahkan kepada media, kita sudah menjalankan kajian rapi," ujar Citra yang mengakui ada berlaku sedikit kesilapan fakta namun tidak mencacatkan dakwaannya selama ini.
Citra turut mendesak agar Pengarah Jabatan Hidupan Liar dan Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Kewangan diambil tindakan surcaj kerana gagal memungut hutang daripada kontraktor dan dalam masa yang sama membenarkan kontraktor 'merompak' harta kerajaan.
Menurut Citra, Akaun Kerajaan Negeri Sabah dalam keadaan sempurna namun telah dicacatkan oleh Ketua Pemuda UMNO Sabah yang berhutang sejumlah lebih RM7.7 juta sejak 9 tahun lalu dan menyebabkan imej kerajaan negeri Sabah tercemar.
"Inilah kualiti Ketua Pemuda UMNO Sabah yang bukan sahaja telah menyalahguna kuasa, malah menyebabkan akauntabiliti kerajaan kerajaan negeri dalam keadaan kucar kacir dan dipalit rasuah," kata Citra yang mendesak siasatan menyeluruh dan menyarankan hak memungut sarang burung yang diberikan kepada syarikat milik Awang Kadin dihentikan serta merta dan ditawarkan semula.
Berikut Sedutan Laporan Audit Negara 2011 Berhubung Akauntabiliti Jabatan Hidupan Liar Sabah; Pengurusan Pemberian Tender Tidak Mematuhi Garis Panduan Dan Peraturan Kewangan Proses pemberian tender hendaklah mematuhi peraturan kewangan dan garis panduan semasa dengan menawarkan tender secara terbuka, memilih kontraktor yang memenuhi syarat dan berkeupayaan serta menyediakan dokumen kontrak dan ditandatangani.
Semasa menyediakan dokumen kontrak, perkara-perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian adalah seperti bon pelaksanaan, waranti, jadual pembayaran, bayaran pendahuluan dan penamatan kontrak.
Pengecualian proses tatacara sebut harga dan tender bagi peruntukan kewangan daripada Kerajaan Negeri adalah di bawah kelulusan Kementerian Kewangan Negeri Sabah. Setiap kontrak yang disediakan oleh Jabatan Kerajaan Negeri hendaklah dipastikan ianya menjaga kepentingan dan dasar-dasar Kerajaan Negeri.
Perjanjian Kontrak yang hendak ditandatangani perlu disemak dan diluluskan oleh Peguam Besar Negeri atau Penasihat Undang-Undang yang dilantik oleh Kerajaan Negeri. Jabatan hendaklah sentiasa mengawasi prestasi pematuhan syarat kontrak.
Tindakan sewajarnya hendaklah diambil jika kontraktor gagal memenuhi obligasi di bawah kontrak. Semakan Audit mendapati:
a. Syarikat Yang Mempunyai Tunggakan Dilantik Semula:
i. Pengurusan tender kutipan sarang burung bagi Gua Gomantong ditawarkan secara terbuka dan telah disiarkan melalui akhbar tempatan. Proses tawaran tender telah diuruskan oleh Jabatan manakala keputusan tender ditentukan oleh Jawatankuasa Tender, Kementerian Kewangan Negeri Sabah. Seramai 7 kontraktor telah dilantik untuk memajak dan mengutip sarang burung di Gua Gomantong bagi tempoh 2009 hingga 2011. Semakan Audit mendapati, seramai 6 kontraktor yang dilantik merupakan kontraktor baru dan 1 kontraktor lagi adalah kontraktor yang dilantik semula. Kontraktor tersebut adalah Pewaris Gua Gomantong (1884) Sdn. Bhd. yang mempunyai tunggakan sewa pajakan berjumlah RM2,247,060. Status kontraktor yang dilantik bagi tempoh 2006 hingga 2008 dan 2009 hingga 2011 seperti di Jadual 11.11.
ii. Setakat 31 Disember 2011, terdapat seramai 4 kontraktor yang mempunyai tunggakan hasil berjumlah RM7,749,675 seperti di Jadual 11.12. Semakan Audit terhadap rekod tunggakan hasil mendapati, Syarikat Terus Sihat Sdn. Bhd. yang dilantik bagi tempoh 2006 hingga 2008 masih belum menjelaskan tunggakan berjumlah RM717,000 walaupun surat peringatan telah dikeluarkan sebanyak 4 kali sejak 2008. Tindakan yang tegas perlu diambil bagi mengutip tunggakan hasil dan syarikat yang dilantik semula perlulah menjelaskan tunggakan terlebih dahulu agar kepentingan Jabatan terpelihara.
Monday, October 15, 2012
KP UMNO Cacatkan Akauntabiliti Sabah
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SPRM dgesa masuk siasat ? Hmmpph..
ReplyDeletehebat ko citra masadi bongkar jgn tak bongkar kerna mereka seperti ini lah yang membebankan kerajaan barisan nasional kalau kerajaan tak sedar lagi tak tahu lah sepatut nya karajaan harus siasat setiap aduan yang di lemparkan. kita sebagai rakyat biasa sentiasa menunggu hasil siasatan atau kita tunggu PRU 13
ReplyDeleteCitra Masadi menjelaskan Ketua Audit Negara mengesahkan beberapa syarikat proksi pemimpin UMNO berhutang lebih RM7.7 juta tetapi masih dibenarkan memungut sarang burung.
