Saturday, March 16, 2013

Benarkah Azzimudie masih di Sabah?

Malaysia dan 'kesultanan' Sulu masing-masing membuat kenyataan bercanggah sama ada Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, yang mengetuai lebih 200 pengikutnya di Sabah bulan lalu untu menuntut wilayah itu.

NONEAgensi berita nasional Bernama dan The Star melaporkan Azzimudie (kiri) sudah melarikan diri dari Sabah, sekali gus meninggalkan pengikutnya dan kembali ke Filipina.

Bagaimanapun, hari ini, Abraham Idjirani, jurucakap dan setiausaha agung kepada kesultanan itu, menolak dakwaan itu sebagai masa "propaganda" menjelang pilihan raya negara ini, lapor InterAksyon.

Idjirani memberitahu, kali terakhir beliau bercakap dengan Azzimudie semalam.

Dan beliau dilaporkan diberitahu bahawa 'raja muda' itu masih di Sabah dan terus mengelak daripada operasi oleh pasukan keselamatan Malaysia. -MK

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  1. Manila has called for a peaceful end to the Sabah crisis, with President Benigno Aquino III saying negotiations are the best way to resolve the conflict in the face of widespread domestic criticism that he had done little to help end the bloodshed.

  2. “There are problems that just beget more problems if you try to solve them with haste or force. We need sincere and deep discussion if we are to arrive at a correct solution.

  3. “Forbearance and reason are not equivalent to cowardice. On the contrary, these are the measures of true courage and resolve,” the Philippine Daily Inquirer quoted him as saying.

  4. Aquino’s statement came just after self-styled Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III declared an end to the unilateral ceasefire and ordered his followers still in Sabah to launch guerilla warfare against the Malaysian security forces, according to media reports.

  5. The Philippine Star in its report today quoted the ailing claimant to the throne as saying that the withdrawal of his army led by his brother Agbimuddin from Sabah was not an option.

  6. he police will press for Sulu terrorist chief Azzimudie Kiram or Agbimuddin to be extradited from the Philippines to face prosecution in Malaysia, says Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib.

    He said Azzimudie, as mentioned by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar, had led the Sulu intrusion in Lahad Datu and was now believed to be back in the Philippines.

  7. “Even if he is there (in the Philippines), we do not face any problem because we have undertaken an investigation under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 against those under detention.

    “We will compile the evidence and use the legal channel to have Azzimudie extradited to face charges in our country,” he told a news conference at Felda Sahabat plantation, near here yesterday.

  8. Ismail and Chief of Defence Forces Gen Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin, at a news conference in Kota Kinabalu Friday, said Azzimudie is believed to have fled to the Philippines.

    “He has abandoned his men and fled to his homeland,” said Zulkifeli.

  9. Intelligence reports indicated that he slipped away during a raid on the small village – Kampung Pinggir Bakau – by security forces last Sunday morning.

    During the raid a total of 33 suspects were detained, among them four women who are believed to be very close to Azzimudie.

    It was reported that the terrorists’ leader abandoned his men and slipped off in the middle of the commotion.

  10. The disclosure by Zulkifeli has prompted authorities in the Philippines to investigate the whereabouts of Azzimudie and some of his men in Simunul, his home village in Tawi-Tawi.

    The Philippine has also deployed more troops to Tawi-Tawi to question members of the self-proclaimed Royal Army of Sulu if they were to return from Sabah but they would not be treated as criminals as long as they do not carry firearms and peacefully cooperate with authorities.

    However, his family has denied that Azzimudie had escaped from Sabah and abandoned his men.

  11. Kiram family spokesperson Abraham Idjirani said the claim of the Malaysian Armed Forces chief that he already left his men in Sabah was merely ‘propaganda’ against the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram’s followers.

    “That is propaganda of Malaysia so as not to disturb their elections because their elections are nearing. It is a counter strategy,” he said.

    He added that if Azzimudie had indeed returned to the Philippine, he should have been arrested by Philippine authorities already.

    Meanwhile, when interviewed by the police Azzimudie’s wife said she had not seen him or had been in contact with him since the fighting started in Sabah.

  12. Jamalul Kiram III berkata tindakan berundur dari Sabah bukanlah satu pilihan untuk para tenteranya dan tidak akan berganjak dari Sabah.

  13. Menurut laporan 'The Philippine Star', Jamalul Kiram telah mengarahkan pengikut-pengikutnya supaya tidak berganjak dari Sabah dan melancarkan serangan gerila terhadap pasukan keselamatan Malaysia.

  14. Mereka sudah di tanah air mereka jadi mengapa kembali?" katanya kepada para pemberita di kediamannya di Taguig.

  15. Sementara itu, jurucakap Sultan Sulu, Abraham Idjirani berkata tenteranya akan meneruskan 'perjuangan' mereka kerana menyifatkan tindakan memasuki Sabah sebagai satu 'perjuangan'.

