Friday, July 13, 2012

Rahman Dahlan under more fire for saying Sabah was a unitary Malaysian state

KOTA KINABALU: STAR has been getting too much on Umno’s nerve, and this explains the apparent desperation of Umno and BN to invent new ways to discredit the campaign issues of Star which has been going down well with the masses.

STAR’S Sabah Chairman Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said this is proven by the latest statement by Kota Belud Member of Parliament Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan who stated ealier this week that Sabah was a unitary state in Malaysia from the beginning of Malaysia’s formation on September 16, 1963.

“They had lost the media debate on the big issue of 20 Point being still relevant, even crucial to the very existence of Malaysia,” Jeffrey said. “And now they are moving to one of the most important issue being hammered by STAR into the minds of Sabahans and Sarawakians, which was the nation status of the Borneo states within the federation of Malaysia.”

Yesterday Jeffrey said that Sabah’s original status as a nation was well-documented in Point 18 of the 20 Points in which it was promised that Sabah’s Head of States was to be called “Yang Di Pertua Negara” and this was used earlier on, while the Tunku himself had promised that “Sabah and Sarawak will not become the 12th and 13th states of Malaya.”

Jeffrey believes that Rahman has been assigned by the BN leadership to raise this new media debate as part of the BN’s strategy to discredit the opposition;’s campaign.

“But unfortunately for BN, by Dahlan disturbing the hornets’ nest, STAR and SAPP have reaped a lot of propaganda benefits by making compelling arguments against him,” Jeffrey said. “I have even challenged Dahlan to organize a gathering of BN leaders for me to make a full presentation on the issue.

“As I see it, Rahman’s remark that Sabah and Sarawak joined the Federation as the 12th and 13th States of Malaysia is a typical UMNO stand that not only reflects his lack of understanding of history on the formation of Malaysia but confirms my opinion that many of our Sabah leaders are mere stooges and proxies of Kuala Lumpur leaders.

“These Sabah leaders, no longer have the heart and desires to fight for the special rights and position of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia,” Jeffrey said. “One cannot simply pick up a paragraph in the proclamation which mention Sabah and Sarawak along with the States in Malaya that this makes the two independent States as simply additions to the existing States of Malaya. If this was the case, then why bother to call it Malaysia? Why not simply add Sabah and Sarawak as States of Malaya? Or why did the British bother to give independence and nationhood to Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah (North Borneo) before forming Malaysia?

“In fact, Tun Fuad was even quoted rejecting Malaysia should Sabah and Sarawak be made the 12th/13th States saying, ‘If we had been asked to join Malaysia at the time Malaya achieved independence and Britain made it possible for us, the story would have been a different one. Now that 'Merdeka' has been Malaya’s for some years. And we are still struggling towards it, Malaya’s proposal that we join the 12th, 13th and 14th states savours of imperialism, of a drive to turn us into Malayan colonies to join Malaya, while we are still colonies the Implication is to hand (ourselves) over to your control.’

“Even Tunku Abdul Rahman was quoted in giving the assurance that ‘The important aspect, of the Malaysia ideal as I see it, is that it will enable the Borneo territories to transform their present colonial status to self-government for themselves and absolute independence in Malaysia simultaneously.’”

Jeffrey argued that Rahman should also understand that Malaysia’s Constitution is supposed to be a completely new Constitution and that Sabah and Sarawak promulgated their own Constitution and national anthem which give clear indications that it is a nation among a group of nations in a new Federation called Malaysia.

“Who are the other nations? Namely, Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak,” he said. “These nation States along with Britain signed the Malaysia Agreement, 1963 to form the Federation of Malaysia based agreed terms and conditions and they had nothing to do with the subservient unitary States of Malaya.

“The fact that the then proposed Federation was not to be a unitary State but to be a new sovereign state within a family of nations was clearly set out in the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) Report which states that: ‘FEDERATION NOT UNITARY: All delegations acknowledge the desirability that all component States should retain their identity and autonomy, the possibility of Malaysia being formed as a unitary State was never considered; FEDERATION DEFINED: An association of several Sovereign States with a central organ vested with powers directly over the citizens of the member State and in certain defined circumstances over the member States themselves. There would be a Central Government and also State Governments, but from the view point of international law, the collection of States forming the Federation would be recognized as one Sovereign State within a family of nations.’”

“Rahman should therefore, find it in his heart to defend the position of Sabah as a partner of four entities in forming the Federation with its autonomy and special rights, which include him as beneficiary rather than run down our struggles to restore these rights.

“Once again I am prepared to give MP Rahman and other Sabah UMNO/BN leaders a full account of how Sabah had been played out and down-graded from 1 of 4 equal partners to 1 of 13 states in a special briefing session with the press.”