ReplyDeleteAdakah ini benar? Buatlah siasatan yang wajar.
Pengurusan tender harus mengikut panduan. Pasti ini merangkumi duit rasuah.
ReplyDeleteCitra turut mendesak agar Pengarah Jabatan Hidupan Liar dan Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Kewangan diambil tindakan surcaj kerana gagal memungut hutang daripada kontraktor dan dalam masa yang sama membenarkan kontraktor 'merompak' harta kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteTindakan harus diambil agar kontraktor melangsaikan hutangnya.
Contractor that failed to comply to the agreement terms should be taken serious action.
ReplyDeleteKelemahan pengurusan kontrak harus diperbaiki lagi.
ReplyDeleteBetul atau tidak tu, SPRM perlu siasat
ReplyDeleteKajian perlu terperinci lagi sepuya lebih tepat
ReplyDeletepertahankan hak2 pewaris sarang burung.
ReplyDeleteJika dulu Laporan Audit Negara..terbitan Jabatan Audit Negara Malaysia ... sejak 2011 laporan itu dikenali sebagai Lapuran Edit Negara terbitan UMNO Malaysia....kenapalah UMNO ni bodoh... jahat.. kurang ajar.. penipu.. kaki kencing..kaki fitnah, kaki bodek, kaki takut berdebat.. etc..?????
ReplyDeleteSemakin tercalaq imej kerajaan umno/bn.......walau berbagai alasan dibagi tapi rakyat dah bijak menilai yang mana racun dan yang mana madu.....
ReplyDeleteHancorr Sabah dkerjakan oleh OMNO. Sadarlah sadara suma. Ini kali lah. Suda lama UMNO tipu sama kita.
ReplyDeleteIsu yang sudah lama berlanjutan. Para pewaris patut tidak bertelagah sesama mereka berhubung dengan hak2 yang telah diberikan.
ReplyDeletePembahagian tender2 mengutip sarang burung harus dilaksanakan dengan adil.
ReplyDeleteToooloooong la tukar kerajaan...tak larat dah nak dengar cerita audit ni... selagi umno bn duk memerintah, cerita audit ni akan berulang setiap tahun..Kami dah buat pilihan di kelantan lama dah, dah lebih 20 tahun, dan kami berpuas hati...jauuuuuuuuuh lebih baik dari umno bn!!!. selebihnya terpulang kepada anda di negeri2 lain... disebabkan sebahagian dari anda masih memilih umno bn menyebabkan sabah dan rakyatnya turut teranaiaya.Peruntukan dinafikan, royalti dirompak, segalanya disekat.... maka di akhirat nanti kami akan menuntut sama kepada orang2 yang menyebabkan umno bn masih berkuasa!!!Anda memilih umno bn, maka anda secara langsung turut terlibat menzalimi rakyat sabah!!!
ReplyDeleteDihrapkan isu sarang burugn ini boleh mendapat perhatian daripada pihak berkuasa.
ReplyDeleteHarap Laporan Audit 2011 yang dibentangkan di Parlimen akan menjadi pengajaran.
ReplyDeleteSyarikat proksi yang berhutang ini perlulah membayar hutang mereka.
ReplyDeleteAktiviti memungut sarang burung perlulah dijalankan mengikuti prosedur yang betul.
ReplyDeleteJabatan hendaklah sentiasa mengawasi prestasi pematuhan syarat kontrak untuk memastikan semua obligasi ditepati dalam kontrak tersebut.
ReplyDeleteSiasat dakwaan ini dan ambil tindakan jika didapati bersalah.
ReplyDeleteUMNO kena menasihati ahli mereka yang ingkar dengan peraturan.
ReplyDeleteIn comparison, the unemployment rate in the US and UK is 8.1 per cent while Spain and Greece are at 25.1 per cent and 24.2 per cent respectively.
ReplyDelete“The principal statistic on employment for last year showed that there were over 1.64 million in the labour force in Sabah, increasing from almost 1.59 million in 2010 and 1.35 in 2009,” said Youth & Sports Minister Datuk Peter Pang En Yin Pang.
ReplyDeleteThere were only about 85,200 unemployed citizens in Sabah last year which is a small figure when compared to the number of foreign labour in the State, especially those in the plantation and the construction sectors.
ReplyDelete“What is very much needed now is to locate where these unemployed citizens are and ascertain their qualifications and skills to enable them to be trained so that they can provide a pool of human capital geared to drive the economic transformation programme,” said Pang.
ReplyDeleteHe said the State government with the Halatuju Agenda also recognised the critical role of human capital development and initiated the Sabah Manpower Requirement Study (2010-2025) to replace the Sabah Manpower Master Plan 1983/84 which is no longer relevant to the current economic environment.
ReplyDeleteThe ongoing study is industry-based with Phase 1 covering four industries namely agriculture, resource-based manufacturing, tourism and Information & Communications Technology.
