Sunday, August 21, 2011

Total Revamp Of Immigration System

DAP Sabah is shocked to learn that 1,928,495 foreign workers have registered under 6P amnesty programme. Of these, 1,031,275 are illegals.

This staggering figure has not included the 280,000 illegal immigrants registered under 5P amnesty programme in Sabah.

DAP Sabah Assistant Secretary, Junz Wong asked how did these illegal immigrants enter into our land so easily?

What has the immigrations officers been doing? What has the Marine Police and Army been doing?

Junz Wong called on the Home Ministry and Immigration authorities to explain to Malaysians how did all these illegals get into our land?

This has also raised eye brows of many concerned Malaysians and reflects the capability of the immigration department.

I hope the Immigration Director can provide us a satisfactory explanation including how they keep track of those foreign workers coming into Malaysia?

Junz Wong, who is also DAPSY KK Youth chief demanded to whether there will be more amnesty programs in the near future since more

foreigners are expected to sip into our porous and unguarded borderline. Junz asked if the government has a plan to tackle future encroachments?

DAP Sabah calls for a total revamp of Immigration system and procedures to safeguard the interests of the people of Malaysia. Junz said that to be overwhelmed by foreigners in your own country is no small laughing matter. The fact that many are on a fast track of becoming citizen is a serious matter.

Those who are facilitating foreigners to obtain Mycards are the traitors of this nation. The ISA and EO, the legal instruments of the BN governemnt should be applied on them, he added.


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  1. Itu kena tanya Kerajaan pusat kerana mereka yang mengendali proses immigrasi.

  2. Harap isu pendatang boleh dikurangkan setelah proses 6P ini.

  3. "DAP Sabah is shocked to learn that 1,928,495 foreign workers have registered under 6P amnesty programme. Of these, 1,031,275 are illegals. "

    Is the true the no of illegal immigrant? Wow, very shocking figure and what happen to all these illegals now? Any action taken?

  4. i do doubt about the current system that can allow such a huge amount of illegal immigrant in our country? Hoping the government can investigate and give explanation about what is going on now about our current immigrant system?

  5. Tiada pihak berkuasa yang bertanggung jawab untuk monitor immigrants selama ini? Adakah kesemua ini kesalahan teknikal atau masalah kecuaian sistem sekarang? Harus diberi penjelasan juga.

  6. "DAP Sabah calls for a total revamp of Immigration system and procedures to safeguard the interests of the people of Malaysia. "

    Betul juga kata DAP.. jumlah illegal immigrants cukup untuk merosakkan keharmonian dan ketenteraman negara kita jika mereka tidak dimonitor dan diabil perhatian terhadap gerak geri mereka ni. Harap kerajaan mengambil perhatian terhadap mereka yang akan mengakibatkan masalah besar di masa akan datang.

  7. If the amount of illegal immigrants shown were truth, whats wrong with our current immigration department? How the current system help them to monitor them? Action must be taken the sooner to solve the issues and the current immigration system has need to be improve and enhanced.

  8. usaha untuk mengatasi masalah pati perlu sentiasa dilakukan dari masa ke masa..

  9. harap program 6P akan memberikan hasil yang baik dan dapat mengatasi masalah pati.

  10. pihak terlibat harus memberi penjelasan akan hal ini.

  11. saya pun hairan bagaimana PATI senang2 boleh masuk ke M'sia.

  12. Harap lepas program tu bilangan pendatang asing ini dapat dikurangkan dengan lebih banyak.

  13. Hantar 100 PATI pulang, 200 lagi PATI datang balik. Apa macam? Salah siapa?

  14. Persoalan di benak fikiran setiap rakyat, 'kenapa begitu mudah PATI masuk ke negara ini?'

  15. This problem may not be going to this level if the authorities take care our borders with dedication, high integrity, and corruption-free.

