TUJUH orang Ahli Jawatankuasa Parti Keadilan Rakyat cabang Beaufort keluar parti dan kembali semula menyertai UMNO Beaufort. Di antara mereka terdiri daripada Nordin bin Sanai, Matsitin Hj.Daid, Laidin Amat dan Jismin Juali.
Sementara seorang lagi AJK dipilih, Jaim Bidin menyertai UMNO secara berasingan dan kemasukan mereka diterima oleh Datuk Hajjah Azizah Datuk Seri Mohd.Dun dan Pemangku Ketua Umno Beaufort, Isnin Aliasnih.
Jaim Bidin menyatakan beliau keluar dari PKR kerana malu dengan sikap Ketua Cabang Beaufort, Ramli Hj.Okin yang selalu berkelahi dengan AJK PKR Beaufort.
Dalam kes terbaru, Ramli telah bertumbuk sesama sendiri dengan Dojit Muda dalam Masyuarat PKR Negeri Sabah.
"Saya malu mempunyai Ketua Cabang yang tidak ada disiplin dan macam mana jadi pemimpin kalau bersikap seperti orang gila?" tanya Jaim Bidin lagi.
Tambah Jaim, Ramli seorang pemimpin yang gila kuasa, dia sesuka hati melantik dan membuang AJK dan memboikot kami sejak mula menjadi Ketua Cabang.
Ramli memenangi Jawatan Ketua Cabang Beaufort mengalahkan Datuk John Ghani melalui penipuan iaitu mendesak Cabarlin Loksin, Awang Azman Ini, Abdul Yakub Junsin dan Mat Sani Insim memangkah 136 undi sehingga John Ghani tewas.
"Saya diberitahu oleh Mat Sani Insim, ada 50 orang petugas ketika itu yang memasukan kertas undi palsu," kata Jaim Bidin lagi.
Sehubungan itu, Jaim menggesa agar rakyat Beaufort menyokong UMNO Sabah yang dipimpin Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
7 AJK PKR Beaufort Keluar Parti
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lajim ndak ada pengaruh dalam PR kah?
ReplyDeleteelok lah mereka bergaduh sekarang, keluar parti sekarang walaupun belum sempat berjuang dah cabut, elok lah mereka belot sekarang supaya yang tinggal org yang benar2 bersih dan setia..kalau jadi YB tak lah sibuk nak lompat parti je...
ReplyDeletekalau sudah raja Dunia datang $$$$$$$ siapa pun tidak boleh menolaknya itu lah wassatiyah rakyaat sabah kena hulur sudah lari lintang pukang ibarat kera mendapat bunga,tidak apa rakyaat sabah mereka yang lari ini pun tanding pengerusi JKKK pun belum tentu dapat 10 undi......jangan ambil perasit dalam PKR...kita mahu yang bersih seputih kapas ......hidup Datuk Lajim....BFT tetap dimiliki oleh PR pada PRU13
ReplyDeleteumno kan banyak dapat duit sumbangan RM40 juta. kalau sorang dapat 10 ribu x 7 orang baru 70 ribu. masih banyak lagi duit tu.
ReplyDeleteConfirm kena beli punya lah dek UMNo. Banyak rekod lampau dah barlaku di Semenanjung,bah.
ReplyDeletebaguslah tu, sekarang baru kita tau adanye parasit uphan umngok yang nak porak perandakan pr, allah maha mengetahui dan bagi jalan keluar bagi yang belot, moga sabah pun akan jadi milik pr
ReplyDeletemakin ramai ahli PKR keluar.
ReplyDeletePKR kini makin lemah.
ReplyDeletepkr = pasukan kencing rakyat
ReplyDeletehe..he..he... perangai UMNO masih menebal lagi dalam tubuh badan siRamli adui kalau ini macam perangai pemimpin abislah kita.. macam mana mahu tegur...kita tegur terus tumbuk...orang macam ni otak dia letak di lengan barangkali...
ReplyDeletepecacai dah mula menyalak..maklum la dah tangki biru...
ReplyDeleteBN bertekad untuk mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen Beaufort pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 berikutan tindakan penyandangnya yang meletak semua jawatan dalam Umno dan menyatakan sokongan kepada pakatan pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteParlimen Beaufort yang diwakili Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin pada pilihan raya umum 2008 harus kekal di pangkuan parti itu berdasarkan komitmen dan kesungguhan kerajaan membangunkan kawasan itu selama ini.
