Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ronald Sifatkan Jeffrey Kitingan 'Mat Jenin'

TIMBALAN Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Datuk Ronald Kiandee menyifatkan kenyataan Pengerusi Star Sabah, Datuk Jeffry Kitingan bahawa Keningau akan dijadikan pusat Pentadbiran Negeri Sabah sekiranya parti itu diberi mandat oleh rakyat pada PRU 13 nanti sebagai angan-angan 'Mat Jenin'.

"Kenyataan Jeffry itu disifatkan sebagai angan-angan Mat Jenin kerana mustahil daerah sekecil itu boleh jadikan pusat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri. Jadi Kota Kinabalu mahu dibuat apa? Jefrry sebenar terlalu berangan-angan tinggi yang tidak boleh diterima akal, mungkin sudah ketandusan idea,” tegas Ronalod yang juga Ahli Parlimen Malaysia (Beluran).

Katanya, sama juga cita-cita Jeffrey untuk mengalahkan abangnya Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan di kerusi Parlimen Keningau pada PRU-13.

"Sejak kebelakangan ini, ternyata Star Sabah terutama Jeffrey terdesak untuk meraih simpati undi hingga terpaksa menabur janji yang tidak munasabah. Ini berikutan sambutan rakyat Sabah kepada parti pembangkang yang kini berkurangan," katanya.

Berucap pada Majlis Perasmian Mini Dewan Kampung Lumou, dekat sini, kelmarin, Ronald menyifatkan Jeffrey membuat kenyataan itu bagi meningkatkan harapannya untuk memenang kerusi Parlimen Keningau dan kerusi DUN Bingkor pada PRU-13 kelak.

"Selepas ini akan ada lagi pemimpin pembangkang yang lain membuat beberapa kenyataan yang tidak munasabah termasuk akan menjanjikan pusat pentadbiran negeri Sabah di kawasan mereka, semata-mata untuk menang kawasan masing-masing," katanya.

Menurutnya, kenyataan untuk mengalihkan pusat pentadbiran negeri ke Keningau akan menyebabkan pembangunan dialihkan ke daerah tersebut dan ini akan mengurangkan peruntukan bagi kawasan lain termasuk Beluran.

Katanya, mungkin nanti akan ada pemimpin yang menyokong parti pembangkang menjanjikan ibu negeri Sabah dialihkan ke daerah lain semata-mata untuk meraih pengaruh politik mereka di kawasan itu.
Sehubungan itu, Ronald meminta rakyat tidak terpedaya dengan janji pemimpin parti atau pertubuhan pembangkang itu yang hanya bersifat untuk meraih sokongan mereka.

"Kita harus mengambil iktibar apa yang berlaku di negeri Selangor apabila janji kerajaan pembangkang Selangor yang mahu memberi RM100 sebulan untuk ibu tunggal tidak ditunaikan sehingga menyebabkan lebih 2,000 ibu tunggal di sana terpaksa mengemukakan saman pada kerajaan PKR Selangor itu," katanya.
Beliau berkata tidak seperti kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang merupakan sebuah kerajaan bertanggungjawab dengan menunaikan janji yang diberikan kepada rakyat.

"Kita tabur janji untuk ditepati sebab itu BN tidak menjanjikan bulan dan bintang semata-mata untuk meraih undi rakyat," katanya.

Oleh : SHAIMON S JUMADI (sabahkini)

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  1. Sejujurnya kami penduduk kg. Lumou mengakui kepimpinan YB. Datuk Ronald memang baik setakat ini. Jarang permohonan kampung tidak ditunaikan asalkan untuk kepentingan semua. Namun cerita pokok di sini ialah kami minta YBDR lebih kuat menyalak kepada persekutuan tentang Hak Rakyat negeri Sabah Khususnya Beluran yang terkandung dalam 20 perkara. Janganlah seperti YB. abdul rahman dahlan yang sanggup membodek bos serta menggadaikan Hak negeri sabah yang telah dirampas oleh Persekutuan. Ingatlah bahawa rakyat sekarang sedang tersenyum melihat gelagat YB YB yang masih menggunakan skrip lama untuk menipu rakyat hanya dengan sebuah tangki 1 Malaysia dsbgnya. Kami minta YBDR suarakan hak sabah di parliment jangan seperti kerbau dicucuk hidung saja. walaupun kepimpinan YBDR bagus sekalipun kalau takut bersuara di parlimen ttg 20 perkara, rakyat tdk akan ragu-ragu mengubah pndirian. Kita bukan tdk mengenang budi cuma menuntut Hak yang sepatutnya. Hidup YB.Datuk Ronald, Hidup Sabah 20 perkara(belia Telupid)

  2. sudah nama satu negara mana boleh ditumpukan kehendak masing2...kalau sabah mau 20 perkara negeri johor pun mau 20 perkara, kedah pun mau 20 perkara, negeri sembilan lagi, terengganu dll...hancur la mcm ini...Negara Malaysia telah seadil2nya mengagihkan keadilan sama rata kepada semua negeri bah...bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh. tq.

