BIRO Pengaduan Awam Negeri Sabah (BPANS) merupakan sebuah Jabatan khas kerajaan negeri yang diletak di bawah Jabatan Ketua Menteri Sabah dan dipengerusikan oleh Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri.
Setiap menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum, BPANS tersebut diarah untuk berjumpa degan rakyat/pelanggan untuk menerima segala jenis aduan mengenai permasalahan atau ketidakpuasan oleh rakyat mengenai layanan kerajaan.
Tarikh terakhir wakil BPANS datang ke Daerah kecil Telupid ialah pada 17 Jun 2007 iaitu menjelang PRU Ke-12.
Saya dimaklumkan bahawa pada 22 dan 23 November ini, BPANS sekali lagi akan datang ke Telupid untuk berjumpa dengan rakyat negeri Sabah untuk mendengar dan menerima aduan daripada rakyat atau untuk memperbaharui segala 'Janji-Janji' yang belum pernah mereka tunaikan.
Pada pandangan umum, tindakan BPANS hanya gerakerja membazirkan dana awam dan merupakan satu gimik politik UMNO/BN yang biasa akan berakhir dengan 'membuang kahak di tangga' dan membuat kerja 'hangat hangat tahi ayam'.
Buktinya, saya telah mengemukakan satu aduan kepada BPANS pada tahun 2007 mengenai masalah tiada bekalan tenaga eletrik ke Gerai-Gerai Tamu di pekan Telupid.
Sungguhpun sudah mendapat kelulusan, namun tidak dilaksanakan; maka ia telah menjadi satu bukti yang bertentangan dengan slogan Perdana Menteri "Janji ditepati".
Bekalan tenaga eletrik merupakan satu keperluan asas dan kayu ukur penting yang diguna oleh Bank Dunia sebagai penentu aras tahap kemiskinan yang berlaku di Sabah; maka kerajaan seharusnya mengambil berat aduan seperti ini dengan terus membuat susulan sehingga ke tahap perlaksanaan.
Malangnya, kandungan surat, BPANS: 600-18/0379/2007/TPD/(9) bertarikh 24 September, 2007 mengenai hasil maklumbalas daripada pihak Majlis Daerah Beluran merupakan satu pembohongan atau 'Janji Tidak Ditepati' kerana sejak tahun 2003 hingga sekarang, janji untuk membekalkan tenaga elektrik ke gerai-gerai Tamu, gagal dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan UMNO/BN.
Menurut pendapat para pengkaji penghidupan dan pembangunan sosial di serata dunia, menafikan kemudahan asas kepada masyarakat setempat merupakan satu perbuatan yang ditafsirkan sebagai 'Penghapusan Etnik'?
Salam Hormat,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Penghapusan Etnik Di Sabah?
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tak da penghapusan etnik pun.
ReplyDeletesegala aduan tentang permasalahan rakyat harus diberi perhatian.
ReplyDeletedan selesaikan masalah yang dihdapi rakyat.
ReplyDeletesediakan bekalan elektrik, SESB kena tingkat mutu perkhidmatan mereka.
ReplyDeleteThere are those who come to Sabah to try and distort the facts and create rifts among the multi-ethnic community
ReplyDeleteEthnic and cultural diversity is a unique asset and a pride of Malaysia that we as Malaysians must preserve and safeguard at all costs
ReplyDeleteKudat which has a population of 56,000 people is home to various ethnic groups, majority being the Rungus, a Kadazan bumiputera sub-ethnic group
ReplyDeletePM Najib said he respect the culture of the multi-ethnic community of Sabah
ReplyDeletetulisan tiada kualiti...hanya tomahan...lain kali Sabahdaily tapis dahulu bahh...bikin malu jak...jangan sembarangan ambil...
ReplyDeleteAku nak cerita aikit pasal Biro Aduan awam ni samada di Sabah atau pusat. Sebenarnya nilah agensi yg menyusahkan jabatan kerajaan nak bekerja. Bagus mcm KSN dulu2an, tak dicanangkan BPA ni kpd umum sangat. Idea gila melebih2kan BPA ni zaman Sidek hassan la KSN bangang. Sampai kerja kerani pun dia nak buat,bangsat. Niat memang baik utk ketelusan atau penambahbaikan jab kerajaan dmata umum TAPI silap pelaksanaan. kalau sampai anggota penguatkuasa undang2 boelh dpertikai oleh org awam,apa kejadahnya (ntah2 penjenayah pun tumpang buat aduan) kenapa lempang dia. itu sekadar contoh umum. Seeloknya BPA yg terima aduan tu..kena tau perundangan negara,kerajaan tempatan atau jabtan2 tertentu. Contoh aduan seludup minyak, dah lah pengadu enggan beri kerjasama dgn mmberi butir2 diri,aduan pula salah jabatan. Disuruhnya tangkap lori itu oleh Majlis daerah sedangkan kuasa tangkapan jelas..POLIS shj. Bila Majlis Daerah kata tak ada kuasa spt itu, terus buat aduan pd BPA kata Majlis enggan btindak. BPA sharusnya bagi tau terus.." Encik, Majlis daerah bukan spt polis. Mereak tak boleh tangkap sesuka hati." Itu satu contoh utk renungan. Masalahnya,BPA terus 'menembak' Majlis daerah itu dgn Surat Keramat BPA...dan bila dbaca ayat2 nya jelas mnggambar BPA tu Badan Putar Alam rupanya. kau cakap le brdasarkan Pekeliling ke, Peraturan ke Akta berkaitan supaya pengadu tak brharap sgt utk kondem jab kerajaan dan paling utama ,Jabatan kerajaan dilihat tidak jadi mcm barua. Sebenarnya hakikat memang berlaku dlm Jab Kerajaan kini trhina oleh kebodohan BPA atau BPa dbawah kawalselia Negeri2 tertentu. BODOH.
