Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dr M: Najib mesti turun kalau prestasi PRU buruk

Dr M: Najib mesti turun kalau prestasi PRU burukSeperti penggantinya Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebelum ini, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak juga perlu berundur sekiranya gagal menunjukkan prestasi baik dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang, kata Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

"Saya kata secara teorinya, jika beliau tidak melakukan dengan baik, sudah tentu kedudukannya tidak stabil," kata bekas perdana menteri dalam sidang media di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Beliau diminta mengulas wawancaranya dengan agensi berita antarabangsa AFP, di mana beliau dilaporkan berkata demikian. Beliau bagaimanapun menjelaskan perkara itu pendapat peribadinya yang yang mungkin tidak sepatutnya keluar.

Menjawab soalan lain, Dr Mahathir enggan menamakan pihak yang patut menggantikan Najib sekiranya beliau berundur.

"Saya tidak ada sebarang calon. Saya tidak jangkakan perkara ini akan berlaku... Saya hanya bercakap daripada segi teori," katanya lagi.

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  1. Bukan setakat Najib ate gerombolannyer...BN tu rakyat akan humbang ke longkang sbg mana Mahathir nak humban raja2 klongkang jika tidak brsetuju dgn pindaan prlembagaan thn 80an dulu. Sbg mana dia berani ugut YDP Besar N9..almarhum Tuanku Jaffar mlalui telefon.

  2. jgn susah dr M, rakyat yg akan kc turun BN secara menyeluruh dlm GE13 nanti...

  3. The opposition coalition should be singing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s praises, instead of criticising him for his ‘delay’ in dissolving Parliament to make way for the 13th general election, said Dr Mohd Khir Toyo.

  4. In coming to the prime minister’s defence, the former Selangor menteri besar said he is confident Najib will serve to the fullest extent of his term, a move which “deserves commendation”.

  5. “This is an important democratic note for the country. The prime minister chose to abandon his privilege to call for a snap election,” Mohd Khir wrote in his blog today.

  6. “Hasn’t the opposition always complained that they do not have enough time to campaign and accused Barisan National of unprofessionalism for announcing a snap election?

  7. “Now that everyone knows when the election will be, there is no longer any element of surprise, Pakatan (Rakyat) is still not satisfied. What do they really want?”

  8. Nak bagi mandat lg ke? Mandat bermaksud tambah hutang negara dan menambah kekayaan kepada kroni2 sedia ada... siapa yg akan membankrapkan negara nie?

  9. Sokongan rakyat terhadap kerajaan pusat di bawah pimpinan Barisan Nasional (BN) dan konsep gagasan 1Malaysia adalah kukuh, kata Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

  10. Ahmad Zahid berkata Presiden UMNO telah melakukan pelbagai hamparan perkhidmatan kepada setiap kumpulan sasar dan kajian yang dibuat itu menunjukkan kerajaan BN masih relevan di hati rakyat.

  11. Tun Daim Zainuddin, seorang mantan menteri kabinet yang terkenal dengan “mulutnya yang masin” dan sering menjadi rujukan para penganalisis politik tempatan di negara ini.Terbaru, beliau diwawancara media arus perdana yang membangkitkan tentang isu menjelang PRU ke-13 yang bakal diadakan tidak lama lagi.

  12. Sebelum PRU ke-12 dulu, Tun Daim pernah memberi pandangannya pada media dan menjangkakan BN akan kehilangan beberapa buah negeri di utara dan Selangor. Namun ketika itu ramai yang tidak percaya padanya.Hanya selepas terbukti jangkaannya itu, barulah ramai yang buka mata. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, “lepas terhantuk, baru tengadah”…

  13. Dalam temubualnya baru-baru ini, beliau menjangkakan bahawa rakyat Malaysia akan memberi mandat pada Presiden BN, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, dan menafikan sokongan pada Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

  14. Pada beliau, Najib lebih relevan untuk terus diberikan mandat oleh rakyat ekoran prestasinya sebagai Perdana Menteri yang jauh lebih baik berbanding apa yang ditawarkan oleh Anwar yang tidak realistik dan terdesak nak jadi PM.

  15. Paling menarik, bekas Menteri Kewangan itu menyatakan bahawa masa dan peluang Anwar sudah berlalu dan dia perlu bersara saja dari terus mencipta ketidakstabilan politik, sekaligus mengancam keselamatan serta ekonomi negara.

  16. Beliau turut menjangka bahawa sekiranya Anwar diberi peluang menjadi PM di negara ini, Ketua Pembangkang itu akan menjahanamkan negara melalui nasihat-nasihat dari rakan-rakannya dari IMF, Bank Dunia dan Paul Wolfowitz.

