SABAH DAP Vice Chairman Edward Ewol Mujie said that he is very perplexed and wondered how a learned and experience veteran politician Datuk Marcus Mojigoh who is the Member of Parliament for Putatan can said that voting out BN is not a solution.
Edward said all countries that practiced democratic system the people has the right to vote the government out if they are not satisfied with the way the country is being governed.
The proper way for the BN government to find out why the people showed lots of anger is to go through studies the way on how the BN government administers the country instead of asking the people not to vote BN out from the government.
Asking the people to put forward idea on how the government should be run is actually exposing the real weakness of the BN government as this showed that the BN elected representative has ran out of idea on how the government should be run, and failed to carry out their responsibilities that the people entrusted to them.
Of course it is not wrong to ask the people to put forward ideas on how the government should be run, but the question is, will any or some of the ideas going to be implemented.
It must be remembered that for the last three years the opposition parties has many time pinpointed in the media many of the unattended bad roads, blocked drains, broken slab and many others, but with some being made good and the rest still waiting to be put right there. However, the worst scenario is the power cut which has made the people very angry.
The people got very angry when the government suddenly announced to implement big projects without first consulting them to find out their views. Such big projects are Koiduan Dam in Penampang/Papar, Tambutuan Dam in Kota Belud and Coal Power Plant in Lahad Datu.
This sort of action of the government clearly showed that the elected representatives of that area failed to carry out their duties which have been entrusted to them by the people. In some cases, these lead the rakyat to resort to demonstration to show their dissatisfaction and anger towards the government.
Many other big issues that has not been resolved such as the Land Native Customary Right and land grabs that really affecting the welfare and well-being of the people especially the Native of Sabah. Some cases are still pending the court decision.
A few years back if was exposed by the media that even a grave yard in Inaman has been applied by someone and whether this case has been solved or not is anybody guesses.
So Edward said with the aforesaid issues which still exist and is seemed to be no solution in sight, so what is the purpose of asking the people to put forward ideas how to run the government.
Of course the government can said the land problem has been partially solved by creating the Communal Tittles but this has not been well received by the people, he added.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The People Can Vote The Government Out
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Correct, we can shape the world.
ReplyDeleteRakyat memang mempunyai kuasa untuk menentukan kerajaan seterusnya. Namun adakah kita betul2 pasti bahawa pilihan kita akan menemui jalan?
ReplyDeletememilih pembangkang juga bukan satu penyelesaian...apa2 pun, rakyat berhak membuat pilihan dan menilai..
ReplyDeletebiasalah kalau ada masalah...di negeri2 pembangkang seperti penang dan selangor juga ada masalah...terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan kerajaan untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian terbaik..
ReplyDeletekerajaan harus berusaha dengan lebih keras lagi untuk menyelesaikan masalah2 rakyat..
ReplyDeletei agree the people can vote government out if they are not satisfied with the way the country is being governed. it's the people's rights as voter and we all know it..
ReplyDeletethe government win the elections all these proved that the people are satisfied how the country is being governed..
ReplyDeletejadi sama ada rakyat berpuas hati dengan kerajaan atau tidak akan diketahui pada pru13 nanti..
ReplyDeleteApa yang penting ialah masalah rakyat dapat diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteWe have made effort to make sure our lives are being taken care of.
ReplyDeleteAdakah pembangkang dapat memastikan bahawa Sabah akan hidup senang?
ReplyDeletekuasa rakyat penentu masa depan sesebuah parti
ReplyDeletesebagai kerajaan yang memerintah, BN haruslah senantiasa mendengar suara rakyat jika inginkan kemenangan besar di PRU13 nanti
ReplyDeleteselain itu, apa yang telah dijanjikan rakyat, haruslah ditunaikan
ReplyDeleteselain itu, apa yang telah dijanjikan rakyat, haruslah ditunaikan
ReplyDeleteIt is left for Sabahans to decide whether BN is to stay or not in next election.
ReplyDeleteIf the people is not satisfied with the government, then the people should have the right to vote them out.
ReplyDeleteThe people must make a wise choice in voting for the best party to lead sabah.
ReplyDeleteThe current government must work hard to fulfil their responsibilities towards the people if they want to remain as the government.
ReplyDeleteDAP akan kalah di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan BN akan membela nasib rakyat di Sabah
ReplyDeletedap ni pandai cakap saja, tapi selalu gaduh dengan parti pembangkang lain.
ReplyDeleterakyat ada kuasa untuk memilih, tapi rasanya rata-rata rakyat Sabah tidak akan pilih DAP juga.
ReplyDeletebiarlah rakyat tentukan kerajaan mana mereka inginkan.
ReplyDeletemasalah tanah tidak pernah selesai..
ReplyDeleteSemuanya terserah pada rakyat. undi rakyat tentukan masa depan negeri ni.
ReplyDeletePembangkang hanya tahu buat janji sahaja, takut nanti bila rakyat menyokong dan percaya kepada mereka, semua janji hanya tingal kenangan.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan telah berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.
ReplyDeleteDAP tidak akan mendapat sokongan daripada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan sentiasa mendengar suara rakyat. emua masalah rakyat akan cuba kerajaan selesaikan.
ReplyDeleteSemua terletak di tangan rakyat untuk memilih siapa yang bakal menjadi pemerintah.
ReplyDeleteBetul..Itu pilihan rakyat sendiri juga kalau ingin keluar dari BN tapi rakyat juga ada pilihan untuk terus bersama dengan BN. Jadi kita tunggu saja.
ReplyDeleteBN akan membela nasib rakyat dengan mengenakan cukai GST selepas PRU13 seperti janji Najib kerana negara akan bangkrap jika tidak dikenakan cukai GST kata Idris Jala. Jadi Undilah BN supaya kita sama-sama 'menikmati' cukai GST. Janji BN pun tembirang mana UMS Keningau, mana SMK Petagas, mana lebuhraya Tenom Beaufort rakyat Sook minta dibina SMK Trusmadi tapi tidaka peruntukan kata wakil rakyatnya. Ini yang dibanggakan dengan BN?
ReplyDeleteand the people also can vote opposition out.. we don't need opposition which they concern only on cabinet posts, not the people..