ReplyDeleteGerai diTaman Limawan Kinarut Papar,centik ada Tandas.Tepi bila difikirkan lebih baik ada daripada tiada,siapa yang singga beli kueh moi,sayur dan kedang kedang ada jual ikan,tentu senang hati nemun kegembiraan bertukar menjadi pelik tepi benar.Bila hari sudah gelap memang bergelaplah sipenjual sebab tiada bekalan eletrik dan bila ketandas mesti bawa air sebab tandas tidak ada paip air. [Tidak ada Paip Air]Diharap dengan tulus budibicara ADUN kewasan Kinarut perihatin dan ambil berat.
ReplyDeleteTajuk artikel sahaja yang lebih, rasanya masalh ini tidak timbul.
ReplyDeleteAduan dari rakyat perlu di beri perhatian.
ReplyDeleteThe government wants Sabah youths to play an active role in society by being volunteers or counsellors to those involved with drug problems and other social ills.
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is, I don't think this is so called TRUTH.
ReplyDeleteThe implications of saying bad thing is we always been thinking the bad thing.
ReplyDeleteAh hah! Come on man.
ReplyDeleteThe state government has embarked on an Employment Support Project to provide greater assistance to the disabled in sustaining jobs.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to understand all of these things.
ReplyDeleteMusa has done a lot for Sabah and we can't deny it.
ReplyDeleteMusa amat berpuas hati kerana para peserta termasuk pegawai-pegawai kerajaan dari Sabah dan Sarawak begitu komited untuk mencari input dan kaedah-kaedah terbaik untuk menyelesaikan apa juga masalah yang didapati
ReplyDeleteWhat we see is not always the right thing.
ReplyDeletePendek kata, hadirnya Nik Aziz dalam Kerajaan PAS Kelantan hanya sekadar sebagai simbol keramat hidup untuk kepentingan politik PAS disamping memanaskan kerusi MB sahaja sambil makan gaji buta.
ReplyDeleteMusa yakin input atau maklum balas yang diperolehi oleh jawatankuasa itu mampu menangani pelbagai masalah di Sabah termasuk soal pembangunan bumiputera.
ReplyDeleteJawatankuasa Kabinet ditubuhkan bagi menyelesaikan isu-isu berkaitan pembangunan bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak.
ReplyDeletePromosi adat dan budaya perlu dilakukan berterusan, kata Musa
ReplyDeletepesta atau karnival musim perayaan yang diadakan setiap tahun dapat mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini khususnya di Sabah.
ReplyDeletePolitical stability is an important factor for attracting investments and allowing businesses to flourish
ReplyDeletePrime Minister acknowledged that some (promises) might be delayed a bit but eventually it would be fulfilled. He also denied that his frequent visits to Sabah were because he was worried about the political situation in the State.
ReplyDelete"This is due to Janji ditepati (promise fulfilled) É to look after the people of Sabah (to ensure) we can implement balanced regional development and Sabahans will enjoy the fruits of being independent in Malaysia," he said.
ReplyDeleteThe opposition had claimed that he was making an unprecedented fifth visit within a short span to Sabah because the BN fears losing its grip on its electoral "fixed deposit."
ReplyDeleteNajib commented that so much development could be seen in the district with the Federal Government channeling RM32 million to schools and another RM132 million for infrastructures apart from the bridge and Ilman.
ReplyDelete"We were able to do all this. Don't think managing the country is easy.
We cannot spend just according to our whims and fancies in order to gain support from the people," he said. "The government must make sure that it means every single word that it utters."
ReplyDelete"Unlike some who like to make so many promises everywhere.
It is easy to become a merchant of dreams but don't become like the title of a song "Janji Tinggal Janji" (promise remains a promise)," he said.
ReplyDeleteNajib said in the 2008 General Election, the opposition had been making promises here and there "but just ask the people in Selangor, Penang (and other opposition-held states) the percentage of the fulfilled promises."
ReplyDelete"If it was in an examination (the result) it is probably Grade D," he said.
He said the opposition was using three main tactics namely "condemn, instigate and promise".
ReplyDelete"For instance when me and my wife did the Sumazau dance, it was also condemned by the opposition while in fact I have total respect for the culture of the people of Sabah.