  3. Kerajaan negeri Sabah memperuntukkan RM4.088 bilion bagi Belanjawan Negeri 2013, yang meningkat RM40 juta berbanding anggaran perbekalan bagi 2012.

  4. anggaran perbekalan 2013 merangkumi tiga komponen utama iaitu Anggaran Emolumen RM663.17 juta (pertambahan RM39.51 juta berbanding RM623.66 juta pada 2012), Perbelanjaan Berulang RM1.120 bilion (pertambahan RM32.92 juta berbanding RM1.O87 bilion) dan Perbelanjaan Khas RM2.337 bilion (pertambahan RM34 juta berbanding RM2.303 bilion).

  5. Belanjawan 2013 ini merupakan bukti komitmen kita untuk terus memberikan perkhidmatan dan pembelaan yang terbaik kepada rakyat dan negeri Sabah

  6. Belanjawan negeri ini untuk semua lapisan rakyat dengan mengambil kira keperluan dan kesejahteraan rakyat di seluruh negeri untuk memacu pembangunan negeri ke tahap yang lebih tinggi

  7. hasil negeri juga meningkat dan dianggarkan berjumlah RM3.828 bilion tahun depan berbanding anggaran asal RM3.69 bilion tahun ini.

  8. kesetiaan kepada parti harus lebih utama daripada kesetiaan kepada pemimpin atau individu

  9. ramai pemimpin telah datang dan pergi, tapi parti Barisan Nasional kekal berkuasa. Dan memberi khidmat kepada rakyat.

  10. Kesetiaan kepada parti penting kerana yang membentuk kerajaan adalah parti dan bukannya individu.

  11. kejayaan yang dicapai sehingga hari ini adalah hasil dari keberkesanan perlaksanaan pelbagai dasar parti yang telah dipilih menjadi parti yang memerintah sejak merdeka lagi.

  12. Pemimpin datang dan pergi tapi parti harus terus memberi khidmat kepada masyarakat.

  13. Dalam suasana politik hari ini, tentu ada yang cuba mengambil kesempatan. Atau menanguk di air keruh. Untuk tujuan tertentu. Ada agenda dan kepentingan peribadi.

  14. Tan Sri Joseph Pairin mendedahkan bahawa adik kandungnya, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey seorang yang lebih percaya cakap orang lain, yang ‘tukang kipas’ dan ‘tukang angkat kaki’

  15. “Dia (Jeffrey) keras kepala dan keras hati,” – Pairin

  16. Pairin yang merupakan Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah menyifatkan perjuangan politik adiknya tidak konsisten, kerana tidak mempunyai wadah perjuangan yang sebenar..

  17. “Perjuangannya hanya semata-mata kepentingan peribadi,” dedahnya.

  18. Jeffrey berhak untuk berjuang dalam politik, tetapi perjuangannya tidak ikhlas untuk rakyat.

  19. Pairin memberitahu bahawa beliau telah diberi peluang dilantik sebagai Senator dan Timbalan Menteri di peringkat Persekutuan, tetapi kedegilannya untuk mahu berkuasa beliau tidak menghormati nasihat dan bertindak mahu bertanding menentang Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili di kawasan Kota Marudu pada suatu ketika.

  20. Sekarang pun dia (Dr. Jeffrey) mahu lawan saya pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 ini di Parlimen Keningau. Ini membuktikan bahawa dia benar-benar tidak menghormati saya kerana semata-mata memperjuangkan kepentingan peribadi.-Pairin

  21. Rakyat perlu berhati-hati dan jangan terpengaruh dengan kata-kata Dr. Jeffrey dan penyokong-penyokongnya kerana sanggup bercakap apa saja, dan membangkitkan isu-isu yang sebenarnya boleh dibangkitkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN).

