RM2.7 bilion ringgit diambil dari rakyat Malaysia ( Kerajaan Pusat )dan diserahkan kepada Umno Selangor setiap tahun.
Jika disalurkan melalui saluran betul, RM2.7 bilion barangkali lebih dari cukup untuk menaik taraf bantuan kesihatan dan pendidikan untuk 27 juta rakyat Malaysia.
Sebaliknya PM Najib Abdul Razak mengagihkan wang tersebut kepada ketua-ketua negeri, bahagian dan cawangan Umno.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Dana Rakyat RM2.7 Billion Untuk Isi Kantong Umno Selangor
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Sepatutnya kebajikan rakyat didahulukan, bukannya kepentingan pemimpin2.
ReplyDeleteSemoga Kerajaan BN akan dapat merampas kembali selangor daripada PR.
ReplyDeleteSemakin meroyan lah pemimpin UMNO d Selangor tu yer. Dah nampak harta utk dfara'id sesama mereka yg dsediakanoleh PM tu
ReplyDeletetak halal klu ambik duit rakyat ...
ReplyDeleteSelangor mendapat RM2.7 bilion ringgit daripada Kerajaan Pusat setiap tahun, mereka masih lagi komplen bahawa kerajaan Pusat tidak melayan mereka dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
August 24, 2012 1:50 PM
tak halal klu ambik duit rakyat ...
Kalau tak halal itu, baik kerajaan Selangor bagi balik, RM2.7 juta itu bolehlah digunakan untuk menaik taraf bantuan kesihatan dan pendidikan untuk 27 juta rakyat Malaysia.
Harap RM2.7 Juta itu akan digunakan oleh UMNO Selangor untuk kebaikan rakyat. Menurut satu kajian, BN-UMNO berpeluang besar merampas balik Selangor pada PRU-13.
ReplyDeleteMacam mana UMNo mngkin dpt balik Selangor kerana kan 100 ribu hantu2 dah ddaftarkanjadi pengundi pd PRU nnti. sama modus operandi dgn jatuhnya kerajaan islam PAS dTGanu pd PRU ke 12 dulu. Kan skrang dah ada kampung orang Nyammar serta Bangla dTGanu. Kalu nak kawan dgn mereka jom ler ke TGanu.
ReplyDeleteHarap kalu Umno menang PRU 13 nie,maka sila lah PM hantar orang pilipin,burma,india,bangla dan bagi tanah untuk perkampungan dan ic sekali baru SATU MALAYSI.sokong ABU ini kali laaaa
ReplyDeleteBague idia tu terutamanya hantar di Sabah sebab Sabah tempat penampatan pelarian dan harap semanjung bersih dari pelarian,mudah2han perkara ini tercapai amin.
ReplyDeleteHahahah setuju sebab PM orang semananjung mistilah takan menyusakan Tanah Semanujung, lagi pun orang Sabah dah biasa dekat sana tak kesah pun yang pentin kita UMNO perintah Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSedap mulut cakap Sabah ni penempatan pelarian??
ReplyDeleteTakkan ada RCI jika Sabahans tidak kisah dengan kebanjiran PATI di negeri itu.
ReplyDeleteRCI biasalah lepas undi senyaplah apa itu pancing maa,takpelah bairlah bumiputera jadi asing tempat sendiri/melarat + merempat bertuankan orang PTI nanti.
ReplyDeleteAhh.bohong je lah. RCI ? Takkan PENYAMUN nak siasat PENCURI. Auta BN tu
ReplyDeleteketika Anwar sebagai TPM dan menteri kewangan;
ReplyDeleteBekas Setiausaha Agung Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar, mengetuai senarai kroni Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mendapat habuan projek dan saham yang bernilai berpuluh bilion ringgit.
ketika Anwar sebagai TPM dan menteri kewangan;
ReplyDeletepemegang saham utama dalam tiga buah projek iaitu Kuala Lumpur Linear City, KL People-Mover Rapid dan Sabah Shipyard Sdn. Bhd adalah terdiri dari bapa dan bapa dan dua adik Anwar..
ketika Anwar sebagai TPM dan menteri kewangan;
ReplyDeletePenulis dan bekas pensyarah universiti, Rustam Sani, yang hebat mengecam kerajaan selepas Anwar dipecat daripada kerajaan juga mendapat projek iaitu pembinaan Kompleks Jabatan Imigresen Shah Alam..
ketika Anwar sebagai TPM dan menteri kewangan;
ReplyDeleteHanya 14 daripada 27 projek yang dicatatkan kosnya. Nilai terkumpul 14 projek itu ialah RM33.92 bilion. Dijangkakan, jika kos projek-projek lain diperoleh, nilai keseluruhan akan jauh lebih tinggi.
