REPLY to Donald Mojuntin’s statement in Daily Express dated 17 Nov 2012; regarding the problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah, Donald said “let’s not waste time and effort to over-politicise it”; also said that my statement on Dompok is “a political attempt to discredit him and to obtain political mileage” and “why using a ‘political bludgeon’ to hammer each other just because we are on opposite sides politically”.
I am sure Donald and UPKO know that hundreds of thousands of foreign migrants are in the Sabah electoral rolls – they decide which political party to govern us. Isn’t this problem a political issue, Donald?
Dompok said in year 2000 that because of internal political upheavals and strained relationship between State and Federal hampered efforts to resolve the illegal immigrant problem.
But UMNO/BN has been governing Sabah since 1994 – why repeated calls by Sabah BN members for RCI since 1996 not being entertained until this year, albeit reluctantly with limited TOR? Isn’t this political?
Donald also said: “RCI has no power nor manpower to take action on its findings and recommendations as this belongs to relevant bodies like Police, Immigration and NRD.”
May be Donald does not know or has forgotten that in the trial of my Likas election petition 1999, one of my witnesses testified under oath that the meetings, chaired by the late Dato’ Megat Junid (as Deputy Home Minister) on how to give ICs to foreigners in Sabah, involved Immigration, NRD and top guns from Bukit Aman. Can you expect the thieves to arrest themselves?
My research on this issue since the late 90’s is to let us Sabahans aware of this treacherous deed done by the Federal Government – Dompok knew the modus operandi as he had heard the testimonies from public and briefings by NRD when he was the Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity in 2006.
Dompok is urging the public to come forward and help the RCI to set things right. Since he knew the modus operandi, would Dompok come forward to testify? I don’t know if I am one of the 48 witnesses identified by the RCI but if not I shall come forward come 14 January 2013.
Now that Mahathir had admitted he did grant citizenship to foreign migrants (after decades of silence when challenged), he must be called if his name is not on the list of 48, “since the RCI has the power to call anyone to its chamber and even interrogate, if need be,” as correctly stated by Donald.
BN government started this issuance of IC and citizenship to foreigners NOT through the standard operating procedure for decades but through falsified Sijil Akuan, and STILL doing it now in spite of the RCI in progress – who is going to believe that BN wants to solve this treasonous action?
Dompok, Donald, and all of you in UPKO, if you still vote for BN – the next BN Federal Government will for sure continue issue MyKad and citizenship to the millions of foreigners already in Sabah now and mind you when the next electoral boundaries are redrawn you shall kiss good-bye to your so-called struggle for your people. And forever we Sabahans will become refugees in our own land.
By : DR CHONG ENG LEONG (sabahkini)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
RCI Has No Power Nor Manpower?
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anyone with evidence or details that can be used to help the RCI investigation to come forward to report to the RCI.
ReplyDeleteThis is the time for us to seek a solution and produce those fake identification cards especially given to illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeletethis matter not only particular members but all the people in this country, especially those in Sabah that have evidence must present it to the RCI
ReplyDeletethe members of the RCI should be given time to enable them to make proper planning to address the problem of identity cards possessed by immigrants in the state. if people can wait for years for the RCI to be established, why can’t they wait for a few months or perhaps a year for results or responsibility from the RCI body.
ReplyDeletepeople should be grateful and patient besides providing an opportunity to the RCI to carry their investigations in more detail. many things must be taken into account in the RCI so that it can really achieve its objectives.
ReplyDeletePihak-pihak tertentu diingatkan tidak sesekali mempolitikkan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai kehadiran pendatang asing di Sabah demi kepentingan agenda politik sempit.
ReplyDeleteTerma rujukan RCI ini amat jelas dan telus, ditambah dengan kredibiliti dan integriti ahlinya yang diyakini akan menghasilkan keadilan dan kesaksamaan berlandaskan pertimbangan lunas undang-undang dan kemanusiaan,
ReplyDeleteRCI amat penting bagi menjelaskan status segelintir rakyat tempatan yang tidak mempunyai sijil lahir kerana kedudukan mereka amat jauh di pedalaman hingga menyukarkan untuk melakukan urusan pendaftaran kelahiran.