ReplyDeleteKerusi BN di sini bukan lagi BN. Lajim bukan lagi bersama BN... yang mustahak kembalikan semula kerusi ini kepada kerusi BN, BN ambil semula tidak kira Lajim bertanding atau tidak, BN akan tawan semula
ReplyDeleterakyat Sabah khususnya di kawasan Beaufort harus bijak menilai kepimpinan yang boleh menjamin kemajuan berterusan setelah wakil rakyat yang dipilih mereka atas tiket BN bertukar haluan.
ReplyDeleterakyat harus percaya kerajaan negeri mahupun persekutuan berupaya melaksanakan tanggungjawab mentadbir negara ini jika diberi kepercayaan sekali lagi dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
ReplyDeleteBila tsunami wang mula melanda hanya pejuang sejati yg akan bertahan.Begitulah maruah diri akan dinilai.
ReplyDeleteKita disini nak pertahankan prinsip parti masing2. Kamu parti apa..jelaskan, kami parti apa juga akan dijelaskan. Ndak perlu la putar makna parti spt PKR = Parti Kencing Rakyat, BN= Barang Naik, PAS= Parti Ajaran Sesat. Semua tu ndak elok,mbah. Kalau kita matang/cerdik, elak dr istilah2 semua itu. Jelaskan haluan kamu,supaya rakyat tau,mbah.
ReplyDelete**Raja Sulu'
Orang UMNO masuk UMNO, benamkan UMNO BN PRU 13, hidup PR
ReplyDelete- TUKARRRRRRRRR...................
Budaya lompat parti ini adalah kebiasaan.
ReplyDeleteAda yang keluar dan ada yang masuk, tiada apa mengejutkan. Semua ini untuk kepentingan politik sahaja.
ReplyDeleteSaingan semakin giat dan banyak lompat parti menjelang PRU13 ini.
ReplyDeleteKita tumpukan perhatian dan usahakan keluarga dan kawan-kawan undi Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU 13 nanti untuk memberi kemenangan kepada PR. Kita tunggu janji Pakatan Rakyat, janji BN kita sudah tahu, banyak yang tidak ditepati di Sabah. Soal perbalahan di peringkat Cabang PKR kadang kala susah dielakkan, samalah juga yang biasa berlaku di peringkat Cawangan UMNO.
ReplyDeletePolitik sabah memang macam tu bah....aoa yang di hairankan....yang pasti pilihan d tangan anda yg membaca ne.....jadi kamu orang buat pilihan.....boboi cakap.....TERBAIKKKKKKK......
ReplyDelete7 yang keluar parti tidak sehebat Bumbering dan Lajim yang mendapat banyak komennegatif.
ReplyDeletePasti ada lagi yang lompat sana sini, tiada apa yang menghairankan.
ReplyDeleteYang keluar parti ini kena rasuah ke?
ReplyDeletePilihlah parti yang benar menjamin kemajuan yang berterusan.
ReplyDeletePasti ada agenda yang tidak diketahui.
ReplyDeleteSome good offer to the 7 heroes?
ReplyDeleteSaingan semakin mendebarkan. Harap-harap, PRU dijalankan dengan adil, amanah dan bersih.
ReplyDeleteDah lar berlainan agenda, tidak hairan mereka ini melompat parti.
ReplyDeleteUnited Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organization (UPKO) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has questioned the reluctance of former Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders in officially joining a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) component party.
ReplyDelete“Are they just shy about joining PKR, PAS or DAP? Why the need to set up movements and aspire to use one of the PR component parties’ logo but not join that party?
ReplyDelete“To me this is saying that they are not confident in PKR, PAS and DAP who are only trying to ‘steal’ seats in Sabah,” the Penampang member of parliament said at the UPKO Papar division’s delegates convention
ReplyDeleteDompok pointed out that BN and its component parties have won the elections based on their strength in government.
ReplyDelete“This reflects that what we are doing is correct and there are still a lot of things that we have yet to fully settle or bring to conclusion. What is clear is that there is willingness by the authorities to look into all this.
“We in UPKO and all the other component parties are happy to be in BN explaining the policies but I cannot say the same for people who have left the coalition lately because I am made to understand they have not joined any of the opposition parties.
