Bekas Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Hasan Ali mengesyaki terdapat semacam wujudnya persefahaman di antara MCA dan DAP, khususnya untuk menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13).
Hasan mendakwa, MCA sebuah parti yang didokong masyarakat Cina dikatakan hanya mampu meraih undi nominal di kalangan masyarakat tersebut dan mungkin merasakan lebih logikal untuk membawa keseluruhan sokongan masyarakat Cina kepada DAP.
Beliau mengesyaki ianya dilakukan bagi menentukan DAP menjadi wakil mutlak masyarakat Cina dalam memperjuangkan tuntutan-tuntutan yang sekian lama dibuat oleh masyarakat Cina
"Hati kecil saya juga membisikkan bahawa masyarakat Cina seolah-olah mempunyai satu “grand design” merentasi fahaman dan aliran politik.
"Fahaman dan aliran politik yang kelihatan berbeza dan bertentangan secara luaran tidak lebih daripada wayang lakonan sahaja," kata Hasan yang juga presiden NGO Jalur Tiga (JATI) dalam satu kenyataan malam ini.
"Mereka mempunyai agenda besar. Sebahagian daripada agenda besar DAP sekali lagi ditimbulkan baru-baru ini. Inti agenda besar DAP itu bukan merupakan satu rahsia lagi," katanya yang juga bekas pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor.
Dalam dua tiga hari ini, tegas Hasan, timbul semula isu Negara Islam dan pelaksanaan hudud.
Isu ini, tambah Hasan, seperti biasa menyemarakkan semula suasana politik bertepatan dengan bertambah hampirnya PRU13.
Dalam episod terbaru ini, Hasan mendakwa, Presiden MCA Dr Chua Soi Lek dengan secara tiba-tiba menjadi orang pertama yang menekan butang jentera menentang pelaksanaan Negara Islam dan hudud di negara ini.
Menurutnya, penentangannya terhadap Negara Islam dan hudud menerima tindakbalas yang sengit daripada pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, DAP, PKR dan PAS.
"Secara jujurnya saya tidak melihat ada perkara yang baru dari segi hujah-hujah yang dikemukakan sama ada dari pihak MCA, DAP dan juga dua lagi parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat itu.
"Hanya hati kecil saya sahaja tampil membisikkan bahawa terdapat beberapa andaian yang boleh digunakan untuk mengatakan bahawa buat sekian kalinya MCA dan DAP membuat pementasan lakonan politik," katanya sambil menambah bahawa isu yang selama ini dimainkan oleh MCA dan DAP menimbulkan kemarahan masyarakat Melayu-Islam.
"Isu ini juga menarik sokongan masyarakat Cina kepada MCA dan DAP disebabkan apa yang dilontarkan selari dengan kehendak, kemahuan dan tuntutan masyarakat keturunan Cina," tegasnya.
Sehubungan itu, Hasan bertanya, kalau masyarakat keturunan Cina mempunyai agenda besar, maka bagaimana pula masyarakat Melayu-Islam yang menjadi warga peribumi negara ini.
"Setakat yang saya ketahui serta pengalaman berada di barisan tertinggi pimpinan parti PAS khasnya, hubungan di antara parti-parti politik Melayu Islam hampir berada di tahap berkerat rotan berpatah arang," katanya.
Hasan mendakwa, kenyataan yang selama ini keluar dari mulut pimpinan PAS dan PKR, terutamanya yang menyentuh persoalan penyatuan masyarakat Melayu Islam, menceritakan segala-galanya.
"Saya ingin membawa bisikan hati kecil saya ini kepada pengetahuan barisan pimpinan masyarakat Melayu-Islam. Wajarkah kita terus berpolitik dengan politik berdendam kesumat?
"Wajarkah kita terus berpolitik dengan politik berkerat rotan berpatah arang? Wajarkah kita terus berpolitik dengan politik yang didorong oleh sifat sombong, angkuh dan bongkak?
