KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Umno is so overzealous with the promotion of the selfish interests of Umno and BN to the point that they are willing to sacrifice the interests of their fellow Sabahans.
“The don’t care what happens to us as long as Umno stays in power,” said Star state deputy chairman Awang Ahmad Sah in a statement here. “It is shocking to see them working very hard to deny and further erode the rights of Sabahans.”
Awang pointed to the recent cases of state legislative assembly speaker, Datuk Salleh Said, who said that the 20 Points agreement was no longer relevant and the statement by Kota Belud Member of Parliament, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan who said that Sabah was one of the 14 states since the beginning of Malaysia.
“Before this Salleh even defended the presence of the illegal immigrants here by saying it was the people’s fault for allowing them to get in,” he said. “This is an outrage and his anti-20 Points statement raised the ire of both the opposition and BN leaders.
“Salleh and Dahlan should be old enough and have enough wisdom to know the history behind the formation of Malaysian Federation. Salleh as the son of a leader who was there at the founding of Malaysia seems to be trying to change history and denying the spirit of Sabah’s nationhood which his father upheld.
“But thank God, the historical knowledge and the firmness of the opposition leaders, especially Star and SAPP leaders, quickly silenced Salleh and Abdul Rahman who actually lost the media debate. Truth prevailed, but I wonder what other new twisted ideas the Umno leaders will come up with before the general election.”
Awang said Sabahans must by now be made to realize the stark possibility of bona fide Sabahans losing their state to the foreigners due to our failure to understand our own rights. “Our past leaders were hoodwinked into accepting all sorts of legislations that surrendered our rights to Malaya, but now Umno leaders in Sabah are working openly to take away whatever little rights we have got left,” he added.
Awang feels strongly that the Muslims in Sabah who aren't Malays are trying to be more Malays than the real Malays from the Peninsula, and most Sabahans Muslims who are in Umno are now behaving as if they will be the last bastion for Umno members in Malaysia and are obviously defending Umno more than the Peninsula Malays themselves.
“But they need to realize that the Malays in Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perak in Penang had rejected Umno in 2008 election and there is no sign that UMNO would regain the Malays support which they lost in that election,” he said. “There is also a strong indication that more Malays in Negeri Sembilan, Terengganu, Johor and Melaka will reject Umno in GE13. Even Tun Daim Zainuddin said only three states are safe for BN in the next general election.
“Ironically, Sabah Umno members who are not Malays, including KDMs, are supporting Umno as if Umno is their god,” he said. “Why are Salleh and Rahman so willing to distort history? Are they against what their fathers believed? Or maybe there are trying very hard to ingratiate themselves to Umno, to Musa and Najib, to climb up the political ladders?
“It was such a relief that a few months ago, Lahad Datu assemblyman Datuk Nasrun Mansor proposed that only Sabah natives should become legislatures, all because Nasrun had enough conscience to worry about foreigners with ICs have outnumbered the locals in some areas and are beginning to demand political representation.
“Most Sabahans don’t even realize that we have already lost five territories. We have lost Labuan to the federal territory, we have lost Tawau, Lahad Datu, Sandakan and Kinabatangan to the foreigners whose population has exceeded the locals. What assurance can UMNO give the Sabahans that the foreigners won’t be able to contest in elections in the near future?
“If we allow Umno/BN to win in the next election, we will lose more territories to the foreigners, such as DUN Karambunai, Tanjung Aru, Petagas, Kawang and Liawan which are already under serious threat as the foreigners form between 20 to 30 percent of the voters.
Awang is also worried that Umno will produce more so-called Malays by awarding ICs to more foreigners. He said the Mobile National Registration Services will continue to operate and they are foreigner-friendly and the agents for the foreigners are actively monitoring the schedule of mobile NRD operations to fully benefit from them.
“As such we all need to wake up to this reality, and to oppose the pro-foreigner attitude of many Sabah Umno leaders, or our future generations will suffer and curse us for our neglect and inaction,” he said.
raymond tombung
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Sabah Umno betraying Sabahans’ interests – Star
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rejim PENJAJAH UMNgOk lebih kejam drpd british!!!
ReplyDeleteJeffrey sanggup menggunakan perjuangan UBA sebagai alat politik untuk mempromosikan parti politik Star. Ramai aktivis UBA juga tidak lagi menyokong perbuatan Jeffrey dan berkeputusan untuk mengikuti UMNO semula.