ReplyDeleteRCI itu akan dapat menghasilkan kaedah atau cadangan terbaik bagi menangani masalah kehadiran pendatang asing di Sabah dalam tempoh enam bulan.
ReplyDeleteSuruhanjaya siasatan Di Raja (RCI) untuk pendatang haram di Sabah diberi masa enam bulan untuk menyiasat dakwaan bahawa pendatang haram diberi kad pengenalan
ReplyDeletePenubuhan RCI membuktikan komitmen kerajaan untuk menyiasat isu yang berkaitan dengan pendatang haram di Sabah
ReplyDeleteKerajaan berharap rakyat Sabah akan mendapat manfaat daripada RCI ini dan membantu kerajaan untuk mencari cara dan strategi terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini
ReplyDeleteTerma-terma RCI tersebut adalah:
ReplyDelete1. Untuk menyiasat berapakah jumlah pendatang haram di Sabah yang diberikan kad pengenalan biru atau status kewargenegaraan;
2. Untuk menyiasat apakah pemberian kad pengenalan atau status kewargenegaraan mengikut undang-undang;
ReplyDelete3. Untuk menyiasat apakah pihak yang menerima kad pengenalan atau status kewarganegaraan termasuk dalam daftar pengundi di Sabah dengan mengikut undang-undang;
ReplyDelete4. Untuk menyiasat apakah pihak berkuasa sudah mengambil tindakan atau membuat penambahbaikan mengikut kaedah dan regulasi prosedur standard operasi (SOP) untuk mencegah sebarang kecurangan mengikut undang-undang;
ReplyDelete5. Untuk melakukan siasatan terperinci mengenai SOP, kaedah dan regulasi pemberian kad pengenalan biru atau status kewarganegaraan kepada orang asing di Sabah dengan mengambil kira norma antarabangsa dan standard yang digunapakai yang bersesuaian dengan Malaysia, dan akan mencadangkan perubahan kepada prosedur sedia ada;
ReplyDelete6. Untuk menyiasat apakah yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan populasi di Sabah mengikut kategori berikut:
ReplyDeletea) Rakyat Sabah yang menetap dinegeri tersebut termasuk mereka yang diberikan kad pengenalan biru atau kewargenegaraan mengikut surat beranak (mendaftar lambat);
b) pekerja asing (termasuk ahli keluarga);
c) pendatang haram (termasuk ahli keluarga); dan
d) pelarian
Untuk mengkaji kesan mereka terhadap angka mereka yang mendaftar dan terdapat dalam daftar pengundi;
7. Untuk menyiasat kesan permasalahan sosial terhadap rakyat Sabah berkenaan dengan pemberian kad pengenalan biru dan status kewarganegaraan di negeri tersebut; dan
ReplyDelete8) Untuk menyiasat angka orang asing tanpa kewarganegaraan di Sabah yang diberikan kad pengenalan biru dan status kewarganegaraan.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan dengan adanya RCI dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah Pati.
ReplyDeleteMasalah Pati di Sabah dapat di selesaikan dengan kerjasama dari semua pihak.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan telah mendengar suara rakyat dengan menubuhkan RCI bagi menyiasat masalah Pati di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteOne key issue that is being seriously addressed is the selection of candidates. An unprecedented amount of input is being sought including from the party grassroots and divisions in the short-listing of election candidates.
ReplyDeleteCurrently, the Sabah Cardiothoracic Centre's Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery housed at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) II has the capacity to perform up to eight "open heart" surgeries per week.
ReplyDeleteOpen heart surgery needs the use of a heart-lung machine whereas closed heart surgery does not require it.
ReplyDeleteStatistics from the Sabah Cardiothoracic Centre's Operative Census indicate that the number of open heart surgeries increased from 19 in 2010 to 88 in 2011 and 107 this year. Similarly, the number of closed heart surgeries rose from one in 2010 to seven last year and 18 this year.
