Thursday, July 7, 2011

SAPP Launch Radio Online

THE 1st Sabah political party to have their own radio online. Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth Movement will be organizing the launching the SabahRadiotv an online media on the 9th July, 2011 at 1.30pm at headquarter in Bornion Centre, Luyang, Kota Kinabalu.

According to its organizing chairman, John Stephen, the aim of RadioSabahtv is to provide alternative media coverage of events, politics, issues, etc that is ‘clean, brave and truth’ to the people of Sabah in fighting the same cause with BERSIH agenda. Only with clean, fair and free elections will Sabah gain autonomy and a respectable government of the people, for the people, by the people of Sabah. One of the key requisites of clean, fair and free elections is the freedom of the expression and accessibly of free media.

John said the people have long lost confidence in the government media, especially the electronic radio and television, to give any airtime and coverage to non – government news and messages.

To make matters to an intolerable level, the radio and television even broadcasted outright lies on the eve of elections so that the opposition has no time to respond. The most notorious lie in memory was the October 1990 television broadcasted that Tengku Razaleigh, as head of Gagasan Rakyat opposition coalition and party Semangat 46, had embraced Christianity for wearing a kadazan traditional head gear that bore a cross-like design. Other recent lies over the radio were during November 2010 Batu Sapi by-election.

SAPP therefore exercise self-help in fighting, as far as possible, the severe imbalances in election campaign reporting by the electronic media. With volunteers armed with basic internet equipment, SAPP’s RadioSabahtv consists of television and video clips on events relevant to Sabah, radio talk show consists of music and discussions on current issues.

Live radio broadcasts are on working days and listeners who missed the live broadcasts can tune in to the Recorded Radio section.At this point of times, RadioSabahtv is also the first and only KadazanDusun language radio that can be heard outside Sabah, giving tradional music and songs to the KDM diaspora all over the world.

“The SAPP’s SabahRadiotv has been running online on working days for sometime and can be heard in Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and KadazanDusun language. To find out further the broadcast schedule, listeners are encourage to log in at”, said John Stephen.

A prayer will be held during the opening ceremony and later officiated by SAPP President, Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck by unvelling of the new signboard. The function expected to be attended by SAPP supreme councilors and members, NGO and other political parties.

By : SAPP MEDIA (sabahkini)

Write comments
  1. congrats to SAPP. Hope this radio online will achieve their aim.

  2. Now SAPP also launch online radio.

  3. nampaknya SAPP sudah mempunyai online radio mereka sendiri.

  4. Makin 'advance' sudah SAPP sekrang.

  5. Ini sesuatu yang baru dan agak menarik. Diharap informasi2 yang disampaikan adalah berdasarkan fakta benar dan bukan serangan peribadi atau untuk kepentingan angenda sendiri saja sehingga mengelirukan pendengar.

  6. online radia ini pasti akan menjadi saluran SAPP menyampaikan propaganda mereka .

  7. waa nampaknya SAPP maju setapak dengan menggunakan radio online.

  8. Wow, seems like SAPP is getting more now.

  9. SAPP semakin pesat dengan perkembangannya.

  10. tahniah kepada SAPP..

  11. diharap saluran ini akan digunakan sebaiknya..

  12. dan diharap ianya tidak akan disalah guna..

  13. apa sahaja yang dia buat, semua untuk kepentingan politik..

  14. Nowaday people have more sources to get the latest information about politic.

  15. Congratulation to SAPP. Wish the online radio will be able to carry latest and accurate info to the public.

  16. Soon or later, all other political party will follow SAPP s step to create their own online radio.

  17. What is this radio talk about? Politic or latest news?

  18. No doubt using online radio to broadcast the party's ideology is a very efficient way.

  19. How about to setup a party news paper like PAS Harakah?


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