Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Inhuman Act On Proboscis

AS A CONCERNED citizen related to cruelty to animals, and wild creatures of Borneo, I read with dismay and absolutely disapproved the manner in which a wild proboscis monkey was treated in an ‘inhuman’ way by way of tagging the wild creature with a clumsy satellite tag tied around its neck for experimental and monitoring the movement of this animal in the wild, while disregarding the natural habits and freedom of movement in its natural habitat.

This is tantamount to ‘cruelty to animals’, including that of the wild animals in the jungles. This poor creature would have to live for the rest of its natural life being tagged around its neck like a prisoner without the proper natural freedom in its movement.

This would affect the animal in many ways.

What the department for wildlife and the management of Danua Girang field centre should have done was to fit an alternative micro chip or, tiny electromagnetic device instead of the clumsy, uncomfortable satellite tag (see picture) around its neck region that could hurt the proboscis monkey and affect its natural movement in its natural habitat.


Write comments
  1. Kejam betul cara mereka melayan monyet tersebut. Tidak berperikemanusiaan langsung.

  2. Sudahkah DAP tolong menghubungi PETA mengenai hal ini?

  3. Make a complaint to the PETA.

  4. rasanya alat yang diletakkan di leher monyet tu bagi tujuan eksperimen akan mengganggu pergerakan monyet tu. lebih baik gunakan alat yang bersaiz lebih kecil dan ringan.

  5. Why must use satellite tag? Aren't they have any alternative for this? Pity the monkey.

  6. kebajikan binatang jg harus diutamakan.

  7. seuju dengan Isaac, sebaiknya jika guna alat yang lebih kecil..

  8. Mungkin juga itu untuk kajian. Tapi agak-agaklah barang yang diletak dileher itu. Mesti monyek ini tidak selesa.

  9. kesiannya spesis monyet berhidung besar ini...dijadikan bahan ujikaji.

  10. betul, perbuatan tersebut boleh menjejaskan pergerakan habitat semulajadinya.

  11. Aren't there suppose to be a smaller device for monitoring the animal movement???

  12. This sorta complaints should be made to PETA.

  13. I see they put this thing to elephant, tiger etc in discovery channel and NGS. Should be no harm.

  14. Find something smaller to minimize the risk of harm to the animal.

  15. If something do not handle well, animal can be use a issue.

  16. Gunalah microchip yang tidak akan menjadi gangguan terhadap pengerakan monyet tersebut.

  17. mereka tidak akan sewenang2nya meletakkan beban kepada haiwan kajian mereka. penggunaan alatan itu tentunya telah melalui proses pertimbangan sebelum digunakan.. malah mereka lebih tahu bidang kerja mereka berbanding dengan ahli2 politik..

  18. Cadangan kegunaan microchip boleh dipertimbangkan.

  19. Proboscis monkey are one of the natural treasure from God, we must appreciate it. protect it and take good care of them.

  20. I support the authority's effort to protect the creature but must use the proper way to do it.


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