The statement by Tan Sri Harris Salleh with regards to the illegal immigrants in Sabah raises the question of his stance about the mother of all problems in Sabah. In response to Tan Sri Herman Luping’s article, he tried to justify the disturbing statement in the book, Harris Salleh of Sabah, which says that the Federal Government can make a foreigner a citizen of Malaysia within 24 hours by a stroke of the pen.
He said that this actually meant the Federal Government has the power to grant citizenship to any foreigner if the minister in charge feels that a particular person is useful and can contribute to the well being of Malaysia. Yes – if! I agree with him on that technical reasoning but we have to admit that only a stupid country would give citizenship to people that could endanger the social, security and sovereignty of that country! And this is what has been done in Malaysia, not just for a few useful professionals and scientists, but for uneducated and poor very, very illegal immigrants. Even legal immigrants from developed countries or even the wives of prominent leaders take donkey years to even get a permanent residence.
The legalisation of illegals through the back door in Sabah has become a legendary tale of deception, lies, denials and brazen violation of the immigration laws! Now this heinous act of treason is getting outright support and false reasoning from politicians! Sabahans have to be reminded that this is the biggest breach of the Malaysia Agreement and understanding that we were to become a part of the federation for our security from external threats and preservation of our native rights. The grand design had pushed the natives and original peoples of Sabah into a corner where they are becoming second-class citizens to immigrants who are now calling themselves Malays and so are first-class citizens. So gone is the meaning of Article 185 of the Federal Constitution which guarantees the “special position” of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak.
I am certain Harris is not in favour of the illegals so he doesn’t have to become too uptight when the issue is raised in the media. He also needs to show once in a while his concern for the future of the natives, even deplore the continuing influx of the illegal immigrants into the state which started way back in the 1970s until this very day. As a veteran with vast experience we need his wisdom to help stem the tide of all sorts of Tom, Dick and Harry flooding the state and bringing havoc to the socio-economic life to the state. We all know how we are now facing healthcare problems, vice, serious and petty crimes (murder, drugs, robberies, thefts, smuggling and selling of contraband cigarettes everywhere). Now sources had confirm that the highest number of births in QEH2 are immigrants. They are multiplying like rabbits!
What we don’t need is cover-ups of the fact that many hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the state have obtained MyKads through the backdoor and been entered in the electoral rolls as “Fixed Deposit” voters and gone on to became instant natives.
We only have to look at the Federal Constitution and see that the immigration laws have been seriously violated. Foreigners can obtain citizenship in Malaysia but they must go through the process as provided for under the Federal Constitution. There’s no evidence that the massive number of illegals in Sabah are going through just such a process before being bestowed with citizenships. On the contrary, all the evidence and testimonies of various parties who are willing to go to court to witness, is that hundreds of thousands had obtained citizenship “by the stroke of the pen,” and it is still going on.
And this is happening although everyone knows that no one should be above the law, not even the Federal Government whose leaders had sworn to protect the laws. No civilized country in the world will reward illegal entry with citizenship. None! European countries (Norway, Denmark, France, the UK and others) were once quite liberal about legalising foreigners but in small numbers and now have regretted it because these new citizens have become nuisances and troublemakers, shouting religious intolerance against the very government which feed them on generous welfare handouts for them to survive. They are biting the hands that feed them. In our case the new Bumiputeras are taking over us.
By Daniel John Jambun
Daniel is Star Deputy Chairman and Advisor to the UK-Based Human Rights Foundation Malaysia.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Harris may have wrong view of illegals
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You past will haunt you back, Harris!
ReplyDelete"The Federal Government can make a foreigner a citizen of Malaysia within 24 hours by a stroke of the pen."
ReplyDeleteThis is dangerous.
Banteras masalah kebanjiran PATI dan projek ic di Sabah! Jangan biar rakyat jadi pelarian di tempat sendiri.
ReplyDeleteBukan mudah untuk mendapatkan status kewarganegaraan. jika benar boleh memberikan status warganegara dalam masa 24jam saja, memang bahaya. jelasnya juga, wujud penyalahgunaan kuasa.
ReplyDeletePemberian status kewarganegaraan perlu diperketatkan lagi.
ReplyDeleteHarris Salleh sudahpun lama bersara, buat apa dia campur tangan dalam politik lagi?
ReplyDeleteSekarang hanya ada satu cara sahaja yang boleh menyelesaikan maalah PATI di Sabah iaitu melancarkan RCI untuk menyiasat masalah PATI dan Projek IC secara mendalam.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, i can't believe him..
ReplyDeleteThis problem has to be solved before the election, no problems should be left to the next leader.
ReplyDeleteisu PTI memang susah diselesaikan. Dah lama tak habis
ReplyDeletePemberian status kewarganegaraan memang perlu diperketatkan lagi. Jika tidak susah untuk mengawal kemasukan mereka.
ReplyDeleteHarap Harris tahu apa beliau cakap ni
ReplyDeletesyarat kerakyatan malaysia harus disemak semula...
ReplyDeletesyarat2 yang digunapakai pada masa kini untuk permohonan kerakyatan adalah longgar..
ReplyDeletedi samping itu, senarai nama daftar pemilih harus dibersihkan daripada penama2 yang meragukan status kerakyatannya sebelum pru13..
ReplyDeleteRCI juga harus ditubuhkan dengan segera untuk menyiasat projek IC di sabah.
ReplyDeletediharap PM akan umumkan penubuhan RCI dalam masa terdekat...sebelum pru13..
ReplyDeleteThis illegal immigrants issue must be solved before election.
ReplyDeleteBefore the illegal immigrants outnumbered the locals, its best for us to solve this issue now.
ReplyDeleteWith the illegal immigrants issue solved, we be sure to have a clean and fair election.
ReplyDeleteThose who are contributed to the illegal immigrant issues in sabah must be caught and punished heavily.
ReplyDeleteSabah bukannya negeri yang mempunyai jumlah PATI yang terbanyak, Selangor yang paling banyak dengan jumlah PATI 353,306, Sabah hanya ada 161,548 PATI dan menduduki tempat ke 3.
ReplyDeleteSaya rasa RCI ini diperlukan bukan sahaja di Sabah, tetapi di Semenanjung juga. Selangor 353,306, Kuala Lumpur 330,321 dan Johor 126,064 orang PATI. Lagi banyak di situ berbanding di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJangan suka salahkan Sabah sahaja pasal PATI, padahal di seluruh negara juga menghadapi masalah ini, kecuali Sarawak di bawah pemimpinan Taib Mahmud.
ReplyDeleteHarris Salleh lebih baik bersara la sepenuhnya. tidak disuka sudah ba.
ReplyDeleteKasi bersih ini Sabah daripada PATI. Bikin semak saja.
ReplyDeletePATI di Sabah ni harus dibanteras, byk masalah timbul kerana mereka.
ReplyDeleteyeah.. only Daniel John Jambun have right view of illegal.. other than him is wrong..