  22. Pairin mengakui bahawa, adiknya seorang yang memang pandai bercakap seperti juga Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yang mahir mengemukakan hujah-hujah yang mencuit hati tetapi perjuangan mereka adalah semata-mata untuk mahu menjadi pemimpin nombor satu.

  23. Anwar bercita-cita ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri dan begitulah juga cita-cita Jeffrey yang mahu jadi Ketua Menteri.

  24. Jd anggota UMNO sabah setujulah agar kekayaan Sabah tu dibagi sama rata kepada negeri2 di malaysia ini.Amboi..baguslah orang UMNO ni!

  25. Pencacai UMNO/BN hanya tahu copy and paste sahaja patutlah Madey kata bijak pandai tak sertai UMNO dah, Inilah jadinya kalau mentaliti budak tadika!

  26. Pairin menegaskan bahawa adiknya mempunyai hak sepenuhnya untuk berjuang dalam politik tetapi biarlah perjuangan itu berlandaskan kepentingan rakyat, bukannya atas dasar agenda peribadi.

  27. Jeffrey sanggup tidak mendengar nasihat abang kerana memperjuangkan kepentingan peribadi.

  28. Beliau lebih percaya cakap orang lain yang tukang kipas dan tukang angkat kaki daripada abangnya sendiri.

  29. Jeffrey tidak ikhlas dalam perjuangannya, malah ia juga tidak konsisten yang berpunca kerana tidak mempunyai wadah perjuangan sebenar yang bertunjangkan kepada keikhlasan membantu rakyat

  30. Pairin, kira-kira 30 tahun beliau terpaksa memendam rasa dengan seboleh-bolehnya enggan mengeruhkan suasana, tetapi akhirnya terpaksa meluahkan segalanya bagi membuka mata rakyat mengenai matlamat sebenar perjuangan adiknya itu.

  31. jefrey itu semasa berada dalam BN pernah diberi peluang dengan dilantik sebagai senator dan Timbalan Menteri di peringkat Persekutuan tetapi bertindak keluar parti dan melawan Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili di Kota Marudu.

  32. Pada waktu itu dia enggan mendengar nasihat abangnya, maka saya berkempen untuk Maximus dan dia (Jeffrey) tewas.

  33. Tambah Pairin, adiknya itu memang ‘pandai bercakap’ sama seperti Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mahir mengemukakan hujah-hujah yang mencuit hati tetapi perjuangan mereka adalah semata-mata untuk menjadi pemimpin nombor satu.

  34. bah kalau dalam politik,masing-masing ada tanggapan dan andaian,bagi saya cakap si kiandie ini bukan saja tidak betul tapi tersasar dari landasan,maksud si jeffery ada lah "kalau" parti nya diberi mandat keningau ada lah pusat pentadbiran bagi kawasan pendalaman,tidak salah dia bercakap kerana umum tahu keningau adalah bandar yang terbesar dipendalaman,lagi pun banyak jabatan di daerah pendalaman sekarang pusat pentadbiran nya semua di rujuk ke keningau...lebih baik kita buat pentadbiran berpusat seperti saranan DJK..banyak kebaikannya.....

  35. Bujet 2013 akan membawa Sabah lebih berkembang. Usaha kerajaan membasmi kemiskinan dan mengurangkan kadar pengangguran juga positif.

  36. Jeffrey memberi imej selalu lompat parti.

  37. Kamimenantikan sejauh mana Jeffrey dan STAR boleh mencapai di PRU akan datang.

  38. Boleh harap kah ROnald kiandy ini, pasal bab tanah? star akan berjaya memenangi beberapa kerusi dlm PR 13. Ini kalilah... sabah akan jatuh ke tangan pembangkang.... ini bukan angan-angan mat jenin atau mat sintul tapi dah sampai masanya tukar baju.... sekadar analisis sahaja.... ha ha

  39. The centre offers training courses in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and making delicacies that are considered most appropriate for these youths from rural agrarian communities.

    To pass out with a certificate, the trainees have to complete a minimum of 1580 hours of practical training, pass two exams and attend 200 hours of lectures under the training programmes that take between one and two years.

  40. This remote but internationally known training centre, located about 160 kilometres from Kota Kinabalu, takes in an average of 35 trainees annually. The college operates in partnership between the Rural Development Cooperative (KPD) and the Japan based Organisation for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (OISCA).

