WALAUPUN terpalit dengan pelbagai skandal, tetapi Adun Sekong, Samsuddin Yahya tetap dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Ko-Nelayan bagi tempoh tiga tahun lagi sedangkan agensi ini telah disiasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) kerana terlibat dengan penyeludupan dan pemalsuan rekod diesel bersubsidi.
Menurut Ketua Penerangan Angkatan Muda PKR Sabah, Citra Masadi, Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Yahya Hussin telah menyerahkan watikah perlantikan Pengerusi dan Timbalan Pengerusi Korporasi Kemajuan Perikanan dan Nelayan Sabah (Ko-Nelayan) kepada Samsudin Yahya dan ADUN Banggi, Datuk Mijol Unaini, pada 30 Julai lalu.
Kedua-dua wakil rakyat itu dilantik semula ke jawatan masing-masing bagi tempoh 3 tahun mulai 2012 hingga 2014; setelah tertangguh selama lebih tiga bulan atas bantahan rakyat Sabah.
Ko-Nelayan merupakan salah sebuah agensi di bawah Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan Negeri Sabah (MAFI) yang diketuai Yahya Hussin.
"Majoriti rakyat Sabah tahu bahawa Yahya adalah Setiausaha Task Force UMNO, iaitu sebuah Jawatankuasa Ad-Hoc yang ditubuhkan UMNO untuk memberi kerakyatan songsang kepada PATI dalam Ops Gembleng," kata Citra yang mendesak agar Panel RCI yang ditubuhkan memanggil Yahya untuk memberi keterangan kerana penglibatannya bersama Haji Awang Kahar, Haji Abu Ali Ganturon dan Jabar Khan Napi, bukan lagi rahsia.
Tegas Citra, Samsuddin telah membantu ramai PATI termasuk gundiknya, Datin Pia Dahlan, memalsukan keterangan diri dengan mengaku mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan TYT Sabah, Tun Juhar Mahiruddin.
Sehubungan itu, fokus Panel RCI hendaklah mengesan beratus ribu PATI yang telah diberikan kerakyatan songsang oleh dua tokoh politik ini yang saling bantu membantu dan menutup rahsia antara satu sama lain.
"Saya telah beberapa kali membuat laporan polis terhadap Samsuddin, tetapi polis belum memanggil saya untuk memberi keterangan. Mungkin kerana beliau pemimpin UMNO, maka SPRM dan Polis KIV semua laporan saya," ujar Citra yang menggesa agar Panel RCI tidak memilih bulu dan menjalankan siasatan secara saksama.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
RCI Wajib Siasat Yahya & Samsuddin?
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Dah agak dah, inilah insan2 utama yg mewujudkan banyak PATI2 bebas brkeliaran di Sabah. Kalau di Indonesia, dah lama pejabat kerajaan kena serang jika kerajaan dilihat gagal memprtahankan hak2 rakyat tetapi kita..? Ndak ada,bah demi survival politic UMNO yg sentiasa mahu TIBAI harta negeri.
ReplyDeleteingat lah asal usul kita dari mana kita datang jgn sombong dan bongkap dulu pun macam kami juga kaki lepak dekat lee piang kee tunggu penumpang cari makan dgn texsi aku pun nak jadi kaki pukul mana lah tahu boleh jadi wakil rakyat hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
ReplyDeletePasti RCI akan menyiasat orang2 yang terlibat. tunggu dan lihat saja.
ReplyDeletePanel RCI nampak perlu berkerja keras untuk menyiasat masalah PATI dan IC projek di Sabah sebab tempoh hanya 6 bulan
ReplyDeleteKerajaan yg korupsi memang tak mahu mengaku mereka korupsi..sama juga dgn pemimpin korup.. jelas bersalah tapi masih boleh mendakwa org yg membongkar amalan korupsi mereka...
ReplyDeletePemimpin syaitan bergeng dengan pemimpin pusat dari Malaya memasukkan pati kesabah.
ReplyDeleteSepatutnya kes seperti ini tidak bolih dipandang sebalah mata olih pihek berkuasa kerana melibatkan penjualan negara,adakah pihek berkuasa suka penduduk bumiputara dan negara tergedai jangan macam tikus baiki labu apa yang ternampak tika ini, pihek keselamatan sepetutnya tidak bersakongkol dengan petualang negara fikir fikirlah demi kebaikan anak cucu bukannya gila kuasa.
ReplyDeleteMash ingat aku hasil siasatan RCI Teoh Beng Hock. Hasil siasatan TBH ialah TBH tidak dibunuh dan tidak membunuh diri! Siasatan yang paling lucu!
