Tuesday, March 27, 2012

26 Schools Declared Unsafe Buildings

TWENTY-SIX schools have been officially declared as having unsafe buildings in Sabah since the year 2009.

Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun, who is also in charge of Sabah education affairs, said this was based on the Public Works Department report received by the State Education Department.

The school buildings were declared unsafe due to structural damages, he said in reply to Bingkor Assemblyman Datuk Justin Guka.

According to Masidi, the Education Ministry has carried out school building structural repair works under AP 173.2 (Emergency Works) on 24 schools, and that works at 14 of them have already been completed and handed over to the Ministry. The remaining 10 are still undergoing maintenance works, he said.


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  1. UNdi BN semua masalah selasai, kata Najib. Jadi sekolah berkenaan akan digantikan dengan bangunan baru esok!

  2. Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri perlu diberi kuasa dan autonomi dalam melaksanakan projek pembangunan berkaitan pendidikan. Dengan ini, tidak perlu merujuk lagi kepada kerajaan pusat untuk mendapatkan kelulusan dan projek2 pembangunan pendidikan dapat dilaksanakan dengan cepat.

  3. Bangunan sekolah yang tidak selamat boleh mempengaruhi pembelajaran murid2. harap2 26 buah sekolah yang diisytiharkan tidak selamat dapat diperbaiki sebelum berakhirnya tahun ni.

  4. Semoga Kementerian Pendidikan akan meluluskan dana untuk menaik taraf bangunan-bangunan sekolah yang tidak lagi selamat digunakan.

  5. Setuju bahawa Jabatan Pendidikan Sabah perlulah diberikan kuasa untuk membuat keputusan tentang sistem pendidikan di Sabah tanpa perlu mendapatkan kebenaran dariapda Kerajaan Persekutuan.

  6. Datuk Masidi Manjun would make an excellent full fledged Minister of Education. He never cease to to voice out the needs of the education aspect in Sabah .

    In another matter of education in Sabah , Datuk Masidi Manjun will take up the issue of the 79 temporary teachers whose services were terminated following a directive by the Education Ministry, and would fight for their right.

  7. Stressing that he symphatised their fate, the Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister said although they might just be Sijil Rendah Pelajaran (SRP) holders, their services were still relevant to society.

    “I believe they should be absorbed and offered permanent posts, especially those who have served for about three decades,” said Masidi, who is also the Minister in charge of education.

  8. He, however, disagreed that the temporary teachers’ contracts were terminated without warning as renewals were done on a yearly basis.

    “Those whose contract expires this year were not renewed. But I agree that they should not be treated in such a way.

  9. “They are the ones who are willing to go to remote villages to teach, despite the low pay. And in fact, I know that some have served as temporary teachers until their retirement … such act shows their determination and dedication to teach the younger children to excel in their life,” he said in his winding up speech during the State Assembly sitting yesterday.

  10. He was responding to Kuamut assemblyman Masiung Banah’s call on the state government to assist the temporary teachers whose contracts were terminated. “They may be just Sijil Rendah Pelajaran holders, but some have served for about 35 years. I believe they must have bills, house and car loans to pay. It is unfair to terminate their services without giving the prior notice.“The ministry should not have taken the decision so fast … their services are still needed,” said Banah

  11. Beri kuasa autonomi kepada Jabatan Pendidikan Sabah supaya lebih cepat sesuatu pekerjaan diselesaikan.

  12. Hal ini sudah lama berlaku tapi agak menghairankan masih juga belum diselesaikan speenuhnya.

  13. Segerakan kerja-kerja pembaikan demi kebaikan semua. Jangan tunggu masalah lain timbul batu kelam kabut cari jalan penyesalan.

  14. Banyak hal yang timbul dan ini pasti akan menampakkan kelemahan kerajaan. Namun say yakin kerajaan juga giat berusaha menyelesaikan perkara ini.

  15. Since 2009? Biar betul sekarang 2012 sudah. Takkan masih belum dibaiki.

  16. 26 kira jumalah yang banyak juga tu. Harap ada tindakan drastik yang dibuat bagi menanggani hal ini.

  17. Yearly or better yet montly inspection on every school in sabah should be conducted to ensure the safety of the school. We can't have out kids studying in an unsafe building.

  18. Make sure there aren't any delay in making the school safe.

  19. CM said Ministry of Education and State Education Department continued to provide infrastructure not just in the urban areas but rural district too.

  20. Dihrap kemudahan di sekolah2 pendalaman akan menikmati kemudahan dan suasana pembelajaran yang selesa.

  21. bangunan2 sekolah yang didapati tidak selamat tidak harus digunakan, ia perlu diperbaiki. keselamatan pelajar perlu diutamakan.

  22. Tindakan yang wajar harus diambil untuk menjamin keselamatan para pelajar.

  23. Struktur pembangunan harus disemak untuk memastikan keselamatan.

  24. Sistem pendidikan harus diperbaiki terutama untuk kawasan perkampungan.

  25. Kerja membaiki struktur bangunan harus dijalankan serta merta.

  26. Masalah guru sementara harus dikendalikan dengan lebih wajar.

  27. Harap tindakan segera akan dapat di buat berkenaan dengan hal ini, jangan ada sesuatu berlaku, bru mau bertindak.

  28. Lebih baik Jabatan Pendidikan Sabah diberikan kuasa untuk membuat keputusan tentang sistem pendidikan di Sabah tanpa perlu mendapatkan kebenaran dariapda Kerajaan Persekutuan mana tahu keadaan akan lebih baik.

  29. 26 buah sekolah itu boleh di kira banyak juga,harap kerja2 pembaikan akan segera di buat.

  30. Kesealmatan adalah penting selain dari keselesaan semasa pembelajaran dilakukan.

  31. Jika keadaan pembelajaran selesa dan selamat pasti murid2 akan lebih tekun dan perhatian mereka terhadap pembelajaran tidak akan tertanggu.

  32. Datuk Masidi harus segera mengambil tindakan untuk mempercepatkan pebaikan yang seharusnya dilakukan.

  33. Semoga sekolah-sekolah itu akan mendapat peruntukkan yang ditetapkan bagi memperbaikki kerosakkan yang dialami.

  34. mana2 bangunan sekolah yang tidak selamat, robohkan saja dan tukar kepada bangunan konkrit.. kalau setakat tukar papan yang reput, masalah ini tetap akan berulang dikemudian hari..


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