  41. However, in 1980 Mr Tatsuo Kosugi, who married a local, took over the management of the centre as its chief instructor and in 1989 the training centre was relocated to the present area from its original location in Kampung Limbawan, Keningau.

    According to kpd’s General Manager Datuk Datu Basrun Datu Haji Mansor, since it’s inception, the centre has trained about 1,500 youths mostly from the interior districts of Sabah.

  42. Students from 48 schools, mostly in the interior district, have since taken part in the Children Forest Programme that resulted in the planting of 13,632 trees.

    Under the Community Forest programme, villagers from four villages in Ranau district planted 17,900 trees.

  43. There is a dire need to strengthen the “monotonous” economy of Tawau and diversify economic development of the various sectors, said Tawau Chinese Chamber of Commerce (TCCC) president Datuk Yap Yiw Sin.

    Yap said Tawau district has great potential in tourism, aquaculture and seafood sectors.

  44. There is a need to further exploit these sectors, he said when officiating at the 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of TCCC at the education hall of Sabah Chinese High School here yesterday afternoon.

    The community here were also looking forward to have more tertiary institutions to cater for school leavers who need not have to go overseas for their education.

  45. In conjunction with the AGM, the chamber here submitted a memorandum to the government urging it to set up more universities or colleges in here in order to generate more skillful agricultural and seafood development professionals. “East Kalimantan (Kaltim) is implementing open land policy and development which have created great business opportunities to the businessmen and businesswomen in Tawau. Thus, I hope the local business groups here could grab this opportunity in expanding their business to the neighbouring country.

  46. That’s why they carry tales for the people so that they look good. They keep on telling lies after lies just to gain the sympathy of the people.

  47. Don’t be influenced by these tactics. They come and visit the people in the village and have empty talks,”

  48. he said applications for spa and reflexology work quota need to be completed within six months effective January next year.

  49. The Federal Special Task Force (Sabah and Labuan) rounded up a total of 501 foreigners aged between 16 and 58 for inspection in a joint operation called "Ops Tanduk", Saturday.

    This was the second series of the Ops Tanduk conducted by the Federal Special Task Force (FSTF) with the collaboration of the National Registration Department and the police.

    Its Director Datuk Suhaimi Salleh said the first series was conducted in Lahad Datu from Nov 7-8 in 10 locations with a total of 519 foreigners rounded up.

  50. He said out of that figure, a total of 48 people were taken to the documentation centre comprising 22 Filipinos, 22 Indonesians and four Pakistanis, while 31 people were remanded comprising 19 Filipinos out of which 12 were men, five women and two children.

  51. The recent sackings and suspension of errant Umno members show the party's seriousness in combating indiscipline in the party, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

  52. United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) President Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said the appointment of a Murut, Dr Christina Rundi, to head the State Health Department shows the Federal Government is giving attention to the appointment of locals to the top post of its agencies.

  53. Despite some uneasiness over differences of opinion, Upko remains steadfast and patient in its struggle for the people, he said at the Upko Tenom convention, here, Saturday.

  54. Similarly, the call for more locals to head Federal agencies was also being heeded, he said.

    He said Upko's struggle ever since its inception as Parti Demokratik Sabah (PDS), among others, was to boost the Kadazandusun language, which now has been included in the school syllabus

  55. Kalabakan MP Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh said his constituents are his "children" and never once had he regarded them as his "step children" because all their needs have been given appropriate attention.

  56. Therefore, he said the opposition who tried to promise the moon and stars to the people in Kalabakan would only lose their money because the support of the people for the Barisan Nasional (BN) is as strong as ever.

  57. Besides the allowance, the government through its agencies was also striving to improve the socio-economic status of fishermen through the repair of dilapidated houses costing RM12,000 each for 46 fishermen in Kalabakan beginning Nov 26.

  58. The opposition has made yet another wild allegation when it claimed Umno Tawau is a private limited division as the top posts are being held by siblings.

    Pakatan NGO Pro-BN President, Zulkarnain Mahdar said it was only a coincidence due to the re-delineation of the electoral boundary.

  59. Zulkarnain said this in response to the statement by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Deputy President Azmin Ali claiming Umno Tawau as a "Sdn Bhd party."

    Tawfiq is Umno Tawau chief with Syed Abas (Balung Assemblyman) is his deputy, his brother Nizam is the vice head and their elder brother Datuk Baharom Abu Bakar Titingan is the information chief.