ReplyDelete“Victory in election is something that will become a reality if everyone works together,” he said, adding that the key to victory is the unity and hard work of the BN leaders in all the constituencies.
ReplyDeleteCooperation is now vital, especially when the opposition is hard at work going to the grassroots campaigning, Dompok said.
According to him, some leaders have left BN just because they want to be Chief Minister or to chase their dream of being appointed Deputy Prime Minister.
ReplyDelete“Some are already dreaming of becoming finance minister but I say that BN is still better. We (UPKO) choose to continue our struggles in BN because it is still willing to resolve outstanding issues which we have raised up in the party’s congress.
“These issues may not be resolved in a blink of an eye but steps have been taken by the BN government,” he pointed out.
ReplyDeleteOn the opposition’s claim that it is time for ‘new’ faces to lead the country as the BN leaders are ‘old’, Dompok pointed out that the leaders of PAS and DAP are also in the same category.
“I would like to point out here that when I was a student pursuing my studies in United Kingdom, Lim Kit Siang was already an elected representative … I even had the opportunity to listen to one of his talks then,” he said.
ReplyDeleteDompok also said that the BN government has, is and will implement more programs for the people, including in Sabah.
The government has granted 890,626.47 hectares of land to natives in Sabah which is an area far larger than even the state of Selangor which is only 795,600 hectares.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said approving land applications was just one of five other means that the government applied in preserving and protecting customary land rights and ownership, apart from people claiming Native Customary Rights (NCR) on land.
ReplyDeleteHe stressed that the policy on NCR is still in effect and is being implemented.
ReplyDelete“NCR claims can still be submitted to the Assistant Collector of Land Revenue (ACLR) according to Section 14 even though the Sabah Land Ordinance was amended on December 13, 1930.
“At the same time, the State government will strive to increase land ownership for natives under five other means that are easier and more effective,” he said when speaking at the State Assembly yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe approval of ownership on native land applications in Sabah has been expedited such that as of August 2012, a total of 35,350 applications were processed with 10,540 endorsed for approval by the Land Utilisation Committee (LUC).
ReplyDeleteThe 10,540 cases included 9,922 land applications for Native Titles.
ReplyDeleteIn 2011, a total of 17,501 applications were processed with 6,872 endorsed for approval which included 6,218 cases that had applied for Native Titles.
Musa declared that as of December 2011, the Department of Land & Survey had registered 348,652 cases of land ownership.
ReplyDeleteFrom the total, Native Title (NT) land consisted of 190,452 cases in which natives owned land through applications. The number is 55 per cent of the total land ownership registered in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHe assured that land applications will be processed expediently until the backlog of 302,189 cases is cleared.
ReplyDeleteThe department had also implemented the e-Kadester system in January 2011 to expedite surveying on NT land under application.
ReplyDeleteBy December 2011, there were 4,070 lots that had been surveyed compared to only 2,931 lots in 2010 which used conventional methods.
ReplyDeleteThe second means of protecting customary land rights and ownership is gazetting government land for native usage under Section 78 of the Sabah Land Ordinance.
ReplyDeleteAs of December 2011, government land that had been gazetted into village reserves or grazing fields amounted to 53,190.857 hectares or 131,437.267 acres.
ReplyDeleteThirdly, the government accords land ownership to Natives through the issuance of communal land titles according to the amended Section 76 of the Sabah Land Ordinance that was gazetted on December 10, 2009.
ReplyDeleteThe objectives of the communal land title is to protect the interest of natives on government land within the native village settlement; to speed up the process of issuing NT or Field Register land to natives in clusters; to resolve the issue of NCR claims; to resolve the issue of overlapping land applications; and to ensure natives do not sell the land indiscriminately.
ReplyDeleteMusa said that as of December 2011, seven communal land titles with a total area of 12,777.14 hectares were issued to 2,661 beneficiaries in three districts.
ReplyDeleteAnother 52 communal land titles with a total area of 23,046.07 hectares will be given out to 5,373 beneficiaries in seven districts.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister explained that the communal land titles can be divided into individual lots when the beneficiary or beneficiaries decide to develop the land.
ReplyDelete“When the individual lots have been fully developed, individual land titles will be issued,” he added.