ReplyDeleteMereka yang buat dakwaan ini sila hantar bukti kepada SPRM.
ReplyDeletePihak berkuasa kena bersikap adil.
ReplyDeleteJika ada bukti kukuh, hantar saja kepada pihak yang berkuasa.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan keputusan RCI akan di beritah tidak lama lagi, agar masalah Pati dapat di selsaikan.
ReplyDeleteDalang ini sumbat saja kat pudu...
ReplyDeleteA total of RM463.01 million has been proposed for expenditure for seven departments and agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture & Food Industry next year.
ReplyDeleteIts minister, who is also Deputy Chief Minister, Datuk Yahya Hussin, said the allocation will be distributed to Department of Agriculture (RM42.45 million), Department of Veterinary Services & Animal Industry (RM20.46 million), Drainage & Irrigation Department (RM56.54 million), Department of Fisheries (RM12.65 million), Sabah Rubber Industry Board (RM9.75 million), Rural Development Corporation (RM7.55 million) and Ko-Nelayan receiving RM6.7 million.
“My ministry will use the provision in the best possible way for the benefit of the farming, breeding and fishing community,” he said in his winding up speech for his ministry at State Assembly.
ReplyDeleteYahya said his ministry would continue to be committed to develop the land in the State with various agricultural development programmes.
“The Permanent Food Crops Programme (TKPM), which has been in operation since June 2010 in Tawau involving 51 operators using a land area of 96 hectares, to date has generated an income of RM877,152 by producing 619,756 tons of vegetables and fruits,” he said.
ReplyDeleteOther than this, he said, his ministry will also be giving priority to the production of rice in the state with the establishment of the Kota Belud rice bowl.
ReplyDelete“At the beginning of this year, the Federal government has already channelled an allocation of RM14.3 million to develop the first phase of 800 hectares in Kampung Taun Gusi, Kampung Tempasuk and Kampung Jawi-Jawi Kota Belud involving 762 farmers,” he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said, to develop the rural economy, the ministry through the Sabah Rubber Industry Board (LIGS) has developed a land area of 6,392 hectares involving 1,979 smallholders and encompassing 64 villages and 19 districts this year.
ReplyDelete“LIGS has received funding amounting to RM40.59 million that will be used in 2013 on developing a land area of 4,400 hectares, involving 1,500 smallholders. The board is now on the right path as it has recorded a profit of RM69 million, that is, RM44 million in 2011 and RM23 million in 2012 up until June this year,” he said.
ReplyDeleteYahya said throughout the whole of last year, his ministry has achieved many accolades, among them, the Department of Agriculture, Ko-Nelayan and the Department of Fisheries which received three stars rating, while the Rural Development Corporation (KPD) received four-star rating.
ReplyDelete“Other than this, Sabah successfully became the largest producer of fresh milk in Malaysia and therefore the leading supplier of fresh milk under the 1Malaysia milk programme,” he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said, besides these achievements, his ministry had always give priority to the welfare of the people by engaging in the MESEJ programs (Mini Estate Sejahtera).
ReplyDelete“Among the departments and agencies of the ministries involved in implementing the poverty alleviation programmes or Program 1Azam are the Rural Development Corporation (KPD), Department of Agriculture and Ko-Nelayan. This programme has benefited 19,500 poor people listed in the e-Kasih system involving an expenditure of RM191 million. In 2013, the government has approved RM100 million for the 1Azam programme,” he said.
ReplyDeleteOn the problems of flash floods that often besets residents in Petagas, Telipok and Menggatal, Yahya said the Drainage & Irrigation Department has spent RM34.8 million to build mitigation structures in Sungai Telipok, RM58.7 million in Sungai Darau and Sungai Dambai and RM5.7 million in Sungai Petagas.
ReplyDelete“At the same time, to reduce the impact of flooding in Beaufort town, the government provided an allocation of RM10.2 million of which RM6.0 million has been spent. All works is expected to be completed in 2014,” he said.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the questions from the assemblymen during the question and answer session, Yahya said Kunak has an area of 113,441 hectares and out of the area, 25,352 hectares have been found suitable for growing tapioca.
ReplyDelete“In 2010 the existing acreage planted with tapioca in this area is 15 hectares. For the year 2012, the Department of Agriculture had the intention to increase the size of tapioca growing acreage, however, due to financial constraints the department was only able to develop the area according to the approved provision.
ReplyDelete“Responding to the question posed by the assemblyman from Matunggong regarding the administration of the agriculture office there, I’m pretty sure the Agriculture Department will take appropriate action to resolve the problem,” he said.