  60. The government is giving more opportunities for traders to carry out business to improve their livelihood.

    Among others, the government will provide business spaces like stalls for the locals to do business like selling their produces.

  61. Kamarlin hoped the facility would attract visitors to pull over to enjoy local delicacies.

    Prior to the building of the stalls, traders have to pay to rent a space from the district council.

  62. The Sabah Housing and Real Estate Developers Association (Shareda) has asked the government to consider deferring the implementation of the newly announced policy of 30 per cent affordable housing next year in every new development project. Shareda president Datuk Susan Wong Siew Guen said this is because based on their research, there are still a few thousand units of unsold affordable houses in the Sabah market.

  63. In order to achieve the status of a high income nation by 2020, Shareda suggested that we need to build up our business-friendly environment which could provide us with an efficient bureaucracy and a higher productivity.

  64. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will focus mainly on the coming general election in both his opening and closing addresses at the Umno general assembly.

  65. The Umno president, who will be addressing the 5,447 delegates on Thursday at the opening of the assembly, is expected to remind members on how important this elections is for Umno’s political survival and urge members to be united and loyal.

  66. Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said Najib’s speeches were expected to touch mainly on the election battle ahead.

  67. Tengku Adnan said while delegates were free to raise any issue during debates, he urged them to be mindful so as not to touch on sensitive issues.

  68. Some 1,300 media representatives from 120 media organisations will be covering this year’s assembly.

    Apart from the media, representatives of 24 political parties from 18 countries and members of 72 Umno overseas clubs will also be attending the assembly as observers.

  69. Duh what a waste of time.

  70. The truth is yet to be prevailed

  71. And why the oppositions seemed so desperate about it?

  72. The oppositions love conspiracy.

  73. I don't buy their twisted words. Seemed like most of them are just living under nutshells.

  74. I believe some of them are true provokers. Bandit.

  75. Sometimes what we said is not to protect someone but instead is telling the truth.

  76. Investigations should be made to both sides.

  77. City Hall (DBKK) is looking to introducing accreditation to tourism-related products and services being offered in the city.

  78. Abidin said that the scheme would focus on shopping malls, grocery shops, restaurants, coffeeshops and even lodging houses. Under the scheme, the products and services must fulfill criteria like cleanliness for premises, good facilities and even staff presentation.

  79. saya tdk percaya DDJK mengatakan keningau mnjdi ibu negri sabah apabila star memerintah....itu hnya provakasi jahat bn

  80. Che Det adalah orang yang dikatakan menjadi perintis kepada terbukanya pintu kepada PATI secara besar besaran sejak awal 1990an, so mana mungkin beliau bersetuju dengan segala cadangan untuk menyekat pemberian kewarganegaraan kepada PATI

  81. Sebabnya mudah, mereka mereka itulah yang dikerah kesana sini untuk dijadikan bidak bidak catur bagi memenangkan BN dalam setiap kali pilihanraya.
    Satu percaturan yang amat bangsat kerana rela memperjudikan masa depan Malaysia dengan mengimport PATI semata mata untuk kelangsungan kuasa.

    Wahai Rakyat Negeri Sabah .. Ini Kali Lah ~!!!

  82. Vote for BN is Vote for PATI especially the INDON generation and VOTE for PR is vote for native people of Sabah

  83. Undi Bn untuk masa depan lebih cerah.

  84. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) President Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan on Thursday said he is ready to face his younger brother Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who is Sabah State Reform Party (Star) Chairman, in the coming general election.

  85. He said anyone is free to contest against him.

  86. Asked whether he will defend both his Keningau parliamentary and Tambunan state seats, Pairin said he is keeping his option open and will wait for the party's and members' views

  87. Muhiyiddin said BN machinery was ready to face an election regarded as the most intense in the nation's political history.

  88. He expressed confidence that the PBS, under the leadership of Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan who was credible, bold and firm, could help ensure that Sabah not only remained a 'fixed deposit' of the BN but was also strong and sturdy.

  89. There are still many who are eligible but have not yet registered as voters and therefore fail to exercise their rights to set the course of the country’s future

  90. In urging this group of people to register, party president, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, said that they must value their rights to cast a ballot because it would be a waste if that basic right was not executed.

  91. “There is still no law that makes it compulsory for every eligible citizen to vote but don’t waste away that right. Some make noise about having names of unqualified people being in the electoral roll but there are still many out there who are eligible to vote but have not registered,” he said.