  17. Dari segi teorinya juga bukan setakat najib aje yang kena turun kalau pretasi buruk, yang dah pencen, yang banyak sangat bercakap lepas pencen, yang jual negara bagi IC kat pendatang asing pun secara teorinya juga akan disumbat kedalam jel...

  18. Dalam UMNGOK ada 3 kategori:

    1, mamang bodoh
    2, suka diperbodoh
    4. bodoh sombong

    papa gomo kat mana ekk???

  19. Former premier Mahathir Mohamad has criticized every prime minister of Malaysia from the late Tunku Abdul Rahman to the current leader Najib Razak, sparing no one except of course, himself. Mahathir has also criticized other world leaders including UK’s Tony Blair and of course George W Bush, the 43rd president of the United States.

  20. So far none of his local peers have swung back at him, which is not surprising considering that several are already dead and only Najib and 5th prime minister Abdullah Badawi are alive. As for the international leaders, they have largely ignored Mahathir’s existence, which only adds to his frustration, but there is nothing he can do to them.

  21. When Mahathir retired in 2003, after 22 years as PM, there was talk about his ‘great’ legacy and he was even called Bapa Pemodenan or Father of Modernization. Some 9 years after his retirement, the excesses and sheer ill-judgement of his economic, social and political decisions have come back to wallop the nation with a backlash stronger than the ferocious tsunami of 2006 that devastated much of South Asia.

  22. At 86, Mahathir is now reviled by most Malaysians, blamed for the massive corruption that may soon bankrupt the country if no remedial economic action is taken, and for the apartheid-scale racial fissures amongst the various ethnic groups in the country.

  23. Just pick the New Economic Policy, which was the brainchild of the policymakers of the 1960s but which he abused to the maximum. This abuse alone is enough to ensure that he will stay in the Malaysian Hall of Villains rather than in the Hall of Fame which he still thinks he belongs in.

  24. This was Mahathir’s first and major mistake. But was it really a mistake? Doubters and critics point to the enormous wealth he accumulated for his cronies and proxies through the money-making schemes hatched under the guise of the NEP, and by privatizing government assets to favored Malay entrepreneurs, one of whom is the disgraced former MAS chairman Tajudin Ramli. Not able to deal with the ‘instant success’ or the stress of big time business, many succumbed to debt during the 1998 Asian financial crisis. Tajudin and friends like Halim Saad fell from hero to zero, losing enormous amounts of money and requiring massive government bailouts.

  25. Mahathir’s ego and unconscious desire to be a dictator is his sixth mistake. He amended the constitution to weaken the Agong and the Sultans and then made sure that the law and enforcement bodies obeyed him. He sacked the Chief Justice Tun Salleh Abbas and closed both eyes when judges were openly bought by those who had money. It would be tough for Malaysians and their investors to fully trust the judiciary system again. This is why the Umno-BN has lost its integrity and the people their faith in the coalition. Malaysians will always distrust whatever Umno-BN does even if it may be well-intentioned.

  26. To prevent the disintegration of his policies and his misdeeds from being exposed, Mahathir had to resort to his favorite racial politics. He had to convince the Malays that what he had done was necessary and in their interests. He kept for himself the great jewels and gave out the small chips so as to convince the Malays that the war against the other races was real. The non-Malays had to be kept back. Thus the budget allocations for places like BTN or the National Civics Bureau where Malay graduates and civil servants were openly taught to be suspicious of the other races.

  27. But not all the Malays bought it. Such teachings were against Islam and also against universal values. The Malays were left confused, while the non-Malays totally sidelined. So being racist is Mahathir’s seventh mistake.

  28. Yet Mahathir stubbornly refuses to accept or to admit to his mistakes. This is one man who refuses to face up to reality. He is not really interested in the welfare of Malaysians at all, not even the Malays or Umno. He only wants to save his face and to make sure that his son Mukhriz will become prime minister no matter what deals he has to execute with the current batch of Umno warlords to effect this.

  29. Penulis2 utusan pemfitnah pun ada sini juga ke? Malas la aku nak dengar laporan yang sudah basi.... rakyat dah muak dengar sandiwara orang2 bn umno nie... dah byk rahsia yg terbarai.... masih gak nak dipertahankan... ingat bila time pilihan raya bn umno bukan kerajaan lg... jgn pulak nak bgtau org2 kampung bn umno tu org2 kerajaan....

  30. Kami menanti keputusan PRU13.

  31. BN dicabar giat oleh pembangkang.

  32. JIka Najib berundur, siapakah agaknya penggantinya?

  33. Najib will do anything to stay in power. Just wait and see.

  34. The people is the one who decide who to resign.

  35. Malaysia ni masih lagi diiktiraf sebagai negara ke-3

    Negara ke-3 tu maksudnya tempat longgokan produk domestik yang masih dalam ujian keselamatan. Rakyat negara ke-3 ibarat tikus makmal, kalau kenyataan saya ini tidak BENAR sila perbetulkan..