"Akhirnya, wajarkah kita terus berpolitik dengan politik yang menggerhanakan nasib umat dan generasi pengganti yang akan datang?" tambahnya.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Hasan Ali : MCA, DAP berpakat tarik sokongan Cina
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Saya syak, ini adalah satu strategi/taktik terbaru hasan ali utk membuatkan masyarakat melayu membenci kaum cina, klau mereka percaya dgn apa yg hasan ali perkatakan. Ini dilakukan, setelah taktik menyatukan PAS/umno gagal. Juga setelah taktik memecahkan antara PAS/DAP dlm Pakatan juga gagal. Taktik skrg adalah cuba memainkan sentimen perkauman, dgn harapan masyarakat melayu membenci masyarakat cina. Itu secara x langsung menghasut melayu Pakatan utk membenci DAP selaku rakan kongsi dlm Pakatan. & secara x langsung juga memecahkan undi Pakatan. Amat bijak taktik ini. Tapi saya dah pun berjaya 'kantoi'kan....
ReplyDeletePak Hassan kalau bercakap asyik guna 'kata hati'....mungkin itu yg dibisikkan oleh syaitan kerana agenda sulit yg hanya Pak Hassan ketahui.... PRU 13 ini tiada tempat org macam pak hassan dlm PAS.
ReplyDeletePak Hassan jual kata2 jer ka utk tarik perhatian Pak Jib...dgn harapan utk jadi MB Selangor bersama UMNO...kekekekeke....
Saya setuju dengan dua pendapat tadi kerana cara Pak Hassan dan rakannya, Zulkifli Nordin & Nasyarudin membuat kenyataan biasanya berdasarkan sangkaan dan andaian. Umpamanya tindakan Pemimpin Pas dikatakan atas arahan Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim, pengaruh DAP lah, seolah-olah pemimpin lain dari dia tak boleh berfikir sendiri sekaligus merendah-rendahkan mereka. Bagi saya komen-komen dari Pak Hassan ini sedikit pun tidak menghasilkan perpaduan Rakyat Malaysia amnya begitu juga diantara orang Melayu sendiri, cakap dia lebih kepada memporakperandakan, walaupun kononnya usahanya untuk menyatupadukan. Kenyataannya di atas tadi sepatutnya ditujukan kepada dirinya sendiri.
ReplyDeleteHassan Ali tidak mungkin dapat sokongan cina
ReplyDeleteSi Hassan Ali patut bersara saja
ReplyDeleteKita tengok sajalah siapa yang akan menang.
ReplyDeleteHassan Ali lebih baik jangan buat apa2 kenyataan. 2x5 sama Ibrahim Ali.
ReplyDeleteJadi maksudnya DAP dan MCA ni boleh jadi satu gabungan??
ReplyDeleteKenyataan nak tarik pengundi Cina lah ni.
ReplyDeleteDAP bekerjasama dengan MCA, menarik juga strategi ini.
ReplyDeleteAdakah ini bermakna DAP tidak lagi ingin bekerjasama dengan PKR dan PAS?
ReplyDeleteMengenai isu melaksanakan hudud, memang DAP dah awal lagi tidak bersetuju dengan PAS.
ReplyDeleteDAP nak MCA mmg parti untuk masyarakat cina.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said the Chinese community who likes his leadership, must give solid support to Umno and BN if they want him to bring more successes to the nation through the national transformation programme.
ReplyDeleteHe said this in a special interview prior to the 66th Umno general assembly next week, when asked to comment on remarks by political observers, that some parties in the Chinese community liked Najib's leadership but not his party and BN, and were divided over giving support.
ReplyDeleteNajib, who is also Umno president, in the one-hour interview with Bernama and Utusan Malaysia, nevertheless, said he saw winds of change blowing in the level of support towards the government including from among the Chinese community compared to 2008 because they liked the government's direction.
