Bersih Sabah is standing firmly on their recent call to reject the appointment of Tan Sri Herman Luping as one of the commisioners for the recently announced Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).
In issuing a response to Tan Sri Bernard Dompok’s recent statement which suggested that Bersih Sabah are just trying to discredit the RCI, the members of the group would like to stress that the need for commissioners of integrity is paramount.
“Is there actually a point having RCI with great terms of reference (TOR) when you have commissioners and a secretary who are tarnished and bias?” questioned spokesperson of Bersih Sabah, Andrew Ambrose.
He further added that “Tan Sri Herman Luping is no doubt, a person who has contributed much to the state of Sabah. However, it is necessary to remind the government that one of the basic principles of natural justice is nemo iudex in causa nua, which literally translates to mean, ‘no one should be a judge in their own cause’.”
Such is the case with Tan Sri Herman Luping, who, in his vast experience, was the State Attorney General during PBS administration for year 1985 - 1986. He was even, at one point in time, a Deputy Chief Minister as well during the Usno-led Alliance Government (1967 - 1976).
Being a commissioner on the RCI would mean that he would be involved in the investigation of legality of the issuance of IC or granting of citizenships, and also the standard operating procedures (SOP) within the time frame of which he was serving in a very high position within the government. In short, he will be investigating his own administration.
Bersih Sabah therefore would like to ask a very important question to all the Sabahan leaders who agreed with his appointment: Can or would Tan Sri Herman Luping be impartial and independent in carrying out his duties in the RCI?
“We ask them to do the honourable thing and reject the appointment and recuse themselves before we have to openly highlight the problems. Any judge in the courts will have to recuse himself in such a biased scenario. This is what we expect of the proposed commissioners.” according to Andrew.
However, considering his experience and involvement, Bersih Sabah welcomes any contribution and suggestions on solutions and recommendations that may be given by Tan Sri Herman Luping should he wish to cooperate as not one of the commissioners. The movement also suggests that the RCI should call upon Tan Sri Herman Luping to be a witness or deponent to tell his side of the story on the illegal immigrants and project IC.
The demand to remove Tan Sri Herman Luping is only the first of a series of revelations to be issued by Bersih Sabah in the next coming weeks.
Bersih Sabah will be issuing on Wednesday the next statement, this time on KY Mustafa, who was the state of secretary from 24th April 2000 until 2nd July 2007, and succeeded by Datuk Seri Panglima Sukarti Wakiman, who assumed office on 3rd July 2007.
-bersih kk
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Bersih Sabah reject appointment of Herman Luping
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Why Herman is being hated?
ReplyDeleteWhat BERSIH has to do with Herman? They have secret hatred of each other?
ReplyDeleteBERSIH Sabah ini memang berlesen ke?
ReplyDeleteWell I think it is useless for BERSIH to ask for such thing.
ReplyDeleteWas it Bersih or Atama himself who is not agree with Herman's appointment?
ReplyDeletePemilihan sudah dibuat. Nak bangkang pun tak guna. Kita tunggu hasil siasatan.
ReplyDeleteHerman Luping was not guilty, right? So what's the big deal?
ReplyDeleteBiarlah BERSIH dengan sebersih2nya.
ReplyDeleteWalau bagaimana pun, Herman Luping akan tetap berada dalam kumpulan penal RCI.
ReplyDeleteKeputusan mengenai hal2 panel sudah muktamad.
ReplyDeleteKita lihat bagaimana Herman dalam membantu menyelesaikan masalah PTI. Jika beliau tidak bersungguh2 untuk sama2 menyiasat, tidak ada gunanya beliau di lantik sebagai ahli RCI.
ReplyDeleteHarap beliau memberi yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAtama mahu cari publisiti saja bah tu...kan dia artis...biasalah artis mahu cari publisiti supaya nanti keluar album, lakulah..
ReplyDeletetidak payah layan lah cakap2 si atama ni...buang masa saja..
ReplyDeletetiada RCI mahu marah, RCI ada pun mahu marah2...apalah...
ReplyDeleteBersih ni buat kacau saja...
ReplyDeleteAtama ini sengaja mencari publsiti muraha seperti Name Wey. Tak perlu peduli perbuatan kebudak-budakan seperti ini. Bagi saya, Herman Luping layak menjadi ahli dalam panel RCI, sama ada Atama suka ataupun tidak. Kerajaan membuat pertimbangan yang baik semasa membuat pelantikan ahli panel RCI tersebut.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan isu pelantikan calon RCI ini tidak akan dipertikaikan lagi, Atama jangan bidap.