ReplyDeleteIn dismissing claims that some heart patients could not be operated on because of their age, the consultant cardiothoracic surgeon clarified that at least two 79-year-olds had undergone a successful bypass surgery and this year alone, 10 patients above the age of 70 also went through such surgery.
ReplyDeleteThe question of whether the Barisan Nasional (BN) or the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) would form the next government rests with the Chinese voters.
ReplyDeleteFormer Deputy Minister Datuk Yahya Lampong said Chinese voters represent 20 per cent of the voters in Sabah
Despite the Kadazandusun and Muslim-Bumiputera making up the largest percentage of the total voters in Sabah, he said, the two groups could not form the government based on the current political scenario where both the BN and PR have equal chances in the election.
ReplyDeleteMuslim Bumiputera, he said, are divided into four groups where 70 per cent supported either the BN or PR while 20 per cent, fence-sitters and the remaining 10 per cent are strong supporters of the DAP and SAPP.
Nevertheless, he said, most Sabahans now are rising to support the PR while majority of the Chinese are claiming that they did not receive many benefits from the BN Government.
ReplyDeleteYahya predicted that BN would receive the same fate that befell the Berjaya Government in 1986 when the KDM and Chinese rejected Berjaya.
ReplyDeleteHe also predicted that KDM-majority Liawan and Kemabong State seats under Umno would fall into the hands of the Pakatan.
ReplyDeleteSome 473 buyers of Taman Apas Permai (TAP) house units received compensation from Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB), amounting to RM1.92 million altogether, for the delay in the project completion.
ReplyDeleteThe project was supposed to have completed in 2010, based on its original plan.
ReplyDeleteSPNB Chief Financial Officer, Maszirul Arlinza Awalludin, said this was the second compensation payment since the first made last April that involved RM3.9 million.
ReplyDeleteThe Dewan Rakyat was told Wednesday that the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the issuance of citizenship to illegal immigrants in Sabah had already begun its task.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong (pic) said the RCI committee had held a meeting and determined who it would call to testify.
ReplyDeleteParti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan touched on 20 issues in his policy speech at the party’s annual delegates congress
ReplyDeleteThe Deputy Chief Minister spoke at length about the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah, its responsibilities, the panel appointed and the Terms of Reference (ToR) that had been agreed on.
ReplyDeleteAccording to him, the opposition had accused PBS of keeping mum about the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah but they did so because they had forgotten that the setting up of the Commission was through the hard work and determination of PBS in addressing the matter.
ReplyDelete“There is also no denying the important role Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman had played and his support for the Commission. He (Musa) had allowed roundtable discussions on the issue of foreign workers between relevant agencies and stakeholders. It is through these brainstorming sessions that many approaches, strategies and solutions were formulated and referred to both the state as well as the federal governments,” he said.
ReplyDeletePairin also advised the public not to be easily swayed by opposition’s allegations against Barisan Nasional (BN) but instead evaluate what the ruling government had done for them with an open heart.
ReplyDelete“We understand that the BN government is not perfect but no one can deny that BN has maintained the religious and racial harmony, provide peace and stability to the country since Independence.
ReplyDelete“Compared to BN, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is only capable of acting because in reality, they are not capable to bring peace, stability, harmony and prosperity to Malaysia,” he said and was of the opinion that opposition parties had come together based on politics of convenience as they hate BN, and their leaders have dreams to be the prime minister of Malaysia.
ReplyDeletePairin said the only thing binding them together was their political ideologies, and while they might agree on the name ‘Pakatan’, they differ in all other areas such as registering the coalition, what symbol and flag to use; they have no shadow cabinet and no future prime minister or chief minister.
ReplyDeleteHe added that the public must also be wary of a local opposition party that only cropped up during election time.
ReplyDeleteHe disclosed that this party had borrowed the name of a party from Sarawak and claimed that it was using sensitive racial issues to garner support from the people.
ReplyDeleteAgree with Dompok's statment “let’s not waste time and effort to over-politicise it”, we should let the RCI do what they need to do.