  92. In Australia, the government compels the people to vote because their ballots were crucial in forming a government.

  93. Pairin said Sabahans should continue throwing their support to BN under the leadership of Prime Minister, Datuk Najib Tun Razak who truly cared for the people and was always reaching out to them.

  94. apa guna belanjawan berbilion-blion kalau minda dan ekonomi kita org sabah dan sarawak di jajah oleh semenanjung pemimpin yg ada sekarang semua mcm lembu ikut cakap boss sehinga hak-hak org sabah makin terhakis bagi org semenanjung kita org sabah hanya perlu layanan kelas kedua....

  95. Anonymous said...
    December 4, 2012 3:55 PM

    jika negeri sabah berjaya dirampas oleh pembangkang, adakah pemimpin2 kerajaan negeri waktu itu tidak akan mengikut cakap bos mereka di Puterajaya? saya tengok semua pemimpin2 politik pun ikut telunjuk bos juga ba..

  96. hasrat jeffrey untuk menjadi KM sabah tetap tidak akan tercapai.. lihat saja berapa banyak parti pembangkang di Sabah.. kalau semuanya bersatu, boleh cerita lagi.. kalau semua tamak??

  97. kononya si jeffrey mahu bertanding di semua kerusi di sabah.. dia ingat STAR saja ka parti pembangkang di Sabah?

  98. satu perkara lagi yang menjadi penghalang jeffrey untuk mencapai cita2 beliau ialah, reputasi beliau yang sudah tercemar ekoran terlalu kerap lompat parti..

  99. malah STAR juga bukan parti tempatan Sabah sebagaimana yang dilaung2kan oleh jeffrey.. sebaliknya STAR adalah parti Sarawak yang sudah pun direject oleh rakyat Sarawak..

  100. hanya kerana mahukan jawatan presiden parti, jeffrey sanggup membantu STAR melebarkan sayap di Sabah dan bersaing sesama pembangkang.. kenapa beliau tidak bekerjasama saja dengan SAPP? jelaslah bahawa jeffrey hanya pentingkan jawatan, bukannya perjuangan..

  101. Jeffery bertindak keluar daripada PBS pada tahun 1994 dan menubuhkan PBRS. Disebabkan tidak berjaya sebagai Presiden, maka Jeffery keluar lagi untuk menyertai AKAR. Di AKAR juga Jeffery gagal menjadi presiden, sekali lagi dia keluar.

  102. Kemudian Jeffery masuk semula ke parti PBS. Akibat keinginannya untuk menjadi timbalan presiden parti abangnya itu gagal, sekali lagi Jeffery keluar parti.

  103. Jeffery mencuba masuk Umno dengan menggunakan nama aliasnya Gafari, namun tindakannya itu berjaya dikesan, dan permohonannya ditolak.

  104. Selepas itu, Jeffery menyertai PKR, akan tetapi gagal dilantik sebagai Pengerusi PKR negeri, maka seperti biasa dia keluar lagi.

  105. Kini, Jeffery adalah Pengerusi STAR cabang Sabah. Pertanyaan selanjutnya bilakah Jeffery akan keluar lagi!!!

  106. Persoalannya, kenapa sekian lama berpolitik, setelah melompat banyak parti, perjuangan politik Dr J masih ditakuk lama?

  107. Semasa Dr Jeffrey menjadi Naib Presiden PKR, dia adalah pemimpin kepada orang Melayu, Cina, India, Bumiputera Sabah, Bumiputera Sarawak termasuk Orang Asli. Tetapi kenapa dia memilih untuk memperkecilkan skop perjuangannya kepada negeri Sabah dan kaum tertentu?

  108. kalau Jeffrey kalah lagi kali, tidak mustahil dia akan lompat lagi.. begitulah kitaran perjuangan di jeffrey..

  109. macam mana sekalipun, si jeffrey tetap kecundang lepas PRU nanti.. bukan sebab BN kuat, tetapi sebab pemimpin2 pembangkang seperti jeffrey terlalu pentingkan diri sendiri..

  110. The issue of the Kota Marudu-Marak-Parak-Melinsau-Poring-Ranau high impact road project, which has stopped construction halfway since November last year, was raised in the Dewan Rakyat recently.

  111. Ranau MP Datuk Siringan Gubat, who raised the issue, requested Work Minister Datuk Seri Shaziman Abu Mansor to explain the matter and its current status, apart from asking the Ministry to speed up its implementation for the sake of the rakyat.