  16. Katanya, kesultanan Sulu telah menarik balik perintah gencatan senjata yang dikeluarkan dan tentera-tentera Diraja telah diarahkan melancarkan operasi secara "serang dan lari" terhadap pasukan keselamatan Malaysia.

  17. Menurut laporan, adik lelaki kepada Jamalul, Azzimudie Kiram dan pengikut-pengikutnya masih berada di Sabah dan ini bertentangan dengan laporan dari Malaysia yang mendakwa mereka telah melarikan diri.

  18. Idjirani juga mendakwa Azzimudie dan kumpulan pengikutnya masih kuat berdasarkan perbualan telefon dengannya pada malam Sabtu.

  19. Katanya, tentera Sulu yang pada masa ini berjumlah 170 orang telah berpecah kepada tiga kumpulan bagi mengelak daripada pesawat pengintip yang berlegar di sekitar Lahad Datu mengesan mereka.

  20. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak meminta rakyat meneruskan sokongan dan memberikan mandat kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk terus meneraju negara pada masa depan demi kesinambungan pembangunan

  21. Police believe that Azzimudie Kiram, leader of the Sulu gunmen, has fled to the Philippines but do not discount the possibility that he may be still lurking in Sabah, according to Sabah police commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib during a Saturday evening press conference.

  22. The Kiram family has consistently held that their fighter was still in Sabah.

  23. The police will press for Sulu terrorist chief Azzimudie Kiram or Agbimuddin to be extradited from the Philippines to face prosecution in Malaysia, says Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Hamza Taib

  24. Intelligence reports indicated that he slipped away during a raid on the small village – Kampung Pinggir Bakau – by security forces last Sunday morning

  25. It was reported that the terrorists’ leader abandoned his men and slipped off in the middle of the commotion

  26. The disclosure by Zulkifeli has prompted authorities in the Philippines to investigate the whereabouts of Azzimudie and some of his men in Simunul, his home village in Tawi-Tawi

  27. The Philippine has also deployed more troops to Tawi-Tawi to question members of the self-proclaimed Royal Army of Sulu if they were to return from Sabah but they would not be treated as criminals as long as they do not carry firearms and peacefully cooperate with authorities

  28. Kiram family spokesperson Abraham Idjirani said the claim of the Malaysian Armed Forces chief that he already left his men in Sabah was merely ‘propaganda’ against the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram’s followers.

  29. Selepas Kerajaan Malaysia bertindak untuk mengusir keluar kumpulan pengganas itu, dan selepas berpuluh-puluh anggotanya terbunuh Jamalul yang dalam mahu menjaga air mukanya berkeras bahawa pasukan militannya tidak akan berundur dari Lahad Datu dan mereka akan berjuang hingga ke orang terakhir.

  30. dipercayai sebelum pencerobohan berlaku, ada pemimpin pembangkang Sabah yang mengakui pernah berjumpa dengan Sultan Sulu.

  31. Bagaimanapun pemimpin pembangkang ini tidak menjelaskan apakah isu dalam perbincangan dan turut mengakui yang beliau jumpai itu bukanlah Jamalul yang mendalangi pencerobohan itu.

  32. rakyat dan kerajaan haruslah sentiasa bersedia dan selaras dengan kenyataan Perdana Menteri pencerobohan ini adalah satu panggilan “wake-up call”, untuk meningkatkan perancangan dan strategi masa depan bagi menangani sebarang ancaman khususnya yang melibatkan kedaulatan negara.

  33. Insiden pencerobohan di Lahat Datu dilihat tidak lebih daripada sandiwara Jamalul Kiram III yang mendakwa dirinya sebagai pewaris takhta Kesultanan Sulu dan para penaja kempen beliau.

  34. ada yang mengatakan bahawa Azzimudie Kiram, yang mengetuai lebih 200 pengikutnya di Sabah bulan lalu masih berada di Sabah..

  35. Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Prof Dr Shariff AK Omang berkata pencerobohan itu tidak akan berlaku sekiranya klausa dalam pungutan suara Suruhanjaya Cobbold difahami oleh kumpulan militan Filipina ini.

  36. Ketiadaan pengetahuan akan hasil pungutan suara Suruhanjaya Cobbold antara Filipina dan North Borneo berhubung pemilikan Sabah dalam kalangan kumpulan pengganas ini membolehkan mereka diperalatkan dan terkorban sia-sia.

  37. Security forces flushing out Sulu terrorists in the Tanjung Batu area near Lahad Datu clashed with the enemy on four occasions yesterday, it was revealed yesterday.

  38. The government launched the ‘Ops Daulat’ offensive against the Sulu terrorists on March 5 after they killed eight policemen in Lahad Datu and Semporna on March 1 and 2.


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