ReplyDeletePang said SEDIA also visited and discussed with local and foreign higher learning institutions on academic and R&D collaborations, as well as enticed institutions to consider setting up campuses in Sabah.
ReplyDeletePang also announced that SEDIA has been appointed to implement, manage and monitor placement and funding under the National Talent Enhancement Programme (NTEP) which aims to financially assist underemployed and unemployed Malaysians possessing diplomas, undergraduate degrees and higher qualifications secure employment with companies within the SDC.
ReplyDeleteAt the event yesterday, Pang also witnessed an exchange of collaboration agreement between SEDIA and the NTEP Hosting Companies.
ReplyDelete“I call upon more companies to participate in this NTEP programme. I also call upon job seekers who are keen to participate in this programme to register your interest with SEDIA,” he urged
There is bright prospect in the furniture sector for Sabah and the State Government welcomes the move to make the state a garden furniture industry hub, said Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman.
ReplyDeleteOpening a “Seminar on Sabah Furniture Industry – A Potential Hub for Outdoor Furniture” held at Pacific Sutera Harbour, near here yesterday, the Chief Minister said the current world furniture trade was estimated at USD107 billion.
ReplyDeleteThe timber industry, he said, was the backbone of the socio-economic development and the main source of state revenue, contributing about RM100 million annually.
ReplyDeleteMusa who is also Finance Minister added that this sector also provided employment to some 50,000 people.
ReplyDelete“Hence, all parties need to work together and intensify efforts to achieve these goals through a holistic and integrated development of the state’s economy as the timber industry’s contribution to the nation is still at a moderate level,” he remarked.
And, he also called on all players in the timber industry, especially the Forest Management Units (FMU) concessionaires to cultivate more Acacia Mangium trees as this type of wood was very suitable for manufacturing of garden or outdoor furniture.
ReplyDeleteConsequently, he said, all initiatives for the improvement of the state’s timber sector, particularly in meeting the objectives of the National Timber Industry Policy (NTIP), should be intensified as this industry could provide lucrative returns.
ReplyDeleteHe added that the theme “A Potential Hub for Outdoor Furniture” was very appropriate because Sabah has the potential to expand further into the international furniture market.
Sabah continued to record strong economic growth, with the services sector remaining the biggest contributor to its gross domestic product (GDP), according to the data gathered by the National Statistics Department (NSD).
ReplyDeleteThe latest statistics published by the department showed the sector contributed about 50.4 per cent to Sabah’s overall GDP, followed by agriculture at 22.9 per cent, mining and quarrying 16.9 per cent, manufacturing 7.9 per cent and construction 1.4 per cent.
ReplyDeleteA census conducted by the department among 22,119 business entities in Sabah last year found 18,047 of them or 81.6 per cent were in the services sector.
NSD head Dr Abdul Rahman Hasan said this was in tandem with the country’s effort towards achieving a developed nation status, by emphasising on the shift to service-driven economy.
ReplyDeleteBased on the statistics, the country is heading in the right direction as underlined in the Economic Transformation Programme that aims to grow the services sector from 58 per cent in 2009 to 65 per cent by 2020.
ReplyDeleteA handout containing key statistics at the function showed Sabah recorded a steady increase in exports and trade balance over the last three years.
ReplyDeleteLast year, the state’s export value stood at RM49.4 billion with trade surplus of RM16.6 billion, a significant increase from RM37.2 billion exports and RM11.2 billion trade surplus recorded in 2009.
Palm oil represented the biggest chunk of Sabah’s exports in 2011 at 38.8 per cent, followed by crude petroleum at 32.88 per cent.
ReplyDeleteChina was Sabah’s biggest export destination, importing RM10.9 billion worth of products or 22.1 per cent of the state’s exports last year, while Peninsular Malaysia remained the biggest exporter to Sabah accounting for RM15.75 billion or 48.1 per cent of the total imports.
ReplyDeleteOther positive indicator of Sabah’s economic health was the relatively low unemployment rate of 5.2 per cent that had remained stagnant despite increase in population.
ReplyDeleteThe principal statistics on employment for last year showed that there were over 1.64 million people in the labour force in Sabah, a visible increase from almost 1.59 million in 2010 and 1.35 in 2009.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the statistics, there were only about 85,200 unemployed citizens in Sabah last year, a slight increase from the estimated 82,100 and 74,600 in 2010 and 2009 respectively.
Meanwhile, Sabah Statistics Department director, Norezan Wahid, when delivering a talk at the event, said Sabah recorded the biggest gross output in agriculture compared to other states in the country.
ReplyDeleteHe said Sabah produced RM13.21 billion or 24.7 per cent of the total of RM53.45 billion agricultural output in Malaysia last year.In the manufacturing sector, Sabah contributed RM34.1 billion or 4.1 per cent to the country’s total output, not including RM4.6 billion or 2.7 per cent in value-added products.
ReplyDeleteIn the construction sector, the state recorded RM7.4 billion, equivalent to 8.1 per cent and the fifth highest in the country.About 6.5 per cent of 591,137 organizations and business entities under the sub-sector category were also operating in Sabah.