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the issuance of citizenship to illegal immigrants in Sabah had already begun its task since November this year.
ReplyDeleteThe RCI committee had held a meeting and determined who it would call to testify.
ReplyDeleteThe members have already begun their task and we must give them time to set the procedure, including allowing statements through affidavit.
ReplyDeleteThe issuance of permanent residence status and citizenship was based on eligibility, as stipulated in the Federal Constitution.
ReplyDeleteThe government had no plan to expand the RCI's investigation scope to cover states in the peninsula as the problem was not as drastic as in Sabah.
ReplyDeletegovernment is committed to ensuring that the people's rights and the country's sovereignty are protected in accordance with the Federal Constitution
ReplyDeleteThe RCI will ensure that the illegal immigrant problem is resolved before the next GE is held.
ReplyDeleteThe Electoral Commission also said they will clear the voter registration list from any suspicious voters.
ReplyDeleteThe RCI's task is to probe the illegal immigrant issue and allow the government to take actions.
ReplyDeleteThe panal will suggest the best course of action to be taken, while they have no power to take actions.
ReplyDeleteVoting for Pakatan Rakyat will ensure that the illegal immigrants will become PR citizens.
ReplyDeletePakatan Rakyat said they will give PR status to illegals if they won, that is dangerous situation for Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteI think PR said that to get the support from the illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeleteIf illegal immigrants knew they can get Permanent Residence status by voting PR, they would be tempted to do just that.
ReplyDeleteThe Dewan Rakyat was told Wednesday that the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the issuance of citizenship to illegal immigrants in Sabah had already begun its task.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong (pic) said the RCI committee had held a meeting and determined who it would call to testify.
ReplyDelete"Claims (that the RCI had not started its job) are totally untrue.
ReplyDeleteThe members have already begun their task and we must give them time to set the procedure, including allowing statements through affidavit," he said when replying to a supplementary question from Dr Mohd Hatta Md Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai).
Liew said the issuance of permanent residence status and citizenship was based on eligibility, as stipulated in the Federal Constitution.
ReplyDeleteEarlier, replying to the original question from Dr Mohd Hatta, he said the Government had no plan to expand the RCI's investigation scope to cover states in the peninsula as the problem was not as drastic as in Sabah.
ReplyDelete"Nevertheless, the Government is committed to ensuring that the people's rights and the country's sovereignty are protected in accordance with the Federal Constitution," he said.
ReplyDeleteParti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan touched on 20 issues in his policy speech at the party’s annual delegates congress here yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThe Deputy Chief Minister spoke at length about the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah, its responsibilities, the panel appointed and the Terms of Reference (ToR) that had been agreed on.
ReplyDeleteAccording to him, the opposition had accused PBS of keeping mum about the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah but they did so because they had forgotten that the setting up of the Commission was through the hard work and determination of PBS in addressing the matter.
ReplyDelete“There is also no denying the important role Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman had played and his support for the Commission. He (Musa) had allowed roundtable discussions on the issue of foreign workers between relevant agencies and stakeholders. It is through these brainstorming sessions that many approaches, strategies and solutions were formulated and referred to both the state as well as the federal governments,” he said.
ReplyDeletePairin also advised the public not to be easily swayed by opposition’s allegations against Barisan Nasional (BN) but instead evaluate what the ruling government had done for them with an open heart.
ReplyDelete“We understand that the BN government is not perfect but no one can deny that BN has maintained the religious and racial harmony, provide peace and stability to the country since Independence.
ReplyDelete“Compared to BN, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is only capable of acting because in reality, they are not capable to bring peace, stability, harmony and prosperity to Malaysia,” he said and was of the opinion that opposition parties had come together based on politics of convenience as they hate BN, and their leaders have dreams to be the prime minister of Malaysia.
ReplyDeletePairin said the only thing binding them together was their political ideologies, and while they might agree on the name ‘Pakatan’, they differ in all other areas such as registering the coalition, what symbol and flag to use; they have no shadow cabinet and no future prime minister or chief minister.