  16. PATI semakin biadap dan berani mengancam keselamatan penduduk tempatan. Pihak berkuasa seolah-olah kecut dengan mereka. Bila masalah seperti ini timbul, apa lagi alternatif yang boleh diambil untuk mengatasinya? Mereka yang menjadi pengkhianat negara patut tanggung akibatnya, bukannya rakyat!

  17. nampaknya lebih ramai warga asing yang masuk secara haram berbanding dengan warga asing yang masuk secara sah. kesimpulannya kita dapat andaikan bahawa penguatkuasaan di pintu2 masuk negara agak longgar.

  18. Surprisingly to know there are millions of illegal immigrant in Sabah? Whats wrong with the current immigration department? Any shortage or major problem in the department?

  19. Immigration department should be the first to filter all illegal immigrants but looking the no of illegal immigrant in Sabah, we doubt about what happen to the current department and are they any problem to handle their job and responsibilities?

  20. kerjasama semua pihak adalah perlu untuk membanteras PATI ini.

  21. Personally I think the current system has no problem, problem arose only the people! They should be able to filter and to take care the border to ensure no illegal immigrants. Hoping the government take serious attention to the matter that may risk the people.

  22. Jika Jabatan Immigration tidak menjalankan tugas dengan amanah dan dedikasi, dijangka 6P perlu dijalankan setiap tahun.. Ini cuma merugikan duit rakyat untuk menjalankan kempen membasmi PATI.. PATI cukup mengakibatkan banyak masalah di negara kita, harap pihak berkuasa menjalankan tugas dan tanggung-jawabnya.

  23. This is not technical issues or careless mistakes anymore.. something went very wrong with the current system and the people who responsible to control and filter the illegal immigrants. Prompt action needed for now and then..

  24. kemasukan PATI seharusnya berkurangan dan bukannya bertambah...ini mungkin ada pihak tertentu yang memberi kelonggaran terhadap kemasukan mereka di negara kita.

  25. kerajaan patut kenakan tindakan yang tegas kepada mereka yang masuk tanpa dokumen pejalanan yang sah

  26. masalah PATI tidak akan selesai jika pihak berkuasa tidak menjalankan tugas mereka dengan penuh disiplin dan wibawa

  27. nilai angka PATI yang meningkat hingga 'juta' ini memang amat membimbangkan

  28. "This has also raised eye brows of many concerned Malaysians and reflects the capability of the immigration department." - kerajaan harus siasat dan kenakan tindakan kepada mereka yang tidak berwibawa..

  29. Hope no one make this 6P program be politicking for personal interest.

  30. Sabah merupakan jumlah yang ramai mendaftar dalam program 5P ini. Rasanya selepas ini sudah tiba masanya PATI balik ketempat asal mereka dan datanglah dengan cara mengikuti undang-undang.

  31. Laksanakan program dengan bersungguh untuk memastikan program pengampunan ini dapat dilakukan dengan jayanya. Sebagai warga asing perlulah memberikan kerjasama menjayakan program 6P ini.

  32. sprm sudah melancarkan operasi dipintu2 masuk negara.. hasil siasatan, memang terdapat pegawai2 yang menerima suapan untuk membenarkan PATI2 ini masuk ke negara kita. walau apapun usaha membawa mereka keluar, selagi pintu masuk negara senang dibolosi, selagi itu masalah ini tidak akan selesai.

  33. Tulah kawalan yang tidak ketat menjadikan masalah.

  34. "DAP Sabah Assistant Secretary, Junz Wong asked how did these illegal immigrants enter into our land so easily? "

    Why ask something when u already knew bout it.

  35. Waoopss. let me rephrase my sentence.

    "DAP Sabah Assistant Secretary, Junz Wong asked how did these illegal immigrants enter into our land so easily? "

    Why ask something when u already knew the *answer* to it.

  36. Lets hope that this 6p programme will solve this illegal immigrant issue.

  37. the Marine Police and Army ought to tighten the security around the borders. Don't let this illegal immigrants enter our country.


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