Thursday, July 21, 2011

Re-Instate MOE In Sabah

DAP Sabah supports call to leave the Sabah own Educational development to Sabah. DAP also calls for the re-instatement of the Ministry of Education in Sabah.

Junz Wong who is DAP Sabah Assistant Secretary echoed the call by Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun to give more power to the Sabah Education Department.

Junz said the Sabah Education Department must have the power to decide and implement projects to develop the State's education system especially in training and in the recruitment of teachers.

Junz added he has received feedbacks that many school buildings are in need of repair and renovation but the remedial and improvement works are unable to be carried out unless Putrajaya is consulted.

Even trivial matters will need a nod from Putrajaya he said. Thus It is pertinent that Sabah needs to re-instate the Sabah Ministry of Education to ensure prompt actions and consistent development to the Sabah Education system.

Junz Wong, who is also DAP Sabah KK Youth Chief calls on Education Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin to re-instate the Education Ministry powers not just for the autonomy but also for effectiveness and efficiency to better promote educational interest in Sabah.

Sabah has had a Ministry of Education in the early years of independence so there is no reason why the Federal government is against the re-instatement of the Ministry if such move can enhance the education in Sabah, Junz concluded.

By : DAP MEDIA (sabahkini)

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  1. Menteri Pendidikan Sabah patut diberikan kuasa untuk membagunkan sistem pendidikan negeri kita.

  2. Dalam Perjanjian Perkara 20, Sabah sepatutnya mengawal sistem pendidikan sendiri tanpa perlu melalui kerajaan pusat.

  3. Kerajaan Persekutuan seperti tidak mengendahkan sudah Perkara 20 itu. Ini sangat membimbangkan.

  4. Our education minister in Sabah knows best for the sabahan. THey should be given the power to develop the education system in Sabah.

  5. Hopefully the government will consider giving the sabah education minister the power.

  6. Kementerian Pendidikan tak ada respon tentang isu inikah?

  7. Sabah bukannya kecil. Takkan semua keputusan termasuk yang kecil2 pun harus mendapat persetujuan Putrajaya untuk dilaksanakan. Sampai bila mahu tunggu. Belum termasuk masalah birokrasi lagi. Macam manalah mahu maju kalau begini.

  8. seharusnya Sabah diberikan kuasa untuk menguruskan dan memajukan pendidikan di negeri ini.

  9. harap Kementerian Pendidikan di Sabah diberikan kuasa autonomi.

  10. Sabah perlu ada hak dan kuasa untuk mengatur sektor pendidikan sindiri.

  11. MOE diperlukan di Sabah! Semua perkara remeh pun kena tunggu persetujuan daripada Kerajaan Pusat, sampai bila kita boleh selesaikan masalah?

  12. Berikan kerajaan negeri Sabah kuasa sepenuhnya menguruskan dalam pendidikan di negeri itu. Ini kerana jika berterusan menunggu peruntukkan dan pengurusan dari persekutuan pasti sekolah dinegeri itu mengalami kekurangan.

  13. give sabah the autonomy..

  14. ni sikit2 mo rujuk putrajaya..buat susah saja...

  15. sabah berhak mengurus sektor pendidikannya sendiri..

  16. Actually everything happens in Sabah are belong to us.Why have to shift the power to them?

  17. Kembalikan kuasa itu kepada kerajaan sabah.

  18. I support you Masidi.

  19. Harap kerajaan Pusat akan meluluskan cadangan ini untuk memberi kuasa kepada Menteri pendidikan Sabah.

  20. apa sahaja projek dibawah bidang kuasa kerajaan persekutuan pasti menimbulkan masalah. bukan pertama kali isu ini dibangkitkan.. ada baiknya jika kerajaan negeri diberi kuasa sepenuhnya melaksanakan apa sahaja pembangunan di negeri ini tanpa merujuk kepada kerajaan persekutuan.

  21. MOE must be reinstated in Sabah.


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