  112. The Ministry, in its written reply later, said the implementation of the project was actually divided into three main packages, namely package 1, 2 and 3, and the package 3 was divided into two sub-packages of 3A and 3B.

  113. The overall project cost of RM910 million had been approved, it said, adding its implementation started during the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP) and continued into the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP) period.

  114. It said the project was to be implemented in phases and approval for allocation received by the Ministry from the Central Agency thus far are only for the Package 1, 2 and Sub-Package 3A.

  115. According to the Ministry, the Work Ministry has divided the Sub-Package 3A (Togop-Poring) that involves 25 kilometres into four segments, namely 3A(1), 3A(2), 3A(3) and 3A(4).

  116. It said the segment 3A(1) involved a four-kilometre long new road, construction of which had been completed in September 2009.

  117. The segment 3A(3) involved a five-kilometre long granite stone road construction that was completed in December 2010, while for the other segments 3A(2) and 3A(4), the approval for their allocations had just been approved under the 10MP second rolling plan.

  118. Both these segments are estimated to cost RM117 million and would be implemented by Perwira Progresif Sdn Bhd, it said, adding that according to the layout, the physical project implemented is expected to start in the middle of this year by the latest and expected to be completed in within 24 months.

  119. The Sub-Package 3B that would involve a 25-kilometre long road construction from Togop to Melinsau is yet to start, although the design work has already completed because allocation for the purpose has not been provided by the Economic Planning Unit under the Prime Minister's Department.

  120. Nevertheless, the Ministry assured that it will discuss and re-apply with the Central Agency for an approval of allocation under the 10MP third rolling plan.

  121. Siringan, meanwhile, requested the Work Minister during their meeting on March 29 to do repairing on certain sections of the completed road, which had damages on its surface, as it was not maintained properly.

  122. These damaged road surfaces are causing problems to the people, particularly those commuting the road daily and because of this they are angry with the Government, he said.

  123. According to him, Shaziman had agreed to this and that he (Siringan) would be reporting back to him on the repair work progress.

  124. OVER 60,000 people in Sabah have received the 1Malaysia computers thus far, said State Resource Development and Information Technology Assistant Minister Datuk Jainab Ahmad.

  125. She said the price of the 1Malaysia notebook varies but is not more than RM1,000 per unit inclusive of applications like Microsoft Office and anti-virus software.

  126. She was replying to Gum-Gum Assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Mohd Edris on the number of recipients and their eligibility during question time.

    "All the applicants have been vetted by the relevant quarters.

    Actually, there are two categories of recipients.

  127. "One is the student category in which the applicants must be Malaysians, secondary students, total household income must be less than RM3,000 a month and the parents must agree to subscribe to Internet access.

  128. "Priority would be given to students living in areas that have Internet coverage and only one computer is given for one family," Jainab said.

  129. Under the second category which is for the public, she said the applicants must be Malaysians, total household income must also be less than RM3,000 a month, one computer for one family and applicants must not have children who have received the 1Malaysia computer through the programme.

  130. Infrastructure Development Assistant Minister Datuk Pang Nyuk Ming said the Government has approved an upgrading project for water supply in Kudat costing RM18 million under the Second Rolling Plan of the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).

  131. He said another RM1 million has been approved for a project to reduce losses incurred by Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in Kudat by replacing the old pipes.

  132. "The Ministry is in the midst of preparing the design and documentation to replace the pipes. The physical work will commence once the design works have been completed," he said.

  133. Pang was replying to Tanjong Kapor Assemblyman Datuk Teo Chee Kang on actions taken to address interruptions to water supply in Kudat due to leakages in the pipes.

  134. On number of pipe leakages in Kudat, Pang said the Water Department recorded a total of 250 cases from December 2011 up to February this year.

  135. State Infrastructure Development Assistant Minister, Datuk Japlin Akim said the Ministry through the Water Department is planning to build a water treatment plant in Kundasang with a water capacity to produce 15 million litres per day.

  136. "The design works and documentation on this project have been completed and physical works will commence once we received funding from the Federal Government," he told Kundasang Assemblyman Dr Joachim Gunsalam.

  137. The Ministry took over the existing alternative water supply in Kundasang from the Rural Development Corporation (KPD) on Jan. 1 last year.

  138. "We have carried out a study on the alternative water supply in Kundasang to determine the scope of work that needs to be done.

  139. "Based on the results of the study, the Water Department has repaired water leakages in pipes and is doing maintenance on dilapidated reserve water tanks in the area.

