FEDERAL Deputy Natural Resource and Environment Minister, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup threw his weight Monday behind Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman's call for the National Registration Department to halt immediately the late registration exercise of 40,000 people in Sabah.
He said the Government must conduct a thorough investigation before issuing birth certificates or identification documents to these people.
He said the sudden huge number of applications for Malaysian identification papers was simply worrying. "I suggest a special committee to investigate the matter so as to stop certain people from obtaining the birth certificate and MyKad," he said.
Assistant Minister of Rural Development, Datuk Sairin Karno, also chipped in saying that most of the people who applied for the late birth registration in Sabah were actually foreigners.
He also urged the Government to carry out an investigation and that if there were parties involved, to take fast action against them.
Meanwhile, Upko Deputy President Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing also expressed appreciation and full support to Anifah.
"I am personally receiving daily reports that the exercise to provide late birth certificates and MyKads are going on in major towns in the East Coast (of Sabah) and the number of such documents issued are reported to be in the region of 1,000 per week," he claimed.
He concurred with Anifah that there are children from the other communities such Kadazandusun-Murut who have been waiting long to get theirs.
He said the authorities should seriously look into the statement by the President of Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Bajau Association (Perbubas), Mansor Santiri that "it doesn't make sense that a Bumiputera in Semporna does not have any identification documents."
"As I have repeated many times and have clearly stated in my memorandum which I have submitted to the Home Ministry, this is indeed a very serious matter as it really concerns the sovereignty of our country and Sabah in particular.
"The Federal Government should now seriously announce the setting up of the RCI, if indeed it has been approved by the Federal Cabinet, and get the Vommission to work immediately in order to get back the confidence of the bona fide Malaysian citizens in Sabah," he said.
Bumburing, who is also Tuaran MP cum Tuaran BN Chairman, said Sabah leaders should rally behind Anifah to support him on this issues.
"The issues concerned are what majority of Malaysians in Sabah want settled positively once and for all."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Kurup, Sairin Back Anifah's Stop Call
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Saya menyokong gesakan Anifah Aman untuk menghentikan pemberian MyKad buat sementara waktu. Harap 40,000 orang anak tanpa warganegara ini akan disiasat terlebih dahulu untuk memastikan sama ada mereka betul-betul warganegara Sabah yang lewat daftar ataupun anak-anak PATI tanpa dokumen sah.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan RCI akan ditubuhkan tidak lama lagi supaya isu seperti ini akan mendapat penyiasatan yang sepatutnya supaya tindakan yang betul boleh diambil.
ReplyDeleteBanyak keraguan dengan 40,000 kanak2 yang berstatus stateless. Tidak juga menghairan jika mereka benar2 anak PATI yang sudah berada di Sabah berpuluh2 tahun.
ReplyDeleteLatar belakang penduduk yang tidak mempunyai surat beranak dan Mykad perlu disiasat. Jangan daftarkan mereka dengan serta merta. kadang2 rakyat tempatan sendiri menolong PATI ini samada kerana diberikan habuan atau rasa belas kasihan.
ReplyDeleteKeperluan untuk menubuhkan RCI lebih tinggi daripada mendaftarkan mereka yang tiada pengenalan diri ini.
ReplyDeleteRamai yang sokong seruan si Anifah ni. Baguslah harap seruan itu dapat didengar ramai.
ReplyDeleteBanyak keraguan yang timbul dan tidak salah jika siasatan menyeluruh mengenai perkara ini dibuat.
ReplyDeleteSenario sebeginilah yang menyebabkan rakyat mendesak kerajaan menubuhkan RCI.
ReplyDeleteJusteru kerajaan haruslah pertimbangan sebaik mungkin permintaan/keinginan rakyat utk tubuhkan RCI. manalah tahu ia berkesan kan:)
ReplyDeleteSiasat perkara ini dan tindakan lanjut patut dibuat.
ReplyDeleteThis is why we need RCI in sabah.
ReplyDeleteThe 40,000 in the state who do not have birth certificate are locals whose names were submitted to the department by the community leaders throughout Sabah
ReplyDeleteI think the authorities need to seriously handle the issue. Datuk Welfred statement really make sense. I hope Federal govt should now seriously announce the setting up of the RCI.
ReplyDeletePBS urged the Federal Government to speed up the formation of the RCI on illegal immigrants in Sabah
ReplyDeleteMositun said PBS' call for urgency was in light of the Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Association's allegation that foreigners were also lining up to get documents during the NRD mobile registration exercise, hence its President, Mansor Santiri, calling for the exercise to be halted. It must be treated with urgency and not wait until the matter gets worse and beyond control
ReplyDeletesbelum berikan sijil kelahiran, kena pastikan mereka benar2 anak2 jati Sabah, jgn hingga PATI yang mendapatnya.
ReplyDeleteThe 40,000 in the state who do not have birth certificate are locals whose names were submitted to the department by the community leaders throughout Sabah. SIAPA COMMUNITY LEADERS ITU? ADALAH MUSTAHIL BEGITU RAMAI ANAK PENDUDUK SABAH YANG TIDAK ADA SURAT BERANAK. ORANG SABAH MASIH BUTA HURUFKAH? TIDAK TAHU KEPENTINGAN MENDAFTAR KELAHIRAN!