"Of course, I may not be as good as Tan Sri Bernard Dompok or Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan (in Sumazau) let alone the Gangnam Style but I respect the culture of Sabah," he said to thunderous applause from the 10,000-strong audience.
Najib said that currently there were two processes moving simultaneously - globalisation and localisation - which complemented each other.
ReplyDeleteLocalisation, he explained, is each community wanting to preserve its respective identity while at the same time pursue international success.
ReplyDelete"That is why as leaders we need to feel the people's pulse É not just talk.
Just listen to those selling medicine along the streets, they will say that the medicine can cure all kind of ailments.
ReplyDelete"But what happens after the medicine was purchased is none of their concern anymore," said Najib, who is also BN Chairman.
"But for BN it is the opposite (as) we must be responsible, we must be leaders who stand by what we say and promise to the people," he said.
The Barisan Nasional State government is led by leaders who are descendants of natives, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman.
ReplyDelete“Myself, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup, Datuk Salleh Tun Said, Datuk Yahya Hussin, Datuk Hajiji Mohd Noor, Datuk Masidi Manjun and others are all natives.
“As such whatever issues concerning the affairs of the native people, we will consider them an important matter and a major agenda in our struggle.
ReplyDelete“That is why we always take into account the interest of the people and their children when making decisions. We are not like other western countries as well certain European nations where the leaders are not natives,” he said.
Diharapkan aduan mengenai permasalahan atau ketidakpuasan oleh rakyat akan diambil berat oleh kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteSemoga permasalahan rakyat akan diberi perhatian dan diselesaikan dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteIni untuk memastikan kepuasan rakyat terjamin supaya mereka akan undi BN dengan yakin pada PRU-13.
ReplyDeleteCara yang lebih baik adalah menerima aduan rakyat pada hari-hari biasa dan bukan bila dah dekat PRU sahaja.
ReplyDeleteBarulah semua masalah rakyat boleh ditangani secara berkesan.
ReplyDeleteSegala 'Janji-Janji' yang dibuat perlulah ditunaikan oleh pihak kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteJika janji yang dibuat tidak ditunaikan, pasti rakyat akan rasa kecewa.
ReplyDeleteHarap-harap aduan daripada rakyat akan dipandang serius.
ReplyDeleteTindakan perlu diambil untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi rakyat.
ReplyDeleteMasalah tiada bekalan tenaga eletrik ke Gerai-Gerai Tamu di pekan Telupid perlulah ditangani.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan perlulah menyediakan kemudahan asas kepada masyarakat setempat.
ReplyDeleteJanganlah sehingga kerajaan digelar sebagai Penghapusan Etnik.
ReplyDeletePastikan janji untuk membekalkan tenaga elektrik ke gerai-gerai Tamu dilaksanakan.
ReplyDeleteSlogan Perdana Menteri "Janji ditepati" haruslah ditepati.
ReplyDeletePastikan aktiviti BPANS akan membuahkan hasil supaya sia-siakan usaha.
ReplyDeleteSabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) has set its priority, which is to ensure better power supply to the rural areas in Sabah.
ReplyDelete“We want the rural folks to enjoy similar facilities as the urbanites,” said SESB managing director Ir Abdul Razak Salim.
ReplyDeleteHe stressed that the utility company is always committed in its effort to improve power supply in the state and is working closely with other relevant authorities to ensure its smooth implementation.
“But of course, it will also depend on the allocation and status set by the relevant ministries,” he further explained.
ReplyDeleteHe said SESB has no problem in supplying electricity in the rural areas, but any projects would be based on allocation and studies carried out by the relevant bodies.
ReplyDeleteAbdul Razak said this in response to the issue at Kampung Labi in Beaufort where villagers have to depend on their own generators for power supply as there is no electricity connection to the area.
“On the problem faced by villagers in Kampung Labi, SESB is still awaiting for the allocation and reference for the implementation of electricity supply project from the Rural Development and Regional Ministry,” he told reporters.
ReplyDeleteHe said SESB would also be carrying out research soon and would cover every aspect, including its geographical factor and the distance to the area from SESB’s nearest transformer.
ReplyDeleteHe further explained that the development plan for electricity supply facilities in Kampung Labi requires references based on the development status from the Rural Development and Regional Ministry for the installation of generator, transformer and underground cables, or also known as submarine cables.
ReplyDelete“We were told that Sungai Padas crosses through the village, but that would not be a problem, provided we are given sufficient allocation to carry out the project and installation of submarine cables, which has successfully been done in many locations statewide.
ReplyDelete“SESB also welcomes the local community’s contributions to set up a generator set to overcome power supplies to their village for the time being,” he said.
ReplyDeleteRecently, villagers voiced out their concerns over the lack of basic facilities in their village, which they claim are far worse compared to other villages.
ReplyDeleteApart from the inavailability of power supply to the village, located just a few kilometres away from the Beaufort town, they have also voiced out the fact that they do not have sufficient clean water supply and alternative routes.