ReplyDeletePKR kata rakyat Sabah tidak memberi mandat kepada Star untuk mewakili Sabah dalam perjuangan hak mereka.
ReplyDeleteJK sebagai pemimpin yang mempunyai rekod lompar parti terbanyak hnya mengejar kepentingan diri. tidak nampak apa perjuangan sebenar dia.. lepas ini tidak mustahil dia akan keluar dari Star.
ReplyDeleteJK tkkan dpt kepercayaan penduduk Sabah lagi.
ReplyDeletesokong pendapat sdr 'pirit' diatas.
ReplyDeleteJK amat dikenali dengan rekod lompat parti.
ReplyDeletesampai sekarang, parti pembangkang masih lagi tidak bersatu.
ReplyDeletestar masih baru, belum tahu lagi sejauhmana keikhlasan mereka.
ReplyDeletebanyak parti sudah di Sabah ni. jadi pandai-pandailah rakyat pilih siapa yang diorang mahu sokong.
ReplyDeleteApa sahaja yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan pasti sentiasa tidak kena di mata Jeffery.
ReplyDeleteRakyat kena fikir sedalam2nya bila masa mengundi.
ReplyDeletesejarah negara digunakan sebagai alat politik...mana pakar2 sejarah kita? mereka harus memberi komen untuk mendiamkan mulut ahli2 politik..
ReplyDeleterakyat juga jangan terus percaya pada kata2 ahli2 politik...dalami ilmu seberapa banyak yang boleh...kita ada otak untuk berfikir dan menilai..
ReplyDeleteUBF digunakan sebagai alat politik Star untuk meraih sokongan...patutlah ramai ahli2 UBF bertindak keluar dari pertubuhan tersebut..
ReplyDeleteparti pembangkang di sabah masih belum lagi bernaung di bawah satu payung...undi pembangkang pasti akan pecah..
ReplyDeleteadakah Star yakin menang di semua 32 kerusi yang Star mahu bertanding? sebab sudah pasti parti pembangkang lain seperti SAPP juga mengintai kerusi2 tersebut...
ReplyDeleteberdasarkan kepada situasi politik pembangkang di sabah sekarang, BN sabah pasti akan menang pada pru13 nanti..
ReplyDeletebila BN lagi PRU k 13..senanglah PATI yg dah conquore Sabah selama nih. Bagus rakyat Sabah, anda dipihak PATI.
ReplyDeleteParti pembangkang tidak mungkin kerjasama, masing-masing ada niat dan agenda untuk dicapai.
ReplyDeleteSTAR masih baru, bukan mudah untuk menambat hati dan memenangi kerusi yang begitu banyak ditandingi.
ReplyDeleteSabahans must vote for BN
ReplyDeleteBN masih bolah menang lagi, 2008 dulu BN cuma kalah 2 kawasan saja.
ReplyDeleteJK mengunakan Parti Star untuk kepentingan peribadi beliau.
ReplyDeleteRakyat jangan mudah terpedaya dengan kata2 pembangkang, mereka akan cakap apa saja untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteJangan percaya dengan JK, raja lompat parti, jika Star tidak berjaya, lepas ni beliau lompat lagi.
ReplyDeleteRakyat harus bijak memilih, jangan ikut perasaan apabila mengundi, pilih parti yang benar2 dapat membantu kita.
ReplyDeleteUNdi BN untuk kebaikan kita juga.
ReplyDeletesusah juga mau undi star, nanti mana tau JK lompat parti lagi.
ReplyDeleteBN sekarang ini tidak seperti apa yang difikirkan oleh sesetengah pihak. Mereka lebih berkerja keras untuk membantu rakyat. Terutama sekali dikawasan luar bandar. Namun memang kita tahu masalah masih berlaku seperti bekalan air bersih, jalan raya, dan sebagainya. Tapi untuk melaksanakan perkara ini bukannya kerja cakap saja terus siap. tapi memerlukan perancangan yang sebaiknya. Pelbagai procedure perlu diikuti.
ReplyDeleteBN pencuri dan perompak hasil bumi sabah terutamanya minyak 95% c najib ambil......BN selama 49 tahun memerintah sampai skrg jalan raya di kawasan luar bandar di Sabah masih lagi seperti tempat untuk tanam padi...kalau hujan banyak lumpur.....lepastu BN memberi Kad pengenalan kepada warga asing seperti pakistan........