  36. Kerajaan skrg walaupun x memberi byk pd rakyat, bahkan yg diambil lebih byk utk mereka, telah menghasilkan hutang melepasi rm500 bilion (melepasi kadar yg dibenarkan). Ini simply berlaku krn ketirisan, rasuah, pengaliran wang haram dll yg didasari sikap x amanah & telus. Ini adalah petunjuk kearah bangkrap/muflis x lama lagi, jika kerajaan ini x ditukar dlm kadar segera. Dgn polisi kerajaan skrg, setiap warga malaysia telah pun berhutang samada mereka sedar atau pun x. Kamu x perasan ker, atau buat2 x perasan wahai husni??...

  37. Contoh yg paling dekat, bagaimana PR dpt bagi pd rakyat, tanpa menyebabkan berlaku defisit & hutang meningkat (bahkan ada lebihan lagi), ialah kerajaan selangor. Bagi air percuma (yg dikata umno akan bangkrapkan kerajaan pd mulanya) & sgala mcm kebajikan pd rakyat, bukan sj x ada defisit & kenaikan kadar hutang, bahkan ada lebihan rezab tunai yg dah mencecah rm2.6 bilion. Saya cabar kamu, adakah mana2 kerajaan negeri bawah pentadbiran bn mencapai kecemerlangan sebegini?? Yg byk berlaku, kadar hutang & defisit meningkat adalah! Ini menunjukkan, bahawa apa yg dicanangkan kerajaan baru PR adalah mungkin dilaksanakan, tanpa masalah langsung...

  38. Klau kita telus bantu rakyat, x timbul langsung soal berlaku defisit & penambahan hutang negara. Bahkan, ekonomi akan menjadi berkat & bertambah. Bila x diurus dgn betul & amanah, maka yg ada byk pun boleh hilang begitu sj, bahkan menambahkan lagi hutang. Itulah yg berlaku diera pemerintahan bn, duit x cukup2, hutang semakin meningkat, & defisit pulak naik berterusan (dah 15 thn berturut2)...

  39. Kata DaTo' Sri Najib, Ekonomi Malaysia 6% naik. Tetapi kenapa duit thailand lebih tinggi nilainya dari RM. Skrg 1 RM= 9.4 Bath.(kebiasaan 1 Rm tidak jatuh dari 10bath) Tidak pernah dalam sejarah, duit thailand lebih tinggi dari RM. Tidak mustahil, harga barang di Malaysia akan naik.. Rujuk : graf perbandingan :
    Bila Nilai matawang rendah, agaknya ekonomi tidak aktif atau hutang banyak berbanding negara lain. Negara singapura kecil, nilai duitnya besar. Jika nilai wang kecil, barang luar tidak boleh masuk kedalam negara sebab mahal. Bgmn ingin beli spare part dari luar. tentu jejas kilang-kilang. Singapura kaya walau tiada sawit, getah, minyak dll. Tapi ia sebuah negara perdagangan atau transaction. Kepada ahli-ahli ekonomik tolong jawab.

  40. Dr M is always trying to divert our attention away from the Project IC.

  41. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, the architect of numerous government transformation programmes and the 1Malaysia concept, is the preferred choice of Sabahans to continue as the prime minister of Malaysia, said Sabah Legislative Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, reiterating that “there will be no political tsunami hitting Sabah in the upcoming general election”.

  42. He said this was evident from the strong grassroots support and large turnout to welcome Najib during his recent visit to Sabah to drum up support ahead of the general election that has been called “the mother of all battles”.
    Salleh said this was also consistent with the findings of a recent survey conducted by the Merdeka Centre, rating Najib’s popularity at the comfortable level of more than 70 per cent.

  43. “With the magic touch of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept in transforming the country for a better future, I believe the voters will return BN in the 13th General Election to continue to rule Sabah with a comfortable majority.

  44. “Having said that, I do not think a polls tsunami will hit Sabah,” he said in his lecture, entitled “Malaysian 2013 General Election: Will Polls Tsunami Hit Sabah?”, at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, yesterday. — Bernama

  45. Najib pasti lakukan yang terbaik untuk Sabah.

  46. PM Najib antara yang terbaik.

  47. BN pasti akan menjadi pemimpin yang terbaik.

  48. Diharapkan rakyat bijak untuk memilih kerajaan.

  49. whatever guys. My advise, be wise in making judgment and casting your votes. Spilling the floor with pails of saliva to convince the people is just like insisting your mum and dad for a sweet strawberry candy that your teeth are still strong and will not rotten.


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