The State government intends to issue communal land titles in areas as follows
Kota Marudu (17,000 acres)
Pitas (10,000 acres)
Tongod (15,000 acres)
Semporna (Mount Pock and Tanjung Nagas Forest Reserves) (5,944 acres)
Musa said at the assembly sitting on April 2010, the State government dissolved 24,563 hectares of the Sook Plain and Mandalom Forest Reserves in a swap with government land for the benefit of the rural communities in those areas.
ReplyDeleteKeluar sajalah kalau sudah tidak mahu berada dalam parti.
ReplyDeleteLebih baik jangan jadi musuh dalam selimut kalau tidak ingin berjuang
ReplyDeletebersama lagi.
Musa Aman juga pernah berkata kepada ahli UMNO, keluar saja kalau tidak
ReplyDeletelagi ikhlas berjuang bersama.
Masih ada ramai ahli lagi yang menyokong teguh UMNO-BN.
ReplyDeleteAda yang keluar parti, ada juga yang masuk.
ReplyDeleteTak perlu bimbang langsung dengan beberapa ahli yang keluar parti.
ReplyDeleteMereka ini hanya mementingkan diri sahaja, takut kalah PRU.
ReplyDeleteKita tidak payah risau, kerana KM kita kata fenomena keluar parti ini tidak akan menjejaskan hasil pilihanraya.
ReplyDeleteBN UMNO tetap akan berjuang demi mengekalkan sokongan rakyat Sabah daripada dirampas oleh pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteMereka yang keluar parti ini jangan kesal dengan keputusan mereka selepas PRU-13.
ReplyDeletePKR hampir karam nampaknya dengan penghijrahan ahli mereka daripada cawangan Beaufort.
ReplyDeleteSebelum ini juga ada khabar angin bahawa beribu-ribu orang ahli keluar dari parti PKR.
ReplyDeleteSemakin banyak ahli PKR sudah kehilangan keyakinan terhadap PKR, mereka tidak akan dapat survive.
ReplyDeleteTambah lagi parti komponen tidak bersatu hati, ini menyebabkan peluang mereka untuk menang lebih berkurangan lagi.
ReplyDeleteBaik semua ahli PKR masuk UMNO sebelum PRU-13.
ReplyDeleteBarisan Nasional (BN) has resolved to defend the Beaufort parliamentary seat in the 13th General Election, following the resignation of its Member of Parliament from all Umno posts, said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
ReplyDeleteHe said the seat, which was won by Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin on a BN ticket in 2008, should remain with the ruling party for the Government was committed in developing the constituency.
"This seat no longer belongs to BN, he (Lajim) is no longer with us...What is important, we must recapture the seat," he said when addressing over 8,000 people at a gathering here Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteMuhyiddin, who is also BN Deputy Chairman, said in reality, the BN remained robust and was unaffected by untoward incidents, including Lajim's resignation.
ReplyDeletePresent were Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, State Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun, Beaufort Umno division acting chief Isnin Aliasneh and Kuala Penyu Assemblyman John Teo Mau Sing.
Muhyiddin said the people of Sabah, particularly in Beaufort, should evaluate wisely which leadership could guarantee continuous progress after their elected representative changed course.
ReplyDelete"Lajim has left us to set up an organisation whose name I cannot even remember. No point crying over this. Let him go.
What is important is not the person, but your fate, your future," reasoned the Deputy Prime Minister.
ReplyDeleteQuestioning the basis of Lajim's struggles, Muhyiddin asked whether he (Lajim) could get a big allocation to develop the district, without (help from) the Government.
ReplyDeleteHe said the people should rest assured the BN could fulfil its responsibilities, if it were given the mandate to govern the country and the states, including Sabah.
ReplyDelete"Many people have asked me when the general election will be held, for they were eager to vote for BN.
Why this is so, because of BN's track record due to its struggles since independence in 1957, as well as in Sabah, although the history has not been that long," he added.
ReplyDeleteHe said Malaysia became a respected country, and had resolved many perennial problems, including reducing the national poverty rate to three per cent, and in Sabah, from 70 per cent to about 10 per cent.
ReplyDeleteThe Government had successfully implemented various transformation programmes mooted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to help increase employment opportunities in various industries and sectors, he added.
At the event, Muhyiddin announced a RM2 million allocation for various small projects in the area, and launched the laying of pipes worth RM49 million for water supply from Limbawang to Kayul.