-Raymond tombung

Write comments
  1. Rahman seakan-akan cuba memisongkan fakta sejarah. Rakyat dan genarasi muda sudah faham politik berbentuk "PEMISONGAN".Tetap**

  2. apa mau expect drpd org yg menetap di malaya???

  3. Pendidikan sejarah di Sabah perlu lebih detail lagi mengenai sejarah2 berkaitan dengan Sabah.

  4. Pasti rakyat tahu menilai semua tu.

  5. Stop accusing BN for every fault!!!

  6. STAR memang nak menjatuhkan kerajaan.

    1. STAR cuma nak tuntut hak2 rakyat Borneo brdasarkan 20p dan MA63. Salah ker??

  7. Jangan terpengaruhi kata-kata STAR!!

  8. Mengapa nak menburukkan kerajaan? jangan percaya pembangkang.

  9. Pembangkang ialah pembangkang............

  10. Ini cuma pandangan Datuk Rahman Dahlan sahaja.

  11. Masih ramai rakyat lagi yang keliru dengan isu pembentukan Malaysia.

  12. kenapa bah ni ada saja kenyataan yang bercanggah dikeluarkan? Mana pakar sejarah? Siapa yang layak menentukan kebenaran/tafsiran sesebuah sejarah?

  13. Pemimpin lain kata apa? Atau ni tafsiran Rahman sendiri?

  14. apa pula kata pakar sejarah?

  15. lebih baik merukuk kepada pakar2 sejarah berbanding dengan ahli2 politik yang mana hanya tahu memanipulasikan fakta sejarah..

  16. satu pihak lain cakap, pihak yang lain pun lain cakap...buat rakyat keliru saja..

  17. rakyat kena bijak menilai...jangan percaya bulat2 apa yang dikatakan oleh ahli2 politik..

  18. undilah dengan bijak pada pru13 nanti..

  19. pandai2 lah rakyat menilai...

  20. SI ARD ni pun saja menambahkan ketegangan. Sudah tahu sekarang ni dekat PRU dan kecenderungan utk melihat sesuatu hal itu secara negatif adalah tinggi, masih juga dia cakap mcm tu.

  21. Semoga rakyat bijak membuat penilaian dalam isu ini.

  22. Pandai-pandailah rakyat membuat penilai seterusnya buat keputusan yang tepat next GE nanti.

  23. Apa yang dilaporkan oleh media tidak semesting tepat 100%. Jadi cara terbaik ialah kita lihat dulu sejauh mana para 'calon' mampu menambat hati rakyat.

  24. Jadilah pengundi yang bijak kerana hanya kita yang mampu melakukan 'mujizat'...

  25. Apapun yang dikata oleh orang lain, rakyat harus tapis dulu supaya tak tersalah terima fakta salah. hehehe

  26. Kalau mau tahu perkara sbnr, buatlah research sendiri bah. Jgn tangkap pecaya ckp org saja ya? Barulah boleh menilai dgn setelus-telusnya.

  27. Fakta itu penting, fella Sabahan, bacalah sejarah yg sedia Ada

  28. pengetahuan sejarah penting agar kita tau identiti kita dan hak2 kita.

  29. Kita perlu fahami sejarah kita sendiri.

  30. Jangan dengar cakap pembangkang, mereka hanya ingin mempengaruhi rakyat untuk tidak menyokong BN.

  31. Sejarah harus mengikut fakta dan kebenaran.

  32. Sejarah tidak harus direka. Harus ditulis mengikut apa yang benar.

  33. sejarah haruslah difahami dengan sebaiknya.

  34. biar pakar yang mengulas pekara ini.

  35. setuju dengan deri, isu macam ini biarlah pakar yang memberikan pandangan.

  36. semua harus pandang ke depan untuk majukan Sabah, itu yang penting.

  37. harap isu ini tidak dipolitikkan oleh mana-mana pihak.

  38. Semua ini sebab dekatnya PRU sudah.

  39. Tidak hairanlah sekarang ini pelbagai isu mula dibangkitkan. Terutama sekali dari pihak pembangkang.

  40. kesimpulannya, ahli2 politik tidak layak dan tidak berhak bercakap soal penubuhan atau perjanjian Malaysia.. lain haluan politik, maka lain la penjelasan yang mereka buat.. semuanya tindakan dan percakapan mereka hanya untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka..

  41. lebih baik pihak2 yang arif berkenaan dengan undang2 atau sejarah saja yang membincangkan isu ini.. bukan pihak2 yang arif dalam politik..


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