ReplyDeleteCommenting further on the parties in the Chinese community who were still divided in their support of the government, he said:" If they want me as the PM who can bring transformation to the nation, as they had been convinced all these while, they must give their support to me.
Najib said a prime minister without a comprehensive mandate was weak and could be disputed, including whatever innovation he wanted to implement because any change would face many challenges.
ReplyDelete"A leadership without political support is a leadership without moral strength. If a leader has no moral strength, the leader will find it hard to face challenges to bring about big changes to the nation," Najib said.
ReplyDeleteSince becoming premier in April 2009, Najib introduced numerous comprehensive transformation programmes encompassing the government delivery system and politics and economy which were starting to show very positive preliminary results.
ReplyDeleteHe said although Umno or BN had several weaknesses, they were much better if compared to the opposition pact.
"So if they don't like Umno or BN, at least we are solid, having the same aim and talking in the same tone compared to the opposition who are basically at odds, even in terms of ideology. They are also not in tune (among the opposition) as to who will become the PM.
ReplyDeleteNajib also said in national political system, if the groups liked his leadership, whether they wanted to or not they must give support to his party, namely, Umno and BN.
"Otherwise, another party will be PM and not me. This means, someone else they don't want will become PM. And the pillar in our system is whoever becomes the PM," he said.
ReplyDeleteCommenting further on the increase in support from the Chinese community towards the current government, Najib said he was aware that a change in attitude took time.
ReplyDeleteConceding that the government had problems with Chinese voters, he said, nevertheless, the government should not shunt them aside but to intensify engagements to understand their needs and demands, and respond accordingly.
He said he understood the Chinese in towns were not overly dependent on the government but they must be aware their successes as individuals and a community were the result of government policies.
ReplyDeleteHe stressed that so long as the people were not satisfied with the rate of drop in crimes, the effort would be escalated to erase all their concerns.
ReplyDeleteNajib also refuted allegations by opposition parties that Umno was racist when urging towards the unity of Malays, and purportedly, its struggle was only in the interest of Malays.
"Malay unity does not mean we oppose other races because, as I had said, we must bring other communites together with us."
ReplyDelete"We have carried this spirit since long ago from the time of Tunku (Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj) and Tun Razak (Hussein) (left). Why should we set aside what had been founded by our founding fathers."
ReplyDeleteNajib stressed that the current Umno leaders, like its founding fathers who set up Alliance and then BN, were aware the strength of the country hinged on cooperation between the communities.
ReplyDelete"This we must hold on to," he said, adding that several actions which gave the perception that Umno was racist should and would be corrected.
Najib said, when the government introduced the 1Malaysia Concept, all communities understood better, that, in this country, all communities must benefit from the national leadership.
ReplyDeleteHe said, as a result of the efficiency in the administration of the country, the government could ensure quite a strong national economic growth, whereby, the third quarter of this year recorded a 5.2 percent growth and 300,000 jobs were created.
The increase in foreign direct investment continued to go up from RM5 billion in 2009 to RM29.3 billion in 2010 and RM36.6 billion last year.
ReplyDelete"All these achievements, people say went against the world economy," he said, adding that the nation developed a high level of confidence with the achievements.
ReplyDeleteThe premier said the policies and programmes of the opposition as contained in their "Orange Book" and 2013 Budget did not get rave reviews from economists.
ReplyDelete"If we ask investment bankers and their fund managers' financial analysts, they do not give a high valuation to what was forwarded by the opposition. This means that they only see BN as a viable government."
ReplyDeleteHe said the current national transformation programme to boost Malaysia into becoming a developed and high-income nation could not possibly be achieved in three or four years but needed a much longer time.
ReplyDelete"President (Barack) Obama (left) also demanded another term as president (of the United States) because he said it was impossible to make amends on what was done during the tenure of (president George) Bush, in four years.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, Najib said if BN received a strong mandate from the people in the 13th general election, God willing, he would commit himself to using his post and the strength of moral leadership to carry out greater and more grand achievements for Malaysia.