Selangor will certainly face a critical water crisis if the state government remains stubborn by continuing to block the construction of the Langat 2 water treatment plant, a water management expert warned.
ReplyDeleteDr Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sabri said providing treated water was a most important responsibility of the state government and the Langat 2 plant remained the only alternative means for the state to have adequate supply of treated water because all existing treatment plants had exceeded their production capacity.
ReplyDelete"Without this alternative plan, the people and industries in Selangor will run out of treated water as we have reached the maximum production level. We have come to the stage of requiring a new solution and new alternative. And in the immediate term, Langat 2 is the only solution," he said in an interview.
ReplyDeleteDr Zaharuddin Sani uses a simple "nasi lemak " analogy to explain the situation. "If we need 500 packets of nasi lemak to be given to 500 people, then it's enough. But if we only have 500 packets and there are 520 people to eat the nasi lemak, then it won't be enough."
ReplyDeleteHe rubbished the Selangor government's free-water policy and called for a review of the policy because, he said, water was a precious asset for any nation and should no longer be deemed as something cheap, let alone given free.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment, when we talk about Langat 2 being able to solve our water problems, the answer is yes, because we need treated water. Based on a very high current demand, we need Langat 2 as the solution. But even this solution is temporary in nature. Why I'm saying temporary is because in the future we will have 1,000 people who want to eat the nasi lemak and even if we have new dams, it's not going to be effective compared to the most important approach for us to adopt from now -- to educate the people to use water wisely.
We must recognise our water as an asset that no longer can be viewed as something cheap. Water can no longer be regarded as something to be given free. Water should be seen as something very valuable. If we compare one litre of bottled water and one litre of oil, the price is about the same, so we should appreciate the value of water. But why is it that we can conserve the use of oil and not when it comes to water?
ReplyDeleteSo what's the solution? Because we ourselves don't realise that water is something very valuable. If we do realise how precious it is, then certainly we will be very cautious in using it.
ReplyDeleteBack to the question of Langat 2. it is absolutely necessary. And, at the same time, it should be followed with massive efforts to educate consumers on the real value of water, so that we won't need a Langat 3.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing free in this world, and the water that's given is treated water. Treated water requires cost to produce.If we require cost, we need money. So, if we give free water, then we devalue this vital commodity and no one will value something that's given free.If we increase the water tariff, just like in Europe, we could see consumers place a high value on water in terms of their attitude towards water consumption as they look at water as a vital asset.But if we are provided with unlimited water everywhere and, worst of all, provided free, we will lose our sense of value over water. So, the move to give free water should be reviewed.
ReplyDeleteThe implication is that we won't be able to provide adequate treated water to consumers while, at the same time, we can say we have sufficient water sources. Based on this assumption, we need to conserve our water resources. We just cannot dream that tomorrow we'll have more than what we have today.We must live in reality. If we have so much today, we have to adopt accordingly. And if Langat 2 remains unresolved, we then need a new solution.Among the solutions over the longer term is educating the people on water consumption and control on the supply of water.
To treat water, we need raw material which, in this case, is raw water. But if we want to treat something and the raw material is not available, so there's nothing to treat. Yes, it's true to say that currently the capacity has reached its maximum. If we don't have raw water to treat, we can't produce treated water to supply to consumers.So, if we think of our rivers, dams that have reached their maximum, we have reached a stage where we need to look at new alternatives.
ReplyDeleteIt's 145 litres per person. If one household has five residents, then the consumption is five times more. Imagine the millions of litres in excess consumption per household. This is the study by the United Nations that stipulates consumption at 145 lpd per person. But in Malaysia the consumption is very excessive in every sense of the word.
The Selangor government only plans things for the short term. It looks at adequate water up to 2014. In contrast, the planning done by the federal government is over the long term, stretching more than 20 years. Langat 2 is necessary for this period. At present, we might not see water problems as something critical because, everywhere we go, there's water in the tap. But, try to imagine the situation five years from now. Would we still have this luxury?