ReplyDeleteHe added that the public must also be wary of a local opposition party that only cropped up during election time.
ReplyDeleteHe disclosed that this party had borrowed the name of a party from Sarawak and claimed that it was using sensitive racial issues to garner support from the people.
ReplyDeleteOn the power sharing issue among BN component parties, Pairin expressed hope that the matter could be discussed in a workshop so that a solution could be found for all issues raised by Coalition members in the past.
ReplyDelete“I urge that the issue be given full attention and discussed openly so that it reflects the BN consensus and the 1Malaysia concept. We can reach a consensus if we can sit together with mutual respect and determine our future in the context of BN’s agenda.
ReplyDelete“I propose that the power sharing concept includes political appointments in the state administration, statutory bodies or GLCs as well as government departments at district level. The government should be guided by the power sharing concept under the BN work frame,” the Infrastructure Development Minister stressed.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Pairin, in the past few years, there had been numerous accusations made against PBS by individuals or groups who did not understand the party’s politics and struggles all this while.
ReplyDelete“They are questioning if PBS is still relevant for Sabah, and although the party is disappointed with the talks, there is no way to avoid the accusations,” he lamented.
ReplyDelete“I would like to stress today that what PBS is fighting for since the day it was formed is still relevant. I see that there are some Sabahans who are still set in their old ways because to them PBS is still outside the government and they want our political style to remain as it was when we were in the opposition.
ReplyDelete“However, our struggle in defending the welfare of the rakyat in Sabah is not solely dependent on our political style. PBS had chosen the opposition path but we realized that the rakyat’s welfare is more important,” he stressed.
ReplyDeletePairin pointed out that it is important for the BN government to be given the mandate in the coming election so that it can continue with its transformation programs effectively.
ReplyDeleteHe wants PBS to work hard to ensure that BN is victorious and warned its members of expulsion from the party if they are found to have sabotaged the Coalition.
ReplyDeleteUpko president, Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok, is asking for anyone with evidence or details that can be used to help the RCI investigation to come forward to report to the RCI.
ReplyDeleteHe said those with evidence and knows of persons in possession of fake identification cards through false declaration attested by those with ulterior intent, to please forward them and present these to the RCI for investigation.
ReplyDelete“This is the time for us to seek a solution and produce those fake identification cards especially given to illegal immigrants (PATI),” he said when opening the 2012 Upko Keningau Convention at the Community Hall here on Saturday.
ReplyDeletePersidangan Dewan Rakyat dimaklumkan bahawa jawatankuasa Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja mengenai pemberian warganegarakepada pendatang asing di Sabah (RCI) telah memulakan tugas mereka.
ReplyDeleteKenyataan itu, sekaligus menafikan dakwaan bahawa RCI belum memulakan tugasmereka seperti yang diperuntukkan kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Liew Vui Keong berkata jawatankuasa RCI telah bermesyuarat dan menetapkan siapa yang akan dipanggil sebagai saksi.
ReplyDelete"Tuduhan itu (jawatankuasa RCI belum memulakan tugas) amatlah tidak benar. Mereka telah memulakan tugas mereka dan kita kenalah beri masa kepada mereka untuk menentukan prosedur yang akan diguna termasuk membenarkan keterangan melalui afidavit," katanya ketika menjawab soalan Dr Mohd Hatta Md Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai) yang ingin tahu bila jawatankuasa RCI akan mula melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka.
ReplyDeleteDalam pada itu, Liew berkata pemberian taraf penduduk tetap dan kewarganegaraan adalah berdasarkan kelayakan mengikut perundangan tertakluk dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Liew berkata kerajaan tidak bercadang meluaskan skop sisatan RCI ke negeri-negeri di semenanjung berikutan permasalahan itu tidak ketara sebagaimana yang berlaku di Sabah.
ReplyDelete"Walau bagaimanapun, kerajaan komited dalam memastikan hak rakyat dan kedaulatan negara Malaysia dilindungi selaras dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan,"katanya.