ReplyDeleteWalaupun Datuk Herman Luping pernah didakwa di mahkamah atas sesuatu isu, tapi masa itu mahkamah sudah mengisytiharkan bahawa Datuk Herma tidak bersalah dan beliau dibebaskan. Apa dasar yang Atama boleh gunakan untuk menentukan bahawa Datuk Herman tidak sesuai? Jelas Atama ada dendam persendirian terhadap Datuk Herman.
ReplyDeleteadalah baik jika semua ahli panel yang terpilih orang yang jujur dan bebas dari segala jenis tuduhan dan rasuah.
ReplyDeleteApakah salahnya memberi Herman jika dia layak?
ReplyDeleteMengapa dia tidak boleh berada dalam panel RCI?
ReplyDeleteAA harus mempunyai sebab-sebab yang baik untuk tidak mahu Herman sebagai ahli panel RCI.
ReplyDeletebiarlah panel membuat keputusan..
ReplyDeleteDunia politik dengan dunia selebriti hampir sama saja kan... Mungkin pasal ni lah si Atama lantang sangat bersuara, asalkan dapat perhatian:P
ReplyDeleteSoal siapa panel untuk RCI, biarlah diputuskan dengan cara baik supaya tak menimbulkan ketidak puasahan hati lagi.
ReplyDeleteTapi saya hairan juga, kehendak rakyat utk RCI ditubuhkan dah dituruti tapi masih juga ada suara2 sumbang. huhuhu
ReplyDeleteKalau tak layak, pasti dia tak jadi panel juga tu. Jadi tak payahlah kita buat bising.
ReplyDeleteRajin si Atama bersuara:) Asalkan dia ikhlas, takpalah.. Itu haknya untuk bersuara. Tapi jangan pula sebab dia marah sebab dia tak jadi panel dah lah. hahaha
ReplyDeleteIs atama sincere or merely in it for the fame and publicity??
ReplyDeleteada2 ja bersih. Always trying to find issue. They want RCI, gov gave it to them. Now they reject the panel member.
ReplyDeleteHerman Luping has been chosen to be one of the panel members. There is nothing we can do about it.
ReplyDeleteyang menganggotai panel RCI dia bantah, tapi yang mau jadi PM dia support pula.. itu Anwar bukan setakat rasuah, skandal seks dan liwat semua dia sapu.. kenapa tidak bantah?
ReplyDeleteyang membantah pelantikan Herman Luping ni pun tidak la tinggi sangat dia punya kredibiliti.. so bagi Bersih Sabah, siapa yang paling layak menganggotai panel RCI dengan mengambil kira 100% jujur, 100% tidak pernah rasuah, 100% bersih.. pendek kata 100% sempurna la.. siapa?
ReplyDeleteada saja pihak yang cuba cetuskan isu.
ReplyDeletebersih ni seolah-olah sengaja mencari isu untuk diperbesarkan.
ReplyDeleteharap RCI ini akan berjaya mencapai matlamatnya.
ReplyDeleteRCI yang ditubuhkan diharapkan akan berjaya selesaikan masalah pati yang berlaku.
ReplyDeleteharap mereka yang dilantik jadi panel akan jalankan tugas dengan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeleteKeputusan sudah muktamad kan?
ReplyDeleteHarapkan semua pelaksanaan RCI adalah positif.
ReplyDeletePerhimpunan bersih adalah baik, tetapi cuma ada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan membuat kekecohan yang mengancam keselamatan.
ReplyDeleteHarapkan panel inki dapat menyakinkan rakyat. Bagilah sikit sokongan.
ReplyDeleteSemoga isu PATI dapat dikesan puncanya.
ReplyDeleteIsu PATI tidak akan berpanjangan dengan adanya RCI.
ReplyDeleteMatlamat RCI memang dah jelas, kami menantikan perkembangan dan harapkan semua siasatan dilaksana dengan sewajarnya.
ReplyDeletePerhimpunan yang mengakibatkan kecederaan harus dielakkan.
ReplyDeletePelantikan panel harus diberi sokongan agar panel dapat menjalankan tugas siasatan dengan lancar.
ReplyDeleteWhy the don't confidence with Herman?
ReplyDeleteKenapa ada yang menentang Herman Luping dipilih menjadi panel. Rasanya tidak ada apa yang salah mengenai perlantikkan tersebut.
ReplyDeleteBersih ni minta puji saja.. apa mereka tau pasal RCI?