  140. "These works would be carried out from time to time, continuously, so that water can be channelled to the residents at an optimum level," Japlin said.

  141. Jaminan Keningau akan dijadikan pusat Pentadbiran Negeri Sabah ini sememangnya satu angan-angan sahaja.

  142. Memang mustahil daerah sekecil itu boleh jadikan pusat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri, mungkin Jeffrey hanya berkata begitu untuk menarik undian rakyat Keningau.

  143. Kita sudah ada pusat pentadbiran kerajaan negeri di Kota Kinabalu, tidak perlu satu lagi di Keningau.

  144. Bukan murah mendirikan lagi satu pusat pentadbiran baru, Jeffrey jangan cakap saja tanpa memikirkannya secara mendalam.

  145. Lebih baik Jeffrey jangan berangan-angan lagi hendak menjadi KM Sabah.

  146. pemimpin parti yang mewakili kadazandusun di sabah haruslah mendengar rintihan dan tuntutan rakyat,terutamanya kebanjiran pendatang asing tanpa izin,projek IC dan tuntutan hak pemilikan tanah..

  147. Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) congratulated Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman for having successfully administered Sabah and for the state's sound financial management, proving that the Barisan Nasional government is capable of managing the state's resources well.

  148. Its President Tan Sri Joseph Kurup also said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib, who is also BN Chairman, had proven that he was Prime Minister for all Malaysians by helming a government which did not sideline any group under the 1Malaysia concept.

  149. "The 1Malaysia concept is working well and it is not a mere slogan, but followed up with actions in line with the Federal Constitution" he said.

  150. The party's two-day congress begins Friday.

  151. It would be officially opened by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Saturday.

  152. "With the 2013 Budget, I've not seen such a people-friendly budget covering all levels of society, from schoolchildren, youths, single mothers, senior citizens, Rela members to civil servants.

  153. "Various development programmes have been implemented to improve the people's lot, including building the Keningau Integrated Livestock Centre in Sook with an allocation of almost RM1 billion, the clean water supply project in Pegalungan at a cost of RM56 million, repair of longhouses, the Local Housing Assistance Programme, Keningau Hospital and Nabawan Hospital."

  154. On the allocation of seats for BN component parties in the coming 13th general election, Kurup said:

  155. "The BN-held seats should remain with the incumbent parties, but I think exceptions can be made and the vacant seats appropriately allotted.

  156. There should nevertheless be understanding and a give-and-take attitude as we (BN) want to win."

  157. He said PBRS, as a small component of BN, is going all out to retain its seats and play an important role in ensuring a win big for BN.


  158. Although it looks like the toughest general election ever, he is confident PBRS will play a role just as crucial as the big component parties for the ruling coalition to remain in power at the state (Sabah) and federal levels.


  159. Kurup, who is also Natural Resources and Environment Deputy Minister, said PBRS was all prepared to ensure that the Pensiangan parliamentary seat and Sook state seats currently held by the party would be retained, as well as overall victory for BN.

  160. In the 2008 general election, Kurup, 67, won the Pensiangan seat uncontested while party deputy president and state Assistant Minister for Tourism, Culture and Environment Datuk Ellron Angin defeated the opposiiton candidate to win the Sook seat.


  161. However, the Pensiangan result was dragged to court after the opposition candidate alleged irregularities. Kurup himself was almost assaulted by those unhappy over the seat being won uncontested.

  162. Kurup said PBRS would be using the congress to fire up the spirit of its members, besides fine-tuning its election machinery.

  163. "We are working very hard to convey, explain and implement government policies. Hence, the congress will also focus on reminding the delegates to make thorough preparations in facing the coming general election.

  164. We will be declaring our support and votes for the BN candidates," he said.


  165. Kurup said PBRS would not even think of quitting the coalition unlike the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).

  166. "We have continued to assist BN to form the government (since the party's establishment in 1994), although the party was said to have been overlooked, where our privileges were only getting the posts of political secretary and senator, and the seats given to other (BN component) parties.

  167. "But no matter what, we have stuck with BN as we know how important it is to struggle in BN as a component party and we do not wish to weaken BN. This proves our loyalty to BN," he said, adding he was even willing to be dropped as Deputy Minister in 2004.

  168. Kurup hoped the people would not make any error of judgement in deciding on the country's destiny.

  169. think PBS shud go out from BN.PAIRIN come on..


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