ReplyDeleteSokong dengan Anifah, lebih baik tubuhkan RCi terlebih dahulu, agar perkara ini dapat di siasat.
ReplyDeletePastikan mereka benar-benar anak Sabah, takut nanti Pati pun ambil kesempatan.
ReplyDeleteRCI perlu di tubuhkan, agar semua pihak berpuas hati.
ReplyDeleteAda segelintir ibu bapa yang tidak bertanggungjawab untuk membuat surat lahir anak mereka.
ReplyDeleteTakut PATI pun ambik kesempatan untuk mendaftarkan anak mereka, tahulah PATI ada saja cara mereka untuk mendapat kerakyatan di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKenapa Najib dan BN masih teragak-agak menubuhkan RCI untuk PATI di Sabah? Nak tunggu BN menang 2/3 dalam PRU13 lepas itu mereka kata tak payah tubuh RCI kerana KERAjaan BN disokong oleh rakyat dengan memberi kemenangan besar dalam PRU. Inilah taktik BN yang mahu rakyat lama-lama lupa tentang RCI itu macam rakyat Tenom lupa mereka diperbodohkan MENUNGGU MAHATHIR PM WAKTU ITU SATU HARI DI PADANG TENOM UNTUK MELAKUKAN PECAH TANAH HIGHWAY TENOM BEAUFORT YANG SAMPAI KINI SELEPAS 20 TAHUN HANYA JANJI KOSONG OLEH BN DAN UMNO PENIPU!
ReplyDeleteRCI perlu di tubuhkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI yang tidak henti2 menganggu.
ReplyDeleteKeadaan pasti berubah jika RCI ditubuhkan dan beroperasi serta merta.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah menyokong 100% penubuhan RCI, tidak ada sebab mengapa RCI tidak ditubuhkan.
ReplyDeletePemberian Mykad dan sijil lahir kelewatan ini perlulah dihentikan seketika. Kerana perkara ini menimbuklkan pelbagai persoalan yang timbul.
ReplyDeletedaripada program ini dihentikan sedangkan memang benar wujud kes dimana penduduk tempatan di kawasan luar bandar masih belum memiliki kad pengenalan dan sijil lahir, baik pihak2 yang membantah ini menjadi sukarelawan memantau dan mengawasi tindak-tanduk pihak JPN sepanjar program itu berjalan..
ReplyDeleteUpko President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok hopes the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants will still be announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
ReplyDeleteHe said this when asked by the media whether he shared the people's disappointment that Najib came and went without a word on the RCI last week.
ReplyDeleteDompok said the media should have been the ones to query the Prime Minister about the matter but reporters present told him they were not given the opportunity to do so as no press conference had been arranged for them with Najib.
ReplyDelete"Well I have always said that this matter should have been dealt with urgently and I maintain it is my stand, that this is an urgent matter and needs to be attended to, especially since the Cabinet had decided on Feb 8 to go ahead with this.
ReplyDelete"I think the Government must expedite the terms of reference and the appointment of the people who should be members of this commission.
ReplyDelete"There has been no reversal of Cabinet decision on the matter.
ReplyDeleteWhat both the Cabinet and parliament have been made aware of is that they were waiting on the terms of reference É I am not sure whether the State Government has come up with their proposals but they have been asked to contribute towards the terms of reference."
ReplyDeleteOn the request by Najib that each component party send their candidates for a meeting on the coming 13th General Election, Dompok said Upko hasn't done it yet.
ReplyDelete"All in good time. There is no reason for worry on the issue as Upko has gone through so many elections with the BN before and there has not been any problems in communicating who the candidates are.
ReplyDelete"By the end of the day it is the individual component parties who I think will decide on who the candidates are."
ReplyDeleteRegarding Upko's seat allocation, Dompok said it cannot be less that what Upko already has and the party was looking for improvement.
ReplyDeleteWhen asked about Upko Deputy President cum Tuaran MP Datuk Wilfred Bumburing's stand or position in Upko and speculations about whether he was still with the party, Dompok reiterated that Bumburing was still with Upko.
ReplyDeleteDompok also said there was a need to codify the various practices of the Sabah native courts in an effort to bring about better administration of native laws in the State.
ReplyDelete"The practices from each district vary and I think there is a need to see whether there is some way this can be codified to bring about a better administration of native laws," he said.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking after the officiating the official groundbreaking ceremony of the RM5 million Penampang Native Court building, he said the allocation was part of the Federal Government's RM100m to the State of which RM60m was for the development of native courts and a training institute for native court administrators.
ReplyDelete"But we are requesting for additional allocation for the development of at least six more native courts," said Dompok, who is Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister.
ReplyDeleteOn whether this meant that Native Customary Rights will be streamlined in due time, Dompok who is also Chairman of the Cabinet's Technical Committee for Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputras, said this is something that should be addressed.
ReplyDelete"Once the institute is constructed with an allocation of about RM30m I think we can begin the work of trying to see whether we can codify the practices among all the districts in the State.
ReplyDelete"The intention of all this, of course, is to prepare and look forward to the day when the native court system takes its place alongside the civil and syariah courts as one of the pillars of the judicial system of Malaysia and I think this is a big step."
Dompok also took the opportunity to thank the Chief Justice for Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum for his initiative to institutionalise the native court system and in setting up the training institute.