STATE Chairman of the State Reform Party (STAR), Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, said Sabah, though freed from the colonial British in 1963, is 'practically' still under colonisation today.
He said this can be tested with a simple political arithmetic. "We are free if we are free from colonisation or outside power. You are an independent country if you are free to plan and decide your own fiscal policies," he said.
Likewise, he said a country cannot consider itself independent if its own people do not have the power to elect or chose their own leaders.
"Sabah must continue to have this unfettered power to appoint its own Chief Minister if it is a free state. Currently this power has been usurped by UMNO..." he said in his address at a Borneo tea-party at Kampung Patau in Tambunan recently.
Dr Jeffrey also argued that one other important tenet of an independent state is that it must be able to collect taxes for itself, something that Sabah has been squarely denied of.
He said Sabah was in dire situation today because it was denied its rights and freedom as envisaged by a departing British government in 1963 and the founders of the state as well as proponents of the Malaysia Federation then.
"We were 20 years behind ready of any negotiation in 1963. And this has been made worse by complots after complots to make Sabah just one of the smaller states in the Federation.
"The outside power player did everything, including amending the Federal Constitution and forgetting all the 1963 pledges, to make sure Sabah and Sarawak are subservient to the centre, in order for them to plunder our resources and leaving our people poor.
"And that explains why today we are the poorest people in Malaysia even though our state Sabah is the richest in term of resources..." he said.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sabah Practically Under Colonisation
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There are no basis on the claims made by STAR. The federal government has never sideline the people of Sabah.
ReplyDelete24 local governments in Sabah received RM35,910,774.80 in annual grants for this year from the Federal Government to assist in providing and increasing the quality of services to the people.
ReplyDeleteThey also received a rating assisting contribution (SMK) amounting to RM30,763,369.
ReplyDeleteThe grants presentation reflected the Federal Government's 1Malaysia concept of not sidelining Sabah having different Local Government Ordinances.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Government would continuously assist the local governments, particularly the less capable ones, in reducing the burden in providing services and small development projects.
ReplyDelete300 activist from UBF has planned to leave UBF because they think the UBF movement is being used as a political tool for Star. Jeffrey is focusing too much on the political aspects now to properly lead UBF.
ReplyDeleteI hope that our local leaders are truly sincere in fighting for the Sabahan rights instead of politicking.
ReplyDeleteUBF claims to be a NGO but it doesn't seem like that. JK is manipulating the people in order to fulfill his agenda.
ReplyDeleteOnly now want to blame the current govt. Before this, JK was in PBS. What was your contribution? Blaming the current govt is unfair for the past decisions were made by the past leaders.
ReplyDeleterakyat sabah berhak untuk memilih pemimpin dan kerajaan...dan hak ini terjamin dalam perlembagaan malaysia.
ReplyDeleteUBF sebagai sebuah NGO harus bersifat neutral namun Star telah menjadikan UBF sebagai alat politik untuk meraih sokongan...dan baru2 300 ahli UBF keluar dari badan ini disebabkan kecewa dengan pucuk pimpinan UBF yang menjadikan NGO ini sebagai alat Star...apa penjelasan JK?
ReplyDeletesabah sentiasa diberi perhatian oleh kerajaan persekutuan...peruntukan besar diberikan setiap tahun...diharapkan peruntukan yang lebih besar akan diberikan pada sabah untuk merancakkan lagi pembangunan..
ReplyDeleteapa yang dikatakan oleh Star adalah mengelirukan rakyat...
ReplyDeletekerajaan negeri sabah pada hari ini sudah terbukti berkemampuan...
ReplyDeleteUMNgOk mewarisi divide n rule drpd british n menjadi penjajah yg lebih tembirang dgn menafikan kuasa autonomi sabah melalui 20 perkara + merekrut PTI utk menjadi warganegara palsu!!!
ReplyDeleteINI KALI LAH!!!
ReplyDeleteKalau bukan kita, siapa lagi?
Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi?
JK in Sabah politics via the Star is only aimed at dividing the opposition. JK might have a hidden agenda. JK was a very strong figure in the opposition but suddenly joined Star, a local-based party from Sarawak. Yet BN still can win in next GE.
ReplyDeleteIt is important young voters to choose wisely in the next general election, the country needs a proven administration to deal with domestic, regional and global issues. Don't give the country away to the wrong hands because you will be in trouble. Govt had worked through many domestic, regional and global issues and these translated into social and economic development for the country.
ReplyDeleteSemua terpulang kepada rakyat untuk memilih siapa yang layak menjadi pemimpin di sabah.
ReplyDeleteAdakh JK ikhlas ingin membantu rakyat sabah atau beliau ada agenda tersembunyi beliau sendiri.
ReplyDelete300 ahli UBF keluar parti..apa kes.. JK harus menjelaskan perkara tersebut.
ReplyDeleteTidak perlu menyalahkan kerajaan, beliau sendiri tidak pernah memberi apa2 untuk Sabah.
ReplyDeletepersekutuan tidak mengabaikan Sabah. Sabah telah menerima peruntukan terbesar sebanyak 4 billion. peruntukan ini dpt membangunkan dan memajukan Sabah dgn begitu pesat.
ReplyDeleteSabah adalah tanah merdeka dan maju.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan apa 4 billion ...banyak lagi jalan yang berlunbang sana sini..peluang pekerjaan tidak ada..ini kalilah bila lagi ..yang penting ABU
ReplyDeleteJanganlah tunding jari saja keran aia hanya akan menampakkan kelemahan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteJK ini makin kuat beersuara. Walaupun apa yang dikatakannya ada point tapi susah juga kalau kepercayaan rakyat terhadapanya sudah musnah.
ReplyDeleteSerahkan pada rakyat untuk buat keputusan. Bagi saya itu adalah cara yang paling selamat dan berkesan. hihi
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah pada rakyat untuk membuat penilaian kerana akhirnya nanti rakyat juga yang akan buat keputusan dari undi mereka.
ReplyDeleteApapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa akan berlaku pada PRU13 nanti.
ReplyDeleteJK hanya seseorang yang tahu berkata-kata.
ReplyDeletePelbagai usaha telah kerajaan lakukan untuk menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk Sabah sendiri. Maka kita tidak boleh memandang kearah satu pendapat saja. Kita perlu melihat dari pihak lain juga.
ReplyDeleteJK mungkin sedang bermimpi lagi. Bukan mudah untuk mendapat kerusi Ketua Menteri.
ReplyDeleteSTAR parti baru yang dipinjam dari Sarawak datang ke Sabah untuk berjuang demi hak Sabah. Namun adakah rakyat dapat menerima mereka ini.
ReplyDeleteYang faktanya...Kerajaan telah mencuba memastikan ekonomi di Sabah lebih maju. Dengan adanya kemajuan ini maka ini akan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan penduduk Sabah sendiri. Kerajaan berusaha membangunkan pelbagai sektor di Sabah untuk penduduk mudah caburi. Yang terkini kita lihat iaitu sektor Minyak dan Gas. Sabah akan membina dua projek Mega yang lokasinya di Kimanis Papar dan juga di Sipitang. Ini usaha bagi memberikan peluang kepada penduduk Sabah dapat mencaburi diri dalam bidang minyak dan gas.
ReplyDeletekalaupun BN tidak lagi memerintah Sabah selepas PRU13, negeri ini tetap akan dijajah.. dijajah oleh parti politik seterusnya..
ReplyDeletejika STAR benar2 mahu memperjuangkan nasib dan hak2 rakyat Sabah, JK patut bergabung dengan parti pembangkang yang lain dan lupakan hasrat mahu menduduki kerusi ketua menteri Sabah..